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Royal crest of San Lorenzo-Balboa (Revised)
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The Royal House of San Lorenzo-Balboa came about after many long and bloody wars that were fought over centuries. San Lorenzo struck first, causing the deaths of thousands of innocent citizens of Balboa in the span of six months. Balboa struck back, killing many of the Nobles and their families in the Providences that bordered the one thing that the two warring countries shared: The mighty Odessa River. The banks of the river on both sides were drenched in blood, and the blood ran into the river turning it red.
Many of the citizens of both countries had become weary after 300 years of skirmishes, brief attacks and other raids. Both Countries were desperately looking for a way to end the bloodshed by any means. They had fought for so long, that even the reason for the conflict had been forgotten.
The two Royal families had been hit hard with the loss of many of the young princes, and other noblemen who had gone to fight in the war. Only two of the princes had remained alive from the House of Hawthorne in San Lorenzo who was Alex. His mother had kept him from the fighting after losing her other six sons as well as no more than nine of her Nephews.  Balboa had lost their royal princes, but a daughter was still alive and in hiding. The Royal family of Johan sent a letter by special carrier to the Royal family in San Lorenzo asking that the wars stop and they would pledge their remaining daughter as a potential bride to Prince Alex.
Several months later, Balboa’s offer was accepted and Louisa started her journey not only to San Lorenzo to fulfill the terms of the treaty but also into history. Through her, the combined country of San Lorenzo-Balboa would be regarded as the center of all political, social and cultural exchanges of the world.
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