ruckusresourcebin · 1 year
LAYERS OF FEAR 2 SENTENCE STARTERS. starters from Bloober's game Layers of Fear 2, a psychological horror thriller game about an actor heeding the call of an enigmatic director. Some lines have been changed for the sake of easier interactions.
cw: verbal abuse, mentions of animal cruelty, implications of child abuse, themes of identity loss, self - deprecating thoughts, implications of suicide ideation
" stay awake. you will play your part. you will stay awake. "
" sleep is a poor excuse. and so are you. "
" all preparations have been made. your toys await you upstairs. "
" time waits for no one, actor. do not waste ours. act. "
" so long i have struggled to finish what was started. i had nearly lost hope. and yet, here we are. "
" remember what we talked about. focus on what you do best. "
" build the character. trust me, it'll be worth it. "
" the room has been set up as per your request. "
" one, in his time, plays the parts of many men. "
" you observe the others, while the others watch you. "
" you're expected to behave properly, wandering through worlds that aren't really there. you put on masks and adjusts accordingly. "
" each mask is a character. each character -- a layer. layers upon layers, calling out to you. "
" you must build the character you were meant to portray, or lose yourself completely. "
" you stand, on a stage where every man must play a part. and yours . . . is a sad one. "
" as per the director's request, this section of the ship has been closed off to all passengers and crew. "
" did you sleep well? "
" look, once you get there, just do what you have to do. get to the set, and build this character for him. "
" i know how many times you've told me you hate the sea. and i'm telling you, this gig is just too good to pass up. "
" did you check the lower decks this time? i swear to God, if we find stowaways again this time, you'll never set foot on this ship again. "
" never met him in person, but a few people have. that's why you hear all these rumors . . . about him being broken, disfigured . . . all that nonsense. "
" acting, if done well, is a scary business. it takes immense courage, to lose consciousness of your own self and not just reenact, but become the character you are portraying. few can muster that courage. "
" it was as if the person onstage dissolved before my very eyes, letting the character burst into existence. "
" just think of me as an admirer of your talent. "
" your performances . . . they speak to me like no other have. "
" to say that you are my favorite actor would be a gross understatement. "
" guy's got a bit of a . . . reputation. "
" supposed to be some new method for building the character. bunch of artsy-fartsy bullshit if you ask me. "
" just, go with it. guy doesn't take no for an answer. "
" so, what if the guy is a little nuts? he's a director, it comes with the job! "
" what's he gonna do? kill ya? "
" i think it's all an act. "
" the world's a stage, but the play is badly cast. "
" there is always a way, a light in the darkness . . . "
" do you remember? "
" before the world told you who you should be, do you remember who you were? "
" come. i will make you remember. "
" so many have tried to be a part of my greatest work, as if there was ever a choice. "
" only one can bring this character to life. only one is broken enough to build it. "
" i believe in you. "
" we have to get out of this godforsaken prison, before we rot! "
" are we really going? [name], i'm . . . "
" i'm back, me hearty! scouted out the whole area! "
" looks like there's a trail we can follow . . . left by fellow pirates no doubt! to lead us to safe harbor! "
" there she is, me hearty! the fastest vessel to ever sail the seven seas, ready to take us to the land of the Flame . . . "
" i don't see any sails . . . "
" shh! we must make our way aboard, quietly . . . "
" [name], i want to go home. "
" be your heart soaked in doubt, or a fire burning within? "
" we always come with a burden. "
" voices, faces, figures from the past . . . wrapped in an heavy, old bag. the first thing to do is to get rid of it. "
" a little spark is all it takes to set the human soul on fire. "
" an act of creation always begins with an act of destruction. "
" one life ends, another begins. one life ends. "
" a life for a life. one must be taken. the right one. "
" do not doubt. act. "
" no, you look but do not see. shoot her. "
" take. the. shot. "
" a story as old as time. who are we to rewrite it? who are we to deny it? "
" we must look deeper. we must do better. we must. "
" this chart will lead us away from peril and into safe harbor! "
" it takes courage to stand up to someone stronger than you. "
" i was never brave enough, but she was. "
" only one of us knows what must be done. only one of us knows what is at stake. the other . . . doesn't need to know, doesn't need to understand. only to listen, and act. "
" [name], i think there's something in the dark . . . "
" sod it, if the chief wants it checked so bad, he can bloody well do it himself! "
" [name], i'm scared. "
" you should be scared! you know what happens if they find us! they'll send us back! "
" heard you got off to a rough start. i know you have your idea of who this character should be. it's your right. you're the star of the show. "
" just remember, the director might be an odd duck, but at the end of the day, you're on the same team. "
" inside every actor is the one part they were born to play, the one character they were meant to build. "
" chip away the bloody marble, give form to the formless, until all that remains . . . is the truth. "
" how far can you go? how deep can you descend? "
" the thing you seek is still there. buried, hidden away. locked in a vault, a prison of yourself. "
" you try, and fail, to understand. "
" a hungry animal does not think. it knows. it needs. it acts. "
" where reason dare not go, instinct prevails. "
" you must leave the stillness of the mind, and brave the storm of teeth and claws. only then, can you find the key and claim your prize. "
" yeah, uh . . . could we take this again? there's something wrong with the picture. i think you must've moved. "
" you just don't look quite yourself . . . "
" excuse me, i'm such a big fan! could you please sign my -- oh, i'm sorry. i must've mistook you for someone else. "
