rubymctthews · 7 years
Everything just sort of happened in a blur, one minute they were totally flirting around and now Laura is trying to leave him with blue balls? Well, she was doing a great job at teasing him and this was something he expected from a woman who liked playing both sides. Though, he still didn’t see it coming which was weird. Guess she’s more Dominant than he thought.
The feel of her hand teasing alongside the veins of his cock and up to the sensitive tip damn near caused him to lose it right there. They had just met and already he knew this woman was going to have some type of hold over him. Caleb groaned as she trailed along his cock, he gripped the edge of the counter top with one hand and then his beer with the other, fuck he was going to lose it he knew it, but he tried holding on the best he could and as he was about to close his eyes tightly that’s when the feeling had stopped and her hand had moved.
His head followed Laura’s movements and noticed now she was moving away from him. And he just stood there; hard as a fucking rock and not doing a damn thing about it. “Fuck.” He finally managed to let out, pulling up his pants and wincing lightly as he tried to cover the massive hard on he had no thanks to her. When Caleb finally reached her his hands fell upon her hips and jerked her body close to his, letting her feel what she caused him.
“I don’t think you fucking heard me.” A hand trailed up, gripping dark locks as her Laura’s head jolted back, his lips kissing along her jawline and he whispered softly but firmly in her ear. “I told you to get down on your knees and take my cock.” He pushed himself against her ass, letting her get a good feel of what she created now. “Do you feel that? Look what you’ve done now.” Caleb allowed his teeth to nibble on some skin on her neck, he released and pushed further into her backside.
“What are you gonna do take care of this, hmm?” As he asked that question a free hand traveled down towards her pants, after he unbuttoned and unzipped them he let his hand slip in past her panties and dip inside to rub vigorously against her throbbing clit.
Laura in truth, had half expected him to walk off and go jack himself off in another room, or even jack off in front of her. She had expected to turn around only to find him with his hand around his cock, but that was not the case. Instead however, she found herself with his hands on her hips, pushing his hard cock into her ass. 
Despite wanting to continue with her faux resolve, she couldn’t, and her eyes fluttered closed while her mouth opened. He was definitely hard. The teasing had done enough, and she wondered how much longer he could go before he came in his pants. She whimpered as he began pressing kisses along her neck, her hands resting on his hips as she undulated her hips. 
She wanted to tease him more, to see just how far they could push things. However, that plan was put on hold when she felt his hand sneak past her jeans and panties. The feeling of his fingers rubbing her clit caused her to let out a moan and hang her head. 
Laura, in retaliation, began to hump his hand, her ass stroking his clothed cock with each movement. “I’m going to see how long you can keep this up, that’s what I’m going to do.” She answered, her breathing uneven as she pressed her ass harder against him. 
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rubymctthews · 7 years
What a fucking tease. Caleb could feel that bulge inside of his pants grow, and it didn’t help the way she talked and licked her lips, then standing only mere inches away from him. Caleb wanted to do exactly as she said; throw her against the counter and rip every fabric off her body. Have his way with her and demand she suck his cock, take the entire thing if she could. The word ‘daddy’ slipping from her soft lips caused him to twitch slightly, God she was making herself so fucking attractive to him, not that she wasn’t before but right now it like amplified.
Hearing her kinks was fantastic in more ways than one, mostly because Caleb felt somewhat relieved that he found someone else who was interested in the same things. He always felt like a freak for enjoying these things, mainly because no one else really understood or wanted to understand. The thought of him and her playing both the Dominant role was something new, he didn’t mind being Dominant with a woman but that was when they were mainly just submissive. He never had another switch like him, this was going to be all kinds of fun.
“Sounds super sexy.” The man winked at her, watching her ass as Laura went over to the fridge and asked him for a drink. At this point he was gawking at her body; imagining how incredibly sexy she would look in nothing on and down on her knees, taking in his entire member. It was too much to handle at this point. 
Caleb needed her. And he needed her right now.
“Grab me a beer, sweetheart. And then I want you to come over here in front of me.” He pointed down at the ground. “Down on your knees and look up at me as you take my cock and I enjoy that nice cold beer.” He winked at her, beginning to unbutton his pants.
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She knew what she had done to him, she wasn’t exactly a novice when it came to the art of seduction or teasing. Laura could tell he was reacting her, by the sudden intake of breath, by the way his body seemed to stiffen. Hell, even the way his pupils seemed to dilate. Her words had gone straight to his cock. 
