rpcdocs · 10 months
Good afternoon, RPC Docs! I have expanded my story with a Google Doc containing screenshots of my conversations. I figure it might interest you. Take care!
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rpcdocs · 10 months
With this all exploding I really want to put this on somewhere that people can see it; (sectioning it bc wow I really do type too much and I'm so so sorry for that) AWARENESS ---- Hello - I was a member of JCC staff. I had absolutely no clue what was going on until the JCC was closing and everyone was dipping out. The server had been put into lock down for almost an hour before I was even aware of that happening.
In absolutely no way do I condone the dismissive reaction held by the administration of the JCC and had I been aware prior to all of this I would've made it clear that this is not something to ignore or dismiss.
I also have been messaged by other staff members asking what happened bc I popped into staff chat going "uhmmm?" to receive a very lacking message regarding only the closure of the server and not what actually had transpired. I had messaged a member who had tagged all JCC staff in a (rightfully) upset message to ask the member what happened after deleting the message in my confusion, and that's how I got any details in the first place as I very rarely use tumblr and almost never look at gossip blogs unless something is linked to me directly.
Please, PLEASE, do not lump all of the moderators into this purely for being on the JCC staff list. I'm finding I am not the only JCC moderator who was unaware of the situation and in pure disagreement with the course of action taken. From what I can gather with who I have spoken to, the majority of us only starting to find out and are certainly not in agreement.
APPOLOGY ---- I do also want to apologize sincerely for my lack of activity in the server which caused me to miss something so drastic in the first place. The JCC is most definitely better off being closed when I consider how many moderators there were and how few of us were capable of making the time to look and see what was going.
Ultimately, I, and the others, didn't even have a chance to weigh input before everything had tipped over. The first message in mod chat regarding any of this was me after being tagged by the upset message, asking "uhhmmm?"
All it would've taken is for one of us to tag each other in the mod chat before it escalated for any one of us to say "wait a minute, this really isn't okay." Ultimately us having to say anything about it in the first place tells me the JCC needed to close regardless, but that doesn't change the fact we could've had a better impact.
I appreciate anyone who's taken the moment to say "not your fault" and all, but I sincerely hadn't even opened the server in close to 2 months due to personal reason. The administration did make the decision, of course, but I do still feel it is important to acknowledge I wasn't there when it counted & to let you guys know that I'm sorry about it.
LAST LITTLE NOTE ---- This big mess is definitely a reminder to me that any moderation in a resource for this community isn't something that should be taken lightly. Even though this is a hobby, it's also a full blown community with literal thousands of users relying on the staff of resources to treat that seriously.
I'm grateful that the resources I am seeing outside of the JCC have treated this situation the way it should've been, and I definitely want to recognize that.
We as resources aren't the RP police, but we are often the first line of communication for members to sites & other writers. That comes with taking the most basic steps in protecting said members from predatory content such as what has been displayed.
At a certain point, the scope of involvement doesn't matter - and as a parent I'd say that stands way before it get's to the point it did. Attempting to hide behind that scope to protect friends from the consequences of their actions - especially something of this level - is entirely unacceptable. BIG THANK YOU IF ANYONE ACTUALLY READS ALL OF THAT IM SORRY THAT I TYPE SO MUCH T.T & I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a lot more thoughts. If anyone has questions for me, my discord DMs are open just please understand I work weird hours and may not reply right away.
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rpcdocs · 10 months
jcc staff muted the channel when people were asking what they were going to do about sasha. then they deleted the posts and told people if they didn't like it they could leave the server. the person posting all the laughing emojis is mimi. she runs a site with essi unperson. jcc is siding with a known pedophile because essi is friends with the pedophile. i'm done with jcc. they are sick and shouldn't be representing our community. fuck them
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rpcdocs · 10 months
tw pedo - take a look at sasha’s reddit account (u/mongerboss) and you’ll find she’s posted about underage smut recently.
