ruelmp4 · 4 years
pregnancy announcement
Concept: You find out you’re pregnant and you, Coco, Sylvie, Kate, and Ruel find a cute way of giving Ralph the news!
Enjoy ((:
*Hiya! So this imagine was inspired by a tik tok I saw of a girl surprising her dad with a baby reveal box! You can either watch the video before or after the imagine! Either works. I hope you like it!! You can find this video on my Wattpad account on this book and chapter! Its the same username: ruelmp4*
Two lines show across the test as you, Coco, Sylvie, and Kate look down at its pink hue. A smile spreads across your lips as you feel arms wrap around your body. You and Ruel have been married for about two years now and have always wanted to have children but could never get pregnant. The two of you have been trying for about a year now but kept coming up negative, and you were so happy to have finally gotten a positive result.
"Aw! Congrats bebs! I'm so happy for you guys!" Coco squeals excitedly, pulling you in for a hug. You could feel your eyes begin to well up with tears.
"Those better be happy tears, Y/N," Kate smiles as she too embraces you in a hug.
"Y/N?" You hear a panicked voice say from the other side of the door before a loud knocking sounds throughout the echoey bathroom. You cautiously walk to the door, unlocking it before coming face to face with a 6'5 giant whos arms immediately wrap around your waist. He lets out a breath as he holds you in before asking, "Have you taken the test yet?"
You nod and look up into his hopeful eyes as a smile spreads across his face as his question is answered.
"You're kidding?! No! Aw, fuck yes! We did it, baby!" He beams excitedly, as he cradles your face and gives you a soft, tender kiss.
You laugh as he picks you up and spins you guys around before setting you on your feet and bending down to place his hands on your belly. You could see his eyes shift around your abdomen, a small smile playing at his lips as he thinks about your beautiful child in there. You could tell just from how his face is breaking out in a smile, that he is overly excited about this. He finally stands, a blush costing his cheeks as he realizes that everyone is watching his reaction.
"How are we going to tell dad?" Ruel asks, clearing his throat and walking over to sit on the edge of the counter.
"I think I'm just going to FaceTime my parents. They're both pretty busy with work and don't live close enough to tell them in person. But I do think you should do something special for Ralph," you tell them, grabbing your phone out of your pocket and walking out of the room for some privacy.
The call with your parents went great! They are so excited for you and Ruel and can't wait to come to visit on your due date! Ever since you were little, your parents have always dreamed of having little grandkids to come to visit them! You were so happy to have finally been able to give them their greatest wish. Even though they live a distance away from you and Ruel, they promised to come to visit as often as they can.
While you were gone, the rest of the Van Dijks came up with the plan for telling Ralph the news of the pregnancy. The plan is to give him a box that says in the inside, 'Greatest Dads Get Promoted To:' and then see if he can figure it out from there. You could tell that Ruel was very excited about the idea of surprising someone, especially his dad, with the news. You couldn't wait to see how excited he will get when you guys tell the rest of your friends and family.
You and Coco decided to be the ones to make and decorate the box to make it pretty, while Ruel, Sylvie, and Kate figured out a way to get Ralph outside without making the surprise too obvious. They were currently all outside setting up the area to look perfect while you and Coco sat at the kitchen table writing out the card for the inside and putting the box together.
"Sooo...Have you thought about baby names? I know you and Ruel have been trying for a while now, so there had to be a time when you guys thought of names you could use," Coco asks as she finishes writing the message on the card.
You smile thinking about it. "Well, if it's a boy we're planning on naming him, Caspian. I've just always loved that name and had such a connection with it that I would love to be able to name my first boy that. Of course, his middle name would be Ruel too, but I do love the name Caspian. And if we have a girl we're planning on naming her, Callie Tate. Whether we have a girl or boy, I can't wait to meet them. I haven't even known about this little one for an hour and I love them so much already," you place your hand on your stomach, smiling at the thought of meeting this sweet thing. You look up to see Coco with tears in her eyes before she places a hand on top of yours.
"You're going to be a great mum, Y/N. You and Ruel are going to be great parents. That I know for sure."
And with that, you smile and nod while packing up the box and bringing it outside to where the rest of them had Ralph are sitting and waiting.
"Alright. What's the big surprise? These kids have been so secretive about it and I have no idea what the hell is going on." Ralph says with a laugh, looking between the five of you.
"Dad. Y/N and I have some news for you in this box here," Ruel starts nervously looking at you and smiling before you hand him the box.
As he grabs the box, you can see Coco pulling out her phone to film. She tells him to smile as he looks around the outside of the box before making these weird noises at it. I swear. It's an Australian thing.