The brunette stared at the contents of the fridge for a moment, figuring out what she would want to drink when she heard him speak. A smirk formed on her lips, and it took everything within her not to chuckle. Despite her initial reaction, she felt the familiar throb of her clit. His words had had some affect on her. But he didn’t need to know that. 
She cast her gaze on him, watching as he began to unbutton his pants. He was hard. Hard enough she thought that perhaps teasing him a little could make him break. That was a challenge she was willing and ready to accept. 
Laura grabbed the beer that had been stocked in the fridge and opened it, taking a slow swig as she closed the door and looked at him. His cock was straining against his jeans and boxers, and just the site made the space between her legs dampen with want, but she could hold out. Teasing him was more important. 
Slowly, she made her way towards him, handing him the beer she’d taken a swig out of. Instead of getting on her knees, she stood in front of him, and leaned in so that her cheek was against his, and her breath could be felt on his skin. 
Gingerly, she placed her hand on his bulge and despite herself, a lusty sound escaped between her plump lips as her hand moved tantalizingly down his covered shaft. “If you think... For one minute that I’m going to get on my knees and suck your hard cock...” She paused, moving her hand a little faster, only to slow down to an agonizing pace. Stopping so that her thumb was on the sensitive vein on the underside of his cock. “When I’ve only known you for about two hours... You’ve got another thing coming.” 
Laura pressed a kiss to the space beneath his earlobe on his neck,and ran her finger over the sensitive head of his member, only to take a step back. “Enjoy your beer... Hubby.” 
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rubymctthews · 7 years
He hesitated at the question, should he answer it or leave it alone? Not too many people were into that kind of thing and it would probably be extremely awkward to know Caleb had an server fetish for the BDSM lifestyle. But she did joke around with porn so she couldn’t feel that awkward around it, right? “Well…” he still stammered at the answer to the question, he decided to just say screw it and let her know a little about himself. They were meant to live in this house for God knows how long and it was bound that little things they were used to or had a dislike for would come up eventually, might as well not by shy now. “I do really like it. I mean, I really like it.” A huge smile plastered upon his face
There was an awkward pause again, he really thought about telling her what his main fetish was; which was submitting to a woman. But not just any woman, they really needed to show their Dominance to him and he enjoyed some pain along with it, he wasn’t one to act bratty just to get what he wanted however, usually they just did whatever they wanted to Caleb, he figured he just had that type of personality. Didn’t help him he enjoyed it along the way.
“Not really sure if you’re into this or not, and you can stop me if you’re not. But I really do enjoy a woman taking control over me. I mean she can knock me down to the ground, make me look up at her and beg me to fuck her. She can sit on my face while she does her make up and I am tempted to taste to her but she commands I don’t.” Caleb had to take a breather, he was starting to feel that bulge in his pants.
He looked over at Laura with some curiosity. “Are you…into anything…like that?” 
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When the discussion had first come up, she hadn’t expected him to go full on honest with her. However, she supposed that within time, she would have figured out something about his desires. Whether it be going on the computer after him, hearing him at night. Whatever the case may be, he was probably right in telling her. They were supposed to be a married couple, and married people knew this kind of stuff about one another. Or at least most did. They were just strangers though, and although she knew that meant that they didn’t have to share things, four walls would get constraining. And fast. 
Her dark gaze watched him as he spoke, noting how his eyes lit up and darkened slightly. He did really like it. He wasn’t lying. There was no way someone could act out the way their gaze reflected. A small smirk formed on her lips as she said certain things, committing them to memory. 
Just because they were married, or portraying a couple who were married, didn’t mean that they had to do things expected of married couples. And yet, Laura didn’t really mind hearing what his kinks were. In fact, she enjoyed it. Her body reacted before her mind could, and she leaned forward, resting both elbows on the counter top. “I see...” She stated slowly, gaze still analyzing him. 
Did she lie, get up and walk away. Say something sassy about his own kinks? No. That would be rude. Or, did she tell him the truth? Laura, or well... Grace. Bit down on her bottom lip and shrugged. “I’m into all sorts of things...” She trailed off and sat back in her chair again, gaze never wavering from him. “I like telling a guy what to do, but I also like when a guy can tell me what to do.... You know that high you get when a woman tells you to get on your knees in front of her?” Her voice had dropped an octave and she leaned forward again, bringing her face so that it was inches from his. “I feel that way when I order someone around... But I also feel that way when a guy tells me he wants me to suck his cock.” She licked her lips for emphasis. “So I’m no stranger to what you like, as for other things... I’m into calling a guy daddy. Whips and chains excite me somewhat, and I also like multiple orgasms. Not just for me, but for my partner as well.” She finally managed to get out, only to hop down off of the stool and make her way to the fridge. 
