rovenzempai · 6 years
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I did tiny detail today! This is a button (I believe?) that grabs the carving knife to the back pouch. I bought a base button that had a similar size and sculpted on top of it. I used mi vieja confiable, Air dry clay by Fimo (fimo air). The main tools used were a spatula (any tool with a thin edge would work), a slightly wider tool (I used one of the dremel tips LOL), a brush and water! First thing I did was to dig a thin hole to a piece of foam, this allowed me to 'stab' the button hook to it so it wouldn't move in the process. Then I started sculpting the round shape. This is pretty easy and fun 'cause is like playing with kids clay 😂 I took a small ball and spread it along the surface, always with wet fingers (fimo air clay must be worked with water, it dries fast so you need to keep it smooth). Once the base was done, it was time to detail it. I used the smallest tip I have for the dremel, and used it to dig the center circle (so smart 😂) then I traced the lines with the spatula and retouched with the wider tip, so it wouldn't look as sharp. I used a wet brush to smooth the surface every now and then. I finally left the piece dry. After some hours it will self remove from the button so you'll have to glue it. I haven't done that yet, but I will, tomorrow😂 It isn't even but I don't really mind cause MH sets are mostly organic than perfectly neat.
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rovenzempai · 6 years
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- True Self - (slide!) Kaito (Cantarella) - Vocaloid Photo by @kaori2791 with help from @odiresan @oldtealsea @ginipeg and @vronikca! I forgot to post more hahaha #kaitocosplay #kaitocantarella #vocaloidcosplay #vocaloid #crossplay #cosplayphotography #cosplayersofinstagram #nikon
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rovenzempai · 7 years
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Not much progress but at least these are finished, for the most part LOL. I decided not to struggle too much with it 'cause non of these are even visible -_- BUT I do know that my pants are longer, this is just personal preference. I also made a mistake making the blouse too short -_- I didn't want to have so many layers so I kind of tried to be lazy and now when I wear the bustier on top, the blouse is too short and it pulls of from it. I I'm lucky that, there's Another layer on top so that one, I hope, will keep everything in place xDuuu I'm telling you sometimes we try to do something smart but shit happens 💩 I'll work on a detail for the pants, gloves and a knee piece this weekend. Next week, I'll make the last vinyl layer and then everything else will be detailing and building the armor. I guess anybody recognized what or where it this from, is from #MHW and this is supossed to become the #Bazelgeuse armor. I will be making a mix between the alpha and beta set, I'll be hopefully finishing it by July🙏
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rovenzempai · 7 years
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Interrumpiendo un poco el spam de Kaito, vengo con un intento sin ningún tipo de esfuerzo de #aeztetiks :VVVV Se supone que esta es una pieza de la base del cosplay que estoy trabajando. Está hecho en vinyl-nada-especial con backing de fieltro y forrado en tergal. Tomó un buen rato porque tiene bonningggg!!💪💪💪 pero fue worth it. Ya tengo práctica oficial y consciente xDDD (antes había intentado algo pero ni idea de lo que estaba haciendo) y la verdad todo quedó mád hermoso (mis puntadas no se atascaron😭😭😭) gracias al hermoso y salvavidas consejo que me dio @liondelune: "Ponle crema al vinyl". Siento que he vivido toda mi vida debajo de una roca por no saber esto antes :( Anyways. Me va a tomar mucho tiempo acabar esto porque habemos trabajo, universidad, trabajos pendientes, oficios, lamentable vida social, entre otras shits. Ah! y el trajesito hermoso de Jiroutachi limpiapatios. No puedo creer que me haya animado de la nada, pero ese va 😂😂😂😂 con ayuda de @odiresan y @ginipeg, mis viejas confiables con pintura en tela. lol sorry not english version for this, I'm lazy today
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rovenzempai · 7 years
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Moar Kaito, hope you don't mind. L-Groupit took this photo💟 and @odiresan is my Miku. Go and check her feed, she's a very nice & talented person. Thank you everyone, everytime!🙏 @vronikca @ginipeg @oldtealsea @kaori2791
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rovenzempai · 7 years
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[Insert ti- ah wait, I do have a title LOL- .-Thinking that my words are pure, you've let your guard down-. Miku is @odiresan, she made her costume. I'm Kaito ~ I also made mine! And this photo was taken by... I recall @kaori2791? LOL I can't remember. Everyone in L-Groupit did a great job 👌 thank you everyone for helping at the shoot 🙏 @vronikca @ginipeg @oldtealsea
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rovenzempai · 7 years
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- So much grace, very beautiful - ------- VOCALOID - Cantarella Kaito & Miku custom masks were made by @odiresan and me. Photo by @kaori2791 ------- Viene culsi: Tengo un par de años en el cosplay y lo sigo recordando como si fuera ayer... Sigo recordando la yo frustrada por tener una cámara y un equipo de personas con el interés y disponibilidad para hacer locuras. Guess what? WE FINALLY HAVE IT!!! Ayer hicimos nuestro primer Yolo-Photoshoot, en el cual todos aportaron muchísimo y de verdad no hubiera sido posible sin ustedes. Somos muy nuevos todavía, pero sé que pronto mejoraremos un montón. Shoutout especial @odiresan @vronikca @ginipeg @oldtealsea @kaori2791, gracias por todo y sobretodo, por la paciencia 🙏
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rovenzempai · 7 years
ROM 6 - Chapter 1 Part II (english translation)
Translator: Roven, Editing: Lamy Link for Part I
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Trinity Blood (by Sunao Yoshida) ROM 6 Chapter 1 Part II
  —The situation is intolerable.
  Of the forty men and women who had gathered that afternoon at the Diogenes club, it was a mature but strong man who spoke first.
  His name was Charles Somerset. Among the famous Twenty-six Dukes of the Albion’s aristocracy, he occupied the fifth place as heir of the Duchy of Beaufort, which possessed extensive territories in the Northwest of England. The former Deputy Chief of Staff of the Army tapped his finger on the table and casted a sharp glance toward the attendees.
