rubixa-seraph · 2 months
Ran out of body wash recently.
Bought more. Also bought a bar of soap with a "tactical scrubber" pouch.
And it's so much more convenient than having to deal with a bottle of body wash and applying it to some exfoliating thing first.
Yep. My new form of lazy. That body wash is going untouched and I'm going to smell like "sawtooth" now. Whatever that it.
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rubixa-seraph · 3 months
I...disagree? Because I've seen and read all of the old media of Trigun before TriStamp, and I have my own reasons for dealing with the veil the way I would. (I'm not an active fan artist though, but if I were to do the wedding scene, it's not going to conform to this observation either.)
The symbology of the topic in question was quite vital to the storytelling but I don't think that scene alone is the sole thing that should dictate how someone would visualize a potential wedding scene for VashWood. It's going to more highly depend on how the artist or writer connects with the characters and how they feel about weddings.
This observation isn't without basis, and could be true for some, but it's assuming too much while accounting for so little about "why."
(Please don't take this as a dig or anything at the OP. I just really think this was a bit too one-dimensional and want to point out how there's just so much more to the reasons behind the fun we can have as fans playing with our dolls in the fandom.)
i don't ship vashwood but i do think it is extremely funny how you can tell whether someone's knowledge of trigun is exclusively through stampede or if they've been exposed to the other media by who they think wears the veil in a vashwood wedding scenario
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rubixa-seraph · 3 months
Younger people can't protect themselves from predatory adults if they don't know how to tell the difference between predatory tactics and actual decent human beings. (This is what "it takes a village" means. And really, this isn't just about children. We are all able to influence each other and teach each other something. )
Also, for all ye "I will block you if your profile doesn't show you age range" people, it's understandable to not converse with minors if your blog subject is mature content, but regarding mature content, puberty happens before people turn 18. Kids can't figure out shit if they can't explore it (and be educated on it but that should be the job of IRL adults in their life.)
And your audience's ages are none of your business. I'm more likely to block creators who think it's their business.
(SMH, how are some of ya'll gonna handle the workforce in the future when you might work with people younger than you? I don't work a run of the mill service job. We have bright eyed high school graduates with the potential and skills to work the job but is missing life experience. These people are a part of my life as much as I am in theirs, and they deserve my respect and my care when they are in a hard spot. You think school taught them how to do taxes, or how health insurance works?)
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i think some of you guys are insane 👍 it's actually possible for a 16 year old to be online friends with someone in their 20s. source: teenagers are actually people who can talk to other people about shared interests.
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rubixa-seraph · 3 months
I watched the '98 anime first, but 20 years late because I grew up with a lot of limitations in what I was allowed to consume. As a mid-20's adult who did at least read a lot of books, Trigun '98 was entertaining but I felt like some parts of the story either lacked the depth I was looking for, or that there was meant to be depth there but it wasn't entirely polished.
So I did some digging on the internet, found out the circumstances surrounding the manga's serialization vs. the circumstances and timing of the anime, and went to read TriMax.
TriMax delivered the depth I wanted in the plot. (Though it did also deliver a sense of "I need to re-read those panels fifteen times to understand what happened...)
And now with TriStamp? I'm loving it.
I'm no stranger to the retelling of stories. Grew up on it. Seen it a lot in many other forms of media. Studied the transformation of media, in fact.
Transforming a media out of love (or out of parody) is an art form. Studio Orange did it very well. I'll be looking forward to how the next season goes.
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In what order did YOU consume Trigun ?
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rubixa-seraph · 4 months
nothing pisses me off more than when i see a fic on ao3 talking about reach. "this ship isn't here but i added them for reach" "this fandom tag isn't necessary but i'm adding it for reach" "reposting for reach" STOP IT!!!! this is not tiktok this is not twitter this is an ARCHIVE this is not how it works!!!
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rubixa-seraph · 4 months
I saw that you support propaganda? Then let me give the polls propaganda for VashWood my Beloved.
First of all, what's more cool than characters named Vash the Stampede and Nicholas D. Wolfwood? What's more fascinating than a relationship between a being that is believed to be an angel, and a man who was blessed with the curse of a supposed angelic order?
And what's more beautiful than a love between two sinners who would sooner forgive each other first, before they would forgive themselves? Two people who thought they had opposing ideologies, when both of them wished dearly to carve love into a desolate landscape with their own bloodied hands...
...hands that are bloodied with different kinds of blood for the same reasons, where Nicholas would spill the blood of others to protect that which is dear to him, and Vash would sooner let others spill his blood in order to protect all human life.
What is more bittersweet than the reverence of a man who was forced to play the enemy, whom Vash forgave and wished to save the moment they had met?
What is more haunting than the "thank you" of the hanged man, who knew that Nicholas was leading him to the gallows?
And what can be more beautiful than the way they see the goodness in each other, even when they each hold on to so much guilt about themselves? When Vash would let Wolfwood "betray" him, so the collateral can remain safe?
