rubiestones-blog · 7 years
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“uh, ruby? you good there?”, he asked, sympathy conquering his voice. derek knew the consequences that idol-life entails- sleepless nights, physical pain, emotional stress, you name it. seeing the younger in pain, he placed his hand on top of her head to pat it gently, “look, i know you’re overworking yourself, but sometimes, you gotta give yourself a break. you don’t want to go to the hospital and want your fans to worry, do you?”
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“i feel like my head is going to explode,” she replies, rubbing at her temples in hopes of calming the ache. it was her fault - she hadn’t slept for two days in an attempt to better her dancing and she was frustrated by how little progress she was making despite how hard she was working. “i know, i know,” she sighs, looking over at the male. “but i just want to be... better, you know? for my group, for the fans. i don’t want them to see me like this.”
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rubiestones-blog · 7 years
@bvnjee liked THIS for a lyrical starter song: showtime - iT’s (produce 101)
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“what sort of expression will you show?” ruby asks the other, opting for a the classic peace sign and kissy lips herself. the two were talking a selca and it seemed to be taking, er, longer than usual for them to take one. but there were idols, can people blame them? if they were going to post it, it was going to be under everyone’s radar and that’s enough pressure for the both of them to at least look decent.
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rubiestones-blog · 7 years
@dvrek LIKED THIS for a lyrical starter song: migraine - twenty one pilots
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“sometimes death seems better than the migraine in my head,” she groans out. she rubs circles on her forehead, trying to calm down the raging pain in her temple, all to no avail. was ruby overworking herself? yes, she was, but she didn’t think it was a bad thing. at least, not until now.
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rubiestones-blog · 7 years
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( LIKE THIS and I’ll put my playlist on shuffle and use a lyric from the song as a starter ! )
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rubiestones-blog · 7 years
it’s obvious that she feels safer when he covers her ears. her shoulders relax, her breathing is now steady and her grip on his hand isn’t as tight as it was before. ruby is hesitant, obviously. it was pouring out there, but if they had wanted to get out of her and to proper shelter, this is all they could do. “okay,” she says, sticking close to the male. “let’s make a run for it.”
“Forget about me, you have a trainee life going on.“ He explained himself, hands covering her ears as it was obvious to his eyes that she was getting more and more afraid of the booming sound. “Ready to dash for it?“ He asked for the confirmation in her eyes, his right leg sticking out and the only thing he needed was the green light from the lady.
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rubiestones-blog · 7 years
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Did she act like that as a trainee? No sleep in two days and constant practicing to the point when she would faint? Yes. And even now, she would be doing the same thing; after all, she was known for being a hard worker and trying her limits when it came to ignoring sleeping and eating properly around the stressful times. ❛That’s it.❜ But still, she got worried whenever she saw trainees overworking themselves or other idols who were younger than her. Getting up from the chair, she walked towards the couch and took a white soft blanket in her hands. ❛You will wrap yourself around this and go to sleep. Have you eaten anything?❜
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ruby knew that it was wrong to overwork yourself to the point of exhaustion, but her dreams of debuting made it all worth it. well, at least for her. besides, she knew she was lacking. her dancing was mediocre and when she rapped, she had improper diction. it just wasn’t right. “but,” she protests weakly, though still accepting the blanket due to how warm and soft it was - it was too tempting. “i can’t.” at least, not until she was satisfied with her progress. and since she wasn’t, there was no time to stop. “uh... no. not yet, anyway.”
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rubiestones-blog · 7 years
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Group name: Euphoria Inspiration: Rainbow Blaxx, 9Muses A, Hello Venus. Amount of members: 6 Gender group: Female Concept: Reality show unit Fandom color: #980036 and #FFC1CC Genre: Pop, Dance
EUPHORIA is a sub-unit designed to take six different idols from different groups and merge them together in an experiment for the “perfect group.” The reality show (loosely based on Sister’s Slamdunk and Hitmaker) documenting this project unit, titled “PROJECT: EUPHORIA”, is to show the girls working together in a new environment outside of their respective groups along with revealing the creative process of a debuting group to fans and aspiring idols alike. From the concept, to the song making process, choreography, and music video production, the girls aim to show both the goods and bads of being an idol as well as showing a unique image outside of their respective groups.
01. Reblog in order to be qualified, members chosen at random 02. The group will be assigned staff member, to participate as staff: reblog this! 03. Female soloists, group members or trainees are allowed! 04. This will be a sub-unit (but can be your muse’s main group if undebuted/solo) 05. Twitter account is required, high activity is too. 06. The group would be a lasting unit, it would not be an one time thing only!
01. Main Vocalist 02. Main Rapper 03. Main Vocalist 04. Lead Vocalist 05. Lead Vocalist 06. Sub Vocalist & Dancer
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rubiestones-blog · 7 years
"Is that really okay?" / welcome to 2k
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she rubs at her ankle, hissing at the pain. perhaps she was too ambitious,, wanted to become so good so fast that she disregarded her safety. what was she thinking? ruby knew she couldn’t do the move, she wasn’t there yet, but she still attempted it and in the end, she twisted her ankle. “i… i don’t think so,” she admits. “i need ice, i think.”
