royaltyinthepalace · 4 years
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🐷 rot in hell pigs 🐷
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royaltyinthepalace · 4 years
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Today is Breonna’s birthday. She would’ve been 27. #JusticeForBre
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royaltyinthepalace · 4 years
I need Ian Somerhalder and Kat Graham to star in a romance together. I need to see these two in a relationship to mend my Bamon heart.
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royaltyinthepalace · 5 years
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royaltyinthepalace · 6 years
even marvel knows its iron man 5 we all want
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royaltyinthepalace · 6 years
Stressed Out
I need to reduce stress fast. Why can't I control when I'm stressed?
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royaltyinthepalace · 7 years
The fact that Shownu has a happy trail makes me happier than it should.
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I mean
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This is great
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I am so happy rn
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it leads to very happy places.
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royaltyinthepalace · 7 years
This video has me dead 💀💀💀💀💀😂😂😂😂😂
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royaltyinthepalace · 7 years
Sleepy Shownu
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shownu can’t catch a break 
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royaltyinthepalace · 7 years
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LOCO IS SO CUTE IM YELLING! He’s too good for this world. Must be protected.
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royaltyinthepalace · 7 years
I'm tired of good shows getting cancelled.
Save Still Star-Crossed
I do not necessarily like doing this, as I know that it will most likely frustrate some of you to see a post about another tv show in your own tag. I apologize in advance. Although, the Still Star-Crossed fandom is in dire need of help. As some of you may already know, the show is a period drama that is set after the deaths of Romeo and Juliet.
Some may find the show quite cheesy, and whether you like that or not, it is still undoubtedly entertaining. The plot is compelling, and filled with drama. Not only that but the cast is diverse, and we finally have a black female lead in a period drama. There are a few tropes present in the show that we all know and love, such as the enemies-to-lovers trope and the arranged marriage trope.  Unfortunately, the show has been cancelled after only three episodes. The remainder of the season will be broadcast but there will be no second season. ABC did not bother to advertise it. The show would have done well if it were not for the network casting it aside, not even bothering to give it a good time slot. What I ask of you is to sign this petition to help give the show a second chance. It takes less than a minute! I would also appreciate it if you could reblog this, and spread the word. Thank you. 
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royaltyinthepalace · 7 years
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royaltyinthepalace · 7 years
For years, the characters were offered plausible deniability by having 20-something Ezra meet teenage Aria in a bar. When they hook up in the bar’s bathroom, viewers are meant to assume Ezra had no idea she was underage or that she’d take a seat in his English class at Rosedale High the following day. It’s not until Season 4 that the show reveals Ezra knew exactly who Aria was and that she was underage when he had sex with her. The big reveal that season ― Ezra was trying to write a book about Alison’s (Sasha Pieterse) “death” and began dating Aria for research ― is evidence that the series celebrates statutory rape and inappropriate relationships. In the four seasons prior to that reveal, the series sold the “Ezria” relationship not as one where a teacher was abusing his position of power and committing statutory rape, but as star-crossed lovers who are destined to be together.
huffpo article about ez/ria (via prettylittleliarsxxxx)
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royaltyinthepalace · 7 years
Just so everyone is clear
Ezra knew exactly who Aria was when he met her in that bar. He knew that she was 16. He lied to her, allowing her to feel safe in their relationship, having her lie to her friends and her family about them and eventually leading up to her choosing him over them on countless occasions. Yes he did deserve to go to jail. Teacher-student relationships are just wrong. From the beginning this relationship has been toxic b/c of everything Aria had to do for Ezra. Then we straight up find out he was manipulating her for his own selfish gains. IDC if he got shot for her b/c seriously? Who does Ezra Fitz think he is??? 
Bottom line, Ezra is scum and Aria believing that he is a saint is just so wrong on so many different levels. He’s a predator and if the show ends with him having a happily ever after instead of Tanner hauling his ass into jail, then idek
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royaltyinthepalace · 7 years
Wren DIED, Mona never got accepted, Lucas was last seen tap dancing on the fucking street, but I was supposed to be satisfied with the knowledge that asshat douchewagon impregnated Hanna…👌🏻
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royaltyinthepalace · 7 years
Yup yup!!!
Ezria. 💀💀
It shouldn’t have happened. It wasn’t cool. He’s a pedophile and the fact that was romanticized is just wrong. Aria’s parents should’ve called the police on him, like any decent parent would’ve done. Plus, it’s not like Ezra didn’t know how old she was when he met her. He was writing a book about Alison. So he knew and still messed around with her. As an adult and a teacher he should have done better.
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royaltyinthepalace · 7 years
PLL 😑😑😑😑😑
You know the only good thing Hanna did this episode was own up to the fact that her decisions had consequences. When she recognized that the reason Spencer used Archer’s card was because of the drama she caused with Caleb and Spencer; I was happy because yes you did have something to do with her not being in the right mindset. And for Caleb to sit there and tell Hanna that the mistake was all Spencer. Like asshat SIT THE FUCK DOWN AND SHUT UP. If it wasn’t for you this wouldn’t have happened in the first place. You had a part in her heartbreak and to think anyone can make that pain go away instantly is lying. Plus, you were also lying because you knew damn well you weren’t over Hanna. Because if you were you wouldn’t have slipped up. Yeah own up to your mistakes because they do have consequences. You guys hurt Spencer and she did what most people do, drink the pain away. Should she have been smart of enough not to use Archer’s card? Yes, but she wasn’t. All 3 of you are to blame for the use of Archer’s at The Radley. Spencer for making that mistake and being intoxicated. Caleb and Hanna for hurting her. In Mona’s case, Hanna shouldn’t have done that to Mona. That was not cool. And the liars + boyfriends need a reality check because if it weren’t for Mona they’d be dead or in jail. She’s saved their assets way too many times for them to treat her like that. Plus, how are Caleb, Spencer and Ashley going to say she did this to herself when they are the same people who want a free pass when they get in way to over their heads. Like no, the same rules apply, Mona should’ve just let those girls figure it out on their own. They just used her when they needed her and then kicked her out and acted like she didn’t just save your asses. It’s the same with Lucas, they want to be given the benefit of the doubt but only them though. Because everyone else deserves what they get. 😑😑😑 Remember liars you caused people a lot of hurt and if they were able to forgive you and let bygones be bygones, why can’t you?
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