roxannexhughes-blog · 8 years
 Tagging: @maseclearwater
When: Some time after 9 PM
Where: Roxy’s house.
What: Roxy is about to be kidnapped by a couple of guys wanting money but Mason saves her, after inviting him to come in and stay with her for a bit so she can feel safe she sees a different side to him
GENERAL NOTES: I am moving everything from the old blog to this one and to save time, I placed what was already done under here. The rest will be reblogs/replies.
Roxanne frowned, trying to get her car to start but it was useless and now she was in the middle of nowhere. She would’ve called one of her parents but her phone was dead and she wasn’t sure what to do and so she decided to stand outside and maybe hitchhike. She had never done it before, but she knew she couldn’t spend the night stuck,  and if she had to be honest, she was a little scared.
It wasn’t long before a car drove by but it didn’t stop, not for a while anyway and she was about to walk toward it except it made her feel a little off. Was it safe? She wasn’t sure and so she stayed glued next to her own car, and when she saw 3 men step out of the car she looked at them confused. “ I don’t have any money..” She managed to get in her car and locked the doors, watching the three guys in masks now get closer. When one drew a knife to slash her tires, she let out a small yell. She stayed frozen though, watching the men tease her as they slashed each tire and she felt helpless.
Mason had needed to head to the grocery store to get some food to sock up the fridge, it wasn’t something he enjoyed especially at night but he had no choice it was either get the food or go hungry. He drove  to the grocery store to pick up the food and he was done within a matter of minutes that he got in his car and took the route home.
Driving down his familiar route he noticed something odd going on, he recognized the car bu that could have been anyone’s he knew. If it wasn’t for the fact that there were men standing around, he would have probably continued to drive. He pulled his car over quietly around the corner so they wouldn’t see him. Getting out of the car, he went through the pocket as he found his knife in there, not something he often used but came in handy as of right then. He didn’t plan to hurt anyone but he did plan to threaten them with the knife though. Walking around he got closer to them and shouted at them and threatened them with the knife, He shouted, “You’re going to leave that car and girl alone…” He said noticing the girl in the care and recognizing her straightway, “You’re gong to go otherwise one of you is going to get stabbed and that’s not something you want to see now? Or do you want to see one of your mates dead?” He shouted and within a moment they ran off and he sighed not knowing what to do with the knife apart from put it in his jacket pocket. Opening the door where the girl was sitting he looked at her and could tell her fear just from looking at her. Shaking his head he knelt down to be in level of the chair and her, “Roxanne, It’s me, It’s Mason, what exactly happened? Are you okay? I’m here, I can take you home if you like.” That was all he could say he didn’t know how to react, it wasn’t like they had got a long before.
Roxanne’s eyes stayed glued on one guy, unsure of what to do as she watched him move closer then all of a sudden he just ran away, and the others followed suddenly. It got her confused but she was a bit relieved that they were gone, and it wasn’t until she felt the door open that she let out another scream out of fear, finally looking up to see Mason with anger. “ Fuck, if you were looking to scare the shit out of me you did it. I could’ve killed you!” She added, taking a few breaths before she spoke again calmly. “ I’m okay, no I am okay and I can walk myself home.”  She replied not answering what it was happened, because she wasn’t even sure herself.  
Roxanne kept her eyes on him for a moment, unsure of what it was he wanted from her. She felt a bit awkward if she had to admit, and though she’d much rather have some company now and she really didn’t want to walk home alone, she knew that he was bad news and that would be a bad idea. They didn’t like eachother, that was clear but it didn’t stop her from being grateful that for once he was around. “Thankyou, by the way.”
Mason sat there looking at the girl who obviously was scared when he opened the door, he put his hands up in defeat shaking his head, “Roxanne, you could have been killed by these guys yourself. I thought you saw me, sorry I obviously was wrong. I don’t mean to scare you. But I came to help you and I am going to finish helping you making sure you’re okay.”  Hearing his words he felt his anger rising, “No Roxanne, I’m not letting you walk home alone, I am going to make sure you get home safely, So either I walk home with you or you let me drive home.” He stated, he wasn’t going to let anything else bad happen to the girl that night.