  —As if it were not enough trouble that Rome had discovered the existence of the ghetto, it turns out that we have not annihilated the monsters? But what the hell has the expedition of extermination done!?
  —According to the reports that have come to us, the blocking system made the ghetto completely inaccessible from the outside. —answered Albert Hobb Duke of Newcastle without changing his poker face.
  The ducal house of Newcastle, which had possessions in the Northeast of Scotland, occupied only nineteenth place in the list of dukes, but Hobb was a Supreme Court judge, in addition, he was a member of the House of Lords and Lord Chancellor, so that in the Palace he was just below the royal family and the archbishop of Canterbury. Pointing towards the three-dimensional map of Londinium which has been projected by laser on the table, he added:
  —To reach the ghetto we must necessarily go through this point. Right now we don’t know how to open the wall of isolation. In fact, we don’t know how thick it is or what material it is made of … We are not even in the situation to dream of exterminating them.
  —And if we blow it? —asked Lord Tennyson, a famous poet, member of the Royal Council, turning to the Deputy Minister of Interior Boswell.
  Pouring a spoonful of jam of roses into his cambric tea with honey and milk, he said in an affected voice:
  —If we’re going to flood the tunnels anyway, we can directly use the most violent methods, don’t you think, Mr. Deputy Minister?
  —The corps of engineers has tried.
  Boswell shrugged, stroking his beard well. His intelligence and good judgment had made him win the queen’s confidence, but unfortunately his lineage didn’t place him among the Twenty-six Dukes. He was probably intimidated by the representatives of those twenty-six families, only four hundred people, who owned twenty-five percent of the land and seventy percent of the wealth of the kingdom. With a hesitant tone, he explained:
  —It is not yet clear what material it is made of, but we have discovered that the wall can withstand a detonation of fifty kilos of TNT without suffering a scratch. And it’s not just explosives. Neither the chemicals nor electricity have had any effect. We have been trying to investigate what happened on the other side of the wall with sound waves, but that didn’t work either… The ghetto is literally isolated from the world.
  —Well, well. This is getting more complicated.
  Upon hearing the explanations of Boswell, Jonathan Montagu Douglas Scott folded his arms. That old Scottish man with the endless name was the holder of the charge of The Royal Seal Guardian and as the Duke of Buccleuch he occupied the twelfth spot. He was the oldest of all the aristocrats present in the room. Rubbing the long beard, he let out a tired sigh.
  —The plan was to exterminate all the monsters before the night fell and thus to mislead the Pope and the media… What has been of that? We have managed to rescue the Pope and the Lady Saint by the hairs, but now the vampires have locked themselves in the ghetto. There is no doubt that The Vatican has realized that we were aware of the presence of the monsters. Even ordinary citizens had begun to show signs of uneasiness, now that they know they have been living all these years with those beasts underfoot.
  The old man spoke with his eyes fixed on a figure that had been silent all the time with the arms folded. The look of the aristocrat traversed like a needle to the orange-haired cavalry officer.
  —All this is because of the failure of last night’s operations…Oh, by the way, were not you the one who designed the plan of attack, Viscountess of Carsley Colonel Spencer? What do you think about this?
  —Excuse me, grandfather, talking about this now leads to nothing.
  Who answered in that way to the venerable old man who had guided the policies of the kingdom for half a century was not the young officer. For defending Bloody Mary, the beaded woman had raised her voice. Extending her arms as if to cover her friend the Duchess of Erin Jane Judith Jocelyn threw the Duke of Buccleuch a look full of sarcasm.
  —I don’t know if you remember that it was exactly all of us here who gave the approval to the plan of attack presented by the colonel. Isn’t it a bit dishonest to throw all the blame on her now?
  —But it was she who carried it out. Don’t you think that if she had been a little more skilful on the ground would the results have been different? — intervened Harvey Campbell of the ducal house of Argyll, thirteenth of the list.
  That great Welsh landowner, who also controlled several newspapers and radio stations, had once made a proposal for a marriage to the Duchess of Erin, but she had rejected him. It was not uncommon to think that the poisonous tone of his voice had something to do with resentment that kept him for it.
  —For the moment, we are controlling the information that comes to the light, but it is already known that the public have very keen ear. It even seems that there are people who are already packing everything they have to flee of Londinium… It wouldn’t be strange that we’ll get scenes of panic. With what face are we going to go and tell this to Her Majesty?
  —I beg your pardon for having caused these problems. This was all my fault. — answered a deep voice to the ironic attack of Duke of Argyll.
  The young officer had risen to her feet. After nodding briefly to the duchess of Erin to reassure her, she faced the looks that crossed her.
  —I accept my responsibility for not being able to exterminate the monsters as promised. However, I want to remember that I already had repeatedly requested permission to eliminate the ghetto. We should have dealt with the problem before it came to this… But was it not this same council that rejected my requests? The ghetto was the hen of golden eggs. Eighty percent of the technology and the goods it produced ended up becoming patents of your companies. That’s why you protected the monsters from my proposals. The current situation is the result. Have you thought of who has responsibility for all that?
  —Measure your words, Colonel. Anyone would say that you want to avoid your guilt by throwing it at us —said the duke Of Buccleuch again, with the classic malicious smile of the aristocrats of Albion. —I will not deny that our companies used technology invented in the ghetto. But do not forget that everything was part of a plan approved by Her Majesty for the development of the kingdom.
  —The Duke of Buccleuch is quite right. In addition, we had always thought that if there are only one or two hundred vampires, we would be able to get rid of them easily in any moment —said, picking up the thread, the Duke of Argyll, still with more poison, looking aggressively at the officer. —Who could have thought that the army would perform so poorly? Colonel, wouldn’t have been better to attack with all of our power last night, counting on that there would be some casualties? If you had ordered to open the gates before, we could have drowned the monsters and now we wouldn’t see each other in these difficulties… Am I wrong?
  Mary replied expressionless to the questions of the aristocrat, although under the control of her voice, it was possible to guess the hidden presence of a storm of wrath.