"Stop cheating!" Coco sternly tells him before he finally decides to be reasonable and open the box.
When the box is finally open and Coco says to read it out loud he says, "Greatest Dads get promoted to.." He then continues to pull out the top paper message before reading the second message that says to choose wisely.
"I'll get promoted to...Oh no." His eyes get wide with realization, as it finally hits him.
"Really?! Really?! No way!!" He screams with so much happiness. "Grandpa? Oh my God!!"
Everyone is smiling at him and how excited he is getting. He jumps to his feet and squeezes you and Ruel in for a big hug.
"I'm so proud of you guys! No way! Since when?" He asks when he finally releases you from his death grip.
"We just found out this afternoon," you tell him, still smiling from all the joy being passed around. "I called my parents right after and told them the news as well. They didn't get as cool of a surprise as you did but they were still happy for us! They will definitely make sure they are here for our due date."
"That's great! This is all just so great! I'm so happy for you guys!" He says as everyone nods in agreement.
"Alright!" Coco says clapping her hands together and standing up. "Enough about Ruel and Y/N doin' the nasty and creating a child. Let's eatttt!"
Ruel let's out a scoff. "At least I'm getting more action than you. When's the last time you had sEx cOcO?"
"Hey! Now, that's not fair play Rueloff."
And with that, the beautiful moment is gone and we're back to Coco and Ruel's bickering.
But the day couldn't have been any better without them. Couldn't have been any better.
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ruelmp4 · 4 years
movie/ show couple costume
-choose your birthday month to get a movie/ show inspired costume!-
January- Jim and Pam (The Office)
February- Mr. and Mrs. Smith (Mr. and Mrs. Smith)
March- Peter and Mary Jane (Spider-Man)
April- Danny and Sandy (Grease)
May- Mr. and Mrs. Incredible (The Incredibles)
June- Jack and Rose (Titanic)
July- The Joker and Harley Quinn (Suicide Squad)
August- Mario and Princess Peach (Super Mario Bros.)
September- Ken and Barbie (Barbie)
October- Vincent and Mia (Pulp Fiction)
November- Tony and Pepper (Marvel)
December- Han Solo and Princess Leia (Star Wars)
You could see the full moon rising from the large window in Ruel's living room, as you sat on the couch waiting for your boyfriend to come to join everyone in the kitchen. Tonight you guys were going to throw your own little party for yourselves and the rest of the Van Dijks. Ruel had just gotten back from his tour in Asia and all he wanted to do was spend time with his girl and the rest of his family. On every Halloween, the Van Dijks always have a costume competition, and you really wanted to win this year. This was your second time spending Halloween with them and last year you and Ruel took second place as Fred and Daphene. But this year was going to be different. You had come up with the marvelous idea for your costumes and you were for sure you guys were going to win. It was now just up to Ruel to actually finish getting dressed and come out.
You finally hear his door open from down the hall and his head pop around the corner. A panicked look was spread across his face as he beckons you to come here. You stand up in confusion and walk over to him.
"Hey! What's up, bubs?" You ask as you reach him before he intertwined your hands and pulls you into his room. He shut the door behind you guys and turns to face you.
"I need help zipping up the back. I can't reach it," he whines, pushing his bottom lip out and giving you puppy dog eyes. You laugh at his sad attempt to make you give in to his desperate need for help.
"Your long ass arms can't reach all the way back there, huh?" You tease him with a laugh before, grabbing his shoulders and spinning him around so his back was facing you.
"Laugh all you want but we all know that you love themmm!" He says cheekily, before snaking his arms around you, pulling you flush against his body before falling back onto his bed.
"Yo Ruel! Y/N! Stop doing the dirty and come out here! It's time for the costume competition," you hear Coco shout from the kitchen.
As you guys walked out into the kitchen, your cheeks flamed up at everyone standing there staring at you guys with cheeky smiles.
"Aw, don't you guys look adorable in your costumes! Let me get a picture really quick!" Kate smiles grabbing her camera. Ruel reaches down and tugs you towards him, putting his arms around you once again, and pulling you against his body as you both flash a big smile towards to camera.
"Cute, cute! But I think Y/N should get a picture with the two best Van Dijks!" Sylvie butts in, as her and Coco push Ruel out of the way before pulling you in close for a 'group hug type' picture. You can hear Ruel huff from the side, giving his sisters a glare. Kate finishes up taking the pictures before putting her camera down and asking everyone to get in line for the costume competition. She was always the judge, and everyone else would be competing.
