roughlvck · 1 year
hey folks, i've made a new blog! once i have everything transferred over, i'll delete this blog and keep the same url. so if you're looking for me once i've deleted, just search the same url!
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roughlvck · 1 year
hi hello, is anyone around?
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roughlvck · 3 years
so, the b^ts are getting absolutely ridiculous. I come on each time with easily a hundred something plus b^ts following me. I may have to remake. I'll keep you updated.
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roughlvck · 3 years
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Gregg Sulkin as Grant
PRETTY SMART - 1x01 “Guess What? Claire’s Sister Is Coming!”
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roughlvck · 3 years
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roughlvck · 3 years
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roughlvck · 3 years
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Gregg Sulkin in Pretty Smart (2021) trailer
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roughlvck · 3 years
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it was the summer of love, a delicate daydream
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roughlvck · 3 years
your-lonely-witches: @your-lonely-witches·
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“Nah - I’m never busy these days.” He hummed, not exactly meaning for it to come off as a negative. He hummed, hearing the ‘our’ in the man’s words and trying to not look annoyed. “Thanks - told you my taste in decorating wasn’t that bad.” he teased with a wink. He couldn’t help but be a little flirty, there were still some feelings there for Vince. “Joel,” Gale nodded, “Cool.” He tried to give a smile but he couldn’t say that he cared that much about this new guy. “Me? Nah - Just me and the remote alone, I’m afraid - too busy to have another man cramping up my place.” Gale closed the drawer, having not found anything in there, “This Joel letting you watch all the football you want then, huh?” he winked.
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    "So let me get this straight...you're 'never busy thse days' but still 'too busy' to have another man cramping up your place?" Vince smirked. The wink had encouraged Vince to be a little more flirty himself. He wasn't one to cheat but then, being friendly with an ex who still meant a lot to him wasn't cheating. It was just not negating the familiarity they'd once shared together. "Are you really busy?" Vince asked, "Or is it just that you're too busy for men, these days?" Men and relationships did come with a lot of work. Vince watched Gale's lips for a passing second. Then came back to himself. "He tries not to complain. I think he's actually learning a few things." He leaned in as though to whisper in Gale's ear. "I've told him he could keep his mouth busy with other things during the game if its such a big deal." Vince pulled back. "He didn't really go for it." Vince looked around. "Any luck with the number?"
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roughlvck · 3 years
honeycdlies·: @honeycdlies·
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“ fuck you, cole, “ levine snipes, unable to keep his temper at bay any longer. cole had always been able to pull the right strings to get the right reactions from him, regardless of whether they were the responses he was looking for. he’d hoped cole would’ve matured a bit in his time away at college, but it was obvious to levine that he was still the snarky asshole he’s always be. he’d liked that about him, at one time. “ you were fuckin’ ashamed of being with me, am i supposed to think fondly of you? “ he couldn’t help but laugh, expression bitter as he turned towards the firepit their friends were surrounding only a short distance away. far enough they couldn’t hear them, but close enough that his boyfriend was able to notice that something was amiss about the ‘conversation’ they were having. levine didn’t talk about cole. not to isaac, not to their friend group — not to anyone who’d ever asked him about why their close ‘friendship’ fizzled out. he didn’t see a reason to. cole had made it very fuckin’ clear that what they had was meaningless. that it wasn’t worth talking about. levine just followed along with his wishes, even if it meant hiding an entire part of his life from his boyfriend. isaac was kind, and loving, and everything he’d ever wanted ….. or at least he liked to tell himself that. “ we’re making them suspicious, let’s just fucking leave this where it is and move on — i don’t want isaac asking questions. “ he didn’t want to open up that wound. 