" when chasing dreams, we often find ourselves in a nightmare. "
" that'll do for now. it's time to eat. "
" but, [name], the food . . . it's gone! "
" tragedy strikes at the heart, despair consumes the soul . . . a life crumbles. "
" what's done is done. no use crying. "
" we need to venture forth and find fresh supplies. "
" here, take this. it'll help you find your strength. "
" one suffers for another. another takes their place. the machine goes on. "
" time marches on. death turns to decay. "
" no man is an island, but one can become a vessel, to carry within it the flame of another. "
" it warms the heart, it feeds the soul. it makes the world so bright. "
" a stolen flame burns strong, burns quick. a stolen flame . . . burns out. "
" we must not forget great art carries a heavy cost. to lose oneself in a role sometimes leads to losing oneself, period. "
" looks like the rats got to it before us. "
" shh, we're not alone here . . . "
" ugh . . . it stinks! but . . . it looks like someone took a bite. "
" come, let's not wait for it to come back. "
" something's got the animals all spooked. might be they sense the storm coming? "
" look! there's something there! over there! can't you see it? "
" no, this isn't what i saw. you have to believe me! "
" we're out on the edge of the world, [name]. nothing is as it seems. "
" this one's empty too. we need to keep looking. "
" [name] . . . i mean, captain. there's something out there, in the dark. "
" hush now, and stay behind me. i won't let anything happen to you. "
" such an opportunity, such responsibility, to unleash what has been trapped for so long. "
" i can hear it howling, rattling its cage, dying to get out. "
" leave it, we're not that desperate yet. [name]! i said, leave it! "
" a heavy cost must be paid, when one destroys the balance. a heavy cost . . . "
" not all lives are created equal. the life of one can outweigh the lives of many. "
" when everything is at stake, when lives hang in the balance, reason becomes weakness. "
" trust your instinct. tip the scales. "
" reason poisons your mind, makes you weak. "
" do not give in. do not let go. "
" the life that was meant to be, that life that never found its flame . . . weak, weightless. worthless. "
" some things should be left behind. some things. "
" you didn't take it. you'll starve. "
" you let go. you'll regret it. "
" you gave up. you'll never make it. "
" i once saw this boy drown a baby rat in the gutter. i didn't let his head up until he promised to never do it again. there is always somebody stronger than you. "
" it's no good. we'll never find any food! and it's all my fault! "
" [name], look at me! look at me! i will see us through this! don't you ever doubt me! "
" i know you have your orders and i mean no disrespect. i'm just saying, the chief is being unreasonable. he'd let all that food rot in the hold as long as it's accounted for. "
" they're decent, God fearing folks. not one thief among them. but when people hear their bellies, rumbling, it's easy to put them over the edge. "
" maybe there's some food here . . . "
" did you hear that?! this way! "
" it's like . . . i was never there. "
" remember our treasure? it's not far. this way! "
" watch out, something's coming! you need to keep moving! "
" what happened? i heard the director's furious. ready to call the whole thing off. "
" it seems you two have a completely different vision of who the lead character should be. "
" i hope you know what you're doing. "
" a house is built of walls and beams. a home is built of fears and dreams... "
" what's past is prologue. what seeps into the earth becomes fodder, a fuel for the flame, the lifeblood for the roots of existence . . . "
" roots . . . you must cut them away. only then, can you be truly free. "
" but . . . how does it do that? a sea couldn't fit in there! "
" it's the spirit of the sea. it captures its strength, its calm, its freedom. so it can live on, forever. "
" i'll be sending over a new reel tomorrow. pirate film. give this one a good spin. "
" more screenings means more arses in the seats, and more reason for me to keep paying you. "
" come, faithful servant, for tonight we brew a ghoulish concoction : the world's strangest stew! "
" he eats a lot. a WHOLE lot. "
" this one time, he almost shot himself out of a cannon! "
" seasoned by sadness, burnt from within, ravaged by madness, rotten with sin . . . "
" hollowed by longing, hardened by loss . . . once slick and polished, has now lost all its gloss. "
" torn up by conflict, ravaged by war, flawed on the surface, warped to its core . . . "
" look at it bubble, look at it shake . . . "
" the beast! it's awake! "
" look, [name]! father's screening the Black Wanderer! "
" movie's almost over. time to go. "
" i've been getting complaints about noises up in the balcony. people are scared the damned thing is gonna fall on their bloody heads. "
" i told you to keep it off limits! "
" careful! don't step into the light, or he'll see you. "
" don't you hide from me! "
" i know you've been sneaking into the theater again! what did i tell you about going in there while i'm working?! "
" she likes boys a lot. and girls too! "
" she's very friendly. maybe a bit too much . . . "
" i told you to hide it! i told you to keep it safe! "
" how could you let him take it?! it's all we have left of her! "
" you have to find it, and bring it back. "
" little scum . . . you were always bad luck. a blight upon this family. i gave up everything and what do i get in return?! "
" a lucky break, an ace up my sleeve. that's all i need! "
" a blackened heart, uprooted by tragedy, skewered by pain. that's all you've ever given me . . . that's all you've ever been good for . . . "
" keep her close to your heart. never forget her. she gave everything for you. prove that it was worth it, that you weren't a mistake . . . "
" weak, useless, no good to anyone . . . it was like, i was never there. it would've been better . . . if i was never there . . . "
" shh, be quiet . . . just watch. "
" let's go! father will be leaving the projection room soon . . . "
" as to my prospects, the doctor remains cautiously optimistic. "
" i admit, the pains have been getting stronger as of late, but i dare not complain. compared to what you've been through, my 'suffering' is barely worth mentioning. "
" i think father's been trying to fix his old camera. "