Coco was up first. She was dressed up as Cher from Clueless, wearing the yellow and black plaid, with the knee-high white socks and white heels. She was smacking the gum in her mouth and ending her turn with the line, "Ugh! As if!!"
Next was Ralph. He was dressed up as Mr. Clean, rocking the tight white teeshirt with white jeans to match, and stick on white eyebrows. He was holding a bucket of water and reached down to grab the sponge before doing the iconic 'cleaning move' Mr. Clean always does. Of course, to match with him, Kate was dressed up as a female version of Mr. Clean, minus the bald head.
After him was Sylvie. She was dressed up as a stalk of corn and that was it. Before walking off she says with a straight face, "I am a stalk of corn. I chose this because it was corny. Thank you."
Everyone laughs at her corny joke before it was finally you and Ruel's turn. You guys go up dressed as (your costume), and everyone loves it. You guys got lots of laughs and smiles as you spun around in your costumes.
After Kate had gone and consulted the choices, Wilbur going along to help her just in case, she finally returned with the results.
"After much thought was put into the costumes and who would win, I finally came up with the winner as.... Y/N and Ruel!"
What?! You guys had actually won this year! You were so excited! You laughed as Ruel hugged you so tight and he spun you guys around.
The rest of the night was spent with smiles and movies with popcorn and candy. Although the rest of them didn't win, they were still happy and thought you guys deserved it. Cause, not to be cocky or anything, you guys did have the best costumes there.
This was officially the best Halloween you have ever had!
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ruelmp4 · 4 years
party part 2
Concept: the truth is finally revealed and maybe the start of something new?
Enjoy ((:
*This is part 2 to the last chapter and the last part!*
Your eyes rapidly blinked as you tried to focus on what was going on around you, but it was too hard. Streams of lights could be seen rapidly flashing through your vision as your feet slowly began to give out. The only sound that could be heard was the music that sounded so far away, almost strained in your ears, and the sound of your dying out voice that was crying for help. What was going on? You didn't drink enough alcohol to be this out of it.
It was as if everything was moving in slow motion as you see a tall boy burst through the kitchen, panic was written all over his face as he searched for something. But that soon changed. His entire aura changed as his eyes found you and the strange man on top of you. Pure anger was visible on his features as he runs to you, his arm pulling back before coming back to slam into the face of the frat boy on top of you. You could feel his body leave from on top of yours, falling to the side of you, Ruel's blow knocking him down.
No longer having a presence there to hold you up or the strength to hold yourself up, you could feel yourself sliding down the counter before landing on the tile floor. Your cheek collided with the cold ground, a bruise most likely forming there immediately from the contact. Pain shot through the entire side of your left cheek.
Then suddenly, a flash of blonde hair appeared in the doorway, shouting at the two boys fighting beside you. She shouted with determination but the look her eyes showed fear. Fear about the situation occurring and fear for her brother as he took a hit to the stomach, throwing him back against the refrigerator. You wanted to scream out to them, to tell them to stop but barely anything came out. But Coco did hear you as she came running over, and tries to pull you up off the ground and into her arms. "Y/N are..gonna get..alright?" her words came out detached, as your vision went in and out.
The last thing you remember was Coco and two other girls helping you off the ground as two other blurred figures were pulling Ruel off of the frat boy. His hair was a mess and he had blood running down his hairline where you can assume he had been hit. His green eyes held such anger for the boy laying underneath him but also for the guys holding him back from finishing him off. And that was when everything finally went black.
It felt as though you were floating through clouds as you snuggle deeper into the softness of heaven. But then reality hits, and you slowly open your eyes to only find yourself in Coco's warm bed. Your hand reached out to rub your head, feeling as if someone was playing the drums with the amp all the way up. You groaned. Stupid Y/N. Maybe you shouldn't have drunk so much last night. Wait last night?! What happened?
"There's Advil and water on the nightstand for your headache," Coco says softly from the end of the bed. Her eyes showed tiredness and her hair looked like it hadn't been brushed for days. You reached out for the Advil desperately, wanting this headache to go away as soon as possible.
"Coco, what the hell happened last night?" She sighs, pulling her legs up onto the bed sitting criss-cross applesauce.
"Y/N, it was bad. Like really bad. It all went so fast and everyone was scared and angry and it was just a lot." She tells you, her eyes glossing over as she looks out the window to try and conceal her emotions. "Ruel isn't here right now. He's..still out cooling off from last night."
"Tell me. Please."
