rozaayworldpeace · 2 years
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rozaayworldpeace · 2 years
BLACK LIVES MATTER : Racial Perspectives on Social Media
We all know about the social movement the Black Lives Matter or BLM . This was started back in 2013 as a hashtag that became a global social movement, after the acquittal of George Zimmerman for the killing of Trayvon Martin in the United States. This is a movement that has seen great wins but also loses as well. For a movement that really started on social media and turned into someone bigger than itself its safe to say that life changing thing can really start with a hashtag just like the Me2 movement as well starting on social media and then taking a life on its own has been an amazing thing to witness. But how has race played apart on social media well it has played a really profound impact on the movement. From most of the killings that we have heard or seen have been through social media. Like the killing of George Floyd when millions of people during the pandemic lockdown people were on their phones witnessing a man being killed at the hands of the police. There have been so many killings that have been posted so many stories about how black people have been killed at the hand of police officers etc. This is also the reason why so many people have been desensitize when it comes to seeing killings on social media . But social media has been able to give us the voice to be able to speak up on the things that the news and larger platforms won't be able to.
The rise of the black lives matter movement happened so fast and so many people got involved and wanted it to make it last for a long time but other people like this was wrong and that All Lives Matter which then started a whole war on social platforms about the meaning of both hashtags and why people would even support All Lives Matter or even Blue Lives Matter ( in support of the police). Many people felt like this was a sabotage against black people and the advancement of black people in their social movement and others felt like there were people out there that just wanted to chaneglle the black community and to see if this is something that was going to last. Many people over the years then started to call the movement and now organazation a terorrist group which is something that is not new because they did the same thing with the black panther and black muslims in the 1960s and 1970s.
With a movement like this it can also become a problem because when they say black lives matter do they really mean all lives matter or do they mean " black straight men and women lives matter" or " black straight men lives matter" the reason for this is with some movements like this women and the queer tend to get over looked. There as been a rise in transgender black women killings all over the U.S. and there has not been a lot of coverage on it especially when it comes to the BLM, there is not a lot they say on that when there whole movement is to help and protect black people period. Also when Breonna Taylor was shot police there was not has much outrage as there was for George Floyd when he was killed. Even now the coverage for her was not on the level that Floyd had it and yes its because she was a woman. So does the movement really look out for all black people or is it just for one kind of black. When they notice this was happening on the Black Lives Matter website they have a Herstory and that was for black queer women work. Sadly that did not get as much traction as it was suppose to and they claim its because of the white supremacy.
We all have heard or know about Black Twitter and how it has taken over twitter by storm it is a space of black twitter uses that embrace the space that brings them together. Black twitter had a big part in how the BLM movement started and how a lot of information about the killings of black people get out on social media. It is a powerful force of users and when things need to get out to social media black twitter knows how to come together. When it comes to black twitter we found that is there is a high usage rate amongst black users. There was a thing at the time where #blacktags was a thing and people were on there being able to express their experience with people on twitter.
When it comes to the Black Lives Matter movement it has taken the world by storm and has changed so many things for the culture it has put a lot of things in the mainstream and it was a way for black people to protect through social media platforms and in person. It gave us a focus as to what we need to do as a community and learning that we need to come together more as a people. This movement is a project identity cases and that was the goal to give the movement a name and look this new generations of protectors and fighters for the rights of black people needed a look and name and BLM did that for them.
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rozaayworldpeace · 2 years
BLACK LIVES MATTER : Racial Perspectives on Social Media
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rozaayworldpeace · 2 years
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rozaayworldpeace · 2 years
GamerGate : Gender Perspectives on Social Media
GamerGate was a really big controversy in the gaming and it really gave insight on to how women in that world really get treated. Also it took a look into the gender perspectives on social media and how we tend to listen to one gender more than the other on the platforms. With a rumor being started by a man about a woman he dated and ended bad to then the woman getting threats about how she responded to the backlash she was getting was an eye opener for a lot of people because it really shows how women get treated not only in the gaming world but on social media. Like these were grown men sending death threats and bullying a grown woman online about some rumor and also because she was trying to make a change in a world that men created. Some men said that they did not like the fact that women were allowed to be apart of the gaming world and that they were too emotion for being able to create games. Also that in the world of gaming it was always meant for men and that women need to go back to doing "women" things. A lot of women in the gaming world started to come out and and speak on things that they experinced with that world and how a lot of these men really treat them poorly all because they are women not because of how talented they are but simply because of the gender they were born in.