" when the world becomes too cruel, we look for a place to hide. "
" the dark can be many things. it can be refuge, or it can be hell. it is whatever you make it. "
" the dark can be a silent place. silence can be empty, or it can speak volumes. "
" the dark can be a lonely place. solitude can be a sentence, or it can be a companion. "
" sometimes, it's better to hide, to let the dark in. "
" father's coming! quick, get in! i said, get in! "
" hush, it's already started. "
" come on, he'll get mad if we're not back before him! "
" haha, what is that thing? "
" i thought i knew, but . . . now i'm not sure. "
" oh, [name], it has to take shape in your head first. otherwise, it'll just stay . . . formless. "
" words cannot express how overjoyed i am to finally hear from you. "
" when i had heard of what happened, my heart sank. it was as if a terrible shadow had eclipsed my life. but now that i know you're still with us, i feel that shadow has lifted. "
" goddamn bastards . . . i gave them everything . . . and what do i get in return? a bloody piece of rust! "
" this is where you come in! go on, pick it up! "
" it seems the tables have turned! curse you and your mutinous puppets! i will not make this easy for you. "
" if i am to meet my end, it will be by your hand, by your . . . action! "
" play your part, villain! i'm waiting! "
" that's right, don't hesitate! you know i wouldn't! "
" show me your strong! like me! "
" spare me your mercy, i would not show you any. "
" [name] . . . ? are you alright? "
" [name], i thought you were gone. "
" who i was a moment ago is no more. now, i can become someone else. "
" if i could sit around all day, i would, but there's always more pirating to be had! the captains says so! "
" watch, this is the best part! "
" come, we can't stay any longer . . . "
" steady your tongue! i can be whoever i choose to be! if your little mind says otherwise, then to the depths with it! "
" for the last time, i'm not replacing the bloody projector! it's your job to keep it up and running. "
" quit your whining and do your goddamn job while you still have it. "
" he loves gold above all else. "
" you were always there, following in my footsteps. silent, smiling sadly . . . like a warm shadow. "
" sometimes, when darkness fell across town, we'd sneak out of the house. "
" i'd look up, but i didn't see the stars. what i saw was . . . a thousand souls on fire. "
" your eyes would light up. the stars were already there. at that moment, i knew you had it in you. "
" you . . . the silent dreamer, dreaming that a day would come when we could leave it all behind. the journey of a lifetime! a light on the horizon! a flame to call your own . . . "
" you had it in you, to make a thousand souls burn. make them feel . . . alive, make them live forever! a thousand lives . . . but never mine. never mine . . . "
" there we were, dreaming our souls away into the night sky. "
" a cruel shade eclipsed the sun. our dream was gone . . . something else took its place. "
" oh no . . . what will [name] do now? "
" one day, we'll get to see how it ends. "
" [name] . . . what if something bad happens? what if i can't find you? "
" shh . . . listen to my voice. hold it deep inside, and i will always be there for you. "
" if you want to make it to the end, just remember . . . the monster may be scary, but it's sad too. because, at the end of the day, it is just as lost as we are. "
" a little spark is all it takes. "
" why can't you just leave us alone?! "
" you fill the boy's head with nonsense, as if he wasn't useless enough! "
" you're . . . you're the one who's useless, you cruel one - eyed freak! "
" what did you just call me?! "
" get away from him, you . . . you monster! "
" [name] . . . it's today. "
" i'm going to see her. take care of the house, while i'm gone. "
" what about [name]? it's their day too. "
" it's . . . all i could afford. "
" please . . . help me . . . it hurts, it hurts . . . "
" i can't take it anymore. make it stop. "
" come on, there's nothing left for us here. "
" is . . . is it over? "
" it's only just beginning. "
" gotta be honest, i don't like what i'm hearing. "
" i've been told that you didn't even show up on the set, and the director's mad as hell. "
" i don't think he likes where you're taking the character. "
" this'll all be over soon enough, one way or another. "
" go all the way. let your heart bleed. "
" step back. breathe. remember. "
" there shall be a vast shout, and then . . . a vaster silence. "
" we are so close. i can feel it. "
" there can be no doubt. no hesitation. only will. unbreakable. "
" [name] . . . captain, i found it! but . . . it's empty. "
" go back to the hideout. i'll keep searching on my own. i said, go. "
" but . . . i can help! "
" go on, be there for her, like she was for you. "
" from one flame to another . . . but never your own. "
" find the character, lose yourself. "
" some parts are not to be played. "
" there are some things that should not be. should not be . . . broken. "
" cheer up. you're alright. you're not hurt. you're not upset. nothing really happened. you just need to be more careful . . . "
" why am i always the one?! why weren't you there?! "
" why didn't you protect me?! why did you let this monster . . . ?! "
" useless! worthless! i hate you! "
" it's alright, things happen. bad things . . . i am still here. this is not the end. this pain will pass, the scars will fade . . . "
" the flame will burn it all away. "
" you're weak! you're worthless! you're nothing! "
" we were meant to live forever. and i will. i will be forever. "
" forever the dream. forever the wound. forever . . . you. "
" do you hear it? the tide rises in the veins of the world. it comes for you. don't fight it. "
" do not go into that savage fire. it will never be conquered. it will never be tamed. it will never be yours. "
" do not go into that reckless flame. it was not meant for you. it will never let you be. "
" your heart burns, your soul burns away . . . yet, you choose to go deeper. "
" you can never have it. "
" [name] . . . please, come back . . . i need you. "
" huh, that's a funny name. "
" can you help me find my sister? "
" i was drowning . . . in a sea of thirst. i was feasting . . . but never full. "
" my teeth are yours to bare. "
" she's been gone a long time. i'm scared something's happened to her. "
" it - it's not my fault! she told me to go back! "