Coco's POV (12 hours earlier)
The song "Like That" by Doja Cat was playing in the background as well all danced together. I'm pretty sure Y/N said something but it was probably nothing. I watched her as she squeezed through the crowd before heading into the kitchen. Oh! She was getting drinks. Damn, I should have said something! I needed a new drink.
"Heyyy! Coco!!" Turning my head back to my friends that were calling me back into the middle of the dancefloor to dance. I smile making my way there, but before I could catch up to them, someone grabbed my arm. I rolled my eyes at who it was.
"What do you want dickhead?" I glare at him before laughing at my insult, his face becoming annoyed with my attitude. I'm still not happy he brought someone here to make Y/N jealous. He made me promise that I wouldn't tell her anything about it, and I'm a pretty loyal person. Plus I wanted them to figure it out for themselves. Like Y/N, he fell for her the moment he saw her. I had no idea she had feelings for him so I didn't tell her anything. As it turns out, they both have feelings for one another, but won't tell each other. HA! How ironic for both of them. She's gonna kill me when she finds out.
"Do you know where Y/N is?" He shouts to over the music to me. Hearing exactly what he said, I decided to mess with him. I put my hand up to my ear like I didn't hear him, "What?"
"Where is Y/N?" He asks again, and once again I laugh, "What'd you say? I didn't hear you. Maybe speak up?"
"Damnit, Coco. Just tell me where Y/N is." he spits out, frustrated at my childish behavior.
I sigh, "She's going to get more drinks." He goes to walk away but I grab his arm before he leaves, turning him back to face me. "Don't even think about it. She's trying to forget about you tonight. You being the asshole you are made her upset by bringing 'Charlotte." I tell him, the name Charlotte coming venomously off my tongue.
"What are yo.." he's cut off by a quiet screaming in the background. "Did you hear that?"
I nod my head confused as to why it sounds so familiar, but that's when I hear it. The faint sound of Ruel's name coming from the kitchen.
"Ruel it's Y/N. I think something's wrong." And with that he's gone in a flash, running towards the kitchen. Shit, shit, shit, shit. I grab my hair in frustration. What did I just do?
I start to speed walk after him, but there are so many bodies on the dance floor right now. "Move, move, move! Out of my way, damnit!" I yell at this group of frat looking boys chugging beer. And that's when I hear a huge slam of something in the kitchen. Oh shit.
When I finally make it to the doorway all I see is blood and two boys fighting. One of them being my brother. "Hey! Stop! Stop fighting! For fuck's sake Ruel!" I shout at them as Ruel's head snaps towards mine, but that didn't stop the other guy. A blow landed right in the pit of Ruel's stomach before he could regain his attention back onto the shitty frat boy, and was thrown back into the refrigerator. I cringe as Ruel's body makes a dent in the front of it. A small sound could be heard from down on the floor beside them, and it hit me like a ton of bricks. Y/N!
I race down to her, going to pull her up off the ground and realizing that her dress was hitched up to her midthigh and her underwear down at her ankles. Holy shit, that fucker! "Y/N are you okay? I'm gonna get you up and out of here alright?" her eyes kept opening and closing as she struggled to stay awake. Fuck, did he drug her?
"Shit Coco what happened to her?" You look up to see two of your friends leaning down to help pick Y/N up. "She was drugged I think. I don't know. Please let's just get her out of here." You guys pick her up and begin to walk out as Ruel was being held back by his shoulders by two of his friends. He's pissed.
I look to his friends and shout over the music, "Please get him out of here and take him somewhere else. He needs to cool off and calm the fuck down." And with that, I left to take Y/N home.
Y/N's POV (current time)
You sit there silently twiddling your thumbs unsure of how to react to all this new information you had been told. You drank too much, a guy almost forced himself on you, there was a huge fight in the kitchen, and Ruel had feelings for you all along. So many different thoughts were swarming through your head, but only one sticking out. Ruel liked you and beat up the guy who was trying to hook up with you. You needed to see him.
"Coco where is he?" You pleaded, looking up at her. She closes her eyes and rubs her temples. "I have no idea. Last I heard they had left him at the beach where he wanted to walk to his special spot to be by himself. But no one has any idea where that is."
That's when it hit you. You knew exactly where he was. Getting up, you swayed a little, your headache pulsing painfully through your head but you needed to talk to him. Coco didn't say anything as you tugged your shoes on and ran out the door. She knew you needed this..Needed him.
When you finally arrived at the special part of the beach he brought you to one of the first summers you were there, you could see him sitting in the sand, picking it up and then letting it slowly slip through his fingers. It was something he always did when something was on his mind.
