rsinsf · 3 years
Too hot for you? Let’s go to Baguio!
When it comes to Baguio City there are a lot of attractions to prove that it can compete with what the international attractions have to offer. So why should we opt to go to Baguio instead of outside of the country where its so much cooler? What makes Baguio so special that we need to make it one of the first options when deciding where to go on vacation? Let me give you ten great reasons why Baguio is a superb choice this summer. First of all in the current situation of the nation most travel out the country being banned going to Baguio is the next best thing to going out of the country to beat the summer heat, with the cool temperatures of the destination offering a respite from the crazy heat that summer brings, you have to admit nothing beats staying in a place that is cool even when the rest of the country feels like it’s been tossed into the largest oven on planet Earth.
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Secondly Baguio presents a laid-back sort of vacation style, a staycation so to speak where the vacation becomes stretched out for a longer period of time. With its commendable hospitality it’s no wonder why people find it easy to stay a bit longer and relax with their friends and families while savoring the cool weather. Third, and perhaps one of the reasons that would tip the scales in favor of Baguio is the affordable rates. I mean let’s face it, no matter how much we want to go to our dream vacation spots the amount of money in our pockets still has us on a leash and pushes us to opt for the next best thing. In this place you would still stay cool but at a more affordable price which is what most people opt for when in a pinch. The fourth reason is one for all the foodies out there, the summer capital of the Philippines has so much to offer for one’s palate. It is up to you what you like, you can probably find it there as there are a plethora of restaurants offering everything from American to European to Asian dishes and so many other options also you can check out the fusion dishes they have just in case you feel deliciously adventurous and want to try a bit of two different food cultures Or go for the healthy route with many health conscious options as the local produce is nothing to take lightly be it fruits or vegetables you can take your pick at the local public market which has daily fresh options to choose from oranges to apples to strawberries as well as other healthy yet tasty choices. And you can take a minute to sample the many delicious coffee blends and variations while you are at it, which to humbly put it has achieved international recognition. The coffee brews the locale has to offer speak for themselves so for those who love themselves a good cup of joe in the morning this is another reason to head here.
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Now on to the fifth which calls to all those fitness buffs out there. The city is quite walkable and with the locals encouraging tourists to walk instead of ride it would be quite advisable to pack an extra pair of sneakers and get ready to soak in the sights the city has to give while taking a gander down to the many parks that are within walking distance of each other such Burnham park which is quite accessible by foot from Session Road as well as the Orchidarium and the public market. And when it comes to art and culture the city has more than enough to offer to satisfy even the most skeptic of the impact of art. There is no bigger proof of this than the UN giving Baguio the title “Creative City” a statement to its efforts in sustaining the arts and culture of the area. Now the sixth reason appeals to a certain wish of parents and its that they want their kids to put down their gadgets and connect more with the physical world. Bonding with the family could not be more fun with so many parks in the city. Who would say no to a family picnic at Burnham Park, going biking with the family or gang, as well as a friendly badminton or ball game at the park when the weather is so perfect for such activities? Not to mention the hiking options offered in the area which give you the chance to get breathtaking views of the City of Pines while giving you time to bond with your loved ones. Another factor that adds to the charm of Baguio is that it is quite near to other top-notch tourist destinations in the surrounding province: the beaches of La Union in 2 hours or to the famous Calle Crisologo in Vigan, Ilocos Sur in 4 hours. Sagada in the Mountain Province is only 5 hours away from Baguio. Your family can have a week-long road trip from Manila to Ilocos Norte or Mountain Province with Baguio as one of your stops. So whether Baguio is your destination, pit stop, or base whilst exploring the other tourist attractions in the area you can be sure that it will not disappoint.
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I have always enjoyed going to Baguio City for these reasons not to mention it brings pride to my heart that though our country is small it has yet another wonderful offering for both local and international tourists. It is the beautiful climate, Scenery, locale, as well as deep cultural significance that Baguio has which draws people in. So for the natural scenery lovers, the foodies, fitness buffs, coffee enthusiasts, tourists who cannot go out of the country or basically anyone who is just looking for a place to chill and unwind that is not as expensive as going out of the country or as far from home.
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