" stripped of all my riches, i sailed the seas of nothingness. "
" my debt to you . . . i will repay. here is my pound of flesh. "
" i was never one to serve . . . but, for you? i swallow my pride. "
" i come . . . from a sea of displeasure. i longed for affection. now, i live to please you. "
" my hands . . . became the Devil's playthings. put them to some use. "
" y - you're right. it is my fault. "
" you can still be saved. you can live on . . . forever. "
" lead the way. i will do what needs to be done. i'm the captain now. "
" lead us, oh captain! we will follow you across the seven seas! "
" it's just you and me, captain. "
" here we are again . . . you almost had it. "
" she lied to me . . . "
" it won't be me, when you see me again. "
" the ship's maiden voyage turned out to be its last. "
" who the fuck am i?! "
" forever . . . an endless sea, stretching into eternity . . . restless, roaring . . . terrifying. "
" for years, you have learned to hide, to flow with the tide. "
" now that a flame has been lit, you know . . . there is no other way. "
" the eyes of eternity are once again upon you. "
" this place . . . it feels so familiar. like, i've been here before. and yet, i cannot find my way . . . "
" do you see now? you tried to fix me. instead, you broke yourself. "
" this place . . . it sickens me. "
" with all its clutter and confusion, it is a monument to your weakness, a portrait of your indecision. a wreckage of what never truly was. "
" it is broken, hollow. just like you. "
" you tried so hard to bring me back. you called out to me in the void, but . . . something else answered back. "
" a broken body can be rebuilt, but some wounds go deeper . . . so much deeper . . . "
" how long has it been? i don't remember anymore. so hard . . . to remember. "
" i feel myself slipping, growing thin . . . "
" it keeps growing. it won't let me go. "
" poor little [name]. poor weak, pathetic little [name]. always the victim, always the burden. "
" i guess i never stood a chance, did i? neither of us did. "
" we never should have lived this long. forever is a very long time. "
" sometimes, it's better not to be . . . to burn away completely. "
" there is no place for me here. only you, whoever that is. "
" i hope you'll be brave this time. i don't think i can. "
" you . . . you cannot help me. not anymore. "
" this was to be my final work, to reclaim what was lost. to let go of the stolen flame, and reignite the true one. "
" the spark . . . it's almost gone. it is lost, hopeless. just like you. "
" a life that was never yours, dreams you had no right to dream . . . too scared to be yourself, too weak to be anyone else. "
" wherever i go, it follows. i cannot be free of it. "
" it keeps shifting, changing . . . and i change with it. "
" an empty shell cannot live forever. it cannot live at all. it can only be. "
"it's always there, one step behind, stretching over me, pulling me in . . . "
" i'm shedding skin, changing . . . into what? "
" sometimes, it's better to find your own way, to accept what was lost. to accept the pain . . . and feed your own fire. "
" how many lives have your buried, just by existing? existing . . . but never being. "
" wouldn't it be better if you just went away? "
" how many times have i tried to put the pieces back together . . . just to watch them fall apart? "
" i am done. all of us. we cannot be forever. "
" the sound in the deep . . . it's growing louder. something's coming. "
" finally, i understand. the way out . . . it's here, in me. "
" how long can a man burn, before he turns to ash? how could you know? "
" of all the wasted years, all the pain it took to bring you here . . . you don't even know who you are! "
" how many times must a man die before he can truly live? how many times?! "
" look at it. this is what happens when you fail to take control. "
" look at it! twisted! formless! just like you! "
" it crumbles, as it must. and when the time comes, will you crumble as well? "
" the boy that never speaks . . . have you found a voice? soon . . . the world will know. "
" it's bound to be . . . a night to remember. shame i won't be there to see it. "
" you run, but do you know the way? "
" you build one character, you destroy the other, but which is which? "
" you follow reason. you see through it. you cut away the strings. "
" you struggle against the current. you fight, against all odds. "
" in the end, there is no right or wrong. "
" listen to me! you have to go! "
" i'm not leaving! i - i'll find a way to reach you! "
" you're strong, stronger than you know. "
" we'll be together again. no matter how long it takes, i will find you! "
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ruckusresourcebin · 2 years
    VOXES: SOMNOLENT LYRIC STARTERS. starters from the Sig Figs Collective’s album Voxes: Somenolent, a fan album dedicated to Dimension 20′s The Unsleeping City. Change pronouns / lines as needed!
“ won’t you dream something good for those of us between what we can and what could? “ “ a foe strikes the city of sleepers. “ “ the breakdown is vivid. “ “ it’s harder again. “ “ there it goes again. “ “ won’t you get up and see what this city can offer t’ward your new york dream? “ “ our phantasmic, populous reign has begun! “ “ we speak for the people. we speak for the dreams. “ “ we protect the city that never sleeps. “ “ city lights are raging, wouldn’t you know? “ “ sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! “ “ we got you. no need to fret. “ “ take a breath and hold on tight. “ “ so, [name], here now, is it? “ “ let me gift you this name, as a collar of sorts. “ “ did you know that 4 + nothing means you’re eating eighty - one?! “ “ allow me to demonstrate the meaning of well - fucking - done! “ “ eat color, bastard! “ “ give me back my deity! “ “ don’t try to ever fuck with our friends! “ “ new york city’s now in quite the rage. “ “ nothing’s now something. “ “ i’m -- i’m, oh my god, i’m having a baby! [NAME], WE’RE HAVING A BABY! “ “ ah, shit, not again. “ “ hey, [name], you know they upped the cost to 50 cents a few years back. “ “ anyway, i can spot ya. take this, man. “ “ your minute is here. it is time to awaken. “ “ you’ve no time to fear. “ “ you’ve got nothing to lose. “ “ start spreading the news! “