"Hi," You said softly with a sad smile, taking a seat next to him. His red and puffy eyes met yours, telling you exactly how he was feeling. He immediately pulled you in for a hug, squeezing your into his body like his life depended on it. Pulling away he begins to rant to you "I'm so sorry I didn't get there sooner. I was looking for you to tell you how I felt and Coco wouldn't tell me where you were and when we heard you screaming I- I tried to get there as fast as I could. And then I saw him on top of you and I sort of just lost it. Damn it Y/N I love you so much. I have since the day I first saw you." His eyes began to get glossy with tears and he grabs your hand and continues. "You looked so gorgeous standing there on the beach that day. And then this afternoon, Coco just had to go and say all those things about you guys going to this party and getting drunk and hooking up with guys. God the thought of you with another guy it just shattered my heart. And like the idiot I am I went and got jealous and brought Charlotte, who I don't even like, she doesn't even compare to you, Y/N."
By the end of his confession, you both had tears streaming down your cheeks. And then you start to chuckle, which turns into laughter. "You are such an idiot! I tried to make it so obvious that first summer I was here that I liked you. You brought me here and I basically told you that I thought you were cute and you said 'Okay!' and went on to talking about some surfing company you wanted a board from. So I thought you weren't interested and completely shut out my feelings. God, we're both idiots."
He just sighs and begins to laugh along with you, letting you lead your head on his shoulder. "But hey, you're my idiot. And I'm yours. I mean only if you want to. I don't wanna force you into anything."
You just shake your head and crash your lips onto his. A kiss that was long overdue. A kiss you had both been waiting for. A kiss that should have been made on this sand years ago.
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ruelmp4 · 4 years
party part 1
Concept: It’s all fun and games at a party with Coco until things go down hill and the last person you would expect is there to save you.
Enjoy ((:
*Just a warning at the beginning. There IS a near-rape experience in this, so if that bothers you, feel free to skip this story. This one is a little longer than normal but I got really into this one and wrote a lot. I hope you guys like it!*
You stood in front of the mirror, spinning on your toes, watching the sequins sparkle on your mini dress, as "Somebody Else" by The 1975 played in the background through Coco's speaker. The sun was setting through the huge window of her room and hit the dress perfectly. You couldn't wait to see them in the light of the crazy party haze. Tonight you and your best friend Coco were going to the first party of the summer together and you couldn't wait.
You had just flown in from (wherever you're from) to see her for the first half of summer since you hadn't seen her in almost a year. Her family had been nice enough to let you stay at their house so you didn't have to stay in a hotel. This also meant you would be staying with her brother Ruel. You have had a small crush on him since you first met Coco on the beach a couple of years ago when you were visiting with your family. He was the kindest boy you had ever met and you fell. But as you became closer with Coco, the weirder it got for you to like him so slowly you began to leave that crush under the surface and never told anyone. You instantly became friends with her and her whole family and visited them every time you flew over. Ever since then, you guys have been together every summer in Australia.
"Daaaammnn girl! You lookin' good!" Coco exclaims as she walks in from her bathroom. "All the boys there tonight won't be able to keep their eyes off of you!" She wiggles her eyebrows as you laugh along with her, slightly blushing at her words. You had never been one to be boy crazy and go to parties to hook up with a ton of guys, you were just crazy about one boy that didn't even like you back.
"But hey look at you!! You popped off too girl!" You smile looking down at her short, matte red dress that fits her perfectly.
"And where do you guys think you're going dressed like that?" You hear an angry voice grit out from the doorway of the room. You look up to see Ruel, his eyebrows drawn together in anger, looking down at your dress.
"We're going to a party and we're gonna look great, get drunk, and hook up with boys." Coco states before grabbing your wrist and dragging you into her bathroom. "If you have a problem with that, I guess you're just gonna have to deal with it. Now if you will excuse us, we are gonna finish getting ready." And with that she slammed the bathroom door, leaving Ruel by himself to stomp away angrily.
She then looks down at you rolling her eyes at her brother's idiotic behavior and asks, "What are we going to do with him?" You laugh and shrug your shoulders. You honestly don't know why he got so mad at you for wanting to go out to a party. What was it to him? Of anything he should be happy for you going out and hanging out with new people to be friends with.
The clock read 8:40 pm as you and Coco finally finished up getting ready and decided to head over to the party now. It was being held at a huge beach house about 20 minutes away so you guys needed to leave soon. As you walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, her parents and sister Sylvie, were nowhere to be seen, except for Ruel. And a girl?
