rrrrowan · 5 years
Kitty: idk, face masks probably judging by the size of your pores
Kitty: clay masks arre The Thing for that, btw
Kitty: a hot tip from one angel to a former devil worshiper
Rowan: Oh man, are they really that bad?
Rowan: I usually use sheet masks, maybe I do need to change over to clay. Do you have any brand recommendations??
Rowan: You really are an angel, truly.
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rrrrowan · 5 years
Text || Open
Rowan: I’ve only recently found the joys of a weighted blanket, and let me tell you I’m mad that it’s taken me this long!!
Rowan: What else have I been missing in the world of self care?
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rrrrowan · 5 years
TEXTS || Sage & Rowan
SAGE: You figured what as much?
SAGE: Yeah, I bet all those green trees turn into pretty autumn leaves.
SAGE: You miss it?
ROWAN: That I was being weird. It happens more often than you'd think, honestly.
ROWAN: Every once in a while, I do. I love it here, I've made a nice little niche for myself, but sometimes I really want to be back there.
ROWAN: Mostly I think it's just missing my family.
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rrrrowan · 5 years
If teaching and baking don’t respectively work out, we might be able to start a group dedicated to ending redheaded stereotyped. You’re already a top-notch frontwoman.
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Oh definitely!  It totally needs to be said, right?  I could even make business cards.
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rrrrowan · 5 years
Here’s an idea: how about both, just in case they fall in the same month?
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All the ACup individuals are posing for a sexy calendar. Which person would you want to be the pinup for your birth month?
My birth month is March, and the only things worth celebrating then are St. Patrick’s Day and, every few years, Mardi Gras. So, the only reasonable choice is either @rrrrowan or @sageleblanc.
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rrrrowan · 5 years
Text || Rowan & Blair
Blair: How can I help psyche you up for school!? Those kids are so excited to see you tomorrow I bet!
Blair: You're pretty cool
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rrrrowan · 5 years
i’m cutest post-o tbh u can find that out for urself wink wink
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Hmmm, I do seem to recall this cuteness.  
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rrrrowan · 5 years
I was going to remark on most of the people you know being under the age of 10, but you know what? I was already a fashion visionary in kindergarten so I’ll take the confidence boost. This is why I love you and let you go through my clothes.
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I can only imagine what my students would do with an actual wardrobe.  And I don’t doubt this, I’ve seen the photos!   You’re the sweetest, you know that?  And not just because you let me go through your clothes.
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rrrrowan · 5 years
We should absolutely do a collaboration. ASMR with Rowan sounds incredible.
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Really? I think that clack sound is so satisfying. Plus the sound when the needles scratch together when you pull a stitch up? Oooh….
Oooh that would be wonderful!   We could do a little ASMR interview or something.  
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Yes, yes!  I love all of it.  I just stay away from metal needles, because those make the hairs on my neck stand up when I move them against each other the wrong way.
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rrrrowan · 5 years
Isn’t half the fun of a gift when you don’t know what you’re getting? Sounds like less fun if you explicitly ask to not be on a list, but I’ll be nice. For all you know though, it could end up protecting you instead of haunting. I’ve done it with Wikipedia too! Some call it wasting time, I call it preparing for my inevitable trivia show win.
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One of them was pretty cute. The other looked like it had been stuffed in an air duct for ten years, which… is fitting, let’s be real. I’d be haunted too if I looked like that.
Well yes, but think of it this way!  I’ve saved you the horrid reaction I would have had in person if I had opened that present up.  *If* it’s more of a protection spirit, I guess I will just have to live without. And yes! You and I could probably trounce everyone in a trivia contest.  
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That’s a real mood, Shiloh. Maybe I’ll knit them some cute doll-sized scarves before you gift them away.  It’ll keep them warm, at least.
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rrrrowan · 5 years
I picture many-a “gingers have no souls” believers completely rioting in the streets at that outing.
If someone were to say that you don’t have a soul, I would literally just laugh in their face.  Seriously.
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rrrrowan · 5 years
Text || Rowan & Blair
Blair: Rowan, you're killing me. I wish I'd known about this before, I'd pluck you from the glue-smelling halls of elementary school and make you my personal assistant.
Blair: I used to go there on the weekends in high school. I only grew up about an hour's train ride from here.
Blair: All I needed to hear was Roaring 20's and I was sold.
Rowan: Oh my goodness why does that so much more fun than what I currently do? Probably because it's Sunday night and I'm trying to psyche myself up for another school week.
Rowan: I don't think I knew that! That's pretty cool :)
Rowan: I knew you'd be in! Think of all the promo photos we could do!!
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rrrrowan · 5 years
MARLEY: Hi girls!!!
MARLEY: I just saw an ad for a homeless shelter that's looking for blankets and hats...
MARLEY: Would we want to make squares and then sew them up together?
ROWAN: I’m in! I have a few practice squares lying around that I can contribute, and I’ve been without a project for my commute so this seems like perfect timing.
ROWAN: Plus, it gives me an excuse to go yarn shopping, which we all know I love.
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rrrrowan · 5 years
1. Stacey, @acuppasugar, @itsjemmabitch, @sageleblanc, @coraranderson
2. Stacey, @itsjemmabitch, um....if we’re speaking strictly ACup people, that’s it.
3. Stacey, @acuppasugar, and I’ve been on a date with @sageleblanc, though I’m unsure that counts in this context.
4. My parents and Seamus.
5. Maybe I’d like to take @mikhailacey out just to see what our redhead powers combined can achieve.
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What’s this? Find the explanation here.
Please list:
5 people you’ve kissed…
4 people you’ve slept with…
3 people you’ve dated…
2 people you’ve said I love you to…
1 person you’d want to take on a date…
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rrrrowan · 5 years
As a woman with full access to your wardrobe, I can assure you that there is nothing in your closet resembling a garbage bag.  I promise that whatever you’re wearing is amazing!  You’re just around too much fashion to realize that you might be the most fashionable person I know.  
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Have you ever gone out thinking you’re hands down the best dressed in this fair city and then you see Kaia Gerber in a vintage coat with shoulder pads and suddenly you feel like you’re wearing a garbage bag? But then you sit down and tell yourself it’s really not fair to compare yourself to someone who is literally of supermodel stock and probably gets to raid Cindy Crawford’s 90s wardrobe before leaving the house every day? Because I’m having that kind of day today and frankly, I could use some commiseration from a fellow mortal in this trying time.
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rrrrowan · 5 years
It may have taken a week, but I have finally recovered from NYCC. Let me be a cautionary tale to all to stay hydrated while you’re waiting in all those lines and if you’re over thirty, to maybe keep better track of the number of beers you consume. So. Many. Beers. 
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I’ve always lived by the tried and true method of one water for one alcoholic beverage.  Keeps me hydrated and keeps me from over-imbibing! I hope you had a good time, though!  
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rrrrowan · 5 years
thank u i tried rl hard
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You’re so adorable, I hope you realize that.
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