roxiewis · 2 years
LOCATION && WITH WHOM : : MONSTER MASH W / @pridepotential​
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“Sometimes, I wonder if the people here are actually dressed up for Halloween or if they’re being their natural mutant selves,” she said. “Either way, I’m loving the looks this year! Can’t help but to smile because of it.” 
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roxiewis · 2 years
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Another laugh and Cyra shakes her head. “Just don’t tell David Beckham or Zinedine Zidane that. I’m not sure they could handle it.” She winks, the ball still rolling in her hands. “I’m glad you’re doing better. And hopefully,” The lilt in her voice goes sing-song and her mouth spreads in a wide smile. “you’ll be able to use both arms by the time my new class starts up. I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve already recommended you for a spot.”
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“Oh, don’t worry, I won’t tell a soul!” Not like she could because she didn’t know who those people were. Roxi blinked, taken back by what was said, before squealing. “No way, you’re going to teach here? And you already recommended for a spot?” It was taking everything out of her not to shoot herself into the air and do a flip or four. She needed to be chill and cool, which was really hard to do right now. “This is so cool, wow, I’m so honored right now.” 
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roxiewis · 2 years
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“will they, though? i mean, everything’s kinda gone tits up since…” river clicks his tongue, “…i dunno. like, early this year? and what is normal, anyway? especially for us? i’m a twenty-five-year-old bird who’s taking lessons on how to be a superhero because of barely-a-survivor’s guilt.”
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“Maybe, I mean, I hope so.” Though, things couldn’t be normal again. Not after she lost both Theo and David, there was no way for things to be “normal again”. “Normal is whatever we deem to be normal for us. Like, you being a bird? Me causing mini tornadoes wherever I go? That’s normal.” To them, maybe not to non-mutants but that didn’t matter. “Do you not want to become a superhero?” 
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roxiewis · 2 years
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“Of course not. Next time you see a fly, move away from it and look. It really does look like a little ink blob.” April smiles at Roxi, hesitating for a moment before asking, “how’ve you been? I’ve been out of it for a while. I probably missed a lot.” With her left hand, she swipes one of the sugar cookies and takes a bite. “It’s really good, Roxi!”
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“I’ll try and do that.” And just for April, she’ll use her ability to capture a fly and to really look at it. “Oh, nothing really. Just been trying to rest and heal up, and, you know, cope.” Theo was gone and so was her best friend, Roxi should be on the floor crying nonstop. But instead she was working hard to be a hero that would make both of them proud. She was just built different. Roxi let out a sigh of relief. “Thank God! I was worried that it tasted terrible.” 
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roxiewis · 2 years
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“…it’s going, that’s for sure. bummer that we don’t have any of our usual summer stuff going on around here. i mean, yeah, everyone’s still recovering, but i miss slushie sundays.”
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“Don’t even remind me!” Being an X-Men was great except for the recovery part. Everyone recovering meant that they had to miss out on the fun shit aka Slushie Sundays. “It’s truly criminal! But at least once we’re all healed up, things will go back to normal.” 
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roxiewis · 2 years
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Cyra laughed and nodded her head as she completed her approach. “I did see that, you did great- all things considered. Though, soccer has always been more my sport.” With a flick of her wrist, a small breeze directed the ball to her feet. She kicked it up with a gust directed by her foot and caught it, rolling it in her hands, before gesturing to Roxi’s the least-favored arm. “How is it feeling? How are you feeling?” 
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“Really? Wow, now I’ve got to see you play soccer!” The sport never held Roxi’s heart like basketball, and a lot of that had to do with hot fine the basketball players were. Maybe if she saw a hot soccer player then she would fall in love with the sport too. She watched in awe at the woman’s tricks, snapping happily at it all. “That was amazing! Wow, you’re like... like... the next Michael Jordan of soccer!” Yeah AOIGJAIOGJAIOJOAAGGOIAJGA. “Oh this?” Roxi looked down at her other arm. “It’s doing better, I’m doing better. A slow process but it’s happening.” 
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roxiewis · 2 years
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April was having one of her sad days, feeling depressed and hating herself. When she heard a knock on the door, her heart began to race. When she realised it was Roxi, it settled down a little. Cookies in the shape of flies? Interesting, and also very sweet. Literally. “Flies kinda look like blobs from really far away!” she called out back, a hint of a smile on her face. “Yeah, you can come in. I wanna see the flies.”