Mason watched her, he was concerned surprisingly, he was concerned about the girl who was standing in front of him. He knew that must have been a hock to her and scared her and he wouldn’t even judge her for being scared, he understood if she was. He knew they didn’t get along, actually then never have done, this  was probably the first time they’ve generally been around each other this close and he didn’t feel the mean for a mean comment or anything. “You;re welcome, Now come on, pick up the things you need and lets go.”
“ Well, you can stop now.” She replied, growing annoyed with his persistence. As happy as she felt that he was willing to help, Roxy was always one to like doing things herself. She had learned to be on her own from a young age, learned to adapt to being alone without protection and she knew she didn’t need him as much as he thought she did.”Why do you even care?” She raised her eyebrow, rolling her eyes afterwards.
“ You know what, fine. Only because I am in heels and my tires are slashed otherwise I wouldn’t have needed you.” She replied, getting out of his car and walking past him toward his own car. “ And I should probably call a tow truck, give me your phone.” She demanded, sitting comfortably in his car before reaching out her hand when she asked for the phone. She didn’t know if there would be any tow trucks at 11 at night but it was worth a shot.
Mason sighed shaking his head, laughing a little, the fact that he frustrated and annoyed the girl was something that he kind of enjoyed. He knew this wasn’t the time to annoy her, but he really just wanted to help and make sure she got home safe instead of becoming road kill or get hurt by some random guy. He stood there and looked at him raising his eyebrows, “Well I’d be a complete asshole and dick if I didn’t care. And maybe because I don’t want to see you become road kill or get hurt by some other guy or even worse. Why are you so damn annoying when it comes to accepting help?”
He laughed, “You girls, only because of fashion sense, god damn it, think about your health as well Roxanne.” He sighed as he stood there before walking towards his car. He glanced over and laughed, “So first off you didn’t want my help and now you want  to use my phone? Really? Well here you go but don’t do anything else but call the tow truck people.” He sighed passing the phone over to her as he unlocked he car and gesturing she could get in.
Roxanne rolled her eyes at his laugh, growing frustrated. She wasn’t sure why the guy infront of her tended to frustrate her just by being there, but he did and she didn’t know if it was because she was still panicking inside and she was in defensive mode or she truly hated him. Either way, she wasn’t in the best mood. “I’m sure seeing me become roadkill would make you incredibly happy.” She replied harshly, rolling her eyes again before she got out of her car and closed the door, locking it afterwards but not before reaching for her purse and phone. “ I didn’t ask for your help, I could’ve handled it myself.” She repeated, lying at the last part knowing there was no way she could’ve gotten out of there alive if it weren’t for him. “ Could you just shut up for a second?”
She glared at him when he laughed, speaking shortly after. “ These heels cost me almost 100 dollars and I am not about to waste that kind of money.” She told him and once he unlocked the door, she got in buckling her seatbelt afterwards. “ Well mine is dead, I have no other option.” She sighed, annoyed and tapped his phone in order to use it. “Don’t worry, I am not going to text any of your girlfriends to tell them you’re horny.” She smirked, teasing him. Even though that would be a perfect evil plan, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to do that right now in the situation she was in. She’d rather be at home safe first. She finally went to the caller icon and marked the number she knew, waiting for them to answer.
Mason stood there watching her, this was pointless all he could think, why he stopped to help the girl in the first place. Why did his guilty conscience have to kick in at that time. He laughed a little shaking his head, “Oh darling, I don’t want to see road kill and I would not want to see you as road kill. If i wanted to see you hurt or even killed I would have let those guys hurt you.” Laughing even more, “Yeah really looked like you had it all handled there.” He threw his head back, “I’ll think about it.”
Shaking his head, “Okay you girls have no idea of how to get sensible shoes and spend a decent amount of money on them. They aren’t that amazing anyway. You already wasted that kind of money when you brought them, they aren’t important.”  He sat there as he put the key in the ignition for the car as he heard her comment, “Feel free to do so, you’d be surprised how many people would text me back. But I don’t have girlfriends love.” He stated before he looked at her waiting for her to finish on the phone before thinking about setting off.
Roxanne only rolled her eyes at his remarks, she had nothing to say to him though she knew her father would be so proud of her sassy personality right then. “ No, I mean it shut up.” She replied with a fake smile.
“ Not important to you, but I had to work for my money unlike you.”  She began, rolling her eyes again. She was rich in a sense yes, but he preferred earning things on her own so you can bet that those shoes were bought by her own money and not her dads.  “ I bet you don’t.” She replied softly, almost as if she was tired of fighting in that moment and when someone answered tiredly on the other end, she smiled.