  —It was not an attack power problem. Pursuing the operations after the insulation system was activated would have been extremely dangerous. I do not think my decision to order the withdrawal was wrong.
  —I think you’re too soft, Colonel…
  Exhaling the smoke of the cigar, the Duke of Argyll replied in a tone that showed only one-tenth of the seriousness he would have by talking about the illness of a pet. Taking out a new cigar from a silver box, he added nonchalantly:
  —To end a big problem you have to accept a small problem… I doubt that we can congratulate you on having endangered the security of the kingdom in exchange for saving the lives of a few dozen soldiers. Such calculations are the key of politics.
  —Politics? — repeated Mary in a monotone voice without changing her expression. —Are you referring to the deaths of my men two years ago?
  —Two years ago… Ah! Percy’s rebellion. Indeed, they were necessary victims.
  The aristocrat put a finger on his forehead as if to awaken the memories from the past. While lighting the next cigar, which probably cost more than what a current worker earned in a month, he explained:
  —When we summoned the rebel army leader to Londinium with the pretext of opening negotiations, it was the key to catch him unaware. If we wouldn’t have sent you and your men to accompany him unarmed, the rebel and his minions would never have agreed to come to the capital… What a pity that because of that they put that motto of Bloody Mary.
  —A pity? —murmured the colonel at the same time as a cold light ignited her glance.
  The woman dropped her muscular hand to the waist, where the saber was hanging. For a moment she seemed ready to draw the weapon, but then she ran her fingers into her pocket and pulled out a handkerchief and brought it to the face.
  —The dead men were <<necessary victims>> and for you my motto looks like <<a pity>>… I don’t have words, Duke of Argyll. As a member of the kingdom’s army, I can’t contain the tears of emotion…
  —A …, although part of the plan last night didn’t go well, at least the rescue of the Pope and the Lady Saint was a success. I think that the colonel did a great job. —said Boswell in order to distend between the official and the aristocrats who crossed him with a glance.
  Without a doubt, trying to relax the atmosphere, the man of the queen awkwardly changed the subject:
  —Anyway, there will be time to discuss who has the responsibility for what. Now there are more urgent problems … The case of Sister Esther, for example. How should we present it to the media? Is this the time to make public that she is the daughter of the deceased prince?
  —Obviously, we must wait a little longer.  —replied the duke of Newcastle taking a thick wad of documents which were on the table.
  The papers contained all the information related to the person they were talking about. Since last night, the Ministry of the Royal House, the Stary House, the Information Department and the rest of the twenty-eight organisms had been working tirelessly to submit those reports. Starting with the results of the DNA analysis from the previous night contained all kinds of data about the new candidate to the throne, who seemed to be at the same time the most legitimate.
  —After taking a look at this, it seems to me that we need some time to draft an appropriate official report. The paparazzo is in custody and the Vatican has agreed to say nothing. I don’t see the need to hurry things up. Why not wait to the final report of the Ministry of the Royal House?
  —In addition it is still necessary to know what intentions has Esther Blanchett herself…, I mean, Princess Esther.  —said Sir Bruce Churchill.
  The young heir of the ducal house of Marlborough, who had just graduated from college, looked around for approval of those present.
  —It is not impossible to think that she might decide to give up her succession to the Crown, considering that she has been living completely away from the affairs of the court… Although the report may be completed before, wouldn’t be better to wait to know her intentions first and then decide if it is convenient to make public her status as a princess? If we are not careful, that can bring much greater problems.
  —The Duke of Marlborough is right. A figure that will combine holiness with the royal blood would be too powerful for the popular imagination.
  —If she renounces the succession there will not be only general panic …
In the worst case, we may encounter a rebellion. The fact that she had to come to appear right now …
  —On the contrary, it may be the coup de fortune that we need right in the midst of these misfortunes. Her presence can make the people and the Vatican forget the rest of the problems …
  Twenty-five of the dukes began to argue among themselves, exchanging views on the benefits and hazards that were waiting for Albion and their own houses, looking together for the way they should go. Only one person, the first among those aristocrats, turned towards the friend who was sitting next to her with a disinterest face.
  —Speaking of the subject, what are we going to do with that brat, Mary? —asked the Duchess of Erin without attempting to hide a huge yawn. — I have heard that last night they took her out of the ghetto to the hospital…Do you know where is she and what is she doing now?
  —She’s at Windsor Palace right now, keeping her away from the media.
  The palace to which the officer referred was about thirty kilometers west of Londinium. The colonel did not changed the expression, but from her gaze had disappeared the cold glow that it had when she faced with the aristocrats. Mary responded to the question of her friend with the usual distant tone:
  —The medical reports do not mention any signs of violence or vampire bites. I have heard that she locked herself in the chapel and is not leaving the place… That wouldn’t be a problem, of course, if it were not because she refuses to eat or drink anything.
  —Well, well. To be the granddaughter of Queen Brigitte is a very delicate thing… But, in the chapel? Ah!, for the priest… —said Jane, putting the finger on her lips as if thinking something then she nodded at once:
— How unfortunate. Did he die, right? But… so what? Did they have an intimate relationship? If she is so sad that she doesn’t want to eat, it can only be because of that, right?
—I don’t know. But it’s certain they were very close to each other.
— What a pity…but it’s surprising. I thought that Esther is more persistent. Whining like this and yourself away just because one lover has died - I’m a little bit disappointed.
—You’d better not apply your standards, Calamity Jane. She seems much more normal. Not everyone is as hard as you.
  —Well, talking about tough people, is there anyone tougher than Bloody Mary? And the queen, if she weren’t so fierce she couldn’t do all those shenanigans in which she’s always stuck… Now that I think of it, that brat is not suited to sit on the throne.
  Without changing her pose, Jane rolled her eyes mischievously. Walking the gaze towards the nobles around her, she added:
  —The aristocracy, the media, the Vatican, the Germanic kingdom…, those are really nests of monsters. Compared to them, the ghetto is a child’s play. That girl will be eaten alive if they put her on the throne. It seems too difficult for her.
