Every time I see a picture of super shiny, polished armor I want to kick a Victorian.
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one of my professors just said “the forest is always there for you” in lecture and he’s absolutely right
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In Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014), Hydra attacking Nick Fury in his car is not a fictional movie scene, but an accurate portrayal of US police procedure when pulling over black drivers.
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Feathers McGraw / Hannibal Lecter
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A lady asked me how much it cost to make her a purse of a well known style in cotton fabric of a particular design and colour. £35 - I said. She said she thought that was a bit dear for a purse. I asked her how much she thought it would cost her to make one then. She thought about £10 as you can get similar in Primarni for £8 OK, so for £10 do it yourself I said Her reply was - I don’t know how to. I said for £10 I’ll teach you how to. So besides saving you £25 you’ll get the knowledge if you ever want to make another. She seemed pleased and agreed. OK I said, you’ll need a machine, cutting mat, rotary cutter, rivet press and the pattern. Oh well….. I don’t have many of things and I can’t justify buying all that just to make one purse. Well then for another £10 more I’ll lend you my stuff to you so you can do it at my house. Okay, she says. Great, I replied, come round on Tuesday afternoon and we’ll make a start Oh, I can’t come on Tuesday I’m having my hair done! Sorry, but I’m only available Tuesday to teach you and lend you my stuff. Other days are busy with other bags and purses. Bugger, that means I’ll have to miss my haircut. Oh, I forgot, I said, to make one yourself you also have to pay for the sundry costs. Now she’s confused – what on earth are they?? Fabric search time, electric, wear and tear on the machine, blades for the cutter etc She looks at me and says – but that’s ridiculous you can absorb all that cost as you are charging me to borrow your stuff. I could, I said, but I’m not spending time looking for the fabric you need you can do that yourself – you need 3 fat quarters of fabric, buckram, woven interfacing, non woven interfacing, a lock, rivets and matching thread. So she then says - I’ve been thinking, I think I’d rather pay you the £35. It’s too complicated to make one for myself, it wouldn’t be as well made and it would cost me a hell of a lot more than £35. When you pay for a hand crafted item, you pay not only for the material used, but also: - knowledge - experience - tools - services - time - enthusiasm Only by knowing all the elements necessary for the production of a certain item can you estimate the actual cost.
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So apparently last year the National Park Service in the US dropped an over 1200 page study of LGBTQ American History as part of their Who We Are program which includes studies on African-American history, Latino history, and Indigenous history. 
Like. This is awesome. But also it feels very surreal that maybe one of the most comprehensive examinations of LGBTQ history in America (it covers sports! art! race! historical sites! health! cities!) was just casually done by the parks service. 
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Jon Adams
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You can’t get there from here, Max Berry
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this website has destroyed my sense of humour, last night i was in bed with my bf and i had a mental image of an egg with the word suspicious written on it and honestly lost my shit
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Jon Adams
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Unicorn Store (2017) dir. Brie Larson
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