“ Hi, Uhm… it’s Roxy…yes, Jackson���s daughter. I just, something happened to my car and I was wondering if you could possibly bring over a tow truck.” She started talking, her tone soft and changed as she usually was. “ Great, thank you the address is 117 North Road.” She replied, nodding before she hung up, turning to Mason with a short smile as she returned his phone. “Here you go.”
Mason sighed sitting there, he laughed and looked at her, he knew his reason for being like this, he was always sarcastic and annoying, it was trait he got from his dad. “No I won’t shut up, it’s a free world and a free country I will talk as much as I want.” He tapped his wheel as he looked at her shaking his head.
He laughed, “Oh so you’re saying I don’t do all this work in a kitchen for money, i earn my money iI work for my money, I don’t rely on my parents for money, but unlike you I don’t waste the money I earn on shoes. I save it and spend it wisely.” He rolled his eyes looking at her, he was still trying to pin point the exact part of her that annoyed him, yet he couldn’t quite figure it as of yet.
Hearing her talk to someone on his phone he threw his head back waiting for her to finish and looked at her as she handed the phone back to him, “So are we waiting for them or am I driving you home now?” He asked rolling his eyes again.
“ Do you ever hear yourself talk?” She asked sarcastically and rolled her eyes. At this point she just wished he would stop talking, but knowing Mason that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon.
“ You know what? I am done talking about this and if you insult me again or imply things I will just walk home by myself.” She warned, glaring at him for a second. She wasn’t about to tell him how hard she worked for her own things and how shoes was not something she always looked for when she would go shopping, she only bought herself these shoes because she really liked them but it wasn’t like she would go off buying shoes just because she felt like it.” Take me home, if I spend another minute with you I might just die.” She rolled her eyes and sighed, looking out the window and tried her best to avoid him the whole ride.
“If I have ears which I am pretty sure I do I can hear myself talking all the time thank you love. But you know I will continue to talk as long as I want. The last I remembered this car is mine.” He shook his head before looking at her raising his eyebrows.
Mason laughed a little shaking his head, “I was insulting you now love? I don’t recall that being the thing I was trying to do I was clearly trying to make a point when you said I didn’t work for my money. That my love was an insult.” He rolled his eyes, how he was insulting her by saying ti was just a pair of shoes he didn’t understand but he looked at her deciding to drop the subject because he was frustrated over it, he nodded, quickly taking his phone out and texted someone he then started the engine as he looked over at her. He laughed, “Okay so I’m not capable of death or killing someone and you wouldn’t die around me, if I hadn’t come in and got those guys away you would have been dead so basically I saved you.” He laughed a little as he started to drive off towards her place. There was no way he could understand why these two never got along but he knew both of their personalities just clashed but was it falsed to clash, were they just like this to each other because they had to be or they wanted to be.
“I am not your love.” She replied, rolling her eyes and sighing softly. She wasn’t about to make it more difficult for herself by insulting him. It was useless really, and it wasn’t like she was sassy all the time. It made her wonder how some girls could be bitches all the time, it exhausted her and she had only been doing it for less than an hour. “ Well, daddy’s boy doesn’t look like he works for a cent.” She replied, rolling her eyes again.
“You saved my life  I got it, what do you want from me? “ She wondered then trying to remember if she ever said thank you but it was too late for that anyway. She continued looking out the window and rested her head against it, wanting to be home already.
Mason laughed a little at her response raising his eyebrows, “What ever you say love.” He stated laughing a little more as he continued to drive towards her place, having a quiet road would probably lead to a quicker drive home and less time in the car with Roxanne. Hearing her words, he opened his mouth before laughing, “If you believe that then believe what you want but most people in the town will disagree with you. You see I make the best food in the local restaurant in town that most people know my cooking which means they know how hard I work.” He laughed rolling his eyes.
Hearing her words and looked at her, “For you to sound more grateful for what I did, I mean I could have left you to be killed but at least part of me cared enough to save you. I don’t see any care or gratitude in your eyes since the moment i helped you apart from some kind of thank you. But I get it, whatever. I’ll just drive you home.” He said, why he wanted her to be nice to him for once he wasn’t entirely sure.