In 2013 Zoe Quinn created a game called depression quest and it was about depression and it to give you the experience about how it feels to be depressed. When the game came out on Greenlight it got a lot of wild comments of people saying how she should kill herself throwing insults in the comments and more. In January 2014 there was an article that was released called " Female Game Designers Are Being Threaten with R*pe" . That started this whole thing about gaming journalism and how all of sudden there should be integrity in it . Many felt like now with the gamer gate there will be a lot lies coming out from women about how they are getting treated this also peaked the gaming journalism .
The way gamer gate took over the gaming world it makes us look into how the gender roles play a part in social media world and how it is still a thing. On social media platforms gender roles play a part on how people see others. There are men out there that think women need to get off certain platforms because they are not good enough to be apart of the things they do online. I see it all the time on social media that men are very quick to women about themselves in a rude way verus how women may come at men. Someone I know that in order to get more traction on social media it is better to trash women than it is men because more people will engage and most of them will be women. There are men on social media who have made a living from bashing women on social platforms and what does that tell us as a society, like why are people supporting men that does this and its sad that the only way they can get attention is if they bash women. Bashing men is cool but it does not get them the same attention that they want if they attack the other gender. Even there are pages where women do the same thing all day long just bashing men and they get a lot of attention.
In the end people like drama between to the two genders and also we see that in any work place when it comes to gender roles there are still problems that need to change for the better.
In gamer gate a lot of the people that were apart of this were people who were either unemployed , underemployed, or living with their parents. In the end it was a place for identity seeking to transform the gaming world . For social media it has been a great tool for social and political tools to get the word out there to the masses. You can never go wrong with using a social media platform to get the word you need out there and having people back you and start a movement that can change something in society.
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rozaayworldpeace · 2 years
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rozaayworldpeace · 2 years
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rozaayworldpeace · 2 years
DISABLING A MEME: Disability Perspectives on Social Media
Memes were created to be a picture expressing an emotion or a moment in time for people to see and laugh at. Memes have taken over social media in the last decade and now all platforms have a little icon that you can use that gives you memes and gif options. Even in your phone you can put memes in your text message threads with friends and family. There are so many people that have actually become famous because of memes and other have not so much liked the action because of how the probably looked in the meme or what the meme represents. From children to pets to adults anyone can become a meme, but what happens when you take the meme too far what happens when the meme is not as funny as you think it might be and that is what happened with George Takei he one day on facebook posted a meme of a disabled person and thought it was funny. Many of his followers at the time though it was not funny and it was distasteful for him to post something like this and told him to take it down. At first he told people that was not meant to harm and that it was just a joke. Once he started to get real backlash about the meme he then took it down and wrote out an apology about what happened. When it comes to things like making memes and having them has jokes on social media you really have to be careful because a lot of people that end up as memes never asked to become one. So when you see someone who is disabled you can not assume that it's a good joke let me take a picture of them. We see that a lot on social media that disabled people are an easy target fr jokes on social media and it is actually unfair for these people because we do not know how they got like this. I see that a lot with homeless disabled people and how people are always recording them and posting them on social media. They are already going through so much they do not need a million people laughing at their struggles. When you see a meme you really have to read the meme or the image before thinking of posting because you need to know is this going to harm the person or will this be taken lightly and people will see this has a joke. Many people do things for likes now and views so morally people do not care anymore if they hurt someone.
In the book they go into seeing what is actually considered a disability and there is being deaf or having hearing difficulty , vision difficulty , cognitive difficulty, self care difficulty, independent problems difficulty, and ambulatory difficulty. Those are the things that are consider by medical reason as a disability, so yes when or before you post a meme of someone in that condition check to see if they are actually alright. There are people who have sued because of some memes and wanting them to be taken off the internet but that is hard to do sometimes because at any moment someone can always post it back up. People have hundreds of memes saved in the camera roll on their phones and to say that someone won't think of just posting it back up on social media is very likely to happen.
In the video i posted before this post it takes about how cater to the disabled on your social media so that they can also be engaged and not miss out on things going on. It was very insight and something myself I want to consider doing on my social media platforms just to give those who want to be on my page they can . Also this is great for businesses as well when they create websites , social media accounts etc they can be able to reach the disabled through social media and on their website.