They are both driven by a want to protect. They are both missing pieces in their ideology on how to protect. And they both complete each other's ideologies with a single hard truth: sacrifices are necessary, but choosing what to sacrifice, whether it be yourself or another, are BOTH tough choices, and neither choice is easier than the other.
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rubixa-seraph · 4 months
While fiction and fantasy is separate from reality, the act of reading is an act of reality.
Life itself does not come with tags or warnings for what happens ahead of time. Reality itself is full of unwanted surprises alongside expected comforts.
Tagging (and equivalent functions) in fiction and fantasy mediums is a boon we may receive, but it is not our right to receive it. Organizing our vast media and content is partially a necessity, but only as far as to recognize that an Apple is an Apple, and an Orange is an Orange. (Titles, genre, and the likes.)
If you've ever gone out picking fruit from an orchard, and eating it fresh, you might learn that sometimes, you just can't judge everything about a fruit by its outside appearance. Just because it looks fine on the outside, does not mean it's all fine on the inside or in flavor.
And to be honest, you can still get this experience when you buy from the grocery store... a place that has already cherry-picked what produce it's willing to sell.
To expect that you have a right to see and predict everything that is to come your way, even in the act of consuming fantasy, is an arrogance, and also a tower that is waiting to crumble. Life is only as wonderful as the triumph in overcoming its hardships, and an inability to adapt and move on when even your most well-laid plans get waylaid is a weakness.*
*This is about handling recovery from triggers. This is not about dismissing triggers. You cannot sanitize the world of things that trigger you. Much like how paper cuts are a possibility when handling paper, having water, a bandage, and a cool head after experiencing the pain is a much healthier reaction to a paper cut than only crying about it and throwing a fit.
Man... I am a firm believer that you should be able to choose to know what you're about to engage with. Like "chose not to use archive warnings" is fine, but for some stuff, some topics, it's better to make a clear and informed choice about what you're about to read... like think the does the dog die website... idg the point of hiding what happens in a story from everyone
Er... okay? Is this about that AITA I reblogged? I can't think of anything I've posted that's related to this otherwise.
Well, it feels a little out of the blue, but I got time. On one level I agree with you. I'm an "over-tagger" because I want people to know what they're going to encounter in my fics, and self-select out of reading them if there's material they can't or don't want to deal with. I tagged "shellfish" on one fic because I used to know a girl whose gag reflex kicked in whenever she read about consuming shellfish. I regularly get complaints from my readers that I've tagged way too much. So yeah, I get that there are a lot of topics that people need to make informed choices about.
But I very much disagree with your implication that authors who don't do this are "hiding" something. "Choose not to warn" IS a tag. It is a whole-ass tag in its own right, whose meaning is, "If you need to make a clear and informed choice about the fics you read, with clear labeling of certain topics, this is not the fic for you." That author isn't hiding anything. And the reader who ignores "choose not to warn" when they do need certain topics labeled, is choosing to potentially harm themselves.
And sometimes that's what people need! Some folks are working on their triggers, and reading "unwarned" fic might be how they confirm they're making progress. Beyond that, some folks are just used to "unwarned" fic as a reading experience. I'm old.* For the first 2/3rds of my life, all reading was like this -- unlabeled, I mean. You took your chances every time you opened the cover, and if you got slapped in the eye-nerves by something horrifying, you just dealt with it. I prefer trigger warnings as I said, but I also get that many people prefer "unwarned" reading. "Choose not to warn" fics are or those readers. If you're not one of them, it's fine. Not all fiction is for all readers. There are plenty of clearly-labeled things out there for you.
It would be great if there was a "does the dog die" for fanfic. Unfortunately, given the pace at which fanfic appears in the world, I can't imagine any site managing to keep up with that. But hey, if somebody decided to start that up and put it on Patreon or something, I bet they'd make a mint.
*Middle aged, which I don't think is old, but I know a lot of young folks on this site do.
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rubixa-seraph · 5 months
This is not a drag, but anyone who falls into this category might get that "oops I fucked up and drew that wrong" feeling and I'm sorry for bringing this up lol,
So I have this habit of always checking things such as if a character is left or right handed, or what side certain features are on, etc.
And so I never fail to take note of Vash and Nai's beauty marks.
Vash's is under his left eye. (Like mine! That's how I remember! Mine is a bit more on my cheek than under the corner of my eye though.)
And Nai's is under his right eye.
And, well, now that I'm bringing this up like this, I think the subject of this post is clear.
I sometimes have to double-take because "that looks like Vash but is that supposed to be Nai? ...oh wait I think the artist just made a mistake, ah..." 😅
Remember guys, Vash's mark is on the same side as the side he lost his arm! Left! :˙)
And Nai's is on his Right! :.\
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rubixa-seraph · 6 months
Impulse purchase was made yesterday. I've ordered the DVDs to the Trigun '98 anime and for BR.
(Downside is that, that was my budget for buying more volumes of a manga I'm currently collecting. Oh well, I can wait a few more weeks to get the next volumes.)