"Hey, Coco! Y/N." He greets smiling and standing up from the couch, pulling the girl up with him. "This is Charlotte, my date for the party tonight and we were wondering if we could catch a ride with you guys?" His date? A small flare of jealously sparked in you as you looked at their intertwined hands and the way she looked up at him so lovingly. Since when did Ruel have a girlfriend? No. Y/N! Snap out of it! He's not yours and never will be. The best thing you can do is be happy for them.
"Y/N?" Coco asks again, looking over at you. Your head snaps up. "Yeah, yeah! Of course!"
Coco gives you a weird look but soon shakes it off. "You bitches ready to go? It's time to parrttaaayyy!!"
The whole ride there you can't help but sit there quietly, pondering what is going on and why you were feeling this way. You were over him. But why were you so effected by this 'Charlotte girl'.
You guys finally arrived at the huge house, colorful lights were dancing through the house and through the windows and the music could be heard halfway down the street. You could feel the boom of the bass on the car as you went to grab the handle but Coco locked it before you could get out. "You guys go ahead, I need to talk to Y/N real quick." They nod getting out of the car and heading inside.
"Y/N I need you to look me dead in the eye and tell me what's wrong. I know you are not one to sit so quietly in the car and not turn up to the music I play. We wouldn't be friends if you didn't." You chuckle knowing she was 100 percent right. You always screamed the lyrics to songs in the car no matter who was there or what song it was.
"Coco I- I can't. It's nothing," Your fingers twiddle nervously together as you mess with the rings on your fingers. It's a bad habit that you picked up whenever you're anxious about something and Coco looked down noticing your fiddling.
"It's obviously nothing if you seem so upset right before we are about to go have the night of our lives! I can't party without my partner in crime!" She sighs reclining her seat into a laying position before saying, "We are not leaving this car until you tell me what's wrong. Even if it takes all night for you to tell me."
We sat there in silence for a while before Coco spoke up in a comforting voice, "You love him don't you?"
You go to protest and deny what she said but she stops you. She grabs your hands and gives them a little squeeze. "Y/N I know. I've known since the day the two of you met. I can tell that the two of you are meant to be. I can see it in your faces whenever you are around each other. And honestly, I've shipped it since the beginning," She winks at me, smiling softly.
"It's so hard Coco. It's so hard loving someone who will never love you back. To love someone who only sees you as a friend of his sisters. To love someone that is already taken. Ever since I saw him on the beach that day, that tall lanky boy with tacky blue and yellow swim shorts on that was so nice to me; I've loved him. I try to tell myself that I don't but I think deep down there is that love for him that I've had since the beginning." I rant on and on to her, pouring out what I had kept put off at the bottom of my heart for the past couple of years. You sigh, messing with the ring on your middle finger. "But I guess he really wasn't even interested at all now that he has Charlotte."
Coco rolls her eyes. "My brother is a dick for not seeing you as the most beautiful girl in the world. You are my best friend and I will always be there for you in every decision that you make whether it's my brother or someone else; I will always support you.  Always."
You smile and reach over to give her a hug. She rubs your back as tears silently roll down your cheeks from all the emotions you are feeling at this moment.
"Now. Wipe those tears. And you know what? Fuck that. We are going to go in there and forget all about Ruel. We are gonna all night and do exactly what we told him earlier. We're gonna look great, get drunk, and hook up with boys." She exclaims as the two of you get out of the car and head into the party.
When you guys arrive inside, everything is 10 times louder and all you could smell was alcohol and sweat, as people drank and danced together. More like grinding on each other. Coco grabbed your hand and drug you through the crowd as she tried to find some of her friends. You finally reached a group who had just bought shots and was begging us to join in on the fun. You downed them with a sour look on our faces but almost instantly relaxing me. This is exactly what you need right now.
You were about 3 drinks in, noo maybe 4. Yeah, 4. No, wait scratch that. No 8!! Ehh who knows. All you know is that you can make decisions for yourself still. You felt so free as your body moved to the beat of the music, dancing the night away next to some of the most fun people in the world. Who cares about Ruel! Fuck him you are doing fine without him!!
"I'm gonna go get another drink. Do any of you want another?" You asked the girls, who you guess were too busy dancing to listen to me. Oh well. Their loss. You turn away to go and find the kitchen, squeezing past people before you finally find it. Bending down to find another cup in the cupboard, you feel someone come up behind you and put their hands on your waist. Thinking it was Coco you shouted, "Heyyyy I still have to find a guy tonightttt! What about you?"  