In the book as well they talk about the Crip Theory and how its about disabled people getting their rights in this country and making it safer place for people with disablities and making them feel like they belong. Crip comes from the word cripple which that word has been used to insult people and bring people down about being disabled. With the Crip theory in the book it says its as dangerous as the the Crip gang that is based out the Los Angles , CA and has spread bases across the U.S. The reason they said that is because the Crip theory is giving this sense of false hope for making it seem like that disabled people can be normal when they really aren't and having people think that is okay to come at disabled people in memes because they are normal to and people will find it funny. It is not a space that be played with because if someone see's a meme of a disabled person and then see's them in person they are going to get harassed and even killed from some people.
When it comes to the sociology of the disabled there is still not a lot of research about it because of wanting to know what is a real disability and how that works in the social institution , but there has been over the years more effects going into the human body research and getting more information on how the disabled can feel a sense of being normal.
So what I got from this was just know that all memes are not good memes and if you can find the creator of the meme on social media that can be hard to do but if you can find the source that can really help you into knowing if the meme is worth sharing around especially if it has someone on there that is disabled.
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rozaayworldpeace · 2 years
DISABLING A MEME: Disability Perspectives on Social Media
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rozaayworldpeace · 2 years
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rozaayworldpeace · 2 years
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rozaayworldpeace · 2 years
LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE : Sexuality Perspectives on Social Media
When Britney Spears was going through her meltdown back in 2007 with the shaving off her head and also many different moments that she had many people views on the pop star changed over the years. Many people had a lot to say about Britney and felt like she needed help and others like the media and people on social media were clowning her and making fun of her calling all types of things as if Britney was not human and actually going through something. With this case we see that Britney because of her status was not looked at like a regular person but someone who was like un touched and because of that her feelings meant nothing to a lot of people. So when Chris Crocker made the video on youtube about Leave Britney Alone there was a reason that the video went viral. It was a super fan who wanted the media and people online to leave Britney alone and realize that this woman needs help. Chris himself was at the time a 19 year old gay man and at that time he was living in a small town called Cunningham , Tennessee. In the video there was a lot of people that thought that he was a woman at first because of the hair and eyeliner that he had on in the video. So while looking into this chapter they go into the spaces of the LGBTQ+ community and seeing as to how they use social media to create their own spaces. A lot of the LGBTQ+ community has a strong presence on social media from funny videos and memes to lingo, dances, etc . They have made a very strong presence on the social platforms. There is a sense that for the community it is easy to connect with others that are just like you it is easy for a lot of people in the community to be able to express themselves in a matter that they probably can not do at home. Like I know a lot of make up artists who are in the LGBTQ+ community started to do make up on youtube and was posting it because they felt more accepted by strangers than people that they know. So social media in many ways has been a great platform for them but also has been harmful as well because of cyber bullying and because so many people from the LGBTQ+ feels so comfortable on social media many people come on there to hate on them and all the things they have going on and some people have taken their lives because of the cyber bullying especially young people in the LGBTQ+ community. Also if some have not been accepted at home in real life that can affect how they move on social media like not only finding a community but also finding romance online which is dangerous because there are people online that prey young LGBTQ+ people and use that to attack them. Also the reading and stories told online for the community became a big thing online for so many people to get away and read and have a space for them to be seen in stories they thought could not been seen.
When it comes to Social media you can create your own world and community . You can become whoever you want to be online and people have to either accept you or they do not. That is way so many people from the LGBQT+ community feel so free on social media because they can be them, they already putting themselves out there for the world to see so at that point who can judge them if the world already is and accepts them for who they are. Many of them do not fear social media because of the risk of already putting their true selves on there. We have seen so many people grow into superstars because of just being themselves online. There is always going to be someone who is going to relate to what you are saying or what you are doing, we have seen so many of them become influencers, superstars, having actual careers because they got online and decided they wanted to finally be them and express themselves in their true form. Social media has been an amazing place for that and I think a lot of LGBTQ+ people are grateful that these platforms exist for them to express themselves.
The power of the LGBTQ+ community on social media is so present as well and the culture is so strong that it has made its way to mainstream and so many other communities have benefited from the culture. The LGBTQ+ need to also be mindful of gatekeeping a lot of the things they create because there are people on social media ready to take and give credit to themselves and we have seen that over and over again in the media . With the way we speak now to the lingo's we use to the way we make memes on social media I am for certain someone from the queer community created or made it popular . Social Media and sexualilty will always have a close tie as long as people are bold in speaking their truths and expressing themselves in the way they want to.
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rozaayworldpeace · 2 years
LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE : Sexuality Perspectives on Social Media
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rozaayworldpeace · 3 years
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Elise Neal in Money Talks (1997)
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rozaayworldpeace · 3 years
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rozaayworldpeace · 3 years
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rozaayworldpeace · 3 years
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