rpblanchereyes-blog · 9 years
She held it tightly in her own and smiled gently. “Thanks, Derek,” she said, sounding relieved. She blinked and scratched her shoulder. “At least she seems to be understand that her whole world view was, well, wrong,” she admitted, “but I don’t think she’s handling it well. She looks at me funny all the time.” Blanche squinted a little, “ like she’s trying to figure out how I could be her sister and...whatever I am at the same time.”
She looked at Derek’s hand, stuff and furry, and sighed. “I was lucky enough never to be that far in...I had always something more, something different. But Sybil bought into it more than Brian did.”
Rectify situations
Blanche smiled at his kindness and reached over to lay a hand on his. Her hair fell across her face and she was silent in her thoughts. Eventually she said, “I appreciate that, but I don’t know if I can ask everyone to do that. It’s not just mental illness, it’s torture, it’s brainwashing…” Blanche coughed a little and looked Derek in the eye. “She needs more help than just me reading counseling and psychology books.”
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rpblanchereyes-blog · 9 years
Blanche smiled at his kindness and reached over to lay a hand on his. Her hair fell across her face and she was silent in her thoughts. Eventually she said, “I appreciate that, but I don't know if I can ask everyone to do that. It’s not just mental illness, it’s torture, it’s brainwashing...” Blanche coughed a little and looked Derek in the eye. “She needs more help than just me reading counseling and psychology books.”
Rectify situations
Blanche blew a breath out harshly, resting her chin on her hands, her elbows on her knees.
“I wouldn’t have blamed you,” she offered, keeping her gaze straight ahead. Eventually she leaned back, head against the back of the couch. “She’s a cornered cat, essentially,” she continued softly, “she has no where to go. She can’t go back to my parents, she doesn’t know where her girlfriend went. She can’t seek out our brother…she just has me.” She closed her eyes tightly. “I don’t think I’m enough to fix something like this.”
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rpblanchereyes-blog · 9 years
Blanche blew a breath out harshly, resting her chin on her hands, her elbows on her knees.
“I wouldn’t have blamed you,” she offered, keeping her gaze straight ahead. Eventually she leaned back, head against the back of the couch. “She’s a cornered cat, essentially,” she continued softly, “she has no where to go. She can’t go back to my parents, she doesn’t know where her girlfriend went. She can’t seek out our brother...she just has me.” She closed her eyes tightly. “I don’t think I’m enough to fix something like this.”
Rectify situations
Sybil eyebrows pinched together. She didn't’ understand, was he lying? Giving her an out? She suddenly wished she had werewolf abilities, just to see what was going on.
Blanche looked between the two of them, at Derek’s body language, at how he smelled like soot and anguish. She opened her mouth but Sybil beat her to it.
“Why are you apologizing?” She demanded, fire in her eyes for someone else other than her family, than Maxie. It didn’t make sense in her world to take the blame for something that wasn’t your fault.
“I played you,” she continued, shaking off her sister’s hand as it grabbed onto her elbow. “I wanted you to do that, I wanted…” she shuddered a breath before shaking her head. “I’m going for a walk,” she said to the room at large, before slipping out the door.
Blanche watched her leave, listened for her footsteps as the headed into the woods, crunching against gravel. 
Blanche tried to catch Derek’s eye but failed. She tutted before gracefully slipping onto the couch. “Psychological trauma is hard to sort through,” she commented finally.
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rpblanchereyes-blog · 9 years
Sybil eyebrows pinched together. She didn't’ understand, was he lying? Giving her an out? She suddenly wished she had werewolf abilities, just to see what was going on.
Blanche looked between the two of them, at Derek’s body language, at how he smelled like soot and anguish. She opened her mouth but Sybil beat her to it.
“Why are you apologizing?” She demanded, fire in her eyes for someone else other than her family, than Maxie. It didn’t make sense in her world to take the blame for something that wasn’t your fault.
“I played you,” she continued, shaking off her sister’s hand as it grabbed onto her elbow. “I wanted you to do that, I wanted...” she shuddered a breath before shaking her head. “I’m going for a walk,” she said to the room at large, before slipping out the door.
Blanche watched her leave, listened for her footsteps as the headed into the woods, crunching against gravel. 
Blanche tried to catch Derek’s eye but failed. She tutted before gracefully slipping onto the couch. “Psychological trauma is hard to sort through,” she commented finally.
Rectify situations
Blanche wanted to say so many things. That it was stupid to come looking for them, that she should have listened to them. That coming here, to her alpha was probably the worst thing she could have done. She wondered how much this would set things back.