“ there’s a deer in the garden again. “ “ if i take another step, will this moment end? “ “ there’s a light in the cemetery. “ “ i know it’s not the one i’m looking for, but still . . . “ “ in shadows, i watch, silent and still. “ “ nothing happens when you think you want it to. “ “ nothing happens, even when it seems cruel. “ “ it seems tempting to make something happen. “ “ nothing happens. “ “ there’s this bustling of life all around me. “ “ i know they’re my friends. “ “ the night still feels so heavy. “ “ this city’s full of dreams. this city’s full of stories. “ “ the people here are better than they seem. “ “ even nothing feels like something. “ “ this city’s worth exploring, just to find the thing that makes it worth the pain. “ “ something happens when you least expect it to. “ “ something happens when the world feels its most cruel. “ “ when it happens, you’ll be back into the swing of things. “ “ you step out of that shadowed place to make it happen. “
“ i’ve lived a life of solitude. “ “ this cursed business left its claws in me. “ “ i’ve still got some habits & some thoughts that i thought i could leave. “ “ my fears are coming true. “ “ you turned the minds of the people i thought i knew. “ “ if my hands stop shaking, can i reel it all in? “ “ i wish i knew better. i’m s’pposed to be leading these people. “ “ the fuck are the lot of you doing with someone like HIM?! “ “ within these walls, i learned a thing or two. “ “ i try to fill my mentor’s shoes. “ “ don’t fuck with our legacy. “ “ don’t think i’ll just let it be. “ “ think fast. “ “ nothing bad will happen. “ “ NO ONE FUCKS WITH [NAME]! “ “ I WON’T LET THIS BE! “ “ my blood may be cursed, but i can still spill yours. “ “ i’m not letting you hurt his beautiful face. “ “ he can handle himself. “ “ you have ‘til the count of three. 1 . . . 2 . . . what the fuck are you waiting for?! “ “ just because i live a dangerous life doesn’t mean it can be sacrificed. “ “ you wouldn’t like me when i’m sad. “ “ you wouldn’t like me. “
“ we’ve seen the city through the decades. “ “ love is patience, as they say. “ “ fortitude paves the way. “ “ so what if stone is bound to break? erosion, too, can be unmade. “ “ you make my heart of stone melt away. “ “ i go soft when you say my name. “ “ this kind of love stands through wind and rain. “ “ it’s in the magic that we keep. “ “ it’s in the quiet roar of the city. “ “ it’s in the things that you can’t see. “ “ it’s what it is, and what it could be. “
“ how’s everyone doing? it’s been a minute! “ “ god, the traffic was a nightmare! “ “ love a good, magical campfire. “ “ did you hear [name] made a song? “ “ [name] said they and [name] worked on it for awhile. “ “ sorry i’m a bit late, had to grab my guitar. “ “ glad you could make it! “ “ alright, [name] and i wrote a little song for everybody, so, we hope you like it. “ “ please, be careful around the fire. fire is dangerous and safety is important. “ “ our legacy lives on in another wave. “ “ yeah, fuck those assholes. “ “ boo, not my Faerie queen! “ “ she’s not even a good dancer. “ “ truth be told, no one could stand her. “ “ she tried to kill [name], and those around her. “ “ luckily, no one else will ever hear her. “ “ honestly? terrible taste in footwear, like my god. “ “ oh, [name], screw you! “ “ it was so easy to steal your shoes. “ “ you should’ve know that you would lose. “ “ all that’s left of you are the bad reviews. “ “ one out of ten! i want a refund! “ “ don’t you worry. “ “ yeah, i did not like that guy. “ “ he shoved that dream through an unlocked door. “ “ now that fucking vampire’s on the floor. “ “ oh, he fucked with [name]? fuck that guy! “ “ stay in the ground, you asshole! “ “ you nasty, little wall street prick . . . “ “ hearing you speak just makes me sick. “ “ you’re a fucking dick. “ “ his creation had nothing worth redeeming. “ “ you look like you iron your socks. “ “ this bastard looked to flip a switch. “ “ think you can stop the dreams? hon, that’s rich! “ “ take that protestant work ethic and shove it up your ass! “ “ just his name makes me gag. “ “ what did [name] even see in him? “ “ [name] dropped his hp down to zero! “ “ now all that’s left of [name] are his screams. “ “ toxic masculinity is dead, haven’t you heard? “ ” oh, [name]. fuck you. “ ” you could have chosen the side of life. “ ” all that’ll be remembered are your tattoos. “ “ do i have to do this one? “ “ ew, i hate it. “ “ that thing gave me the fucking creeps. “ “ uh, wait, who were we talking about again? “
“ sometimes i catch myself staring at the pictures on the wall. “ “ i see where i got the wrinkle in my brow. “ “ i know i’m not the best person i can be. “ “ i’m learning i come from a legacy of people who were stronger than i could believe. “ “ my mom was once like me: just a kid tryna figure out how to survive. “ “ we’re all our own cities. “ “ the more things change, the more i recognize my face. “ “ i’m growing into something new in this old place. “ “ i’m decorating my home with memories and dreams of what could be. “ “ i’m not just waiting to watch the world pass me by. “ “ i’ll make them see our lives. “ “ my mom stares back at me from inside my mind, as stern and warm as ever. “ “ we’ll be fine. “
“ it’s just a little family secret. “ “ go, avert your eyes. “ “ DON’T TOUCH THE BOX! “ “ now, my darling, don’t do that again. “ “ it’s nothing too nefarious. “ “ you do not open the box! you do not TOUCH the box! that is the one rule! “ “ oh, what did you bring me? “ “ is that a -- oh, god. is that a rat?! get that out of here! “ “ my mother told me and her mother before her, ‘we stay out where the windows shed light.’ “ “ do not go where you can leave my sight. “ “ what approaches you in the dead of night? “ “ does it tear at your thoughts or your memories? “ “ can i teach you to stand in the light? “ “ can i teach you a new way to strike? “ “ can i bring you back into this life? “ “ it’s just a box. “ “ it’s just a box? it’s not just a box! “ “ it’s coming near. it’s coming for you. “ “ i’ve slept in this hollow, this ‘masterpiece’ cage. “ “ my power is siphoned by you. “ “ let me grant you my power. “ “ i grant this to you. “ “ thank you for my freedom. thank you for this space. “ “ take my power and run! destroy the foes who come! “ “ what we can do must be done. “ “ if they can monetize dreams . . . god, what a nightmare. “ “ if we can pull at the seams, then we do it. “ “ don’t let them think we can be scared. “
