rpwriter · 8 days
Fundraising help
Hello everyone. I'm part of an amazing FNAF film project that's fan-made. We need your help to bring it to life and to hire more people. If you have any money to give, we'd appreciate it greatly. Here's the link to the GoFundMe.
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rpwriter · 1 month
COD WW2 rp
Hello everyone. I'm looking to do an rp on Discord. Specifically, I'm looking for anyone who can play as Her Heinrich from COD WW2. I'll be playing as my OC.
General Rules:
I only interact with 21+
Don't control my character
Please use OOC marks, when we're not roleplaying. That way we can keep it organized.
No spamming: Please don't go out of your way to spam me with messages if I don't reply in 10 minutes or less. I have a life outside of Amino and I know you do too. If I don't respond in 24 hours, you can just send me a small reminder. I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
No smut.
About me-
My age:21
My Literacy:Semi-lit (open to others, except one-liners)
My time zone:EST (open to time zones close to that.)
I usually send in quick replies. I'll be busy somewhat busy till May 10th. Though I'm fairly active during weekends.
*Quick note: Please be active ooc. I've dealt with partners before where I'm the one carrying the conversation. Even putting in bios or starters and getting no kind of response back. So please don't be that person.*
If anyone is interested. Comment or pm and I'll send my username.
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rpwriter · 1 month
Star Wars rp
Hello, I'm looking for a partner to do this rp with.
I'm looking for someone who can play as either Grievous, Cad Bane, or an imperial OC. Specifically a doctor or scientist. (Think of Dr. Hemlock from the Bad Batch.)
I'll be playing as one of my OCs. I'll give their bio in Discord.
Please be Semi-lit or above. 18+, and have Discord.
There'll be no smut.
If interested, comment or message.
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rpwriter · 1 month
WW2 rp
Hello, I'm looking for a partner to do this historical fiction rp with me.
I'm looking for someone who can play as an SS officer or guard.
I'll be playing a nurse, who works in one of the camps. She secretly aides the prisoners and makes sure that they are treated with kindness under her care.
Please be at least Semi-lit. Please be 18 or above, and have Discord.
I can play npcs to help the rp along.
*Note: I don't condone the actions of Nazis or anti-Semitism and any other bad ideology. This rp is just to delve into that dark time period.*
If interested, comment or message.
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