“And the little heart to heart with Derek?” She questioned, eyeing her sister. Sybil pursed her lips. “Saw an opportunity, I guess,” she answered, glancing at the door.
Blanche growled and closed her eyes. “You should apologize,” Blanche insisted when she opened them, slightly more calm.
Sybil did feel guilty, which was new. It was acidic. Who knows what this wolf had been through, and she used him.
She always used people.
A self hatred she hadn’t experienced before welled up in her mouth, her palms grew sweaty.
“I am, uh,” she tried twisting towards the kitchen, “sorry, I mean.”
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rpblanchereyes-blog · 9 years
Blanche wanted to say so many things. That it was stupid to come looking for them, that she should have listened to them. That coming here, to her alpha was probably the worst thing she could have done. She wondered how much this would set things back.
“And the little heart to heart with Derek?” She questioned, eyeing her sister. Sybil pursed her lips. “Saw an opportunity, I guess,” she answered, glancing at the door.
Blanche growled and closed her eyes. “You should apologize,” Blanche insisted when she opened them, slightly more calm.
Sybil did feel guilty, which was new. It was acidic. Who knows what this wolf had been through, and she used him.
She always used people.
A self hatred she hadn’t experienced before welled up in her mouth, her palms grew sweaty.
“I am, uh,” she tried twisting towards the kitchen, “sorry, I mean.”
Rectify situations
Blanche watched him struggle into the kitchen before turning back to her sister. She felt awful, and she’d deal with it, but she need to tend to the mess in front of her.
She had curled in on herself and refused to look up from the floor. “Why didn’t you just call,” she prompted, running a hand through Sybil’s blonde hair.
At first, Sybil didn’t answer. Slowly she whispered, “I, uh broke the cell phone.”
Blanche blinked before blankly asking, “why?”
Sybil moved her shoulders up closer to her head, like she was shrinking. Sybil used to know her place in the world and never would have made herself smaller for anyone. Now, though, things were different.
“Brian called,” she answered simply, sounding increasingly uncomfortable.
Blanche shoulder’s sagged and her eyes grew sad as she rubbed her face. “So, you got suicidal, panicked, and came looking for one of us,” she supplied. Sybil didn’t answer but Blanche knew she was right.
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rpblanchereyes-blog · 9 years
Blanche watched him struggle into the kitchen before turning back to her sister. She felt awful, and she’d deal with it, but she need to tend to the mess in front of her.
She had curled in on herself and refused to look up from the floor. “Why didn’t you just call,” she prompted, running a hand through Sybil’s blonde hair.
At first, Sybil didn’t answer. Slowly she whispered, “I, uh broke the cell phone.”
Blanche blinked before blankly asking, “why?”
Sybil moved her shoulders up closer to her head, like she was shrinking. Sybil used to know her place in the world and never would have made herself smaller for anyone. Now, though, things were different.
“Brian called,” she answered simply, sounding increasingly uncomfortable.
Blanche shoulder’s sagged and her eyes grew sad as she rubbed her face. “So, you got suicidal, panicked, and came looking for one of us,” she supplied. Sybil didn’t answer but Blanche knew she was right.
Rectify situations
The front porch smelled like salt and summer, and nightshade.
Why did she smell her sister here?
Blanche sensed the anger from the Hale house and suddenly wished Erica hadn’t gotten sidetracked. She didn’t know if she could deal with this many emotions on her own.
She slammed open the door just in time to hear Sybil shouting, “I don’t feel pain anymore! They trained me not to!”
Blanche saw Derek beginning to shift and had a moment of being unsure who she should hold back. She knew they were equally as dangerous.
“Sybil.” She demanded, calming herself. Sybil deflated and looked like she was just going to run. Blanche caught her arm and stood her down. “No one’s gonna do anything,” she stated, glancing at her alpha, then back at her sister. “Especially not by themselves. You weren’t supposed to leave the house!” She hissed. Sybil ducked her head and said nothing.
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rpblanchereyes-blog · 9 years
The front porch smelled like salt and summer, and nightshade.
Why did she smell her sister here?
Blanche sensed the anger from the Hale house and suddenly wished Erica hadn’t gotten sidetracked. She didn’t know if she could deal with this many emotions on her own.
She slammed open the door just in time to hear Sybil shouting, “I don’t feel pain anymore! They trained me not to!”
Blanche saw Derek beginning to shift and had a moment of being unsure who she should hold back. She knew they were equally as dangerous.