“You want a drink?” 
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rubymctthews · 7 years
Grace…err Laura? Was preaching to the choir on that one. It was going to be more than hard for him to try and act like he was in a relationship yet alone married to someone, especially someone he didn’t even know. “How did you know I enjoy BDSM?” He laughed, walking over towards her and just stopped in front of her. What was he suppose to do? Wrap his arms around her and try and put her mind at ease? She was nobody to him, and he wasn’t trying to mean that in a rude type of way it’s just they literally had no clue who they were and now they were thrown in a house together and have to pretend to be married? 
“This whole thing is going to be complicated, I understand. You think it’s going to be an easier for me? I have to pretend I’m fucking married. I mean, pretending to be your boyfriend would have been a lot less pressure, but now I have to live the married life? I barley even move in with my girlfriend’s, I wouldn’t know one thing about being married.” Everything was starting to get to him right now and Caleb found himself leaning forward and clenching the edge of the counter top.
But a small laugh had escaped, he thinking about her job. “Yeah. You’re right, I guess you must be one of those people that kept trying and trying, building up connections and just never giving up on your homemade soaps.” He laughed even louder now. “Looks like I must be the one rolling in the income with this marriage.” In the end, this wasn’t going to be easy; that was a given fact. But they could always make the most of it, given their circumstance it seemed like they had no choice in the matter but to give it a shot. It was either this or be dead, and Caleb wasn’t willing to take the latter in this situation. “Now, can we get back to that BDSM topic?” Caleb asked, cocking an eyebrow and a small smile.
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She rolled her eyes at his teasing. He was joking, but she didn’t know if he was for real or not. After all, she knew nothing about him. They were supposed to be married, but she knew absolutely nothing. There wasn’t a thing about him in her folder, other than the things she needed to know. His name, what his affiliation was to her. It was a pain. How the government thought they could pull it off, she didn’t know, but she was determined to pull it off. Or at least try to. She traced her finger around a part of the marble pattern in the counter and glanced at him, “You must be, either that or we do homemade porn, I mean to afford this? Hell, one of us must have had rich relations or some shit.” She mused, gaze flickering to the crown molding on the ceiling. 
Yeah, they must have hit pay load, or something else if they could have afforded such a place. 
Instead of focusing too much on the details, she looked over at him and chuckled. “What, are you actually into it?” Laura questioned, her own brow cocking as a wave of curiosity hit her. 
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rubymctthews · 7 years
Yeah, he had a job. Though he was embarrassed to say what. Although, it didn’t really matter because he had faith this wasn’t going to last longer than what Grace had expected. “I work at a bookstore, I didn’t even think those still existed. Well it’s a Barnes and Nobel so I guess that makes more sense, but still do I look like a book nerd to you?” He read of course, wasn’t exactly an interesting hobby or anything he’d want to make a career out of but none the less he knew what books were. Latest books? That would be a bit of a problem, he was sure he could make everything work though.
He couldn’t help but laugh at her bio. Her mother selling jam? Guess the government wanted to really keep this a 1950′s era type of lifestyle. “Well, you know this could be fun in a way.” Caleb threw down the folder on the kitchen counter, leaning his torso against the nicely smooth and cool marble counter top. This kitchen was a lot nicer than he imagined, hell the whole house was a lot nicer and who knew that on a book store employee salary right? 
They had to of made decent for sure, but he wondered if it was enough to afford a house like theirs. Sure, the government was paying for it but they wanted to look believable right? “I mean, it could be like we’re actors in a movie or something. Oh we can rehearse lines and what not, what we’re going to say when we meet people? And we can even have a code if we’re falling in an awkward situation with someone you know what I mean?” Clearly, Caleb was becoming far too invested in this situation.
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She had to admit that he definitely didn’t look like a book nerd, a porn guy, possibly a video game guy as well, but definitely not a book nerd. There was going to have to be more acting in this arrangement than she thought. “Not exactly... Maybe you can make up some excuse that you’re trying to save up to go back to school to get a doctorate or something like that.” She mused with a small shrug, opening her folder to see what her job was. “At least you don’t make soap and sell it on etsy... I have to learn to do that. And make it artisanal. That’s just a fucking fancy word for sloppy.” She stated, glancing at the brunette. How the fuck they were supposed to have afforded a house in the suburbs, she didn’t know. 