“ You know,now I see why you’re single. You’re annoying.” She snapped back, sighing at his persistence to piss her off. She was never this mean, but she hated when people tried to push her buttons. “Good for you.” She added, rolling her eyes right back.
When she heard him speak again, Roxanne took a deep breath and listened as she continued watching out the window but didn’t speak atleast not then. It wasn’t until they got to her house that she finally looked at him again and thanked him for helping her out.
Roxanne had no intention in staying in his car any longer so when she thanked him, she made sure to hope out of the car quickly. She didn’t move away just yet when she noticed there was no one home though and when she came to terms with the fact that she didn’t want to be alone in that moment, she looked into the window from the passenger seat and looked at Mason. “Do you want to come in?” She asked gently, she didn’t want to fight or admit that she was actually scared so she just asked him to come in and hoped he took it as her trying to be polite and thankful. She gave him a quick smile, hoping he’d say yes.
He laughed, “You know it’s a good thing I am single, no longer having to deal with all the annoying girls getting clingy.” He laughed, to be honest most girls he associated himself around weren’t that annoying and he could date them bu  he wasn’t going to make the point of that.  
Mason was thankful for the amount of silence in the car, gave him time to think, his mind was going mad, trying to understand why he cared so much if she was grateful or not, they never got along why was he expecting that to change.
Mason watched her get out of the car and he sat there just watching her wondering why she wouldn’t move from the car, it was late so he wasn’t going to toot the horn but waiting for her to go, he sighed, he had groceries in the back seat and he was just waiting to get them home but he couldn’t until she left to go inside, he still wanted to make sure she was safe. Sitting there he heard the girl speak and bit his lip in shock at what she had just asked, “Wait what suddenly changed that you want me to come in?” He asked before nodding as he took the keys out of his car, “Yeah I wouldn’t mind coming in.” He said looking at her again still in shock and knowing her parents would probably hate it if they found out he was hanging out with her whether it was because he saved her or not.
“ Good for you?” She repeated, raising her eyebrow. She wasn’t sure why any of that information was relevant to her and she sure didn’t know what to say.
After a few moments, she smiled a little more when he agreed. She was relieved that she wouldn’t be alone. It wasn’t until he asked what had changed her mind that made her expression change. She shrugged and looked at him with a serious expression. She didn’t want to be alone, that was the truth and if her parents were to get pissed she didn’t care because she just wanted to stop feeling unsafe. “ Company, I just don’t think I can trust being alone after earlier’s incident.” She finally admitted, showing a much calmer and nicer part of her. It was almost to sincere for her liking, but it was the part of herself she couldn’t quite get rid off. “Thank you.” She repeated again, this time without hesitation and reached for her purse to get her house keys.
She walked to the front door, knowing that Mason would catch up sooner or later and opened up the door. She waited for him by the door, walking inside with him before closing the door behind them. “Welcome to the Hughes’ residence.” She spoke softly, looking over at him with a small smile again, a bit embarrassed that she had just said that. “Want som
Mason ignored her comment as he looked at her, he sighed, she was one frustrating women yet that something drew him to her and it bugged him a lot, because he knew nothing could become of whatever was going on they were supposed to hate each other anyway.
Mason got his keys and locked the car as he got out and made she she was okay, he sighed and looked at her hearing her response he nodded, he could understand that, “Well that make perfect sense and  I for some reason want to make sure you’re okay before I leave you.” He sighed as they walked towards the door with her. He nodded, “You’re welcome.” He said smiling at her response, he dreads to actually think what would have happened if he wasn’t there to help her as much as he disliked the girl he never wanted to see her dead.
As he got to the front door and she opened the door, he stood there taking it all in remembering that he had never been into her place before. He nodded, “It’s a nice place I have to admit.” He said walking in trying to be careful and to not make too much noise. As he heard her question he nodded, “Yeah that would be great, Water would be great.” He nodded looking at her feeling a little awkward at the time.
Roxanne listened to him but stayed quiet, only smiling every now and then at his concern. It was weird really, he was supposed to hate her and she was supposed to hate him but his concern made her feel a bit nice inside.  She wanted to cherish the moment and thought that if she talked then it would screw it up forever and she didn’t want to screw it up with her sass and sarcasm, atleast not yet.