"I'm down if you're down baby girl," a rough, manly voice said against your neck, his breath tickling your ear as his hands began to run up and down your torso. That is definitely not Coco. You spin around to come face to face with a guy around the same age as Coco, maybe a little older, and definitely not your type. He had the basic 'frat boy look' with flowy blonde hair and blue eyes. His eyed filled with lust and breath that smelled of too many Bud Lights. You tried to push past him after telling him that you were sorry and thought he was someone else. You could guess that he didn't like that answer because before you knew it, he was grabbing your wrist and pulling you back into his grip.
"Don't be such a tease babyyy. I know you want to. Look you're hot, I'm hot. Let's fuck." His hands were now holding your wrists to the edge of the counter and began to push his hips into yours.
No no no. You were supposed to drink the night away and party with your friends. Not actually hook up with random guys no matter how mad you were about the Ruel and Charlotte situation. "First of all, that was an awful pick-up line and secondly I'm sorry but I'm not comfortable doing that kind of stuff with anyone tonight."
He just shook his head and chuckled. "Come on sweet thing! You were just saying you wanted to get laid tonight and I'm the perfect option here. Quite frankly the best." He stated cockily and started to kiss your neck. His lips were wet and slobbery against your neck, and as you tried to struggle it seemed that his grip only got tighter on you.
And before you knew it, his hand began to grab at the bottom of your dress, trying to pull it up. There was nothing you could do. You were completely defenseless against this guy and there was no one around to save you. It wasn't until they hit your lips, that you realized you were crying. Quiet sobs left your body as he gripped the waistband of your underwear, pulling them down your legs. No this was not happening. You are not going to let this frat boy fuckboy take your virginity and especially not like this. So you did what any girl should do when in this situation. You screamed. You screamed out for help. You screamed out for Coco. You screamed out for my friends. And you screamed out for the person I hated most that night. You screamed out for Ruel.
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ruelmp4 · 4 years
where you guys will live
-choose your birthday month to get a place!-
January- Los Angeles, CA
February- Paris, France
March- London, England
April- Berlin, Germany
May- New York City, NY
June- Tokyo, Japan
July- Sydney, Australia
August- Honolulu, HI
September- Vancouver, Canada
October- Copenhagen, Denmark
November- Vienna, Austria
December- Juneau, AK
You and Ruel have been living together for about 2 years now and have been on the wall about moving recently. Ruel's job causes him to have to travel frequently, which can sometimes be hard on you guys to decide where to move to. Your dream place to live is (your destination from above), the place you've been dreaming of living as a kid.
As you were getting ready for bed that night, it was all you were thinking about. How you could make it work for his schedule and yours. You worked from home so it wasn't that big of a worry for your job, but for his it was.
"Hey, baby?" You asked as you climbed into bed next to Ruel, pulling the covers up over your body. You're met with his tired, green eyes as he turned over onto the other side to face you. You immediately feel bad for wanting to bring up such a major topic when he was so exhausted. He worked in the studio all day today and just needed some sleep.
"Nev-never mind. It's not important right now," you smile, reaching your hand out to push some of his hair out of his face. "Goodnight, I love you."
When you roll over and scoot your back towards him, his arm comes to wrap around your waist, pulling you closer to him. You feel his breath on your neck as he snuggles his face into your shoulder. "Babyyyy," he groans, holding out the y. "What's wrong?"
You sigh. Knowing him, he won't sleep until you tell him what's on your mind. So you confess. "I can't stop thinking about living somewhere else. Not that where we live is bad, but there is just something about (your destination) that I can't get out of my head, Ruel."
"Then we'll move there," he states.
Your eyes widen and you whip your body around to face him, searching his eyes for any sign of humor. But all you see is seriousness. You still have to ask, "Really?! Like are you being serious right now?"
"100 percent. You know that I would do anything in this world to make you happy, Y/N," he smiles and kisses the back of your hand.
"Oh my gosh, today is the best day EVER!" You scream in excitement sitting up to look back down at your beautiful boyfriend. "Oh the views there are breathtaking and we have to go to this museum when we get there, and OH the sunsets there are just spectacular. Have you seen the Pinterest board I made for (your destination)? Here let me show you," You go to grab your phone from the bedside desk, but he grabs your hand and pulling you back into him.
"You can show me in the morning. I promise we can spend the whole day looking at houses and your Pinterest board. Let's just sleep right now," he says kissing your cheek, as you smile from excitement.
"I love you, Ruel," you state closing your eyes to let sleep take over.
"I love you, Y/N."
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ruelmp4 · 4 years
Concept: getting a drunk text from Ruel very early in the morning can be irritating..unless.. 