She let out a small sigh, and ran a hand through her long dark hair, her dark eyes settling on the man as he spoke. He didn’t have bad ideas. Working on a small script, or just going over certain things that couples would know about one another would be good. She’d always liked drama as a kid, it’d just be like an assignment. Although she was sure it would get annoying after awhile. 
“A script? Like why? Hey there John, my name’s Grace and this is my Husband Dylan. I sell soap and he works at a book store, and we enjoy bdsm, and eating only a liquid diet” she stated in a fake preppy voice only to look at him with a straight face. “Seriously though... We’re going to have to act like a couple, and I’m just letting you now now, that might be hard for me.” 
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rubymctthews · 7 years
“And do I look like a fucking Dylan to you?” Caleb asked the random stranger that was now living with him, in a new home and a new location and apparently new identities as well. There was always that saying that doing the right thing could be hard sometimes, and Dy–Caleb–was really starting to believe that now. “I mean, we gotta do what we gotta do. We’ll just lay low until about a month or so, however long these things take. Then we’ll go back to our normal lives in no time.” God, only one could hope that would happen.
It all started that faithful day on his lunch break from work, something had looked and seemed suspicious so like any natural normally stupid person, Caleb went to go and investigate. He called off work a little early only to travel around the backside of his building, which lead into an empty large parking lot area that no one really bothered to visit, due to it’s creepy vibe. Long story short; Caleb was in the wrong place at the wrong time, knowing he had to do the right thing which wound him up here, in this situation with some random chick named Laura.
“So, can you and I like pretend to get along through this whole thing? Just make it easier on ourselves.” He sighed, grabbing the manila folder and looking at his new identity one more time, laughing to himself. “I’m Dylan Connors and I am a 23 year old male, and an only child. Lucky me.”
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Laura looked up, brown eyes settled on the guy she was supposed to be calling ‘husband’. He looked like a Dylan as much as she looked like a Grace, which on a scale of 1-10, was a 0.  How anyone thought that the two of them would be able to keep up a charade which such horrible names, let alone horrible back stories, was beyond her. The brunette let out a sigh, and sat down at the island she’d been standing beside. At least the kitchen was nice. Whoever had picked out the place they were staying in had good taste. She had to give the government that. “You do realize that this might be going on longer for a month right? Like years?” She shook her head and looked back at the folder. 
Her life had been one monumental fuck up after another. Her mother had dated a mob boss’s son, and they got stuck with the family. Laura was raised knowing nothing else of being a ‘good girl’ and helping out with the business. She was the distraction. The one who flirted with the guys, got them into sexual situations, and just when they were distracted enough, they’d be killed, or taken away. Most of the time they were taken, but in seldom circumstances she’d seen a few men capped. 
She never asked any questions, she knew better than to get curious. However, it’d all got to be too much for her one day when she had been talking to a guy about his wife. They’d been making out, and he’d had to stop - in tears. He’d broken down, admitting that he was married. Whatever he’d done had warranted a bullet to the head, and seeing the vulnerability slowly fade out of his eyes as his life left his body shook her to core. 
She’d ratted ‘the family’ out, and landed up in the back woods of the US. 
Laura looked up, realizing that the brunette was talking and ran a hand through her long dark hair. “I don’t know, I can’t promise anything...” She paused, figuring that she couldn’t just leave it at that. 
“I’m Grace Connors. Twenty-two... My maiden name was Lawrie, I have 6 siblings, my dad owns a farm, and my mom sells jam....” She looked at the guy she now knew as Dylan. “You got a job listed there?” 
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rubymctthews · 7 years
The officials in charge of placing her and this mystery guy in their new lives under the Witness Protection Program had just left, and both she and this guy were left in a suburban home in the middle of fucking no where. They’d been handed folders, and told that there would be someone checking in on them every few days, and that was that. 
Laura opened the manilla folder that she’d been handed and frowned. There were a few different forms of identification. Apparently she was from New England, and had 6 siblings. “What the fuck?” She whispered under her breath, her eyes bugging somewhat as she saw the name they’d given her. 
“Do I look like a Grace to you?” She asked the guy they’d lopped her with. They were supposed to be playing the perfect young married couple, how the two of them were supposed to that she didn’t know, but she supposed that they had no other choice but to figure it out. 