“ my life is so great. what can i say? “ “ what do i say? “ “ there’s no reason to hate it. “ “ maybe i still have a claim to the life that i had known. “ “ i might still be worthy. “ “ for once, this isn’t fine. “ “ i’ll put in the work. “ “ don’t let it out. don’t let it escape. “ “ i’ll keep doing my part. “ “ which one is mine? how will i know? “ “ who am i? “ “ the answers feel wrong at the end of the day. “ “ i give all that i can. “ “ i’m not a piece of meat. “ “ they’re sitting at the table, and they’re all waiting to eat. “ “ i don’t think myself a sword guy. “ “ i don’t think of me at all. “ “ i give myself to others. “ “ what happens if i fall? “ “ i’ll just shut it off. “ “ it’s starting to take its toll. “ “ i don’t feel whole. “ “ wash your hands. “ “ look both ways before crossing the street. “ “ it’s the safe thing to do. “ “ don’t give out your personal information to strangers or salesmen. “ “ stand clear of all subway lines. “ “ you’ll be fine. “
“ i imbued the power of the jersey devil within me, and that was that. “ “ it’s like my life’s turned upside down. “ “ there’s so many things to know about. “ “ there’s something you should know above all else. “ “ maybe self - respect is one’s own journey. “ “ some habits hold me, but i’ve got enough regret to haunt me. “ “ time has come to swallow my pride. “ “ wow, there’s so much history here! “ “ this is rad as hell! “ “ i’m learning so much, wow. “ “ people, like, really get into this shit . . . i could get into this shit! “ “ i think i’m doin’ alright. “ “ fuckin’ ran this poor woman down with my moped. “ “ i’m alive in the night, yeah baby! “ “ WHY ARE YOU ALL TARGETING ME SPECIFICALLY?! “ “ fuck, this felt like that time at the mall when i threw a fuckin’ big gulp at a bunch of assholes. “ “ thought i was out of the woods, slick as shit, then i got beat up in the parking lot. “ “ man, it’s like they’re two sides of the same coin. “ “ fuck, i’m down! “ “ fuckin’ lucifer beseeched me! “ “ it wasn’t like the last time, which was weird and fuckin’ creepy. “ “ now i’m an angelic nocturnal badass. “ “ [name] retains all rights to fuck shit up and go metal in their own way and do their own shit! “ “ GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY CITY, YOU FUCKIN’ PIECE OF SHIT! “ “ EAT A BIG GULP, BITCH! “
“ i’m getting used to this new routine. “ “ it’s kinda lonely, you could say. “ “ suddenly, i’m back on track. “ “ it’s like i never turned my back on this. “ “ i feel it pulsing in my veins. “ “ isn’t this being alive? “ “ how i’ve missed your charms. “ “ i’m never too far away from the thrill of the stage. “ “ there’s nothing in my way keeping me from the fray. “ “ the sun rises every day. “ “ the light is carving out a way. “ “ it is right there, within reach . . . where i want to live and breathe. “ “ it’s in the little things. “
“ i can’t sleep, and i don’t want to even try. “ “ she went too deep. “ “ insomnia has awoken my eyes, but that’s no fuckin’ prize. “ “ if my one dream to see her again will never come true, then no one’s will. “ “ a dream’s just a dream until it’s not. “ “ keep applying the pressure to shut out the pain. “ “ i fucked up, and i don’t know how to move on. “ “ the stronger you are, the more muscle you go on the inside to carry those hurts. and, i’ve hurt for awhile. “ “ i feel like such a fucking loser. “ “ no use in letting it make me weak. “ “ shut the fuck up. “ “ what the fuck are you talking about, [name]? “ “ you let your wife die. what are you gonna do about it, [name]? “ “ the only thing that will make this better is if you go and end this shit. “ “ who the fuck do you think you are, [name]? all this . . . complaining about your bullshit iron heart? “ “ you know you could have done more. “ “ you are nothing. you are the scum of the earth! “ “ it doesn’t even fucking matter anymore. “ “ she makes you weak. “ “ you can’t save her. you don’t even know how. “ “ do it, you fucking coward. “ “ don’t fucking tell me what i can and can’t fucking do! “ “ nobody is gonna stand in my way! “ “ you’re all gonna fucking die! “ “ no one’s gonna stop me from doing what needs to be done! “
“ she keeps talking about this box. “ “ why should i care? it’s just a freaking box some ancient relative found somewhere. “ “ language! “ “ i’ve got more important things to think of, like dancing renegade on tiktok! “ “ i’m feeling awkward ‘cause i’m growing. “ “ magic is fake. “ “ i look at these blankets, but feel no magic is there. “ “ she gave me a home and expects me to be like her. “ “ i don’t want to go! “ “ you gotta do a thing you don’t wanna do. that’s being an adult. bam. “ “ it’s, like, magic isn’t real! “ “ what if i were to tell you that there’s so much more out there? “ “ the world is full of magic. “ “ magic is real. you don’t have to care, but it’s all around you. “ “ it’s pretty damn cool. “ “ doesn’t that just rule? “ “ your magical power is starting to flower. “ “ we can’t wait to see it bloom! “ “ that magic’s not for me. “ “ i have no place in my family tree. “ “ i want to be like them, and stand by their side. “ “ i want something to hide. “ “ it’s something i can’t possess. “ “ i just have to stand there and feel so powerless. “ “ magic is real, just not for me. “ “ the world we live in operates in the strangest ways. “ “ we are safe. we have each other. “ “ you are safe. “ “ it’s part of our family that we can’t do without. “ “ i broke all the rules. “ “ our magic is . . . cool? “ “ it’s always been there. “ “ i’ve decided to care. “ “ we no longer regret our family secret. “ “ magic is cool. it was always cool. “
“ something bright inside you gleams. “ “ they’re something you have seen. “ “ they’re memories of endings you could meet. “ “ they’re carried in you. “ “ faces past and worlds will shift. “ “ sometimes you can’t handle it. “ “ look around at those you know, and think about how far you could go. “ “ they’re something you can’t flee. “ “ screw those memories! just look at what you’ve done! “ “ raise your voice. let them in. “ “ stand your ground. don’t let the world spin. “ “ shout your name. make them learn. “ “ be the voice for the ones who can’t be heard. “ “ heed the journeys and mistakes that they have made. “ “ scream it out. “