  —You may be right —nodded the colonel, watching the aristocrats as if they were very far from there.
  The discussion on the table had passed from Esther’s case to the suspicions concerning the Germanic Kingdom. After being rescued, the Pope had declared to have been the victim of an assassination attempt next to the river. The terrorist was still missing, but the investigation had determined that the weapon used was the same equipped by the special forces of the Germanic Army.
Boswell was arguing with the dukes about if that was enough reason to ask responsibilities to the German ambassador. The Duke of Newcastle denied with his head at the cries of the dukes of Argyll and Beaufort, two known hawks, driven by the Duke of Norfolk, traditional foe of Newcastle.
  —And the palace…, that is indeed a pandemonium —commented Mary, taking out a cigarette, while watching the lively discussions of the men around her. — It is no place for a modest person. Esther herself must know… Jane, the only one capable of occupying that throne is you.
  —I don’t know. I think it suits me more to be an evil witch that manipulates an innocent queen to her liking. I get chills just thinking in having to live a decent life facing the people.
  The expression of the duchess showed the sincere disgust of someone <<Of free spirit>>, as she was popularly known.
  Ever since the suspicion that the Germanic Kingdom had tried to assassinate the Pope had appeared the most suitable candidate for the throne seemed to be her, but the problem was that neither the aristocrats nor the Vatican had her in very high esteem. In her domains of Erin she demonstrated that she had good leadership skills, but for many inhabitants of Albion was << the queen of the neighboring country >>.  It was not difficult to ascend the throne, but once there many problems could be anticipated. She knew it very well, as the look she gave her friend.
  —Mary, the perfect person for the throne is you. Who cares that you are an illegitimate daughter? No one has worked more than you for the good of the country. While this band of geezer man was here scratching their belly, you were the only one on the battlefield, dirtying your hands. That someone as sacrificially as you had been put the motto of Bloody Mary… no matter if a Saint or a real princess…. I’ll give all my support to you before anyone else. It must be you to become queen.
  —Thank you, Jane…
  The officer calmly returned the look to her friend who was serious like just a very few times. Mary had a glimmer of sorrow in her eyes. Or was just an effect of the table shine?
  —But you know very well that I have my hands stained with blood. The blood of my enemies and that of my own men.  Do you believe that they will let the crown get stained by these hands? I will never be able to sit in the Throne of the Roses…
  —Excuse me! —A male voice accompanied by door knock interrupted the conversation of the two friends. Before a sea of ​​accusing looks, a club bellboy hurried into the room. While giving a paper to Boswell, he whispered something in his ear that made the deputy minister’s face immediately tense.
  —A Palace statement has just arrived…
  After telling the bellboy to leave the room, Boswell began to read the paper in an inexpressive voice:
—<<Today at eighteen-fifty, the state of his Majesty has suddenly worsened. Meeting in palace immediately.>>
  —Well, at last it seems like what we’ve all been waiting for is here — Jane said to her friend, standing in the middle of the uproar that broke out in the room. — Let’s go to the Palace, then. Maybe this will be the last time you see your grandmother alive, Mary. You better prepare for the worst.
  —I know. I’ll come soon… You can go directly, Jane. I will pass by Windsor to pick up Esther. It would be a shame if she did not know her grandmother before she abandons us.
  —Of course, it would be best that she accompany you… Since you are sisters, it is natural that you go together.
  —Sisters? We?
  A certain color of surprise appeared on Mary’s face, as if she had just realized. Before she could say anything else, the Duchess of Erin had already turned, like the rest of the aristocrats, and left the room, dodging the groups of friends who whispered to each other…
  The colonel remained alone in the room, with no other company than the smoke…
  —Sisters… It’s true. I didn’t think of that…
  Mary smiled as she extinguished the cigarette in an ashtray as if surprised by her own confusion. She realized that almost more than it looked like a scrutiny, it seemed more like stupidity. But that was the truth. Esther Blanchett was her half-sister. Her social position, the environment in which they had been raised, their possessions…
Apparently they could not be more distinct, but still …
  —Will you allow me a moment, Colonel?[1]
  A deep voice interrupted the colonel’s thoughts.
  Where had he come from? In the dimness of the room, nobody else was to see. The club’s employees had also disappeared. Nevertheless, Mary didn’t seem surprised and responded as if she had her subordinate in front of her:
  —Ah, Sergeant Ironside… Is lance corporal Cunningham with you? I have heard he has been wounded him in the underground.
  —Well, a scratch on the hand, but it’s nothing, —said a hoarse voice, distinct from the first, in a tone of pain. —It has been negligence by me… But the operation has gone on without problems.
  —Good, that’s the most important thing… I just wanted to ask you something. Sergeant Jack Ironside lance corporal Todd Cunningham…. Do you know what I mean? The case of Sister Esther…
  Looking at the crushed cigarette in the ashtray, in Mary’s eyes appeared a sharp light. With no other company than the shadows, she said with an abrupt voice:
  —Did I tell you to put your hand on her? My orders were: <<Simulate an assassination attempt of the Pope and the Lady Saint at the hands of Germanicus>>. I do not remember saying anything about actually murdering her.
  —Yes, you are right. We received no other order —answered the voice with certainty, without losing his polite tone. —It was self-initiative that we thought to eliminate Princess Esther in the ghetto. We thought it would be the perfect opportunity to get rid of her and pretend it had been an accident.
  —Idiots! — The scream vibrated in the room like an ice whip while Bloody Mary hit the table violently.  —Who gave you permission to ignore my orders!? Is that you don’t you understand!? For this I could send you to the court-martial! I can prosecute you for high betrayal!
  — Court-martial? If Her Excellency orders it, we will accept any punishment.
  The first voice had been silent, as if frightened, but it was the hoarse voice that took over, with a brusque tone, though sad at the same time.
  —But let me remind you that we are already dead. I don’t know if a court-martial will prosecute some dead…
  —Hmmm …!
On hearing the word dead, the colonel’s anger softened a bit. Still frowning she tried to control her voice.