She finally spoke when he complimented her house and nodded, letting out a small laugh. “Thanks, it’s usually lonely though.” She blurted out unintentionally but it was the truth, she just hoped it didn’t give him any ideas. “ A water coming right up.” She replied, feeling the awkwardness vibrate through the air and she had no choice but to quickly leave the living room and made her way over to the kitchen to grab a water bottle from the fridge.
Once she grabbed the bottle, she sighed and looked around for a moment before reaching for a grape for herself and popped it in her mouth. It had been long since she had eaten and she had just remembered as she ate the grape. Afterwards she headed over to Mason and handed over the water, smiling a little. “Here you go.. and you can stop looking around like you’re bored or about to die…” She added, biting her bottom lip. It was probably a good idea to let him go or else her father would come and get pissed but she didn’t want to be alone no matter the awkwardness. The silence was alright as long as there was someone beside her. “Want to come to my room? You know, before  my parents blast in and see…you?” She continued, waiting for an answer.
Mason knew he wasn’t in his comfort zone, he was in the house of his families enemies, this was not the way it was meant to be but somehow it didn’t make him say he had to go or want to leave. it made him want to stay longer which would be a bad idea if he got caught but right now he didn’t care, he only cared if Roxanne was okay.  He raised his eyebrows but didn’t bother to say anything and just nodded looking at her.
Standing in the room he looked around trying to keep himself entertained whilst he waited for her to return. The place was pretty neat and clean and tidy and he did admire the house. Standing there he watched her return and he smiled before hearing her statement, “Thanks, well you see what else am I meant to do?”  He asked before looking at him, he wasn’t sure what to do but he knew he was feeling awkwardness that was there at hat time but he tried not to let it bother him. Hearing her question and nodded, “Yeah maybe your bedrooms a safe option.  I would rather not be killed by your parents tonight.” He looked at her waiting for her to show him the way.
“ Uhm, I don’t know… honestly.” She replied, feeling a bit awkward herself now. All of a sudden, she wasn’t sure if having him in her house was a good idea. What if he decided to steal something from his dad’s office? what if he found something his family could use against them? She wasn’t sure if Mason was like that but she wasn’t going to risk it so when he said it would be okay to go to her room, she took it as a way to distract him from doing any of that bad stuff.
After all, there was nothing in her room that could hurt her parents in any way or shape except maybe her diary but that was hidden in a very safe place. “Okay, follow me.” She replied shortly and nodded her head before she started up the stairs,knowing he’d follow after. She wasn’t sure what it was they were going to do there but she just had to remind herself that she didn’t want to be alone, and suddenly being in complete silence with him was better than being at home alone.
Mason didn’t know why he felt so awkward but then he was in the place of a family who hates his, was this even a good idea? Probably not. Should he leave? That would probably be a good idea. He knew he shouldn’t be there, he should have mad sure she got in safe and then drove off home but he was there now and he wasn’t going to leave until she asked him to leave. What was it about her that made him want to stay, he wasn’t sure.
As he looked at her and heard her words, “I am following.” He said shaking his head, what was going on with him, he had no clue, he had no clue why he didn’t walk towards the door instead of following her to her room, was it sensible. Was it even a good idea? He knew it wasn’t.
Once they got to her room, she sat down on her bed looking up at Mason with a small smile. “ You can relax, I won’t kill you.” She reassured, looking at his tense expression. She had to admit, he made her nervous and she wasn’t sure if it was due to his facial expressions or something else but now she wanted the night to end. “Could you atleast stay with me until I fall asleep?” She asked, sighing softly as she waited for an answer. Whether he wanted to stay or not, it was on him but she was feeling tired and wanted to stop thinking.
As he looked in her room and around it wasn’t something he was expecting from her but he didn’ comment before looking at her, “Well when we were in the car it sounded like you were ready to kill me.” He said as he took a seat and looking at her, he wasn’t sure if he should agree to her request or say no but he knew what was the right thing to do. Sighing he nodded looking at her, “Yeah I will stay until you fall asleep.” He looked at her, “Look now we’re in here, are you okay?” He asked he didn’t want to have to worry all night and we would rather know how well she was coping with it.
