rubellirium · 1 month
Fork honed sharp
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◆ Pairing: Blade x reader (gender-netural) ◆ Word Count: 900~ ◆ CW: thoughts of cannibalism, very vague description of intercourse, Dead Dove Do Not Eat ◆ Inspired by Korean Cakeverse. "Forks" people have no sense of taste. "Cake" people's flesh and bodily fluids are sweet and are the only thing Forks can taste.
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Your tears weren't enough anymore.  The taste was fading, like licking a wooden ice cream stick, tasting more of the wood than the sweetness. You were so, so sweet– Something between honey, with your tears having an aftertaste of nectar. When Blade first got to taste you– simply licking your sweat, going step after step– he felt like he was eating for the first time in his life. Compared to the faint flavours in his memories, it all felt bleak, almost tasteless like the ashy food he had been forced to eat for years now. Back then, he lapped at your wrist like a starved dog (taste of your sweat, of your skin– addicting) till his tongue was numb, your skin red from friction (pulse of your blood– tempting).
But he quickly craved more.
Now, you lay under him so prettily. Back arching, your ribs pressing against his, shaking with every breath. (How would your marrow taste?) Your nails add red lines on his back, they disappear quicker than you can create them– he wishes they would stay, that you could have a payback. For hours and hours wasted on him licking every inch of your skin, for every tear he made you shed, even if it wasn’t from pain. For now, Blade, despite being more of a tool than a man, could bring something more than pain. With his hips in a rhythm that you desperately tried to match, with his lips, leaving a trail of open-mouth kisses - from the dip of your shoulder, the column of your neck leaving blooming marks on the side where your blood pulses wildly (how would your veins taste?), to the edge of your jaw till he reaches his reward.
Blade sucks on your wet cheek, each tear disappearing in his eager lips– he clicks his tongue in frustration. It was tasteless, like wet ash on his tongue.
You open your eyes at the sound. Blade can see the sadness mixed with tears, the wrinkles between your brows and the frown on your lips; something akin to shame and worry painted on your face. His heart doesn’t ache at the sight; he wishes it would. He wished it could be different, that you were the one cursed with this insatiable hunger. His flesh would regenerate, his heart would pump as much blood as you desired– the pain would fade. You would consume him again and again– a kinder death. Two cursed lovers; blood on his hands, blood on your lips.
Eating was a chore. Something he had to do to not slowly starve but not truly. Never truly. Beautifully smelling meat, salads full of colours, cakes promising so much sugar his teeth rot, it’s all the same– ash. Each bite was mechanical action, like pumping gas into a machine - forcing himself to chew, to ignore the tasteless textures, to swallow despite his body wanting to puke. Bite after bite, minutes stretching into hours as he stares blankly at the plate -  chicken with its golden skin peeled, mashed potatoes with red sauce carelessly mixed in (How would your blood taste?).
You tremble under his calloused hands. Clinging to his body like a lamb fearing for its life– Blade wishes he wasn’t the butcher. He nuzzles into your neck, your skin so hot and full of life, his hands stroking your body; from your sides to your hips, resting on the thighs that were straddling him. Meanwhile, your hands stay rigging, gripping onto his shoulders, digging into the material of his shirt. Desperate and afraid, but when he glances at your eyes, he sees only kindness and devotion.
He wished he could be kinder to you, as much as a tool could be. Put a scabbard on, so he would never cut even if he bruises you.
Blade groans into your skin. The taste of you melts across his tongue, dizzyingly sweet. The more of you he could consume, the more prominent the taste was. Thick and deep like wine, sweet like honey with some aftertaste of flowers he cannot put his fingers on, leaving pure sugar on the back of his tongue. You dig deeper into his shoulders, plea on your lips when Blade snarls, teeth still deep into your flesh as he pulls you closer– step away from feral.
You weren’t close enough, he needed you flushed against his body, to feel every inch of you against him as he slowly worked on making you both into one in the most literal sense of it. The pain in his scalp as you jank him by the hair only makes him more excited, but at least you manage to get his teeth out of you. For now, he’s sated to just suck on the wound, drawing out more of your blood. Blade’s sloppy, letting the liquid trickle, roll down his chin and stain both your and his skin.
Every few days, your body was being decorated with another bite. On the dip by your shoulder, on your plushy thighs, your forearm, your calf. Each one red and aching, and each one kissed better. Each one followed by an almost apologetic look from Blade as he kisses you slowly– his lips taste like copper. For him, it tastes like ash.
Your blood wasn’t enough. (How would your meat taste?)
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rubellirium · 1 month
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Rubellirium ◆ adult ◆ she/her » Dark content/NSFW blog » you can also call me Rubel » It's my very side hobby, there won't be a lot of posts » I don't mind asks, I don't take writing requests though
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» Current fandoms: Honkai: Star Rail, Genshin Impact
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Character used as a theme is Kidomaru from Onmyoji series
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