i believe you. i just can’t read another one of her narcissistic attempts at seeming intelligent via 4chan rant format
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rpcdocs · 10 months
audrey aka nightcars
no, but we are in the same gc. close! hi girlll @nightcars
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rpcdocs · 10 months
"but if you (in this case, you are me) submitted proof of liminal issues to tattler including links and they deleted them all for hours, but posted vague asks about the issue that had everyone confused since names weren’t named in the ones they chose to post, forcing you to make a blog just to get the word out to protect people and let them know the depth of rach’s enabling, and someone came to you saying tattler may be hiding their own issues, wouldn’t you post and ask them to send you proof?" lol except they are posting everything. links and screenshots. doesn't look like they deleted posts for hours to me. they've been posting on it all day. to me it looks like you're going after tattler. for why? shouldn't we be going after sasha and her lackys
when this first kicked off (aka, not today) myself and a group of people in a gc submitted multiple posts. some named sasha, liminal, and rach, and only one did not. the one that didn’t was submitted last, and that was the first and only one tattler posted at the start.
and then even as her other asks were “please tell us who this is! the community needs to know! you’re evil for being vague!” they still never posted our asks naming names. only hours later did they post some by other people, while deleting many posts along the way.
edit: they only really started posting those after user daniclaytons was also naming liminal, rach, and sasha in the replies.
i’m the one that made the doc that has been all over this rpc, i’m the one that by chance stumbled upon sasha even telling her story in barbermonger. how am i not going after her? lol
but also i don’t care to go after her as much as i care about holding the liminal and jcc staff teams responsible. sasha is banned off my servers and sites already, and they’re never going to stop writing gross stuff (she’s admitted that) but she’s still in jcc. that’s the problem
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rpcdocs · 10 months
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it’s either true, it’s tattler themselves, or someone else trying to stir the pot, but they always have admitted in barbermonger’s open chat when they sent something to tattler so if you’re following them, you could see. either way i’m unbothered. again, i just think essi needs to ban these people from jcc and rach needs to say something other than “come dm me for my side”
don’t make me the new tattler, i have a life
you know those asks saying tattler is a pedo are probs from sasha and her follows right? if they knew who tattler was they would expose her. they don't and tattler has actively said they are deleting submissions that support of sasha. this is her way of getting back at tattler. bc tats has been open for a long time now and there have never been any allocations against her. not on jcinkanon or any of the other tea blogs. and now that this has happened it's just too convenient that you suddenly are getting an ask saying tattler is a pedo? why give them a platform? it's disgusting and you saying you're not surprised without proof. when tats are been posting all of this condemning info. there are screenshots of tats everywhere for shit she's said. if something like this happened there would be proof and it would have come up a thousand times over. disappointing. this would be all too convenient if you were sasha or her followers posting all of this for attention. gross
i’m very much not sasha, a group of people know my identity. the only reason i’m anonymous here is because i don’t trust sasha’s server not to attack me, since they already have called me a fascist and joked about my death tonight.
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but if you (in this case, you are me) submitted proof of liminal issues to tattler including links and they deleted them all for hours, but posted vague asks about the issue that had everyone confused since names weren’t named in the ones they chose to post, forcing you to make a blog just to get the word out to protect people and let them know the depth of rach’s enabling, and someone came to you saying tattler may be hiding their own issues, wouldn’t you post and ask them to send you proof?
i didn’t say i believed it, i said i wouldn’t be surprised. it took probably 30 asks for tattler to even begin posting any.
also i’ve been watching sasha and their friends chat long enough that the ask didn’t seem like the way any of them would write. i’m not stupid. they’ve been stalking this blog all day and talking about it, and yet never sent a single anon. if someone has proof they want to offer of tattler, they can. if not, they won’t.
also like 5 people follow me, why would an accusation here do any damage to tattler lol
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rpcdocs · 10 months
prev anon, drop the proof about tats
been waiting on it for hours. let’s have it
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rpcdocs · 10 months
you know those asks saying tattler is a pedo are probs from sasha and her follows right? if they knew who tattler was they would expose her. they don't and tattler has actively said they are deleting submissions that support of sasha. this is her way of getting back at tattler. bc tats has been open for a long time now and there have never been any allocations against her. not on jcinkanon or any of the other tea blogs. and now that this has happened it's just too convenient that you suddenly are getting an ask saying tattler is a pedo? why give them a platform? it's disgusting and you saying you're not surprised without proof. when tats are been posting all of this condemning info. there are screenshots of tats everywhere for shit she's said. if something like this happened there would be proof and it would have come up a thousand times over. disappointing. this would be all too convenient if you were sasha or her followers posting all of this for attention. gross
i’m very much not sasha, a group of people know my identity. the only reason i’m anonymous here is because i don’t trust sasha’s server not to attack me, since they already have called me a fascist and joked about my death tonight.