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rubymctthews · 7 years
The girl had quite the attitude, he couldn’t really tell if that was a typical thing around these parts and his dad never mentioned it being so he tried not thinking much about it. Although, he had to admit it did cause his cock to slightly twitch within his pants. “I’m Caleb.” He picked up on the fact she was about to say another name but didn’t bother mentioning it, he didn’t know the girl and his dad always told him for various reasons people used aliases in porn. A lot of the times they changed it for acting purposes, but all those thoughts flew out the window as she tied her robe tighter around her body. What a shame. At least he’ll get to see the full thing later on.
“My apologies, I just use Miss as a form of politeness and to show I have manners.” Caleb chuckled. “My name is Caleb Morrison. And yeah, before you ask I am the son of the owner of this studio and big time porn director.” Sometimes it got old saying that. “Are you new? I haven’t seen you around before.” He didn’t want to make it obvious that he was a freshly turned eighteen year old, just graduating high school to say the least.
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Morrison. He was the directors kid? Fuck. Inwardly she wanted to scream at herself, and kick something. He was the fucking directors kid, and she’d shown him her full blown attitude. The last thing she needed was to lose her job when he blabbered off to his dad about how she’d greeted him. And yet, she couldn’t find it within herself to act a lady. She was who she was, and no job - no matter how desperate she was for it - would sacrifice her personality. 
“So your dad raised you to be polite? How quaint.” She replied with a chuckle, shaking her head somewhat. “I recognized the last name, he’s directing me this afternoon.” It would be interesting to see if Caleb would be there. If his father was trying to show his son the tricks of the trade, or if he was just tagging along with his dad because he was doing absolutely nothing of worth at home. 
“I’ve been here for two weeks, your dad works us pretty fucking hard.” She replied, a smirk forming on her lips. 
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rubymctthews · 7 years
One would think Caleb was a kid walking around in a candy store. This was in fact his first time ever seeing his dad’s studio, a fresh eighteen year old boy with raging hormones walking around and attending to naked or half naked people? It’s every boy’s dream come true, for the sake of legal purposes the studio his dad owned was completely off limits until he reached the legal age. No present from this moment further could ever compare to this one. “Hey Caleb.” A blonde woman smiled and winked at him as they walked by, how the hell did she know his name? And it suddenly hit him that was a long time actress that had been working for his dad, though she wasn’t that old, but she had been there a few years or so. It was still all new to him that his dad even mentioned having a son.
“Holy shit.” Caleb made eye contact with someone he bumped into randomly, how could he be so careless? And she looked like she was fresh out of her dressing room, his eyes wandered down to the sneak peek–as he liked to call it–that the robe allowed him to see, and my fucking God he couldn’t wait to see her entire body.”I mean—excuse me, Miss.” Caleb’s approach had suddenly changed, along with flashing her a charming smile. “Are you lost or need some sort of assistance?” As he asked he looked her body up and down one last time, taking in a good mental image for later.
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It wasn’t as if she was a stranger to being naked, she was often naked, however being bumped into on her way to do her work wasn’t exactly something that usually happened. She was frustrated, to say the least. Letting out a huff of air, she watched the male before her take a peak at her body, and instinctively, she closed the robe, tying it tightly at her waist. She was old enough to be in porn, but the guy before her looked young enough to still be in high school. “It’s L- Amber - Not Miss.” She stated, dark gaze studying his facial features. 
He looked like someone, she just couldn’t place who. “I’m on my way to a shoot. What the hell are you doing here, and who are you?” 
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rubymctthews · 7 years
Laura’s hair had just been finished, her hair a variety of messy curls. She looked at herself in the mirror and nodded. She looked fuckable, and that was the point wasn’t it? To look fuckable enough that the porn she was about to act in would believable. She let out a sigh, and got out of the chair she’d been sitting in, and placed her pink silk robe around her slender frame. “Right, I’m off.” Her gaze flickered to the plus size woman who was putting away make up in a trunk, a small wave offered in her direction, as Laura left the room. There were people going to other sets, other rooms, people of various degrees of nudity walking past her. If it weren’t for the fact that they were being filmed with a bunch of other people in the room, she would have been working in a brothel. 
On her way to the ‘sound stage’ she would be working on, she passed an old partner of hers and waved, offering the woman a small smile. Instead of asking her how she was however, Laura collided with someone else, and her robe came undone somewhat. “Watch where you’re fucking going!” 
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