rpexagon · 1 month
patience. use the force. think.
you're the closest thing i have to a father.
why don't you listen to me?
and so, they've finally given you an assignment.
your patience has paid off.
in time, you will learn to trust your feelings. and then you will be invincible.
i see you are becoming the greatest of all jedi, even more powerful than master yoda.
he is not ready to be given this assignment on his own yet.
he still has much to learn.
his abilities have made him arrogant.
if the prophecy is true, your apprentice is the only one who can bring the force back into balance.
i do not like this idea of hiding.
sometimes we must let go of our pride, and do what is requested of us.
all mentors have a way of seeing more of our faults than we would like.
it's the only way we grow.
don't try to grow up too fast.
i should think you jedi should have more respect for the difference between knowledge and wisdom.
well, if droids could think, there'd be none of us here, wouldn't there?
if an item does not appear in our records, it does not exist.
are you allowed to love? thought that was forbidden for a jedi.
attachment is forbidden. possession is forbidden. compassion, which i would define as unconditional love, is central to a jedi's life. so you might say that we are encouraged to love.
you're exactly the way i remember you in my dreams.
you've changed so much.
you haven't changed.
the day we stop believing democracy can work is the day we lose it.
clones can think creatively. you'll find they are superior to droids.
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rpexagon · 2 years
1. when are you usually online?
2. what verses are you involved in outside of this page?
3. what is your biggest RP pet peeve?
4. are you drawn to specific types of muses?
5. are there recurring themes in your writing that people might not notice?
6. what are your favorite RP trends?
7. what is your process for starting a new story with someone?
8. how do you feel about duplicates?
9. how long have you been involved in roleplaying?
10. is there a muse or verse you wish you could write in, but haven’t?
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rpexagon · 2 years
Couldn't look you in the eye.
I don't belong here.
I don't care if it hurts.
I want you to notice when I'm not around.
I’m on your side.
You’re living in a fantasy world.
I got a message I can’t read.
I have seen too much.
We’re not scaremongering.
Take the money, run!
I wanted to tell you but you never listened.
You never understand.
Red wine and sleeping pills help me get back to your arms.
Cheap sex and sad films help me get back where I belong.
I will see you in the next life.
I can’t even recognize you.
After years of waiting nothing came, and you realize you’re looking in the wrong place.
There was nothing to fear and nothing to doubt.
There are trapdoors that you can’t come back from.
You forget so easy.
I want you to know he’s not coming back.
If you’d been a dog, they would have drowned you at birth.
It’s the only way you’ll know I’m telling the truth.
We all have goals in a liberal world.
Once again, I’m in trouble with my only friend.
While you make pretty speeches, I’m being cut to shreds.
There’s a gap where we meet, where I end and you begin.
I can watch but not take part.
You left me alone.
You had to shred our big day.
Hypocrite opportunist, don’t infect me with your poison.
You should put me in a home or you should put me down.
That wasn’t my intention.
I did it for a reason.
Now no one likes a smartarse but we all like stars.
Dance you fucker.
Don’t look in the mirror at the face you don’t recognize.
31 notes · View notes
rpexagon · 2 years
1. What have you learned about people in the recent years of your life? 2. What got you started in your current job and how does it compare to your first job? 3. What’s your story? Give a paragraph statement (or two) about yourself and/or why you are roving the RP internet. 4. What do you feel most fulfilled doing? 5. What do you hope to see at your funeral/wake/burial/cremation? What do you think you’ll actually see? 6. What are you going to do after this rp session? 7. What’s the first thing we’d see in your fridge? 8. What of yourself has surprised you in these recent years? 9. What is the last thing you remember dreaming about? 10. What does your everyday, average day look like?
11. Why did you last take a risk and what was it? 12. Do you like having many friends, just a handful, one, or none? Why? 13. If you could live in a movie or movie franchise, which would it be? Why? 14. Think about one of the things you would really like to do, try or learn. Do you plan to do it eventually? Why haven’t you done it?  15. For working people, why are you doing the job you’re doing now? For students, why are you studying the course you’re in now? For working people who are studying, why are you doing so and what are your plans? 16. Do you find communication easy or difficult? Why? 17. Why is this year better than last year? Or why was last year better than this year? 18. Why did your last relationship (friendship, romantic, work-based, etc) end? Did you burn the bridge completely? What did you learn? 19. Why did you quit your last job? Are you in a better place now? 20. Why are you really RPing? 
21. Who do you go to for help? Do you often try to handle things yourself? If you’ve needed help before and not asked for it, why? 22. Who haven’t you met in person before and would like to? 23. Who are you meeting this week? 24. If you could have any neighbour you wanted in the world, who would it be and why? 25. Who is someone you admire? 26. If you were a superhero, who would be your archenemy? 27. Who was the last person who gave you something and what was it? 28. If you could switch lives with anyone for a day, who would you be? 29. Who are your favourite characters? 30. When you go for a meal with friends, who pays? How do you split the bill?
31. When was the last time you did something for someone and what was it? Did you have a motive behind it or was it something you did out of being genuine? 32. When do you usually go to bed? Do you fall asleep immediately? 33. When is the right time to say no? (Choose your topic) 34. When was the last time you thanked someone and why? 35. When was the last time you took an exam and how was your preparation for it? How was your exam? 36. When was the last time your tried something new and what was it? 37. When was the last time someone texted you and what about? 38. When was the last time you had a mental breakdown? 39. When was the last time you told someone something no one else knows about; a secret? 40. When was the last time you were hugged or gave someone a hug?
41. Where do you see yourself in five years’ time? 42. Where would you go for a holiday if it was your last chance to on this earth? 43. Where do you go for the best tea/coffee/lunch/brunch? 44. Think about some strong opinions (about anything) that you have. Could be about RP, life, school, work, people. Where did that come from; what happened to make you feel or think that way? 45. Where else would you like to live? Why? 46. On a scale of one to ten, how happy are you with where life has taken you so far? What are the areas you want to improve in? 47. Where did you go last week? 48. If you could time travel, where and when would you go?  49. Where is your least favourite place and why? 50. Where would be the scariest place in the world to you? Why?
51. How do you think the RP/Fandom community has grown or changed since you started? 52. How would your friends and/or family describe you? How different are you really to what they’d describe you with?  53. How would you respond if someone is rude to you or has done you wrong? 54. Aside from writing, how do you spend your free time? 55. Is there someone in your life you feel you should be spending more time with? How much time are you spending with them now? 56. How important is getting to know a mun when writing with them?  57. Name one or two other hobbies apart from writing you have. How did you get into them? 58. How important is writing to you? 59. How old were you when you first felt that you were truly independent? 60. How do you want to spend your next birthday?
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