“Sybil.” She demanded, calming herself. Sybil deflated and looked like she was just going to run. Blanche caught her arm and stood her down. “No one’s gonna do anything,” she stated, glancing at her alpha, then back at her sister. “Especially not by themselves. You weren’t supposed to leave the house!” She hissed. Sybil ducked her head and said nothing.
Rectify situations
She sighed hugely before sitting up straight. Her vision blurred and she fought to stay upright.
“Then who is,” she ground out, steely gaze on him. Derek’s eyes narrowed and he didn’t answer.
Desperation gouged into her chest. “Who!?” She screamed, pounding her fist against the ground before seeming to come to some conclusion.
“Hit me,” she demanded, needing him to understand. They were trying to fix her but she couldn’t be fixed. She wasn’t broken, she was created to be this way. “Hit me, it won’t hurt.” Derek didn’t move and Sybil grew angry.
��I stabbed him,” she concluded simply, staggering to her feet. She could feel the bruise forming. That was normal, it felt right on her skin. She could sense Derek’s anger and wished she had been able to get that out before. Then she would be dead. 
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rpblanchereyes-blog · 9 years
Blanche ignored his comment and took his hand to his him some solace while she whispered against his face, “you need to trust a little bit,” before giving him a stern look.
She tugged them all forward, determined to get him comfortable and less tense.
no hiding from the truth || Peter, Erica, Blanche
It was fairly dark out by the time Peter made his way back onto the streets. He was exhausted and still off balance in more ways than one, but he needed to be home. Just needed to get away from everything and go back to his own bed.
He didn’t make it far before he spotted someone familiar coming his direction–two familiar women if his eyes did not deceive him.
He tried to make himself smaller, tried to hide away as he walked in their general direction. He knew it was probably a moot point, but if maybe they’d ignore him if it was obvious he didn’t want their attention. He was fairly certain that the obvious lack of right arm would certainly draw their attention anyway, but he could hope.
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rpblanchereyes-blog · 9 years
Blanche slowly ran the hand against Peter’s head. She caught Erica’s look and pulled Peter forward. “Let’s go to your place, okay? We’ll figure everything out,” she promised, keeping close against him.
She sensed the increasing danger that they were all in because someone had done this to Peter.
Did this sort of thing never end?
no hiding from the truth || Peter, Erica, Blanche
It was fairly dark out by the time Peter made his way back onto the streets. He was exhausted and still off balance in more ways than one, but he needed to be home. Just needed to get away from everything and go back to his own bed.
He didn’t make it far before he spotted someone familiar coming his direction–two familiar women if his eyes did not deceive him.
He tried to make himself smaller, tried to hide away as he walked in their general direction. He knew it was probably a moot point, but if maybe they’d ignore him if it was obvious he didn’t want their attention. He was fairly certain that the obvious lack of right arm would certainly draw their attention anyway, but he could hope.
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rpblanchereyes-blog · 9 years
Blanche held onto him like she was afraid he was going to disappear, which considering the circumstances, was a legitimate fear. This was her friend and now she could smell terror on him, confusion. She looked to him to answer Erica’s question, then pulled back slightly.
“Darling,” she began, taking a hold of his face and looking him in the eye, “what happened?”
no hiding from the truth || Peter, Erica, Blanche
It was fairly dark out by the time Peter made his way back onto the streets. He was exhausted and still off balance in more ways than one, but he needed to be home. Just needed to get away from everything and go back to his own bed.
He didn’t make it far before he spotted someone familiar coming his direction–two familiar women if his eyes did not deceive him.
He tried to make himself smaller, tried to hide away as he walked in their general direction. He knew it was probably a moot point, but if maybe they’d ignore him if it was obvious he didn’t want their attention. He was fairly certain that the obvious lack of right arm would certainly draw their attention anyway, but he could hope.
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rpblanchereyes-blog · 9 years
Blanche was not to be swayed and circled her arms around Peter, pulling him close against her. She said nothing but rocked them a little. She didn’t mind having an audience, she appreciated Erica’s concern. Even she knew what that smelled like.
no hiding from the truth || Peter, Erica, Blanche
It was fairly dark out by the time Peter made his way back onto the streets. He was exhausted and still off balance in more ways than one, but he needed to be home. Just needed to get away from everything and go back to his own bed.
He didn’t make it far before he spotted someone familiar coming his direction–two familiar women if his eyes did not deceive him.
He tried to make himself smaller, tried to hide away as he walked in their general direction. He knew it was probably a moot point, but if maybe they’d ignore him if it was obvious he didn’t want their attention. He was fairly certain that the obvious lack of right arm would certainly draw their attention anyway, but he could hope.
