rtstrauser · 1 year
This Is A New Account
Some of you may notice that these posts look similar its because they're the same posts from my old account on here, right here's a new account, so hopefully this post clears any of the confusion that some of you may have had.
In other news, i have plans to try and get the Dekota Nightwing Series part 3 out there soon it will feature a fight between Dekota and Winfrey the Wind demon or the demon of the winds one of the 7 most powerful demons causing the doomsday event Dekotas already defeated the Earth demon, anyways I'll try my best and get part 3 public soon, i thank you all for your patience! ^^
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rtstrauser · 1 year
The Dekota-Nightwing Chronicles, Part 2
Part 1: The Great Doomsday Event Begins
After escaping the hospital and finally meeting daylight he started changing form growing a black bird mask on his face, large black feathered wings on his back, black claws on his hands, and black talons forming on his feet, and growing what seemed like a sharp blacked feathered robe around his body, but after this Dekota Nightwing was met with his first battle the master demon Gailia the master demon of the ground otherwise known as he who shakes the ground and causes droughts. Gailia said to Dekota "we were told a lil birdy slipped out from infernis in search of a human vessel in hopes of killing all the master demons and angels to and try and stop The Great Doomsday event that will be released upon humanity hahaha, but it's pointless as it already started here come the meteors now signaling the start of this great doomsday event" Dekota just stared at Gailia with his bright red eyes breathing deeply as the meteors rained down causing chaos and destruction. Gailia then said to Dekota "not one for words I see, am I but a joke to you when it is I who causes all the cracks in the ground, all the farmers crops to die, and causing all ground life to die mwahahaha I AM GAILIA THE GREAT MASTER DEMON OF ROCK AND SOIL AND I DEMAND YOU TO ACKNOLEDG…….. " a brief moment of silence was met as Dekota slashed through Gailia as if he were nothing. Following that Dekota spoke ever so slightly saying "I don't speak cause all of you pieces of trash aren't worth my words, now I'll be on my way now theres a human girl I need to pick up" upon saying that Dekota started to dash and run in one direction closing his wings racing to Lucy T Kaimans House.
Part 2: The First Battle
But the fight wasn't over yet as Gailia regenerated and chased after Dekota constantly causing big boulders to fall upon the ground trying to hit Dekota. Gailia said "that was quite rude of you thinking you could simply just end me with a single slash as if I were nothing from your long black claws and then running off" Dekota looked back for a split second then sped up running even faster. Then Gailia spoke yet again saying "very well if your going to just ignore me as if i'm not here then how about a race lets see who can get to this girl first you or I hahaha" Dekota sped up even more quickly unfolding his wings and jumping up into the air kicking Gailia straight down to the ground with a impact great enough to cause a crater in the city street then quickly closed his wings and landing right back on the ground and just kept running again. "damn you black crow demon that hurt you'll pay for that your nothing more than a mere lil birdie anyways" said Gailia as he dashed towards Dekota punching him causing him went flying through a building and into the ground.Dekota quickly jumped back up in the air unfolding his wings again and strikes Gailia making him fall into another building then lands back on the ground running yet again almost at Lucy's house. Gailia then rushed right back at Dekota but he blocks with his wings and spoke the words "Im tired of little game your pathetic now die you damn bastard" Dekota releases a large shadow creating spikes to rise up out of the ground and impales Gailia then ripping him apart with black demon blood raining everywhere where the only last words Gailia spoke "imposs..ible…the fu..ck…,," Silence only followed as Gailia was now tore to pieces and this not coming back. After that Dekota finally arrived at Lucy T Kaimans house which was nearly destroyed and on fire.
Part 3: The Girl
Dekota was concerned and started digging through rubble finding 2 charred and dead corpses 1 of a man and the other of a woman, but then Dekota heard groans of pain he dug through the rubble some more finding Lucy almost dead and barely clinging on to life, Dekota picked her up and then she passed out. Dekota then quickly ran to the nearest intact hospital which was in the next city over. So Dekota started running, surrounding himself in shadowy lightning and running at very high speeds to the next city running past all the destruction and chaos that was happening in the current city. 
