rubberstalked-blog · 6 years
i’ve been feeling ? real stressed tbh w/ tumblr so find me on @wantlonger and @atticbrother bc i might be there for a while.
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rubberstalked-blog · 6 years
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                                            everything   is   gone  .
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rubberstalked-blog · 6 years
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‘  YEAH , IT’S KAI  , KAI ANDERSON.  ’  His lips are pushed together as he looks her over , pause taken as he raises his hand to his chin. He HATED the isolation and BULLSHIT that these people were spouting , obviously they were trying to pull some kind of veil over their eyes. —- But Kai could see right through Venable’s SHIT.   ‘  some guys showed up at my house , told me to come with them.  ’  His lips are pulled into a tight line as he leans forward with his hands pressed , palm to palm.    ‘  then the bombs dropped and they threw me in here.  ’
@rubberstalked from the ask
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❝   nice to MEET you,   ❞      in the grimmest possible terms, of course. there is nothing that’s less nice than the end of times or being abducted. but she is genuine, nonetheless  --  it is nice to know that she isn’t ALONE, that she is not the only soul to have been uprooted without an explanation.      ❝   i’m emily. i heard that  --  there’s something they want, in your DNA. & that’s why we all made it out.   ❞
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rubberstalked-blog · 6 years
being romantically frustrated is so much worse than being sexually frustrated like how can i jack my emotions off
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rubberstalked-blog · 6 years
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Emily has appeared! What to do?
Ask on a date Throw salt Blow a kiss Worship
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rubberstalked-blog · 6 years
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rubberstalked-blog · 6 years
hc + loneliness
loneliness falls easily in the bunker, as you’d imagine. there’s less than a dozen people, with no way to leave or contact the outside world, and on top of it all, the technology is 19th century based. it’s an isolating experience if there ever was one, but emily does her best to fight it off. she reads in the library, frequently, though by the time eighteen months have passed, she’s finding herself with little unread material. it helps to read though, as it places her in the shoes of another person  --  someone that may or may not get a happy ending, but they’re doing far more than she’s capable of. emily has always been an avid reader, but it wasn’t until the bunker that she could find herself finishing certain books in under a week. 
the other sword to battling off loneliness is timothy. books can only do so much, and while she enjoys conversation with certain people in the bunker  --  timothy is her sanctuary. counting down until their “one kiss” a week, writing him notes to sneak him later, and imagining what their life together may have been like combats the loneliness when timothy is not there with her in person. 
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rubberstalked-blog · 6 years
reblog this if you actually like following me.
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rubberstalked-blog · 6 years
Reblog if your muse has been shot at.
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rubberstalked-blog · 6 years
send me  ‘ hc ‘  + a word and i’ll write a headcanon about it regarding my character.
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rubberstalked-blog · 6 years
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                                            everything   is   gone  .
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rubberstalked-blog · 6 years
continued thread || @rubberstalked
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             “i always told my ex husband that if the world came to an end that the DOLLAR GENERALS && WAL-MARTS  of the world would survive it,” a glimpse of an amused smile forms upon her lips, but fades just as quickly at the thought of her LOST FAMILY . “do you have family here?”
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she chuckles, and it’s IN that moment that emily realizes that she hasn’t laughed since life as she knew it came to an end.      ❝   i would have thought THE BEST place for a bunker would be underneath a wal-mart,   ❞      maybe that’s NOT luxurious enough for the wealthy benefactors that paid for this place. emily shakes her head in reply to the other’s question, her expression DISTANT & solemn.
❝   no, no  --  ...  none of my FAMILY made it out.   ❞
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rubberstalked-blog · 6 years
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until canon announces OTHERWISE, emily’s full name on this blog is emily abril sánchez.
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rubberstalked-blog · 6 years
“Keep your eyes open–they could already be inside.”
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❝   i think that we still have some time  --   ❞      NO, sheprays that they are still plentiful with time. she keeps hercandle close, and emily cannot help but to peak over hershoulder every FEW minutes. just in case. there are eyesand ears everywhere, and privacy is a foreign concept inthis PLACE.  