“ Well, you have to admit you’re a bit annoying especially when you call me love.” Roxanne replied, shrugging slightly before looking up at him again with an innocent smile. She continued sitting down on the bed, looking into his eyes for a moment before speaking again. “Yeah, I am okay.. I think.” She admitted, looking away finally, her eyes now looking over the at her closet. “Uhm, you can lie down or sit down and I am going to shower.” She added, biting her lip before taking off her heels. The least she wanted to do was make it even more awkward for him but she was starting to think nicely of him and she didn’t want to do that, he made her nervous too and she just needed a little breather aswell as a really needed shower.
Me annoying? I don’t think I am annoying when I call you love, I do that out of care and friendliness .I do it to all girls.” He shrugged looking at her trying not to rattle her all over again. He raised his eyebrows and nodded, “Okay well I am here if you need someone.” He screwed his face up wondering why on earth he was being so nice to her. “I will just take a seat, don’t worry.” He said looking around her room before finding a seat. He hated this awkward tension things were easier when things weren’t this tense around people.
“Eh, just a bit annoying.” She repeated, flashing a small smirk and shrugged. She looked over at him again, wondering if trusting him alone in her room was the best option but she did it anyways.
It took her about 30 minutes before she was done showering and changing. The blonde brushed her golden hair and put it in a loose ponytail before walking out of her restroom all clean and clothed. “ Hi.” She started calmly, biting her lip before taking a seat next to him. The time she spent showering served her good and now with her guard down, she wanted to talk or atleast try without any smart remarks. “ So, why did you really save me? You hate me.” She asked curiously, her eyes on him. She was a bit nervous about his response, but she didn’t show it and instead gave him a small smile.
Mason shrugged at her comment, he didn’t think it was annoying and knowing others didn’t find it annoying wasn’t going to stop him from saying it. As he waited for her to return, he look around her room, looking at one of the photographs on her  on the cabinet next to her bed. She looked so carefree like nothing was the matter, he wondered where that girl had gone.
As he notice the girl return from the bathroom, nodding, “Hi. Nice shower?” He asked a little awkwardly as he sat there before looking at her again. He wasn’t sure what they could talk about for a moment. Biting his lip he looked at her, “Honestly, I didn’t know at first it was you, I mean a lot of people have similar cars like your s and I don’t know your number plate off by heart. I just saw something odd go on and then as I walked up i noticed you, now I wasn’t going to just walk away and let you die, it’s not the person I am. You didb’t deserve that. Roxanne, what you have got wrong is I don’t hate you, my family hates yours and the same with yours, they hate mine. I just go on with what my parents want. I don’t hate you. You can be pretty annoying at times but I don’t hate you.” He replied looking down a little.
“ It was nice.” Roxanne replied shortly, not thinking much of the question. She was however a little interested in his answer and even though it wasn’t the best answer she hoped for, it still made her smile. She didn’t know what exactly she expected, especially from Mason but atleast they were now being civil. “I don’t hate you either.” She admitted gently, resting a hand on the space between them. Her eyes never left his face, and even though she should feel awkward again, she didn’t. “ It’s kind of silly, isn’t it? I mean, I really don’t hate you even though my parents want me to hate you. Actually, though you can be pretty obnoxious… today proved you’re not so bad of a person.”
Mason nodded, “Well glad it was a nice shower, they are the best.” He nodded not really sure why he was acting the way he was around her. He looked at her kind of glad it was a little more easier to talk to her now and the tension was kind of relieved and nodded, “Well it’s good to know you don’t hate me. The whole parent feud has always been silly and stupid and childish if you ask me, they should just find a sway to move on and act like grown ups. I know I can be but is there anything wrong with that? I mean you always seem to have an attitude but I see past that and well I am glad I came across as a not so bad person today.” He smiled winking at her.
Roxanne couldn’t help but roll her eyes at his statement, not because of annoyance but it was because she actually agreed with him. Her parents had a tendency to hate anyone who didn’t agree with them, anyone they considered competition and they didn’t seem to care that they were dragging their daughter along with them. At first she thought she was doing good by being mean, but now she wasn’t even sure why she had to be. “ It really is silly, why drag us along with them you know?” She replied softly, her eyes still on him as she continued. “ I don’t think they will ever move on, this has been going on for years and probably even decades.” She added, letting out a small scoff. “Yeah, I guess I can try and get past your obnoxious personality.”