By: R.T Strauser
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rtstrauser · 1 year
The Dekota-Nightwing Chronicles, Part 1
Part 1: The Offer
It all started in a hospitals psych ward, there was a patient who was seriously mentally ill to where he couldn't really be helped anymore in fact they were about to put him to sleep forever to end his suffering but then a bad lightning storm hit and a lightning strike struck the hospital and it made it all the way down to the 18 year old Dekota Williams as that was the patient's name and then once the lightning struck the boy he started hearing a weird voice a deep voice in his head and it said unto him "do you wish for your suffering to end, do you wish to get out of here, and do you wish to get the one girl you love?, If so, then hear this offer boy I am Davian Nightwing, a powerful crow shadow demon and I can help you if you help me" as the voice spoke to him it was like time stopped and all of his agony gone so Dekota replied "what is it you offer, crow demon?" The demon said back to him "chaos will soon break loose and humanity will be faced with choices and during this chaos all demons evil and twisted including the master demons will be released upon your world and only destruction will follow including the tragic death of the girl you love Lucy T Kaimen, but i intend to stop this chaos from ruining all that is and all that could be and kill all the demons and angels that will wreak havoc upon humanity and your world and the only way I can do that is by possessing and merging with your soul, don't worry you'll still be here but so will I, we will be as one, so boy I can offer you a way to help her save her and get her along with any others you love and care about, all you have to do is say yes then the deal is done all of this agony goes away and we save humanity, so what is your choice Dekota Williams?"
Part 2: The Escape
The boy paused for a moment and thought to himself and then replied to the demon as time started to move again "yes.." then Davian said "good, stay still this will only take a moment" a bright light flashes and a whole bunch of lightning strikes the boy causing an explosion then the demon said "we are now Dekota Nightwing'' the boy broke free of his straps and bursts through the floors going up and out of the hospital.
By: R.T Strauser
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rtstrauser · 1 year
The Teneculian
The Teneculian
Part 1: The Fishing Trip
I remember that day when me and my friend went deep sea fishing in a small fishing boat, I remember us never expecting to see what we saw on that day. It would have ended us if we did not leave when we did, so will you find a few moments to listen to an old fisherman's short tale. It started like this: I went to meet my friend Ralphy for a deep sea fishing trip. We were both in our mid 40s of age, we were going to go out on a small fishing boat to the middle of the Pandora ocean. So after I met up with him he greeted me by saying "hi there Jeff you ready for our yearly deep sea fishing trip?" I nodded and we both got into Ralphy's truck and drove off to the fishing docks where his small fishing boat was. After we got to the docks we fueled the fishing boat then untied it from the dock and drove her off to our chosen fishing location. We finally made it to the middle of the Pandora ocean then we finally stopped the boat and got our deep sea fishing lines ready and cast them down into the water.
Part 2: The Strange Noise
Once we cast them down into the water we heard a strange noise, a slight quiet roar like sound. At first we just shoved it off as the ocean often did have strange noises from time to time but boy were we wrong. We heard the strange sound again and this time it was louder as if it was getting closer. We heard the strange sound again but this time there were ripples on the water and we felt the boat shake ever so slightly. After that we felt the boat shake again and this time it was a bit of a stronger shake then we heard a loud screeching roar as if it from hell's mouth, it was at this moment we realized that we disturbed something that should of never been disturbed. Ralphy quickly pulled up our deep sea fishing lines but before he could completely pull them up out of the water they snapped and both fell into the water including the poles the lines were attached too nearly tipping the boat over with the amount of strength we saw pull them we clearly made something very angry. We then heard it again, the loud screech even louder than before, at first we thought this thing just wanted us to leave but now it seems to want to kill us and destroy our boat.
Part 3: The Beast Of The Sea
Ralphy Quickly started the boat's twin engines to try and move the boat out of this thing's reach. As he was driving the boat he told me he heard tales of a beast of the sea that acts very similar to this if you get too close, he told me they had a special name for it but its been known by a couple other names too such as The Leviathan or The Great Beast Of The Sea, but what it was most commonly called was The Teneculian. He said the beast was described as a giant mutant squid-like monster, that has thousands of sharp jagged teeth, 10 black eyes around the mouth, hundreds of tentacles, and a giant slimy blob-like body that is violet-red in color and is gigantic in size. Ralphy also said he never thought such a thing could be real but now he thinks that what we're facing now is The Teneculian and that we must have disturbed its territory. He also said that if we get far enough away it'll stop chasing and go back to where it came. We heard the loud roaring screech again and felt the boat be shook around but then all was silent and still as if the creature left and then there it was at the corner of our eyes a gigantic blob like body hundreds of tentacles and violet red in color briefly pop out of the water then back vanishing into the abyss with one final screeching roar as if it was warning us to not return or we would be dealt with for good then after that all was normal again. Later that evening we were back at the docks with the boat damaged but we were just glad we made it out of there with our lives, so there you go that was my tale, I know it wasn't much but I hope you enjoyed it, thanks for listening to an old fisherman's tale.   
By: R.T Strauser
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rtstrauser · 1 year
Who I Am
R.T Strauser Meet The Author Intro
Name: Rayden
Author Name: R.T Strauser
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them
Age: 22
About Me: Hi there I am Autistic and I like Anime, Dragons, Cats, Writing, and Gaming, nice too meet you! My Works: I write books, novels, and short stories that use these 4 genres: Dark, Horror, Apocalyptic, and Sci Fi. 
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