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but if you (in this case, you are me) submitted proof of liminal issues to tattler including links and they deleted them all for hours, but posted vague asks about the issue that had everyone confused since names weren’t named in the ones they chose to post, forcing you to make a blog just to get the word out to protect people and let them know the depth of rach’s enabling, and someone came to you saying tattler may be hiding their own issues, wouldn’t you post and ask them to send you proof?
i didn’t say i believed it, i said i wouldn’t be surprised. it took probably 30 asks for tattler to even begin posting any.
also i’ve been watching sasha and their friends chat long enough that the ask didn’t seem like the way any of them would write. i’m not stupid. they’ve been stalking this blog all day and talking about it, and yet never sent a single anon. if someone has proof they want to offer of tattler, they can. if not, they won’t.
also like 5 people follow me, why would an accusation here do any damage to tattler lol
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rpcdocs · 10 months
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submission: sasha admitting to being an adult / college aged dating a high schooler
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rpcdocs · 10 months
tattler has talked to children in very suggestive ways before jsyk. I know who they actually are, so it's ironic to see them going so hard over someone being into csa when they're into it too and talks to kids about it
i was only ever using tattler as a platform to let people know the truth about liminal without revealing myself, i don’t know or am friends with the account or whoever is behind it. but that’s real gross and doesn’t surprise me, since i know those who submitted some of the first posts to tattler about sasha and rach and they were never posted. at least not until the entire community was filling their inbox and they had no choice, i imagine. if you do know who they are, let me know and i can attempt to do something about it
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rpcdocs · 10 months
from rpcdocs: i do want to say my desire to post what sasha said was to point out how the liminal and jcc staff behaved, knowing full well who sasha was and that she was banned from jcink sites before. in a way she was right, she forewarned them and they proceeded to accept a personally extended invite. she’s even still in some of these servers.
staff turned on staff for a few members (sasha’s invited friends), who realistically only joined to push limits and now claim that 3-3-3 should have entitled them to write anything they want, regardless of csa being a pretty common trigger. they talk about community and acceptance and yet have no interest in anything but being selfish.
but it isn’t all their fault. the red flags were all there. it’s jcink admin’s responsibility to either support these people or not, and make that stance very clear so members can stay or leave, not waffle on their values so members feel unheard with concerns.
that being said, i don’t want sasha & co in my spaces because i run discords as well, hence the copy id’s to ban from servers. nothing about their writing is worth the toxicity, as they claim it should. nor do i want people like rach, essi, and anyone friendly and co-signing her behavior in liminal and jcc to be there either.
do better, jcink. if you make a site that allows that level of triggering content, make it extremely clear. don’t integrate people in when you have an existing member base that is expecting a level of safety 99% of us all expected from you.
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rpcdocs · 10 months
what is barbermonger?
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rpcdocs · 10 months
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correct, i am smart enough to check user profiles
a list of sasha’s defenders and their copy id’s so you too can ban them from your servers (small list, i’ll add to it if it turns out sasha has more than a handful of people defending her in a 1000 person server):
chainsawsasha - 243572005260099586
rrrawrf - 152218068586594305
lawyerpilled - 255452552148025346
itskarenterry - 269133364966064128
lolisa - 380456716116164608
lunamora - 387981263010660353
misterbutterfly - 359122707465502731
.shana_ - 344310277954863114
innocent_ghoul - 603590547797442560
epi cnty4newz - 208990647712088064
mistakenforstrangers - 219927541169913856
saltylomaigai - 1132012773879070761
snotbox - 199736905036726281
queenoflimbs - 1012736573051240508
mespeder - 205312845716389893
teachesforpeaches - 987371261128761425
jonnykisser - 526812869166235648
honeygoblingin - 118436149701115909
zhenya bird.mp3 - 248651093419098113
cofl_ - 200289823964135424 (upon request)
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rpcdocs · 10 months
proof is on doc below
Sasha is on her server admitting that she forewarned the Liminal staff she was always going to write grooming, that they were dumb enough to let her, and that even after this went down, Rach still offered her a spot to join a private site to write the offending content. My god.
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rpcdocs · 10 months
trigger warning for pedophilia and grooming mentions.
a summary of what went on with sasha on their server barbermonger. explains both before liminal and after, and that they were well known to be an issue. liminal mods joined this server and would have been able to see her posted content if nothing else @rpctattler
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