“ i see you through the gates of my holy prison. “ “ i’ve missed you, but i don’t know what i can do. “ “ i’m counting the seconds from the haven of heaven. “ “ i can’t see anymore. “ “ it kills the stars, everything we are. “ “ nothing stays anymore. “ “ the city screams, and my heart bleeds. “ “ fists don’t clash in the void. “ “ it is what it is. “ “ souls don’t feel in the void. “ “ our child should not have to grow up without their father. “ “ no heavenly audit will stop the future we could author. “ “ is there something i could doctor? “ “ through the endless void of nothing, we could walk on water. “ “ you’re just out of reach. i want to hold you close, my dear. “ “ you’re the one i need. “ “ i don’t care how long it takes ; the hope is worth the pain. “ “ chaos pulls at the seams. “ “ you’re in my reach. “ “ pages swim in my mind. “ “ ink pours out of my hands. “ “ you’re still fucking dead. “ “ you’re coming back with me. “ “ their ledger’s wrong. “ “ you were never gone. “ “ i’ll bring you home. “ “ it is what it could be, no other way to spin it! “ “ i won’t put a pin in it. “ “ in these words, letters, and pages, our dreams have no limit. “ “ i swear i’ll bring you back in just a new york minute! “ “ i wanna be there. how can i get there? “ “ i’m tryna find you. “ “ i will find you. “ “ i have found you! “ “ we’ll build our family among these metal towers. “ “ prayers take on a power to drop you to the pavement. “
“ what is - what are we doing? what happened? “ “ you’re gonna regret putting me in that fucking void. “ “ i know the strength of story - telling. known it all my life! “ “ let me spin a tale for you, hoping it’ll bring you strife. “ “ once upon a time, there was a man who dreamed of having a child . . . “
“ when i was young, i thought i dreamed of things i’d do, of who i’d be. “ “ though some things changed, some stay true. “ “ i care more than anything. “ “ i see behind your perfect eyes a world that’s bigger and better than i could ever make. “ “ you’ll stay an image of magic divine and limitless potential. “ “ i’d go through anything and nothing if it meant that you were on the other side. “ “ i promise i’ll protect you, so that tomorrow you can guide us all. “ “ i begged and prayed some kind of tether would allow us to be a family. “ “ we made it true. “ “ if you ever feel alone, my dear, i’ll be here. “ “ i’ll teach you everything i know. “ “ it’s just that this place is your home, and it’s worth more than its weight in gold. “ “ i’ll be here through the end, not even time could stop me. “ “ things will change. no stopping that. “ “ no matter what, we’re still your mom and dad. “
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ruckusresourcebin · 2 years
     VOXES: STIMULANT LYRIC STARTERS. starters from the Sig Figs Collective’s album Voxes: Stimulant, a fan album dedicated to Dimension 20′s The Unsleeping City. Change pronouns / lines as needed!
“ our fears have eyes that see the futures we could manifest. “ “ hold on tight those who know you true. “ “ don’t forget all of the years that made you into someone worth more than just a couple pearls. “ “ dream a bigger dream. “ “ when we’re left a choice and all the voices fade, will we trust the ones who lift us up? “ “ the things we need are already inside. “ “ there’s a sun on the horizon. “ “ will we make it there? “ “ we can make it there! “ “ throw avarice aside. “ “ we’ll take a cup of kindness yet for times gone by. “
“ you abandoned them. “ “ where did you go? did you even love your family? “ “ you belong in the sewer. you’re a fucking rat. “ “ make sure you say goodbye. “ “ i’ve lived a life that’s small and putrid, drowning in regret. “ “ there are things that i’ve done that i’d like to forget. “ “ i know i’ve stained your soul with abandonment and pain. “ “ . . . you don’t seem to mind. “ “ you conduct your work with pride. “ “ now how do i depart? “ “ you’re the best son that i could’ve asked for. “ “ i don’t deserve all this love without heed. “ “ i can’t help but wonder what things you will achieve. “ “ if i was a better father, i would have worked harder and would have gone farther to see you succeed. “ “ i love you more than all things. “ “ i spent so many years defiant, feeling sorry for myself. “ “ i slowly recognized the suffering i’ve dealt. “ “ i developed the perspective to see others in distress. “ “ from that point on, i’ve aided my fellow dispossessed. “ “ you have the natural empathy that it took me years to see. “ “ i’m proud of the man you’ve become. “ “ you’re someone i wish i was when i was young. “ “ i ran away from my feelings, abandoned my family . . . “ “ you’re a fuckin’ ball - buster with a passionate luster to protect others without so much as a boast. “ “ i know you don’t forgive me. “ “ i would say i’m sorry, but there’s no apology that would let me hold you close. “ “ i have to go. “ “ i feel my consciousness expand. “ “ i can’t have what i want ; some dreams have to end. “ “ just know in your heart, i’ll be protecting you from somewhere. “ “ you saved us . . . you did it. “ “ you got to say goodbye. “
“ we were young then, back in our spring, but the leaves have all fallen. “ “ your name still lives in my throat. “ “ we were in love then. “ “ it’s not something we lost along the way. “ “ even if we made mistakes, they were the best i ever made. “ “ walk with me. “ “ i promise it will be easy. “ “ it all feels so new. “ “ let me get to know you. “ “ i don’t have anything to prove when i tell you i still love you. “ “ i’m sorry for the time i wasted. “ “ through the years, i always felt the same. “ “ i think it’s time i be a bit selfish. “ “ i’ve never been scared of the cold. “ “ if it’s with you, i want to grow old. “ “ let’s make some more memories. “ “ even if just for awhile, let’s try again. “ “ let’s make our dreams come true. “
“ it’s a really bitter lesson when you realize how much hope hurts you. “ “ life is full of so much light. it’s easy to remind yourself of what’s good. “ “ still, pain creeps in around the edges. “ “ sure, there might be roads that would be easier to walk, but the ones that we are on are all the better for the loss. “ “ when our paths cross, it’s worth for those fleeting seconds. “ “ i’ll stare down heaven, knowin’ that it’s pure perfection. “ “ the hope is worth the pain. “ “ when i look into your eyes, i can see a future i wanna live in. “ “ there’s nothing that we just can’t do. “ “ there’s magic all around us. “ “ you remind me how to wonder, how to dream what isn’t here yet. “ “ i’m not convinced that anyone could outshine you. “ “ i’d stare down god himself if it meant i got to spend just one second by your side. “ “ i’m learning there’s some lines that can’t be crossed. “ “ we’ll make it through whatever. “ “ there’s nothing that can’t keep us two together. “
