rubyscion-blog · 5 years
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 ▹──────     Some days were harder than others. To stay strong ──To hide all pain and feelings of inferiority, were something the Prince had become accustomed to. However, despite the facade, he was far from perfect. In these moments, Sidon would stray from the public’s eye and remain on a cliff side at the edge of the domain.
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rubyscion-blog · 5 years
Your expression caps are priceless. Sidon is so silly in some of them. I laughed so hard at a few of the ones in the magic girl crack thread you're doing with link. Hehe.
Ooh thank you so much! I work hard to make right ones and match them properly with the thread going on so I really appreciate this! I also am happy I made you laugh at that silly Thread! Sorry I went MIA and this never got answered. 
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rubyscion-blog · 5 years
I wanna RP with you so bad I'm like freaking out HELP
Aaah… I’m a year late responding to this. I’m so sorry, Nonnie. I’m super easy to start an interaction with! 
Like a starter call, send an IC ask, shoot me a message, or tag me in a small starter. I’m always happy to interact with new people!
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rubyscion-blog · 5 years
Oh... I found the email for this blog. I’ll likely be revamping this blog to another blog since Sidon has been moved to my Multimuse.
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rubyscion-blog · 6 years
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The sight of home was a lovely one. Such a long journey to Hyrule Castle was tiring when it was taken on foot. (The poor Hylian soldiers that were sent to escort her, she would have left them in the dust if allowed into the water.) She was slow to reach the end of the bridge into the Domain; but it was a return worth waiting for with Sidon excitedly waiting for her.
There was no time for Mipha to greet the small Zora before he had tumbled.
NO HESITATION to scoop up the small prince from the ground. An action almost second nature to her; to protect her brother from harm!!  It would be some time before he would grow into his tail, for now, he would have to be careful (easier said than done with his energy.) “Are you alright?”
  ▹──────    The young zora was rather used to falling at this point .  Quite often he got too excited and his oversized tail would wind up under the child’s feet .  He would generally just get up again and act like nothing happened ───  and casually ignore any lectures Muzu might give as a follow up always ending with,  You must be more careful . 
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                             As he was scooped up , Sidon simply flashed Mipha a wide grin to show he was unharmed .  ❝ Better now that you’re home ! ❞  He chimed happily .  Life around the domain was always filled with studying and princely duties when Mipha was gone ,  so BORING as he would put it .  Now when she was back he could get her to tell him stories ,  or teach him how to be strong and brave himself .  Or really . . .  just be her shadow once more .
                             ❝ You’re back now ,  right ?  You aren’t leaving again ?  ❞
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rubyscion-blog · 6 years
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This is sorta for my own comfort and when I feel like something knowing I don’t need to post a bajillion inbox calls , starter calls , etc .
By liking this , you give me permission to …
▹ Send you random asks / memes  ▹ Tag you in a starter whenever ( assuming you have nothing posted about no new threads ) ▹ Send you messages about our characters ▹ Doodle our characters together  ▹ IM or message you to plot
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rubyscion-blog · 6 years
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◃ ────── ( V )
New theme thanks to the amazing work of @eternalworks~ ♥ I absolutely am IN LOVE with it ! I hope you all love it too ! I need to work on getting my links there set up now , but I'm at work and can’t be here . 
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rubyscion-blog · 6 years
         he knew it was a horrible idea with no chance of success. even if he had returned to the room, the other would know where it is  &  simply enter, or return after a while. or, a third option – get the guards. without sword  &  shield, the warrior is  ( pitifully )  unable to do much of anything, injuries or no. he couldn’t go against guards with weapons without anything himself –  he could attempt, but in the end its a bad idea.
           he resigns himself to merely leaning against the wall, looking up tot he zora in contemplation, ignoring the burning of his injuries. he claims to be someone more willing to help him, though caution still claws at his mind. he’s got few options.
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         eyes close as a pained groan slips from the warrior, a small shake of his head. he would reveal, but it wouldn’t be so simple – not with his outright refusal to speak. the zora already sees him as a pathetic being no doubt, a wounded young man that’s somehow found his way in this domain, lost  &  confused. to fall further down…
         he looks past the towering zora, down the hall, to the room he had been staying in until his attempted return to the surface. a glance back up, to the door again,  &  to get his point across, the hylian points a finger to the door. it’d be easier, even safer, to speak in there.
     ▹──────        Arms crossed over the Zora’s chest as he looked over the other more , waiting for the answer to his question . Sidon wasn’t too concerned that the boy were an enemy , after all , he was injured and it was clear someone had tended to them . In fact , he was almost certain it was his older sister’s doing as it appeared as though the wounds were once larger than they currently appeared .
                                    Gaze was suddenly cast down the hall , towards the door at the end of the hall . Once used by the old for when Hylians would be brought down . Last he knew , Mipha had marked it as off limits stating she were using it and wished for no interruptions . Now he understood why . Head shook slightly before taking a step towards the Hylian .
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                                    ❝ I see . . . So my sister has been treating you . Well , if you are good on my sister’s terms , then you must be a good person ! Let us get back to her room and we can speak more clearly there .  ❞ He chimed lightly , holding out a hand towards Link . He could just carry the Hylian over to the room and minimize any further chance of someone seeing them , however he didn’t want to risk furthering the Hylian’s injuries . Mipha certainly would not be happy with that .
