roy4lg4m3r · 3 years
f4lls through th3 m4p not unl1k3 4n obl1v1on npc
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roy4lg4m3r · 3 years
I did not have emotions last night fuck you and also fuck off
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roy4lg4m3r · 3 years
h4t3 t1m3d sh1t 1n g4m3s
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roy4lg4m3r · 3 years
h4h! th4ts th3 truth!
0/10 would not pl4y 4g41n
how could you do th1s to m3? 1 thought w3 w3r3 sort of fr13nds >8[
So+rry, babe. Truth is, the game was rigged fro+m the start.
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roy4lg4m3r · 3 years
lol 1dk 1t must b3 for th3 s4d s4cks th4t dont h4v3 qu4ds
1 w1ll 4dm1t though th4t on3 rom4nc3 g4’s good m3m3 m4t3r14l 1n 1t
omg ok4y so!!!! 1ts 4 g4m3 4bout s4v1ng 3v3ryth1ng from 4 bl1ght of d4rksp4wn (b4s1c4lly gross d3mon th1ngs) 4nd f1ght1ng no l3ss th4t THR33 dr4gons! 4lso g4’s som3 rom4nc3 thrown 1n for thos3 th4t w4nt 1t. 1 could go on for3v3r 4bout th1s sh1t!
tun4 g4′s troubl3 s1tt1ng st1ll so l1k3, 1 c4nt bl4m3 h1m, you know?
hh… like dnd tthe video game… i see. tthatt makes sense… i understtand now
why would you wantt a romance opttion in a video game
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roy4lg4m3r · 3 years
how could you do th1s to m3? 1 thought w3 w3r3 sort of fr13nds >8[
r1ght! d3f gonn4 st4y on h3r n3utr4l s1d3!
w3ll 4t l34st youll 4ttr4ct 4ll th3 horr1ble luck 4w4y from m3 4nd my g4m3s lm4o so th4nks for th4t!
O+h no+, the curse pro+%imity e%tends even into+ the realm o+f the digital. Yo+u’ve already accumulated like, half o+f my curse at this po+int. This was all a distra%io+n to+ let it build up.
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roy4lg4m3r · 3 years
omg ok4y so!!!! 1ts 4 g4m3 4bout s4v1ng 3v3ryth1ng from 4 bl1ght of d4rksp4wn (b4s1c4lly gross d3mon th1ngs) 4nd f1ght1ng no l3ss th4t THR33 dr4gons! 4lso g4’s som3 rom4nc3 thrown 1n for thos3 th4t w4nt 1t. 1 could go on for3v3r 4bout th1s sh1t!
tun4 g4’s troubl3 s1tt1ng st1ll so l1k3, 1 c4nt bl4m3 h1m, you know?
try1ng to k33p my 4tt3nt1on on dr4gon 4ge or1g1ns but tun4 1s do1ng som3 s1ck k1ckfl1ps 4nd 1ts d1str4ct1ng!
whatts dragon age origins. may6e ttuna should 6e sttill for a momentt and lett you gett some peace
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roy4lg4m3r · 3 years
try1ng to k33p my 4tt3nt1on on dr4gon 4ge or1g1ns but tun4 1s do1ng som3 s1ck k1ckfl1ps 4nd 1ts d1str4ct1ng!
@roy4lg4m3r: h1! wh4ts up? 
notthing much… wattching equius sttream final fanttasy fourtteen like tthe patthettic gamer he is. whatt a6outt you
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roy4lg4m3r · 3 years
hon3stly lov3 my d4sh rn
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roy4lg4m3r · 3 years
r4d! 1ll tot3s g3t work1ng on my ch4r4ct3r 4nd dm you th3 1mport4nt stuff!
1d off3r h3lp but lm4o 1 pl4y g4m3s 1 dont run th3m
h3y @emberoops wh3n 1s th3 n3xt 3ncount3r gonn4 h4pp3n? m3 4nd tun4 w4nt 1n
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roy4lg4m3r · 3 years
4bsolut3ly not
wh4ts th3 pl4ns for ton1ght?
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roy4lg4m3r · 3 years
h3y @emberoops wh3n 1s th3 n3xt 3ncount3r gonn4 h4pp3n? m3 4nd tun4 w4nt 1n
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roy4lg4m3r · 3 years
wh4ts th3 pl4ns for ton1ght?
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roy4lg4m3r · 3 years
nvm h3 w4s just bu1ld1ng 4 g14nt bulg3 1n th3 hol3 lol
tun4 1s bu1ld1ng 4 m3mor14l for our h1v3 h3 bl3w up
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roy4lg4m3r · 3 years
tun4 1s bu1ld1ng 4 m3mor14l for our h1v3 h3 bl3w up
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roy4lg4m3r · 3 years
1d 1nv1t3 you but 1ts m1n3 4nd tun4s pr1v4t3 s3rv3r
oh minecraft sounds fun @roy4lg4m3r
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roy4lg4m3r · 3 years
r1ght! d3f gonn4 st4y on h3r n3utr4l s1d3!
w3ll 4t l34st youll 4ttr4ct 4ll th3 horr1ble luck 4w4y from m3 4nd my g4m3s lm4o so th4nks for th4t!
ok4y to b3 f41r, d4mz 1snt TH4T b4d but sh3 st1ll 1s 4 b1t spooky 4nd l1k3 out th3r3 for my t4st3s.
lm4o 1m gl4d w3 both 4gr33 th4t th3 worst 1s mostly ov3r now th4t w3v3 s33n 34ch oth3r.
Yeah, that definitely so+unds mo+re like it. She’s always given me a “capable o+f great a% o+f vio+lence at a mo+ment’s no+tice” vibe mo+re than a cursed o+ne, anyways.
And I’m no+t so+ sure abo+ut that, I think I’m still riding the wave o+f bad luck. It’s fine. I’ve a%epted it and made my peace.
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