Much excitement. It's been a while since I've owned some DVDs. Losing all of my belongings some decade ago was painful, and it's so good to start having a little collection of things that make me happy again. It's also been a while since I've watched the old stuff and it's going to be a trip to see how the tone of the storytelling was done just over two decades ago.
Also side note, it's getting cold enough where I live for me to wear my coat to work again, and it's sort of embarrassing but also exhilarating when a coworker from a completely different part of the building asks me if I'm a fan of Trigun because the coat gives him those vibes. (I've had this coat for almost 15 years.) Apparently coats can really change the vibes, because I'm all vest-and-tie formal under the coat...
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rubixa-seraph · 6 months
D-do I see claws on Wolfwood? Are his nails colored...? (...do they ever get painted...?)
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rubixa-seraph · 6 months
lol, as someone who grew up understanding how stories transform, and thus can find joy in media being transformed, I gave Trigun Stampede a healthy dose of faith and adored what we got from it so far. (FYI I grew up with so many different versions, publications, comics, animations, and live actions of things like "Journey to the West" and "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" etc. that it's just normal to me to see so many different versions of things. Disney productions are the same way for me.)
Seeing the critique and panic that circulated when it was announced (but not yet out) come around again (due to following the archiving blog) makes me sigh.
Oh well. I know there's plenty of love for it now. Looking forward to when the archive pulls all the love to the surface again.
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rubixa-seraph · 6 months
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I was surprised Wolfwood seemed kind of cold towards this kid at first.... but it makes sense once we realize that he would've of course recognized Zazie.
ALSO, it's once again time for 🚨 red-blue symbolism!!! 🚨
Wolfwood has two lollipops, red and blue. He keeps the red one for himself (symbolizing his not-yet allegiance to Vash) while he gives a blue one to Zazie (symbolizing their current allegiance to Knives). The lollipops are also vaguely Plant shaped!
and by that logic.... the way he plays with the red lollipop in his mouth is also fuel for the vashwood shippers 😉
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rubixa-seraph · 7 months
Oh, when you haven't updated something in a while and you go... "wait, what was that one detail that happened 30 chapters ago...?"
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rubixa-seraph · 7 months
...yo I need a freaking LAPTOP. (With a full keyboard because my hands won't abide to the smaller ones!) This working away from home for half a week every week thing is really fucking with my ability to write.
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rubixa-seraph · 7 months
I might have a laptop soon. A used laptop but one that will work lovely for writing.
...yo I need a freaking LAPTOP. (With a full keyboard because my hands won't abide to the smaller ones!) This working away from home for half a week every week thing is really fucking with my ability to write.
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rubixa-seraph · 7 months
Second Chances are Brand New Stories
[A Trigun Fanfic]
When they met again, it was like paradise. Vash has no scars. Nick has clean hands. Nai even has hopes and dreams of wondrous things. It was almost too good to be true. But it was true. As true as the past that they knew better than the history books did. They say that history repeats itself…maybe that’s just a pessimistic view. So then… “Do you wonder sometimes, if we didn’t remember, if we would never have fallen in love again?” Nick whispered. Vash quirked an eyebrow. “What? You mean that without my memories, I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with the kindest plant engineer that I laid eyes on when I was born?” [A collection of moments and interactions across various times in the new lives of Wolfwood, Vash, Nai, and Livio.]
(Remember when I said I like the idea of a Reincarnation AU where Nick decided to become a Plant Engineer? Well, chapter 1 isn't about how he came to the idea to study engineering, but have a cute interaction that preludes the tone for the story.)
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rubixa-seraph · 7 months
About Me~
This is my main blog! Occasionally, art goes here. Lately I've been musing about Trigun, and I'm still deep into Devil May Cry. I talk little but I like a lot of things, and reblog everything to a side blog.
I write fanfiction when I have time. You can find me on Ao3 as RubixaSeraph.
Side blogs of note:
@blooddrop-palace Where all of my Devil May Cry works get linked, and where I reblog anything DMC
@rubixa-reblog If you want to see where my common interests go (and potentially social commentary,) they go here. Anything fandom, anything cool, and sometimes current events all go here. I don't like to reblog random stuff to my main blog. Note that I get very lazy about tagging, but filtering should work based off of the original tags the posts had, so your blacklists should work fine.
I have perfect understanding of the separation between fiction and reality, and I know exactly what I am doing with my fiction and what I am doing with my reality.
I am also a working adult with family affairs to attend to on a daily basis. Please keep this in mind, and understand that my wants and needs from fantasy and fiction are first and foremost to cater towards my own self care.
I do not care what age you are if you would like to follow me. I expect all followers to decide on their own terms if they want to see my content or not.
I will reserve the right to refuse to engage in topics that are inappropriate to discuss, or topics I do not want to be a part of.
I will block anyone who are hateful and does not mind their own business, including but not limited to: hating on other people's fantasies/fictional interests, assuming a person's real life behaviors based on their fantasies, making threatening or derogatory statements about groups of people based on their fantasies or fictional interests, or accusing people of crimes based on their fantasies or fictional interests.
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