  —Well, I’ll think about how to deal with that later. But why? Why did you think about eliminating Esther Blanchett?
  — Obviously, to protect your right to the throne.
  — My right …? What do you mean?
— Nothing more and nothing less than that. Esther Blanchett is the daughter of Princess Victoria and, as such, is the legal heir to the throne. But that doesn’t means that we have to let that brat out of God knows where ahead of you. That is what led us to act on our own.
  — I appreciate your concern. But have you thought that I still have two powerful enemies left? — Mary went on, not yet showing a hint of emotion at the fidelity of her men. —The Germanic King and the Duchess of Erin… As long as they are alive, I can use Esther against them. However, once she is dead she is no more than a corpse that serves no purpose.
  —Now I understand your plan, Your Excellency… Forgive our lack of insight, —answered, the voice of the invisible man, filled with admiration. — Understood. We will not get our hands on her from now. But let me just say one thing, Colonel. If Esther comes to the throne ahead of you, we will take the initiative independently. For us, that throne can’t be occupied by anyone but you.
  —Jack is right, Colonel! It’s not only us to think that way! All who have fought under your command support us!
  The voices of the men resounded full of decision, respectful but without hesitation.
  —That aristocratic shit does nothing but fatten by our work! They wander around the city wobbling like pigs! While they spend their free time without care, we have gotten our hands dirtied with dust and blood on the battlefield. Only you can occupy the throne of this country!
  —You have sacrificed your dignity and your honor for the country! We will not allow anyone else to wear the crown! The two of us and the rest of the Legion will fight against whoever it’s necessary! Even your sister!
  — You bastard …
  Mary listened to the passionate words of her subordinates with expression of pain. After staring for some time in the shade which the chandeliers casted, she let out a sigh.
  —I’m sorry… —she murmured with pale lips and a lost glance. —I’m really sorry. I do not deserve those words. Exactly me who I’m the one to blame for your death. I thank you sincerely.
  —But what do you say, Colonel?! The culprits for the fate of the 44th regiment during the Percy rebellion were the aristocrats who swaggered here a while ago! The colonel was a Victim of his intrigues, like all of us!
  —But if I hadn’t trusted them… If I hadn’t agreed to their plan to summon Percy to Londinium for the negotiations… It was all because of my inexperience.
   —The past is past, Colonel. It doesn’t make sense that you torment yourself for it now… Let us dedicate our energies to think about the future —the voice replied in a warm tone, making Mary return to the present. —What will be our next move? They will probably announce the right to the throne of sister Esther…, well, of princess Esther… this one night. In that case, it seems certain that she will receive the crown. Wouldn’t that be a problem for our project? Our agents have already started to move in the provinces. If we don’t get your Excellency to ascend the throne soon then all of our plans will be affected.
   —It’s clear that Esther is the legitimate heir…
  Hearing the word crown a flash lightened in the eyes of the colonel and the shadow of pain disappeared from her face. Getting firm like a soldier who had sighted the enemy, she added harshly:
   —But that doesn’t mean she’s going to sit on the throne. The one who will decide it won’t be neither the lords nor the aristocrats but her own sister… Lady Esther herself. On her interests depends the development of the process.
 No one doubted that in the race to the throne, Esther had all the advantage. To begin with, she was the Saint of István. If in her heroic image of a vampire slaughter was added the fact that she was the princess who was supposed to be dead a long time ago, it was certain that the people would support her with passion. And then, the aristocrats would hasten to support her candidacy with the intention of manipulating her to their liking.
 But what if she didn’t want the crown? The right of succession was literally a right and not an obligation. No one could force a person to ascend the throne against her will. Would that girl really want to become queen? <<If she didn’t want the crown…>> Then, the race for the throne starts from scratch. Putting another cigarette on her lips Mary silently calculated the possibilities of her rivals.
            Jane didn’t have the support of the aristocracy of the kingdom and she herself didn’t seem very interested in the throne. On the other hand Ludwig of Germanicus was in the worst possible situation thanks to the rumors about a murder attempt on the Pope which was prepared by Mary.  She started to ignore the fact that she is just an illegitimate child, especially after having obtained such a powerful weapon of blackmail against the Vatican.
  The night before, Mary had seen with her own eyes how the Pope protected a vampire. In addition, the director of the Inquisition had turned its weapons against Albion’s army and had caused the operation to fail. What would be the Vatican if that came to light? Petros was still unconscious in the hospital, but they had a recording of everything he had done, and Sister Paula had already been informed. The offices of Cardinal Medici in Rome were assuredly upset as ever. By no later than the same night they would send her a telegram.
            Nevertheless, Mary’s position didn’t stop having weak points. The actions of her mother - the viscountess of Carsley eighteen years ago - was her Achilles’ heel. The colonel had to act with much care during those months to hide the truth what was known about the White case. She destroyed the secret documents kept in the archives of the palace and had to monitor the surviving eyewitnesses closely. Mary had infuriated like never before when her men had begun to murder the witnesses, but in the end they had been able to simulate that it was a series of crimes perpetrated by a psychopath. Things were going perfectly…, until the appearance of Esther had put everything upside down. Boswell and his friend Wordsworth seemed more and more interested in reopening the investigation of the case. If they smelled what they had been doing with the evidence and witnesses, she wouldn’t only lose her possibilities of accessing the throne, but would be in serious trouble.
Before something like that might happen, she had to seize the crown and close the case definitely.  <<Everything depends on her intentions…>>
 Wherever she looked the key was always the attitude of Esther. If she managed to make Esther renounce the crown publicly the way to the throne would be free of obstacles for the colonel. Once she was a queen she could implement her other plans. The dreams she had kept in her heart for more than ten years and would change the Kingdom of Albion…
  —By the way, Ironside, Cunningham, what have you come for?— the colonel asked, suddenly, to a void. —I had asked you to wait until a new order. What are you doing here?