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      "Wasn't ever ashamed of being with you," said Cole. "You just couldn't accept that I didn't want a damn parade every time we walked down the street." That was an exaggeration to be sure. Cole knew that all Levine had ever asked for was that they be able to tell their closest friends and family about their relationship. But Cole selfishly wanted to keep what they had to himself. He told himself it was no one's business. The truth was he didn't want their relationship to cost him the chance at his football scholarship. Not to mention what his parents would think if they knew. It was simpler for Cole to let them remain in the closet. It came at a price. One he was comfortable paying but Levine clearly was not. What Cole didn't realize was what his dreams would cost him. He missed Levine, even if he didn't want to. Fighting with him was Cole's only proof that Levine still felt anything at all towards him. Even if that feeling was an angry bitterness. It was better than rousing nothing in Levine. Cole cast a look toward the guy he'd come to learn was Levine's new boyfriend. "Aw. Wanting to keep this under wraps?" He motioned between them. "Guess the tables have turned huh? You ashamed we dated?" He cocked a brow. "Or have you learned that some things are better left private? Cause if its the second one, I think you owe me an apology." This was sure to piss Levine off but something about his ex was inspiring recklessness in Cole. He wanted the fight.
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roughlvck · 3 years
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OSCAR ISAAC as William Tell
THE CARD COUNTER (2021) dir. Paul Schrader
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roughlvck · 3 years
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OSCAR ISAAC “Scenes From A Marriage” | HBO (2021-)
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roughlvck · 3 years
happiithots·: @happiithots·
Aldric watched with keen interest as his young lover carried a breakfast tray into the bedroom, confirming his suspicions. This was a first. It didn’t matter what Zak had actually prepared. The gesture was genuinely appreciated. “That’s a thought-provoking theory.” Tongue pushing to the inside of his cheek, the older man graciously said nothing when Zak teased him about their difference in age. Initially, he simply offered a contemplative nod, but gradually his lips parted to reveal a slightly amused grin. There was a rolling of eyes followed by a low chuckle as Zak settled into the space beside him in bed, then Aldric took ownership of his breakfast dish. “Brat.”
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Poking his fork into a fluffy bit of egg, Aldric nodded. “Yes, I like them.” He lifted the fork to his mouth and took a bite, his expression kind and unchanging though he got more salt in that morsel than he expected. He mixed the eggs around a little, the tender kiss to his jaw taking away some of the sting of the playful jab at his advanced years. The next forkful was better. “Against my better judgment.. I’ll bite. What’s this other theory?” @roughlvck·
      Zak scrunched up his nose as Aldric called him a brat and only barely refrained from sticking out his tongue. "You love it," he said. Zak sipped at the coffee. One of the perks of being a barista at a local cafe was that he had gotten a near endless supply of the stuff. Being at Aldric's was nice since the man had good taste in brew. He reached over Aldric and set the coffee cup back on the bedside table and watched him eat. At least he wasn't spitting it out. Zak took that as a sign of success. He took to drawing lazy circles over Aldric's chest and stomach from beside the man.
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  A look settled over Zak's features and he hid a playful grin at the edges of his lips. "Maybe the volume needs to be higher," he pretended to ponder. "Or maybe every time I come over its like a dream you don't want to wake up from." He was being silly now but he thought he was cute enough to get away with it. "So subconsciously you turn off your alarm in your sleep." Who could fault either of them if that were the case? "I saw a video once about how people do all kinds of crazy stuff when they're asleep. Eating, driving..." His hand drifted south. "Having sex." Zak shrugged. "Stranger things have happened. Best to listen to your subconscious." He leaned down to press a kiss to Aldric's navel, peeking at him from below the plate. "What's it telling you now?" he asked, a twinkle in his eye. "Because I have another theory about that, too."
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roughlvck · 3 years
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roughlvck · 3 years
happiithots·: @happiithots·
open to m or f; good ol’ age gap (21+ only plz)
Aldric hadn’t intended to sleep in, though he wasn’t required to be at the office today, but somehow it always seemed to happen whenever the other spent the night. He’d turned over in bed several minutes past 10 am, his arm splaying out to his side only to find a vacancy where his lover ought to be. Then he heard it. The telltale clatter of utensil against dish permeating from the kitchen down the short hall. He smiled, finding it sweet that his lover was trying to serve him breakfast. Aldric pushed himself to sit up in bed, the soft sheets nestled across his bare lap as he awaited their return. “I’m starting to get suspicious of you..” he teased softly once they crossed the threshold into the sunbathed bedroom, his voice still low and gravelly from sleep. “My alarm never seems to wake me when you’re here. How do you account for that?” 