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rubberstalked-blog · 6 years
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me, thinkin about how the TWO ( 2 ) acts of sex we saw resulting in a punishment of near-death last episode are that of an interracial couple & a GAY man: 🤔 ❌ 🤔 ❌
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rubberstalked-blog · 6 years
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the complete final destruction of the world, especially as described in the biblical book of Revelation.
playlist for @los-angelass 
[ listen here ] 
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rubberstalked-blog · 6 years
American Horror Story Sentence Starters (Seasons 5-8)
{{ Send one for your muse to say to mine OR send “Reverse” + a sentence to have my muse say to yours. Adapt pronouns as necessary! }}
“The only thing that takes the edge off is when I can pull people under with me.”
“A man/woman can only be pushed so far, and I’m right on the edge”
“You see everything when the world doesn’t see you.”
“Are we ever ready to see ourselves for what we are?”
“You will know nothing but pain. And I will be there. And you will reach out to me for help and mercy, and in return… I will watch you die with a smile on my face.”
“Ignore her/him. She/he drinks.”
“How thrilled I am to have you across from me. Not once a month, but from now on. Until the sun falls from the sky and the heavens burn in conflagration.”
“Why would I help you when it gives me so much joy to see you suffer?”
“We’re destined for something more… intimate.”
“I think everyone in the world thinks they’re either blessed or cursed. I’ve come to realize I’m neither. I am a curse.”
“Okay….kill me. But screw me first.”
“_____, I’m offering you an eternity with your great lost love. What I wouldn’t trade for a chance at that.”
“Wait, you’re banging her/him, too?”
“Control….is an illusion.”
“I will stand on my head in a skirt for a ciggy and a beer.”
“I don’t need a Batman costume to have some fun!”
“Johnny Depp likes my paintings!”
“You chased alcohol with wormwood, _____. You’re hallucinating.”
“Keep your eyes open–they could already be inside.”
“This not a joke, we’re not pretending anymore.”
“It was obvious that that magic pot was messing with her/his/your brain! She/he/you was/were seeing things.”
“Man, I haven’t been this freaked out since we were in that asylum!”
“Believe me, they will find us. And if you had any brains at all, you’d get out of here now.”
“I don’t know what possessed me. Something about those woods made you lose control.”
“Where I come from, when you don’t follow orders or show up on time, people die.”
“I’m gonna tell you something that maybe you already know. But you need to hear it from my heart.”
“I promise you, I will love you always. I had so much more to give. I love you.”
“Your end shall be a merciless reckoning.”
“I came back for her/him! I’m in love with her/him, _____, she’s/he’s the reason I came back!”
“We escaped with our lives that night, but I never completely got over it. I’m not sure I ever will.“
“We are two women/men/people for whom trouble just seems to walk alongside.”
“Are you sure it’s not me you love?“
“Who but I am both the tree and the lightning that strikes it?”
“I shall wear thy scalp as an animal pelt!”
“Why do guys feel the need to name their privates?”
“You are the illest motherfucker alive!”
“You’re not a hero. You’re a symbol. One I created!”
“I wanted to be the last person alive. But I just want to die.”
“There was something more dangerous in this world than a humiliated man. A nasty woman.”
“You’ll never do anything to me.”
“Your promises mean shit! You’re a fake. You don’t stand for a goddamn thing.”
“The biggest mistake I ever made was believing in you, turd.”
“I’m making sloppy joes. Because a sandwich is a sandwich, but a Manwich is a meal.”
“How did this Handmaid shit even happen?”
“What fills your dark heart with dread?”
“You’re the only thing that keeps me going. You are. You’re positive, and you’re optimistic, and you’re transformative, and I’m not.”
“I wish I could say my goodbyes to you.”
“Stop saying sorry. For anything. That makes you nothing. Everything is somebody else’s fault from now on.”
“Are you going to waste my time? Do you understand how valuable my time is — how much it means that I’m here doing this for you?”
“I think there might be something wrong with me. I don’t know what’s real anymore.”
(season still ongoing, will update with new content when available)
“Are you trying to fucking poison me? This tastes like turtle shit!” 
“Let’s have some burnt champagne.”
“It’s the end of the world.”
“You may never leave the building.”
“There’s no excuse for tardiness when there’s nothing else to do.”
“’Ravishing’ might be too strong a word, but this one certainly becomes you.”
“All we’re doing is waiting around to find out how we die!”
Seasons 1-4
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