  —The truth is that a problem has arisen and we thought that it would be better if you knew right away… This morning, Dr. Wordsworth has sent a request to the Office of Military Affairs. He has requested the archives of the bionic soldiers who have received type K bodily improvements in the last fifty years…, that is, our archives.
  —What!? —Mary was about to light her cigarette, but she stopped and asked with serious eyes:
  —Is it certain, Sergeant?
  —Several sources have confirmed it. As things stand, that the doctor discovers our identity is only a matter of time … In the worst scenario, the thread could stretch to you, Colonel.
  —Oh, Dr. Wordsworth… —Mary sighed a little paler. The colonel was thinking for a moment and finally lit a new cigarette and puffed out a cloud of smoke, saying:
  —Maybe a brain like yours could have served me well. What a pity. The only option we have is to eliminate the problem.
  —Understood. Let us take care of it. Our comrades in the air force are already on the march. In an hour we will inform you of the result.
  —Very well, I count on you. I have to go somewhere.
  —Where, Colonel?
  —Windsor. Before going to the palace, I’ll pick up Esther… my sister.
  The colonel seemed to hesitate before uttering the last word of the sentence. After putting out the cigarette in the ashtray, she moved with regular steps.
  —I’ll take the opportunity to ask her about her intentions concerning the throne. If she doesn’t wish to use her right of succession, the dukes have decided not to make public her true identity. Before talking to them, I want to help her to decide. Depending on how things are going there may be changes in our plans. Be prepared to receive instructions at any time.
  —Okay… I just want to know one thing, Your Excellence.
  —What is it, Sergeant?
  —If your sister decides to accept the crown… Then…?
  —Considering how she is, I don’t think we have to worry —Mary said, with her hand on the knob.
  The colonel hesitated for a moment before going on. It was something strange for her who always seemed ready to respond to anything instantly. Finally she said:
  —If such a thing would happen, I will have to make a decision according to the circumstances. In any case, I’m sure I’ll need you.
 Mary did not specify what that <<decision>> and those <<circumstances>> meant. After verifying that her interlocutors had disappeared, she opened the doors wide.
  —My sister… —Bloody Mary repeated as she put on her coat which was brought by one of the club’s servant.
She still couldn’t quite believe it, but that young redhead was her sister. For her who had always remained in the shadows who had lost her mother when she was so young and had hardly seen her grandmother was perhaps her closest relative even if they shared only the father.
Thinking like that, she could only hope that the circumstances didn’t force to take any action against her younger sister. The colonel looked up at the spider on the ceiling, as if she wanted to go to heaven. Of course she wasn’t very confident that anyone would hear the prayers of a person so little favored by fate.
(End of Part II)
[1] The speaking of Jack and Todd is marked in the Japanese original not as direct speech but something similar. It should be connected to the fact that they are dead or not present in person.
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rovenzempai · 7 years
ROM 6 - Chapter 1 Part I (english translation)
Finally the time has come: May I present the first part of Sunao Yoshida’s Trinity Blood - Reborn on the Mars 6 (ROM 6) in english translation. Translator: Roven, Editing: Lamy
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In the grave rests the corpse of the fallen black angel. The Lady Saint cries for him as if her soul had been torn. Will she bring it back to life?
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The bloody sword, The clever vampires, Two women Lurk the northern kingdom.                                      The Crown of Thorns
                         Chapter 1: The Sacrificial Lamb 13                          Chapter 2: The Queen of the Dead 58                          Chapter 3: The Capital of the Fog 119                          Chapter 4: The Crown of Thorns 203
                                            Chapter I                              THE SACRIFICIAL LAMB
                                                                  “Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain,                                         to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength                                                                         and honor and glory and praise!”                                                                                                (Revelation 5:12)  Part I —It seems the medicines are working …   Dr. Lucrezia Ligorio put the stethoscope in her pocket and showed a maternal smile. After the patient who was lying down in bed fixing her nightgown, she carefully took her on the wrist to check the pulse.   —I think the attacks will improve … You have nothing to worry about, eminence. You just have to rest properly and you will get well.   —I fully trust you, Dr. Ligorio …   The doctor smiled at her as she stroked the patient’s hair with her free hand. The cardinal’s face was fascinating even for women. Responding to the smile full of love, Caterina, out of nowhere, asked the doctor who had taken care of her for twenty years:   —So, Doctor… How much longer do I have to live? Please tell me sincerely how long will I last.   —E…eminence!?   Dr. Ligorio had been taking care of the Duchess of Milan since she was a weak and sickly child. Although she tried to simulate tranquility, the way how the color of her face had changed before that question gave a clue about what she was trying to hide. Caterina nodded, laughing:   —I see … So I have so little left that you don’t even dare telling me.   —The…, the collagenosis, even if it is discovered soon, has a very difficult treatment …   The doctor still had the same expressionless face, but her professional ethics forced her to respond seriously to her patient. As if she were herself the patient, her voice trembled as she explained:   —This disease is a type of immunologic disorder in which the body interprets itself as an enemy and causes a reaction autoimmune. What is eroding your lungs is neither a bacterium nor a virus. It is your own immune system, eminence. If I had examined you more frequently, we could have detected it earlier…I beg your pardon, eminence.   —You have no reason to apologize, Doctor. All the blame has been mine… Now that you say it: when was the last time you made me a check up?   —Eight years ago…, when the previous Pope died, just before they appointed you as cardinal.   —Oh yeah! Since then I have been so busy that I could not visit you not even once. I’ve been busy indeed…, very busy… —Caterina sighed, while casting a glance at the moon in the closet that reflected her. In those three months she had lost more than three kilos, but for luck the change was not visible on the face. Even though she had the cheekbones more marked, she could still be praised as the << most beautiful cardinal of the world >>. However, there was no doubt that the disease was progressing inside her body. Even while they were talking, little by little…   —Thank you for coming today, Doctor … The pain of the lips made the cardinal realize that she was grinding her teeth. She gently addressed the doctor who was looking anxious, trying to relax the expression.   —I’m counting on you for the next visit… Father Tres, the doctor is leaving. Get the car ready.   —Positive — said a short priest. The young man, who had stood still on a corner like a statue during the whole visit, offered the doctor a wallet. After he opened it and showed her the documents inside, he closed it again and gave it in her hands.   —Doctor, what we have talked must remain here at all secret —said the cardinal, indifferently, as if she were talking about the weather, but at the same time with a sharp echo in the voice. —This is only known by you, Father Tres and me. The rest of the world thinks I have just a cold… If someone of Cardinal Medici’s environment finds out, he will use it against me. It is of vital importance that no one gets to know.   —I understand perfectly. —Dr. Ligorio nodded in a mechanical manner at the open door. — But, your eminence, don’t lose hope…   Turning towards the patient, who was looking from the bed towards the window, the doctor added with professional but sore voice:   —If you rest and take the medicines, we can still extend your life…   —I know, Doctor. Do not worry, I won’t let myself be carried away by the desperation… See you later.   After the priest has closed the door behind the doctor and the cardinal turned her glance from the door back to the window. Spring came soon to the south of Europe. It was still march, but the flowers of the garden in the Sforza Castle showed already all their splendor. The colorful parterres looked like the perfect setting for mischief and fairy dances. Staring at the garden with her eyes Caterina let escape a mocking laugh.   —What an irony… That I, who have no intention of having children, am suffering from  this disease.   Collagenosis was a relatively common disease in pregnant women, whose hormonal system tended to upset the new state. The mechanism that prepared the female body to develop the fetus sometimes caused the organism to interpret its own cells as intruders and the white blood cells were attacking and destroying them. It was literally as if the body was murdering itself.   The beautiful lady coughed and turned to the priest as if she were about to tell him a joke.   —Are not you laughing, Father Tres?“ So many times they have tried to kill me and I have always managed to survive, many times escaping miraculously from death. I had always thought I had the fortune on my side… And now it turns out that it is my own body that wants to kill me. You can’t escape from this assassin…   —I recommend you to rest, Duchess of Milan…The mechanical and dispassionate tone of the response contrasted with the cynical tone of the cardinal’s voice.   —Dr. Ligorio has advised you to reserve the strength so that you can recover. You must take the medicines you have been indicated, feed and rest properly.   —Reserve forces… And then what? I may live a couple of months more, but then what?  — Caterina said, with a candid smile of child.   In fact, afterwards nothing has changed. Whatever she did, there was no way to change the destiny that was awaiting her. Caterina crossed her hands over the blanket. Squeezing the fists up until the blue veins became visible through the white skin, she whispered:   —I do not have time… and I have so much to do. I can’t lose him having pity on myself. I can’t afford that luxury…   As Cardinal, as the Pope’s sister and as the last heiress of The house of Sforza, she had much to do. There were disputes to solve, enemies to beat, vengeance to fulfill … There was no time to lose in lamentations. She had to…  —Eh? Caterina felt a sudden shift in the chest that made her rise the eyebrows, lost. At first she thought it was another attack, but it was not. What were those palpitations? Why were her eyelids trembling? What was the warm liquid that trickled down her cheeks? Tears? The Iron Lady dropped her shoulders and took the pale hands to the face.   —No! —She shouted in a trembling voice that didn’t sound like her own.— I do not want to die yet! Why!? Why me!? I have so many things to do!   Tears ran down her chin and fell on the bed sheets. With her eyes fixed on the trail they left, Caterina was grinding her teeth. There were so many things she wanted to do. It wasn’t that she had to do them, but rather wanted to do them. So many things to say… Her mind was filled with those blue eyes like a winter lake. She wanted to look at them forever. She wanted them to always look at her. But… Why? Why her of all people? Why her and not another person!?   —Your Eminence, are you awake?   The sound of someone politely knocking on the door interrupted her lamentations. A female voice asked through the door:   —Can I pass? If you’re busy, I can come back later…   —No, no, please come on in, Sister Loretta.   Caterina wiped away her tears with a damp towel. Simulating that she had just woken up, she asked in the most serene tone she could:   — What is it? It’s still early for official announcements… Has something happened?   —Well… yes. A telegram from the Professor has just arrived from Londinium… —explained the nun, passing her a paper through Gunslinger. — Since it seemed urgent, I decided to bring it to you immediately… Are you sure that I didn’t woke you up?   —No, don’t worry. Thank you… From Dr. Wordsworth? But what… happened …?   As she casted an eye on the telegram, Caterina’s voice choked. The text was simple with the most concise and simple language possible, but the Cardinal had frozen, as if she had forgotten how to breathe.   —Is there something serious, eminence? —Loretta asked with a small whisper, seeing the beautiful lady turning into a marble statue. —Are they bad news? Has anything happened in Londinium?   —No, it’s nothing, Sister Loretta. —The cardinal replied, smiling, controlling the terrible pain that seemed to want to tear her chest.— There has only been a slight setback in the Londinium palace. We have to gather all the possible information… Sister Loretta, warn the Palace Of the Swords to get in touch with the embassy in Albion…. Father Tres… — The cardinal stopped short, waiting for the nun to make her bow and leave the room. Once the door was closed, she addressed with a hard expression to her faithful watchdog:   —Go immediately to Londinium. Abel has gotten himself into a mess …again. I trust you will know how to fix it. "That” is in the underground. Take it.   —Positive.   The mechanical soldier nodded and turned away quickly. As soon as the echo of his regular steps had been extinguished down the aisle, the Cardinal turned her gaze to the telegram. Without realizing it, she had seized it so hard that she was about to break it. Furious, the beautiful lady pronounced only one name.  —Esther Blanchett…!                                                          ***
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rovenzempai · 7 years
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Still in a very early stage with this costume, my progress is too slow because La Vida (@oldtealsea, @vronikca, I'm infected hahaha) This jacket is for #Keith from #voltronlegendarydefender. One more time, not for me. This is a gift for one of my favorite persons and also when finished, it will be an entry for @echohowazi 's giveaway, which basically was the source of our hype and motivated us enought to make it like, right away!😂 I had to unstitch and even remake the white piece in the back, many times ;_;, because I'm stupid. I'm proud of it but mostly of my persistence with it rather than how it's turning out (it looks good to me so far haha, don't get me wrong) #cosplaywip #keithcosplay #voltroncosplay #cosplayprogress #crossplayer #toyviendorickandmorty #muchamierda #toomanyhashtag #unpoquiitomas #enlavidanaena #bycarlosperdomo #wtf