Mason sat there, why was he still there, that’s all he could ask himself, he never stayed in places when he started to feel uncomfortable. But something about her was keeping her there and he was soon getting comfortable around her which was a good thing really. He nodded, “Exactly, we should be free to make our own choices of who we get along with or not. It’s ridiculous that they think they can control who we’re friends with.” He sighed realizing his parents only were controlling the fact that he couldn’t get along with her. He laughed, “You will get past it because there is more to me that that personality.”
“ Then why do it? Why did you let them?” Roxanne questioned him, yet it was also a question she asked herself considering she did the same thing but her answer would be that she didn’t know. If she said it was to keep her father off her ass, then it would sound like a lame excuse and really, she wasn’t sure why. “ Oh really, what else is there?” She asked curiously, sitting with her legs crossed now before she faced him. It was starting to feel like a sleep over and frankly she didn’t mind it, besides the door was locked and there was no way anyone would know he was here unless her parent’s came early and they knew what Mason’s car looked like. She had to admit that it felt nice to just talk to someone and not be mean 24/7.
Hearing her question he raised his eyebrows looking at her and shrugged, “Well it’s my parents, it’s hard to do things that will make them not like you or think of you as a disgrace you know? I do’t know I try to at least look like I am their son and make them proud of me, even if I am not proud of what i have to do to do that.” He sighed and looked at her and tilted his head, “What about you? Why do you do it?” He sat there getting comfortably looking around her room before back at her and laughed, “Well that’s for me to know and you too find out.” He raised his eyebrows before looking at her trying to understand why he didn’t mind talking to her no matter what her parents would think if they found out her was here.
“Right.” Roxanne listened, looking down for a second as she thought for a second of all the bad things she had done, or well the things she thought were bad. At his question, she looked back up at him with a slight shrug. It was hard to determine whether she could trust him or not, regardless of that she spoke feeling like it didn’t matter in the end and if he decided to say anything then she knew she could probably destroy him. “ When I was ten years old,  I had this friend… she was my best friend..” She began, a light chuckle escaping her lips as she continued and looked down. “ It was before I moved here, but anyways… she was black and my dad didn’t like that. He said I could either stop talking to her or he would disown me.” She admitted, it was silly thinking of that now. What kind of father would tell that to his 10 year old daughter? “ I mean, I am sure he wasn’t serious or maybe he was. I was too scared to risk that and so, the next morning I went to school and I told Kelly we couldn’t be best friends anymore. Ever since then, I felt like I had to make him proud especially after my brother left home.” Roxanne nodded, finally being brave enough to look into his eyes with a sad smile. “ Pretty pathetic huh?”
Mason looked over at Roxanne, he wasn’t sure why the girl as so sure they were doing the right thing with hating each other like their parents hated each other, he didn’t know he he was doing the right thing. He laughed a little but shook his head, “So you pushed away your best friend for your dad? What kind of dad would do that? Sorry but if your dad does that then it’s wrong, and pathetic,it doesn’t matter what colour your friends are you shouldn’t have to not be friends with her over something as stupid as that.”
“ I was 10, I couldn’t exactly have my own father hating me.” Roxanne admitted, but now the thought of her father hating her didn’t really matter. She still wanted to make him proud of her in the best ways she could and that is why she took on hating Mason even though she couldn’t care less about hating him whatsoever. “ It’s kind of a thing I do, I try and make people proud of me,” She added, another shrug before giving him a small smile that held shame. “Did your dad ever do something like that?”
Mason laughed a little, “Well see that’s the thing I would have done anything to make my parents hate me back then it would have got them off my backs for a while but hey that wasn’t going to happen. But whatever. Things happen.” He stood there and laughed a little, “Well how about doing things for yourself, doing things to make yourself proud Roxanne? Stop doing things for others and doing things to make them proud because in all honesty, the only person who is important in making proud is you.” He laughed shaking her is head, “No, not really, I don’t really talk to my dad, I talk to my mom.”
Roxanne scoffed, listening to his advice she knew it was easier said than done. There was so many things she would love to do, but she was limited with the family she had. What she wanted most of all was her best friend, she wanted to apologize and it would be a bit easier if she knew where to start looking for her. She didn’t say anything, instead she shrugged and continued listening to him talk about himself. That was far better than listening to herself talk. “ Why not?” She asked curiously. “ I mean, it’s weird… aren’t boys usually close to their dads? They talk about girls in their underwear and drink beers together?” She continued, wondering if that was a thing only her dad and brother did.
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