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rpblanchereyes-blog · 9 years
Blanche could smell something foul emitting from Erica and sagged her shoulders. She knew what her cousin felt about Peter, but she knew him, better than Erica could. She knew he had done terrible things, but she had seen past them.
What she saw now scared her. He tried to show it but he seemed to shrink into himself. She reached out anyway and touched his chest. “Peter.” This time it wasn’t a question.
no hiding from the truth || Peter, Erica, Blanche
It was fairly dark out by the time Peter made his way back onto the streets. He was exhausted and still off balance in more ways than one, but he needed to be home. Just needed to get away from everything and go back to his own bed.
He didn’t make it far before he spotted someone familiar coming his direction–two familiar women if his eyes did not deceive him.
He tried to make himself smaller, tried to hide away as he walked in their general direction. He knew it was probably a moot point, but if maybe they’d ignore him if it was obvious he didn’t want their attention. He was fairly certain that the obvious lack of right arm would certainly draw their attention anyway, but he could hope.
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rpblanchereyes-blog · 9 years
Blanche turned and looked at Erica’s confused and worried face before catching her eye. She nodded solemnly before lightly dropping Erica’s hand to step towards him. All she could feel was dread and fear. She cared about Peter, and he had disappeared. She hadn’t been angry at him, but it had hurt. She had needed support, needed pack, and he wasn’t there. His obvious lack of limb caused her gut to drop.
“Peter?” she called out, coming closer to him.
no hiding from the truth || Peter, Erica, Blanche
It was fairly dark out by the time Peter made his way back onto the streets. He was exhausted and still off balance in more ways than one, but he needed to be home. Just needed to get away from everything and go back to his own bed.
He didn’t make it far before he spotted someone familiar coming his direction–two familiar women if his eyes did not deceive him.
He tried to make himself smaller, tried to hide away as he walked in their general direction. He knew it was probably a moot point, but if maybe they’d ignore him if it was obvious he didn’t want their attention. He was fairly certain that the obvious lack of right arm would certainly draw their attention anyway, but he could hope.
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rpblanchereyes-blog · 9 years
Blanche stared at him before looking past him and attempting to regulate her breathing. He was right, and she knew that. It was doing it that was so difficult. Her labored breath lessened and she hauled herself to her feet. She opened her mouth then closed it, shuffling from foot to foot in front of Derek. 
The wind rustled her blonde hair, making her appear like she was floating, but she had lost of a lot of the seamless control over herself that she once had. Life had never been easy, but she had understood it. 
Flashing eyes SP
Blanche panted out curses as she slipped and practically flew into some under brush around her. The scratches and bruisees healed before they had really formed and it bothered her. She was supposed to feel pain and ignore it, that made her strong. Not this speed healing. 
Her eyes flashed as she dragged her knees out from under her. She shouldn’t have gotten so angry, but she had. Blanche had never felt her emotions so acutely before. 
She was distracted with her internal ramblings that she failed to here the footsteps following her until Derek was almost upon her. 
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rpblanchereyes-blog · 9 years
Flashing eyes SP
Blanche panted out curses as she slipped and practically flew into some under brush around her. The scratches and bruisees healed before they had really formed and it bothered her. She was supposed to feel pain and ignore it, that made her strong. Not this speed healing. 
Her eyes flashed as she dragged her knees out from under her. She shouldn’t have gotten so angry, but she had. Blanche had never felt her emotions so acutely before. 
She was distracted with her internal ramblings that she failed to here the footsteps following her until Derek was almost upon her. 
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rpblanchereyes-blog · 9 years
Blanche smiled at her beautiful friend, thinking to herself that she had never really had people she could just hangout with in her life before. Having a pack had changed all that. Even when she changed, they stood by her. Helped her. That meant something. "I don't know how to do this," she admitted, giggling a little at herself.
Allison & Blanche || Catching Up
Her smile faltered a little with her nerves. She had never had friends before. Pack, something echoed it in her mind. Allison was pack. “I wanted a girls day. Maybe?” She said stupidly, suddenly shy.
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rpblanchereyes-blog · 9 years
Her smile faltered a little with her nerves. She had never had friends before. Pack, something echoed it in her mind. Allison was pack. "I wanted a girls day. Maybe?" She said stupidly, suddenly shy.
Allison & Blanche || Catching Up
Blanche glided through the doorway and stood upright. She may have seemed aloof or arrogant if it wasn’t for the blinding, innocent smile carved into her face. “Hey Allison!” She chirped cheerily, hands clasped in front of her dress that was covered in a huge red coat.
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