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    Zak never made breakfast. Growing up wealthy meant that his parents always kept a full time cook on staff. They would sometimes take summers off to travel and learn new dishes or new techniques but even then Zak had never been expected to learn to cook. The most he'd ever done was pour himself a box of cereal or make himself a small garden salad. Google was your friend; but the spatula and stove were definitely not. Zak had cracked at least six eggs trying to get the mix of heat and seasoning right. He had to lump some of the salvaged ones in with the best batch he made at the end. They might've been a little too salty, but it was the effort that counted. Zak balanced a tray with a cup of coffee on it and grinned devilishly as he walked to Aldric's side of the bed. "That's easy," said Zak, with more innocence than he had any right to pretend having. "See...when we get together...I just wear you out. You are older, after all..." He shrugged and climbed into bed with the tray safely on the bedside table near Aldric. "Your body must just be getting the rest it needs. Me? I'm still young. I can stay up till four and be up a few hours later making breakfast."
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    "Do you like eggs?" he asked with a twinkle in his eye. "I thought scrambled would be easiest." Maybe not but he didn't want to do a whole lot of research. "I have another theory, if you want to hear it over breakfast..." He leaned over to press a kiss against Aldric's jaw, happy to have found someone who made him feel at least this comfortable. He stole the cup of coffee from the tray and took a cautious sip, testing the taste.
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roughlvck · 3 years
happiithots·: @happiithots·
There it was. The smirk that launched a thousand boners. Bram still had it. Adam was both amused and slightly envious of the blonde. Charm came so easily to Bram, still it seemed, whereas Adam felt he had to work a little harder at it. Maybe he was too nonchalant for romance, but he didn’t like having to work all that hard for attention. Suddenly being face-to-face with this blast from the past was giving the brunette something akin to a contact high though. With Bram, he was less inhibited, less likely to censor himself. “How could I forget?” he grinned, taking the offered kitchen utensils and shoving them back into their cardboard container for the time being.
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“Yeah. Technically.” He loved to watch Bram as his mind worked. “A guy named Lenny. He drove the Uber. Apparently has a time-share in Ft. Lauderdale if I’m ever down that way.” He felt rather proud of himself for that misdirection. He wondered if Bram would be relieved that he wasn’t entangled. “I think I could use a hand,” Adam nodded, briefly surveying the boxes inside the apartment, none of them unpacked just yet. “A beer’d be great.”  @roughlvck·
    Bram's smirk seemed permanently in place, now being face to face with Adam. Their old banter was easy to pick up. Like handling his favorite bike or going swimming after summers away. "Oh, I'm not sure how you could forget, but don't worry." He tilted his head. "I'll be happy to remind you." Bram had to refrain from winking. He didn't want to seem desperate. He just wanted to lay insinuation and innuendo neatly at Adam's lap and let them do their work on his mind. Let him simmer until things boiled over.
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  "You jerk," Bram scoffed. The size of the relief which washed over Bram said a lot to the blond. He hadn't realized how much Adam meant to him all those years ago until confronted with him in the here and now. He tried to cover it. "Only in the city for a few hours and already breaking hearts." He shook his head. "I'll be back!" He called out and darted around the corner to his own door. He picked up a beer and a bottle of red wine which had only been uncorked yesterday and remained nearly full. He came back in and lifted the spoils of his trip. "I hope you like dark beer. It's sorta all I have right now." He handed the cracked beer to Adam and poured a glass of wine. "So. Where do we start?" he nodded at the boxes. Bram wouldn't do manual labor for just anyone but wouldn't it be fun if he found a box Adam might've liked to keep hidden?
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roughlvck · 3 years
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