“ the government sucks. the establishment sucks. society fuckin’ sucks. but the devil? fuckin’ sick, dude. “ “ this hot topic’s a time capsule, vintage polaroid of like, ‘04. “ “ i stood at the black countertops as if they were an altar. “ “ he’s got, like, a marmot’s head. “ “ do you know what a marmot is? “ “ fuck, this shit looks looks fuckin’ sick, dude! “ “ my heart is as cold as the ice, like the ice in the parking lot but also hard, like the concrete that mixes with the ice, in the mall, in the parking lot. “ “ the pigs & the pit lions set to fight now and the gladiator? he is set to go down! “ “ bro, i’m like an even bigger lion, like a liger, and instead of claws i’ve got, like, twelve fucking swords, dude. “ “ the devil’s fuckin’ cool. “ “ i’m losin’ my grip, again. “ “ oh, i’m gonna be sick. i swear, i’m gonna be so fuckin’ sick, dude, sick as hell. “ “ like, an angel in the night, but not that boring kind of angel. “ “ bro, my wings are made of swords and i’ve got horns instead of halos! “ “ lucifer, beseech me! help me defeat my enemies! “ “ don’t be my oorichimaru. be my jiriya, maybe? “ “ he doesn’t have, like, snakes for arms or anything, so i think i’m good, right? “ “ i’m fine. this is fine. “ “ this is the devil. “ “ this is definitely the devil. i mean, he straight up said, ‘yes, i am the guy you just said,’ and i just said the devil . . . so? “ “ those tender thoughts i do refine. “ “ i am the one that you seek, so come hither. “
“ what if, anything, stays? “ “ have you heard tale of the child who looks over every night? “ “ go visit them. “ “ you will be safe as their guest, but be sure not to leave their eyes. “ “ one by one, it kills the stars. “ “ its shadow makes the city bleed and the empty windows scream. “ “ do not step out into the deep. “ “ you will not wake up from that sleep. “ “ nothing. nothing stays. “
“ i’m so lonely. “ “ no one to hold me. no one to tell me it’s gonna be alright. “ “ dunno how all this happened, where i found all this sadness. “ “ seems it’s been a month since i saw my reflection and smiled. “ “ this city takes its toll. “ “ i’m losing all control of my heart, of my head, of my mind . . . “ “ tell me i’m gonna be fine. please, somebody tell me. “ “ i’m such a clown, naive and dumb. “ “ i’m facedown in the covers of my bed again. “ “ nothing bad is ever gonna happen. “ “ you don’t have to be alone. “ “ i can be there in a moment. “ “ i’ll be there for you, if you want me to. “ “ it’s hard to hold on. “ “ hold on. “ “ we look out for each other. “ “ is there someone bothering you right now? “ “ you can talk to me. let your guard down. “ “ does this have something to do with the things you saw? “ “ did it scare you? “ “ i know that people are harder to read sometimes. “ “ it’s confusing, figuring truth from lies. “ “ i’m here for you, and our friends are too. “ “ meet my eyes: you’re alive. you’re not alone again. “ “ pull up a seat, prop your feat, eat your fill, and then we’ll just exist. “ “ if tomorrow things get worse, we’ll do it all again. “
“ these meetings of the mind always lead to contests of might. “ “ well, you hope to see fists fly ‘cause if it’s words, it’s ruined lives. “ “ sometimes, looking forward means you can’t watch your back. “ “ though it pains me to stop dreaming, it seems for now i need the past. “ “ a man can always smile to make it seem like he’s polite, but i know too many times it’s just a place where malice hides. “ “ he holds the power to jump from first place to last. “ “ i know i’m just as worth it. “ “ seems for now i’m trapped. “ “ status quo can’t be our ideology! “ “ things never got better by leaving them be! “ “ i won’t become the one that keeps the future bleak! “ “ i promise you, the fuckin’ buck will stop with me! “ “ don’t think that things are done just ‘cause you gave me little crumbs. “ “ i’m chasing down the sun, makin’ sure tomorrow comes. “
“ wait, what did he just say? “ “ there’s those of us in gutters, those on sorts of stages. “ “ this city’s streets shouldn’t be lined with folks. “ “ these are the hearts, the hope, unlike ‘upstanding’ dopes like you, sir, running some kind of hoax. “ “  c’mon man, don’t fuck with my people! “ “ this is my block, these are my streets! this is my town, and this is my city! “ “ we won’t let no sycophantic, greedy, two - faced guy like you come here and corrupt the culture! “ “ the fuck you thinking? we are new yorkers! “ “ we’ll rise above your corporate torture. “ “ they lead us home tonight. “ “ we protect our own. “ “ we protect our home. “ “ you’ll be safe with us. “ “ ‘cause new york city and i will provide! “ “ i’ll be here serving and protecting until the day i die. “ “ no, what the fuck did you just say? “ “ my domain has encountered many a strange thing. “ “ know that, him? he is my people. yes, he is my people! “ “ we’ll channel our power, and for extra measure, kick your ass into the pavement. think of it as the city’s payment. “ “ these are the lights that welcome strangers home. “ “ maybe this city isn’t better off with me looking the other way. “ “ i’ve loved and then i sure have lost. “ “ would you take me? make me feel the same? “ “ life looks to be leading back to you today, and tomorrow, next week, next month. “ “ if i asked you for the night, would you stay? “ “ welcome all the dreamers to this beautiful skyline! “ “ i’m here flying high in this city. “ “ ain’t this swell? “ “ aren’t you pretty? “
“ it’s harder . . . it’s harder to think sometimes. “ “ my mind gets foggy. “ “ i start to sink sometimes into apathy. “ “ please, come talk to me. “ “ i’m part of something only few may comprehend. “ “ try not to slip back in again. “ “ it’s fantastic, amazing, how the world can open up to someone. “ “ it’s pleasant . . . the feeling i get when i can bring some sense of fun. “ “ dramatic, but it really feels like i’m becoming someone fantastic, phantasmal! “ “ here i am. i am the one! “ “ watch out! “ “ so run, if you’re hiding. “ “ don’t fear change. transformations incoming! “
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