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rovenzempai · 7 years
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I just noticed that I spam almost everyday in the instagram stories but haven't posted anything "real" in a while. My account looks abandoned lol ;; Anyways, these are most of my fabrics for my lady character. I hate that the colors are hating me so they don't show up nicely on camera ;__; I'm planing to document as much as possible because this costume is very dear to me. I still haven't decided if I'm going to wear the long hair or not. It will depend on how hot it is that day xDDDDD Since this is going to be for Jfest, there won't be a lot of updates because Paradise is driving everyone crazy (me included). So maybe in the middle of the month or after it \*-*/ I only need two more fabrics to be complete, yeey! #toolazytospamhashtag #butherewego #monsterhunter #monsterhuntercosplay #monsterhunterportable3rd #monsterhuntergenerations #monsterhunter4ultimate #cosplay #cosplaywip #cosplayfabric #fabric #costumemaking #sewing #whatelse #idontknow #wedontknow #stopreadingnyhashtag #godosomethingawesome xDDDDD #muchamierda
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rovenzempai · 7 years
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#moartags #addtags #idontknowhowtotag #nikon #nikongirl #photography #portraits #newbie #50mm #lol #yolo #bye
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rovenzempai · 7 years
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I’m learning photography. Thanks @pic-duo for the tips, and also for modeling ;’D 
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rovenzempai · 7 years
First of all, during the past year the number of my followers has increased slowly but steadily, which did surprise me again because I did not have so much time to post, so thanks to everyone for the appreciation.
However, since last year’s event to celebrate Trinity Blood with the remaining fandom was pretty successful, I would like to try repeating the experience if there are enough people interested this time too.
Like last year, to meet the possible needs of everyone I want to give as much advance time as possible, so the event wouldn’t take place before a month and a half or so starting from now.
Like or reblog if you agree and you would like to participate or at least watch. Please contact for doubts or suggestions, and don’t forget to spread around to those you know might be interested.
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rovenzempai · 7 years
Sheila, I saw the post for Combat Mercy that you guys posted on your insta, and I'm always impressed with how much you're able to accomplish super short build times! Do you have any tips for how you're able to work so quickly? (I ask while in the middle of cosplay procrastination...)
Sheila’s Tips for Finishing stuff FAST™
-Think in terms of waiting vs not waiting. A lot of the cosplay process is waiting. Usually waiting for something to dry, waiting for the iron to hit up. Etc. Set up your wait times to align with other tasks. EXMP. I usually make all my foam armor first, so that way once I set it aside to seal and paint, I can pattern and draft while its drying, in between reapplying coats. Or I throw the glue gun on to get hot and while I wait, I cut and style a wig. 
If you start doing this, you’ll get used to thinking ahead in terms of “what will I need to do later, and what can I do now to set up for it.” 
-When something gets frustrating, move on. Yesterday I tried making my leggings and nearly started screaming with how annoying the machine was being. So I dropped it, and started doing the dress details instead. Its funner, easier, and it doesnt make me want to QUIT. There are tons of tasks we hate doing enough that it makes us work slower, or stop working altogether. Instead, drop the hard thing, do some easy things, come back to it later when youve had time to mull over how youll tackle it. Ie. I tried sewing my leggings, but it was hard, so i worked on the dress and during that I decided to buy leggings and paint them instead. :) 
-Try to buy everything you know youll need now. Nothing takes more time then a “quick” trip to walmart for paint brushes. Cause then your hungry, then you also need groceries, then you shoud also— no. Make your whole list before your build. AND if you want to wait on supply stocking cause your trying to budget, then create a 2nd shopping trip to closer when 50% of the costume is done. I.E. One shopping trip for all the armor and fabric, 2nd trip for all the attachments of the armor. And if you find you do need that one thing, think about everything that still needs to be done. Can you do any of it without that one thing? Then work on that instead of going out. GO OUT LAST. 
-Don’t watch anything new. I love playing movies in the background, because the progression and narrative of that movie makes time seem to go faster AND I can measure my time. One more is about 2 hrs. One episode is a half hour, etc. But they key is to, DONT WATCH NEW STUFF. Cause then youll find yourself stopping and watching. You gotta rewatch stuff youve seen a million times. Or just throw on music. 
-Put your phone in a different roomJust avoid the distraction. 
-BREAKS ARE OKAY.They are! Especially when you need a motivator. Lunchtime or dinner is a great one. Cause you can sit, eat, watch something or play a game. Usually I try to make it correlate to the costume. I play overwatch on a break if Im working on mercy. I watch Convenion Cosplay videos on youtube if its something like Miku. Anything to keep my excitement of wanting to finish my build. AND SET A TIMER to go off after an hour or so. Dont let yourself get sucked in. Unplug the thing and put it in the closet if you need to. 
-It doesnt have to be hard to be good. Yeah, worbla is great. And cutting plexiglass is impressive. But if you have 4 days till the con, remember what your working with and remind yourself that using foam can be just as good. Don’t set yourself up for failure by starting to fiberglass a pepakura armor build 3 days before the con. Its just not gonna happen and youll be dissapointed when it does. And accept that its okay to have some things shortcut for the finish. Maybe you dont get the gloves done. Oh well! Thats okay! At least its finished aside from that, and then you have months to get and make them the way you want after for the next con cause everything else is already done. 
Hope this helps!! 
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rovenzempai · 8 years
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Smocking Tutorials With Instructions – Preparing for Smocking
Tutorial Link: http://indianparentsforum.com/home/canadian-smocking-tutorials-with-step-by-step-instructions/
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rovenzempai · 8 years
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Atelier Boz Leaflet
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