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She smiled as she opened the door, happy that she was granted access. “You’re not just saying that to make me feel better right?” Though, she would take her friend’s kindness because she needed a lot of it. “They’re sugar cookies.” 
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roxiewis · 2 years
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Her arm was still healing and honestly, she should be resting and taking it easy. But she was stubborn and needed to train in order to get better. She was able to partake in a mission as an official X-Men member but it was still a lost because she lost important people to her. Pretty shitty if you asked her. Bouncing a basketball with her good arm, Roxi threw it into the air, not even aiming for the hoop. But with her good arm, she waved it into the air to have a gust of wind to lead the ball into the hoop. “She shoots, she scores! Woo!” She cheered as if she truly made that shot with her own athletic skills. Roxi twirled on the heel of her feet, doing her own little victory dance ( which she was for sure going to do when she beats up a Brotherhood member ) when she saw Cyra. “Cyra! Did you see that? I’m like, the next Michael Jordan.” 
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roxiewis · 2 years
LOCATION && WITH WHOM : : APRIL’S ROOM W / @aprilhoneys​
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“April?” she called out. “It’s Roxi, can I... can I come in? Please? I made you cookies in the shape of flies.” A beat. “Okay, they’re not in the shape of flies, they’re like blobs because I screwed up trying to make flies. But! I have cookies for you. <3″
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roxiewis · 2 years
status: open @c23starters​ location: outside the roller rink when: afternoon
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          Holland  liked  working  at  the  roller  rink  as  long  as  there  weren’t  a  ton  of  people  there  for  a  party.   People  were  loud  today  and  she  just  needed  a  quiet  place  to  think.   Surely  these  people  had  something  better  to  do  than  be  at  a  roller  rink  party  on  a  random  week  day  afternoon.   Didn’t  these  kids  have  school?   She  wishes  she  had  said  she  was  sick  today.   It  wouldn’t  be  that  big  of  a  lie.   But  thankfully,   her  break  came  quicker  than  she  expected  and  Holland  scooted  outside.   She  can’t  see  anyone  else  out  here,   so  she  presses  herself  against  the  wall,   putting  headphones  in  and  attempting  to  block  out  her  thoughts.   Maybe  everything  would  make  sense  soon.    Her  parents,   Essex  House,   being  a  mutant.   Maybe  soon  it  would  make  sense.   The  tape  stopped.   “Shit,”    she  exclaims,   looking  down  at  the  ribbon  coming  undone. 
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“Need some help there?” Roxi asked as she slowed down her skating. “I can be quick with it too! Promise.” 
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roxiewis · 2 years
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“Hey cast buddy! How’s it going?” 
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roxiewis · 2 years
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song inspiration: viva la evolucation by ballistik boyz from exile tribe 
Outfit information: Of course she had to show up in the dress! She likes it because she looks cute and the movement of it whenever she flips is amazing. Does not have a sword! She’s not the type to carry weapons because she herself is a weapon. 
Whirlwind: If you’re in her way, she will send you flying with a whirlwind or two. Might even use them to move around, she’s a creative young lady. 
Tornado Punch: She won’t make direct contact with an individual’s body with her fists but instead with a mini tornado that she creates. So cool, so cute! We love superhero Reverie! 
EVENT SUMMARY: Roxi is waiting behind a building before the fight breaks out. As soon as she sees Ezra stab Finley, she’s already running out, a gust of wind pushing her forward. She’s a star X-Men as she sends bad guys flying and saves citizens. She even sees her best friend David and pushes him to leave ASAP. She cannot have her best bro dying on her, nuh uh, not at all. Oh and guess what? She even fights one of Magneto’s executives aka Irena! Of course, she doesn’t win but it’s enough to show the old lady not to fuck with her or her friends ever again. She continues to take a few more L’s as someone breaks her left arm and when she watches someone burn David alive. Let’s just, she’s not doing well. 
She’s doing a lot better than others as it’s just her arm that’s broken but mentally… she’s suffering. Not only did she lose her best friend but she also lost her older sister. 
She locks herself in her room, which is a good thing, kinda. Her room ends up a mess because of her ability. It looks like a tornado came through ( it did actually ). 
