roy-al-wreck · 4 years
Shorthand Google Reference Guide
I’m gonna type this up while it’s fresh on my mind because some of y’all don’t know how to use Google
SO YOU WANT TO DRAW A woman sitting in the grass.
IF YOU SEARCH: female sitting
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Very vogue. Very male gaze. Good for fashion or model pictures, not very good if you’re wanting to draw a natural looking pose on a woman who isn’t a model and whose camera certainly didn’t fucking turn on by itself.
IF YOU SEARCH: female sitting pose
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Arguably worse, depending on the use. My experience with “female + pose” searches is that you get a lot of IMVU and The Sims pose sets, and artists making sketch compiliations that… don’t always have great anatomy and are frequently just more stiff model poses. I do use similar searches for pinup sketches, ie, “female sassy pinup pose,” though “posing for pinup photography” and “how to pose for” will give different results if you aren’t finding what you need.
IF YOU SEARCH: woman student relaxing sitting on grass crossed legs
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Closer. Still kind of staged looking. Maybe we don’t want her studying. Maybe we just want her relaxing. Still, you start to see how specific keyword searches will really get you results.
IF YOU SEARCH: woman sitting under tree grass relaxing nature summer
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Nice. This is only a small handful of the results, but most of them more or less fit my mental image. Mostly stock images, but good for gesture sketches or figuring out a pose. Still… we could go further, and I think I will.
IF YOU SEARCH: woman sitting under tree grass relaxing nature summer senior photography
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Jackpot. Senior pictures aren’t always awkward kids in braces. Look at how much more natural a few of these look? Compare that to the “Female sitting” search. Google Search tip #1 is basically “use more and specific keywords.” But just… one more thing I just… can’t get off my mind… what if I… just…
IF YOU SEARCH: black  woman sitting under tree grass relaxing nature summer senior photography
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Uh oh. So let me level with you, if you just google “dreadlocks,” expect a lot of white people. I spent over 30 minutes adding keywords to this search, and every page was still white people. Breaking it back down to “black woman sitting on grass” helped but gave me all the boring pose issues of the female sitting search. So basically, Google Search tip #2 is: Google image search is as White as the rest of the damn world. How do we find what we’re looking for now, then?
IF YOU SEARCH: black woman sitting in grass nature tumblr blackout
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Beautiful, natural poses. Adding “photography” whitewashed it. Adding “summer” gave me bikini pinups. Searching for POC models using Google image search is infinitely more frustrating than finding a million thin white women, and you’re usually going to be better off supporting POC modeling blogs themselves than fighting with Google all day. Using “tumblr” and “instagram” as keywords may also get you a lot more natural, less Vogue Was Here hits. Pinterest too, on occasion. 
But keep in mind that these are real people–especially using tags like “tumblr” or “blackout.” There’s a difference between referencing a pose or drawing different face shapes, and outright copying someone’s exact likeness without their permission. Maybe also consider liking/reblogging/following them if they’re a model or photographer. Use some common sense. You don’t own images found on google yadda yadda don’t be a dick.
Have fun being better at search engines and learning how to draw stuff!
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roy-al-wreck · 4 years
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LUCIFER for arcadia!!!
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roy-al-wreck · 4 years
i think rick riordan should've made poseidon more of a dick. aipytys crosses into a sanctuary for poseidon one (1) time and poseidon blinds him and then kills him, like a motherfucker, and not only would poseidon drown you if you didn't like him, he'd drown you if you killed the people who did like him. i think the lost hero should've been amnesiac jason scrambling to try and find this missing kid of poseidon, because poseidon's blaming him for it, and is also threatening to drown..... the everything if someone doesn't find his favorite percy by the end of the summer. call it the son thief instead. i just think poseidon could've been more of an unreasonable dick, and that would make any fighting between jason and percy infinitely funnier, because "your dad is an unreasonable dick who accused me of stealing an object sacred to him but was wrong about it" is a funny dynamic to kick two people off with. maybe the fight in kansas should've been more about daddy issues and less about weird male posturing
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roy-al-wreck · 4 years
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The dehumanization of our people is real
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roy-al-wreck · 4 years
Give Dr Spencer Reid a fucking break
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roy-al-wreck · 4 years
““Hotch, I was a 12 year old child prodigy in a Los Vegas Public High School. You kick like a nine year old girl.””
— Reid
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roy-al-wreck · 4 years
This is why I love Ried;
Derek Morgan: California is 500 square miles.
Spencer Ried: 498.3
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roy-al-wreck · 4 years
i genuinely cannot tell which otome this is about which makes it 10x funnier
Game : ok, time to choose a character 
Me, pointing at the routeless butler with no last name : him! He’s the one I desire!! 
Game : 
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roy-al-wreck · 4 years
Imagine the foxes playing two truths and a lie…
The upperclassmen start playing it as a drinking game one night and Neil is intrigued. Andrew is also intrigued but doesn’t show it and refuses to play.
They are all already pretty tipsy, with Kevin, Matt, Nicky, and Aaron pretty much drunk.
Allison goes first, she has an amazing poker face and calmly says all three statements with no facial twitches or vocal cues. “my first car was a Toyota Camry (truth), my prom dress cost over $10k (lie), and I once made out with Miley Cyrus (truth)”
Renee, Neil, and Aaron guess right, Matt, Dan, Kevin, and Nicky have to drink.
Then it’s Matt’s turn and he is terrible, he starts snickering before he opens his mouth. “I’ve swam with sharks (truth)” he says, but he cannot control his face and it keeps contorting as he tries to maintain a neutral expression. He takes a deep breath to try and control his giggles, “my favorite flower is sunflowers (truth)” then he can’t hold it in anymore and starts hysterically laughing and chokes out, “My favorite city in the world is Newark, NJ (lie)”
Everyone gets it right and Matt has to drink.
Dan is next, she goes for the “one of these is so out there and crazy it can’t be a lie…or is it?” method.
((It is.))
Keep reading
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roy-al-wreck · 4 years
Therapists aren’t people who you “pay to pretend to care about you”, therapists are people you pay to teach you how to care for yourself
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roy-al-wreck · 4 years
Drug addicts deserve common decency no matter what drug they are addicted to, how severe their addiction is, and whether or not they are receiving help for their addiction.
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roy-al-wreck · 4 years
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magnificent energy.
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roy-al-wreck · 4 years
anyone else fucking LOVE BEING IN BED???
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roy-al-wreck · 4 years
Trump’s unidentified secret police force was not prepared to meet this guy.
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roy-al-wreck · 4 years
fantasy could be the best genre but unfortunately there are too many weird horny men writing it
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roy-al-wreck · 4 years
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This is so fucking amazing to me.  
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roy-al-wreck · 4 years
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Father teases his son on the first day to school… He wasnt exactly wrong tho.
Devilgram - An Evening’s Repose
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