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rubiestones-blog · 7 years
"I guess you can say that." / welcome to 2k
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ruby lets out a sigh, watching the male give half-hearted replies. in all honesty, it has been a while since she last cooked, but she hadn’t expected it to turn out this bad. but from the look on her face, it is that bad. “just be honest with me,” she says, her eyes on the plate. “it isn’t good, huh?”
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rubiestones-blog · 7 years
@namjvnk // here
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the trainee had a habit of singing using her throat. it was horrible for a singer’s voice since it caused it to ache. she could barely get the words out now despite how badly she wants to impress her vocal coach. she can sing, she knows that - it may be the only thing in the world she even is good at - she just needed to learn how to do it properly. his words hurt and they almost make her flinch, but ruby remembers that she has to keep strong. “three days?!” she repeats. “i can get better in one, isn’t three days too long?”
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rubiestones-blog · 7 years
“Ruby, no.“ He laughed at how cute she was being but it was quickly erased by how her flinching was even more repetitive and prominent by each thunderstrikes. ”Okay, you know what.”He stood up, demonstrating the girl how it is going to be. “Use my jacket as a hood.” He lifted both of his hands to show how the clothing should be above her head. “We don’t have an umbrella and that will be your substitute. We have to run fast, okay?” Now his hand reached out to her. “We will be alright.“
she follows his instructions, putting on the hoodie so that it covers her hair. her eyes flicker over to his hand and back to the window, seeing how strong the winds were because of the rain. ruby almost didn’t take his hand but when she heard the thunder roar, she immediately gripped it. rushing over to his side as if asking for protection from the sound. “are you sure?” she asks. “you’re going to get wet! you might get sick, sungjin.”
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rubiestones-blog · 7 years
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rubiestones-blog · 7 years
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His hand rests against his neck , Rubbing it to occupy himself as they both looked over the stain that ran down the pure white fabric . The thing was as much as he hated himself right now for being the one to tip the cup of coffee all over her , she was sweet about it . “ Ye ! Right away . “ And sliding his arms out of his jacket , He’s then bringing it over to rest on her shoulders , It’s really the least he could do right now after all . “ What kind of coffee was it that you had again ? “ He asks while already being up and out of his seat .
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ruby smiles as he drapes the fabric over her shoulder, trying to show him that she really was okay. “thank you,” she says, slipping her arms in and zipping it up, covering the dress entirely. she was trying to think of a positive side to this - at least she’ll smell like coffee for the day? and who doesn’t like the smile of coffee? “an iced latte,” she replies, getting up of her seat too. perhaps it would be better to go with him - just in case he tips the drink again.
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rubiestones-blog · 7 years
“and that is somewhat hapless.“ in the morning news had forecasted that the weather would be nice but somehow the current downpour truly contradicted the prediction. despite from his peripheral vision, he noticed the girl was flinching and he eyed her with slight concern painted his features. “unless you want to run towards that bus-stop across here which i’m worried since even under shades you are scared of thunders.“ his fingers lightly drummed onto the table until a solution clicked in his head. “here.“ in less than few minutes, he shed off his jacket and handed it at the girl. “we will do just that whether you like it or not.“
was it that obvious that she was scared of thunder? ruby had tried so hard to not scream when she first heard the thunder, tried her best to keep calm despite how fast her heart was beating. she looks up at the male, pausing for a minute, she takes the jacket and puts it on. it looks more like a dress than a jacket on her since it falls just right above her knees. “thank you,” she murmurs. ruby lets out a sigh, flinching once more as she hears the thunder.
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rubiestones-blog · 7 years
"I don't think that's safe.." | welcome to 2k !!
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“aw come on!” she laughs, but finally putting two hands on the steering wheel. “i’m not going to bump into anything, relax. i’m a totally capable driver!” she had turned of legal age a few months ago and since she already has a student’s permit before that, she decided to take the test. thankfully, she passed and is now a fully capable driver. at least, that’s what she thinks. “trust me!”
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rubiestones-blog · 7 years
You know, I was just going to suggest you do that. // Welcome to 2K!
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“it looks better like this, doesn’t it?” she had originally bought the small scarf to wear around her head like a headband, but since she was going with a more alternative look today rather than her usually girl attire, she decided to wear it around her wrist like a bracelet instead. “i feel pretty badass, not gonna lie,” ruby laughs.
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rubiestones-blog · 7 years
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❝ holy fuckin’ shit. ❞ if there’s anything in this world yang loves, it’s cute animals. his own youtube feed is full of them. he claps his hands together and presses his nose against them, trying to catch his breath.  ❝ let’s go get a bunny. like, right now. ❞
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ruby was half joking about the whole adopting a bunny thing, but seeing the male’s reaction actually makes her excited about the prospects of a pet bunny. “really?” she questions, just in case the male was joking, half-hoping he wasn’t because damn, she wants a pet so bad. “then let’s go!”
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