Attends David and Theo’s funerals, does not stop crying. 
She does, however, leave her room by the end of the second week. A lot of it is thanks to Jackie, her only sister left. 
Roxi ends up quitting her part time job at the mini golf place, simply because 1) she can’t bring herself to go there anymore and 2) she wants to focus more on training and becoming a X-Men. 
Focuses on training her ability more than anything else. She wants to become stronger so that she can protect the people she still has today. 
Her arm doesn’t heal until sometime in July but for now! She tells everyone at the institute to sign her cast!! 
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roxiewis · 2 years
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Minamoto and Mitsuba - Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun episode 09
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roxiewis · 2 years
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with his dukes still up and an awkward punch thrown outward, as if there was actually someone coming to attack him, he furrowed his eyebrows as she explained the situation further. so there was a method to the madness ? but not a fair one ? ( getting stabbed made no situation fair, but… ) “ what’s so special about the room ? ” an awkward punch sent to absolutely no one… just as a warning ! yeah ! “ what the hell is making them this desperate for it ? and, like, what the hell makes it so special that charles xavier is guarding it with, like, finley’s life ? ”
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She shuffled uncomfortably in place. “It’s special because it connects Professor X to all mutants,” Roxi said. “It amplifies his powers, he can talk to mutants and find them, no matter where they are or who they are.” She was frowning, she felt bad for almost prioritizing Cerebro over Finley but then she remembered what all of her professors would teach them. That sometimes as a hero, you would have to make hard decisions like this. Choosing between saving one life vs the lives of millions. But Roxi was the type to want both, to save Finley and the lives of millions! What was so wrong with that? “If it falls into the wrong hands, the Brotherhood could use it to commit mass murder of all mutants and non-mutants.” 
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roxiewis · 2 years
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‘I think.’ Those two words were like a dagger in the heart. Was Laurel so mad that she didn’t even miss her? “You think? Does that mean she wants to put an axe in my head or she’s just a little mad at me?” April needed to know how much sucking up she needed to, even if this wasn’t her fault. “I guess I should just hire a plane to write ‘April is sorry’ in the sky if I come back to school.”
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“I’m sorry but I really don’t know! Not everyone is too happy about this mission.” Professors were upset with Charles for even coming up with such a plan, then students who felt betrayed by their fellow peers. Roxi, personally, didn’t care too much. She thought that the three other girls were cool for becoming spies! They were, like, real superheroes. “I’ll help you get one if she is upset, okay? We can even bake her something together!” From her right, she could see a Brotherhood member watching them. “Sorry April but let me just--” Grabbing hold of the other’s arm, Roxi used all of her strength to flip her friend over her shoulder and onto the ground. Though, right before April connected with the ground with a blam, Roxi made sure to use a gust of wind to act as a last minute cushion. “Sorry! Someone was watching us!” 
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roxiewis · 2 years
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“I love your confidence, but I’ve spent enough time with the Brotherhood to know I can’t get away with what I’ve done.” It wasn’t that April didn’t believe in her friends and Charles, it was just that… Well, the people they’re up against are ruthless terrorists. “I’d love to go back. I miss Laurel,” she frowned. “And everyone else, obviously.”
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Roxi didn’t know the organization like April and the others, so if it wasn’t easy to leave then Roxi would have to believe her. “I see.” Was all she could say. “Everyone misses you too! Even Laurel--” A beat. “-- I think.” 
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roxiewis · 2 years
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            irena probably wasn’t the ideal candidate for combat but she did have strengths (it was just a pity her ability took so much concentration not to let herself be so vulnerable). there was a hint of promise as the woman stood, still standing while in the early stages of possessing someone. that was short-lived as a sudden gust of wind separated her and the link was lost. it wasn’t unexpected but it was certainly inconvenient. “are you not up for a little fun? we’ll always be here. whether it be out of the shadows or hiding in plain sight.”
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“Sorry but my idea of fun is way different from this shit.” Fun to Roxi was cheating at mini golf with her friends, not having to stop a bunch of murderers from destroying her city. Mini whirlwinds surround her fists, Roxi already in fighting position. “Blah, blah, blah! Enough with the talking lady and start fighting!” She then punched forward, sending the whirlwind straight for Irena. 
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