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rubyscion-blog · 6 years
Oh my god your sidon is adorable! I love your blog, keep up the good work! (@bcrnt-petcls mun)
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◃ ────── ( V )
oh my goodness ! What a sweet thing to see pop into my inbox ! Aah ~ thank you so much . This means so much to me ! ;u;
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rubyscion-blog · 6 years
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“Oh-ho-oh! Do you really think magical girl Sidon could ever beat magical girl Link? You may have the power of love and friendship when you transform, but I always have it! I was born in the love and friendship, molded by it!” He laughed.
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  ▹──────         ❝ Ha─  ! Is that what you believe Link ? Then allow me to explain something to you . You could never strike me down . After all . . .  ❞ He spread his arms out wide , a large grin on his face . ❝ The love and friendship I hold for you only continues to help me grow ! The longer you’re around , the more my adoration grows and as does my power ! ❞
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rubyscion-blog · 6 years
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     “A lake? I don’t know off the top of my head,” Vio admitted. “We’re still charting this area for our map; the one the locals provided wasn’t much help to us. But if we get to the top of a hill, we could survey the area a bit better.”
     He felt badly that he couldn’t be of more immediate help. He and his brothers were still learning the lay of the land though, and it was hard to complete a map and gain bearings when that task was constantly interrupted by more immediate needs, like helping locals. Not to mention it was slow going when there seemed to be no ponies around for them to ride. They could ride horses, but getting atop one wasn’t exactly easy for their four feet and eleven inches of height; and while two of them could fit on a horse with ease, double saddles weren’t a thing that existed, making that option uncomfortable at best.
     In truth, Vio was still trying to figure out why they’d been sent to this time at all. If this kingdom’s chosen hero had failed, if decades would pass before he would be well enough to wake again, why did the goddesses choose them to maintain peace in his absence? They had no Master Sword. Their weapons could only do so much against the dark creatures influenced by this time’s Ganon. It felt futile at times.
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   ▹──────         If he could get himself to some waterways , finding the correct direction through the currents would be no challenge at all . But the biggest challenge was certainly finding the path to get him to one . He was certainly appreciative of the boy’s assistance . After all , he could last awhile without water , but not know where the nearest body of water was certainly was tempting fate . Sidon didn’t wish to risk anything potentially terrible occurring and him being without the soothing waters to assist him in recovery . 
                                   ❝ Top of a hill ? Yes , certainly that would make the most sense. Let’s see . . .  Aha ! Perhaps that would be the best place to start ! ❞ Sidon pointed towards a large hill in the distance . It would be a bit of a walk still , but it was the best place to start───And it would give him a chance to better survey the lands as well . 
                                   He had only just started marching off when a realization struck him . Attention once more turned to his friendly companion , friendly smile remaining in place . Of course he would appreciate the other’s accompaniment and assistance , he had already come up with a better plan in 5 minutes than Sidon had in walking , however it didn’t feel fair to make it seemed assumed he would continue to gather his help . ❝ If you have other things to attend to and don’t wish to accompany me, I won’t hold it against you ! I already appreciate your advice and I hope it will help me to find some water to reacclimatize to . ❞
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rubyscion-blog · 6 years
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This is sorta for my own comfort and when I feel like something knowing I don’t need to post a bajillion inbox calls , starter calls , etc .
By liking this , you give me permission to . . .
▹ Send you random asks / memes  ▹ Tag you in a starter whenever ( assuming you have nothing posted about no new threads ) ▹ Send you messages about our characters ▹ Doodle our characters together  ▹ IM or message you to plot
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rubyscion-blog · 7 years
"Gimme a high five, Sidon!"
◃ ──────  Sidon has to follow next 6 inbox orders  ( 1 / 6 )
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▹──────         Now that was an order he could listen to even without the control collar !  The Zora rose his hand and smashed it out towards Link’s open hand . Unfortunately, the command left his body to do the high five a little rougher than expected. ❝ Oops ! Are you alright , Link ?❞
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rubyscion-blog · 7 years
My Muse somehow has a Control Collar placed on their neck! It won’t come off till My Muse obey’s 6 Commands given to them, and they must obey the command no matter what it is! For the Next 6 Asks, My Muse will obey Any command given to them!
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rubyscion-blog · 7 years
( LINK )
Link looked over at her friend and tried to faintly smile as if she was denying that she was injured. However the flinching with every breath gave it away. She took in a breath and climbed down from the saddle holding her side still. Eventually she peered up at her friend. Signing slowly. “Maybe a little. I’m fine really.” She insisted but only to nearly crumble into the prince.
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 ▹──────         ❝ Link ! ❞  There was no hesitation for the Zora prince .  Immediately , He was wrapping his arms out to support his friend , the concern evident in his eyes .  ❝ We should get you inside to the doctors immediately ! What happened to you ? ❞  He wasted no time scooping the Hylian in his arms , not waiting for the likely arguments that would come with this .
Closed - Link to feeling.
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rubyscion-blog · 7 years
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Welcome to Hidden Worlds !! 
This is a Crossover (Mostly LOZ) RP group. Main Scenario leaves your character taken in the night from their timelines. This new world holds a side full of magic and beauty, and another side being drained of life. So many secrets held in both sides that could hold the secret to finding why your character was brought to this place in the first place. It's your character's decision in this new world, will they try to figure out how to get home, stay to help the new planet, or find their own path ? Decision is yours!
If you’re interested in joining, we’re currently accepting new people ! Just shoot me @rubyscion an IM and i’ll see about adding you in. Just need to know what character you’re looking to play. As of right now, duplicates are welcomed ! However, if it becomes that we’re getting too many of a specific character, I may need to cut it off for a bit.
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rubyscion-blog · 7 years
Send "⭐️" and I will compliment a random mun!
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