Enjoy ((:
A soft buzzing on your nightstand sounds in your ear as you wake up from your deep slumber. You mumble out a strand of profanities, your arm stretching out to its max to reach for your phone. You refused to move your body as you were comfortably cocooned in your soft blanket this cool morning in LA.
The bright light of your phone screen blinded your tired eyes as Ruel's name taunted you to answer him, ruining your perfect night of sleep. This fucker. He knows the time difference between us right now.
You see Ruel lives back in Sydney, Australia and I live in Los Angeles, which means there is an 18 hour time difference between us. Meaning its 10:30 pm there and 4:30 am here. He knows not to call me when I'm sleeping. I am NOT a morning person at all.
"This better be a life or death situation Ruel Vincent Van Dijk. I hope you realize that it is 4 in the fucking morning here and I am not happy about being woken up in the middle of my beauty sleep," you growl into the phone.
"Heyyy baabbyy! Whaaat's up? Wait don't tell me. Is it the sky? HAHAHA I knew ittt!" Ruel slurs as his voice blasts through your speaker.
You sigh, "Ruel are you drunk?"
"Drunk? Are youu kiddingg me? Of course notttt! You know the guys don't lemme drinkkk. They always give me fuckin waterrr."
"Ruel..Where are you? Who are you with?" You are now sitting up in bed. Ruel never does this. He's not a drinker, even after his 18th birthday last year, he never really liked going out. He enjoyed staying home either playing video games or face timing you.
"Don't worryyy. I'm fineee, I'm with the boyyssss." He laughs before saying to hold on a second. You hear him yelling to one of his friends that he was talking to his girl. Aw, but he's still not off the hook. The clock read 5:00 am now and you knew you'd have a hard time falling back to sleep.
"Hey Y/NNNN you still thereee? I wanttt you to knowwww that I lovee youuuuu! I'm gonnaa go now byyeeee!"
Then the line goes silent and you sigh leaning back into your soft pillow. He is a handful but the lecture can wait till the morning. Right now all you want to do is go back to your peaceful sleep. After lying awake for 2 hours you finally drift off. Curse you Ruel for your stupid drunkenness.
The next morning you wake up to your phone blowing up. Of course, it's Ruel.
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You laugh as you read over the first couple of messages he sent you. But one definitely stuck out to you. Anything you want? Hmm. And suddenly him waking you up at the crack of dawn doesn't seem like such a bad thing anymore! You immediately go to Coco's contact and text her to start conducting your revenge plan.
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ruelmp4 · 4 years
album y’all jam to in the car
-choose your birthday month to get an album!-
January- Fine Line by Harry Styles
February- Midnight Memories by One Direction
March- Sounds Good Feels Good by 5SOS
April- IGOR by Tyler the Creator
June- Illuminate by Shawn Mendes
July- Free Time by Ruel
August- 8 Letters by Why Don't We
September- Soul Searching by Bazzi
October- Free Spirit by Khalid
November- Hopeless Fountain Kingdom by Halsey
December- Night & Day by The Vamps
You could feel the warm Australian breeze flowing through your hair as you look out to the beautiful ocean on the coast. You look to your right to see Ruel doing the same, his hair flying all over the place due to the wind. He turns his head to look at you too, a smile forming on both of your faces as your eyes meet.
"You want to turn some music on?" He asks, grabbing his phone from the cupholder and handing it to you.
A smirk begins to play on your face as you think of what you want to play. Typing in his password and going straight to his Spotify you already know he has the album saved, as it is you two's favorite one.
Y/A/N starts to play in the background as Ruel's eyes light up, his hand immediately reaching for the volume button to turn it up.
"I FUCKIN' LOVE THIS SONG!" He screams in excitement.
For the rest of the car ride, you two hardcore jam to the music before finally making it to your destination. You were sad to turn the music off but happy to have spent the time with your boyfriend, continuing to make more memories to look back on in the future!
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ruelmp4 · 4 years
doctors visit
Concept: Ruel has to go to the doctor’s today and would rather die than go
Enjoy ((:
A faint ringing plays in your ear as you stir from your sleep, the noise slowly getting louder and louder until you realize it's the alarm you set last night. Today you were going with your boyfriend Ruel to the doctor's for a little check-up, and for some reason, he couldn't stand the thought of going alone. At the age of 18 you would think he would have finally worked up the courage to be able to go by himself, but nope. You tagged along every time, just to hold his hand for what he thinks is the worst part of the visit. The shots.
Ruel groans and pulls you tighter against his chest. "Pleaseeee! Just five more minutes." You sighed, laughing and pried yourself from his iron-tight grip.
"Ruel, we have to be at the doctor's office in an hour and it's a forty-five-minute drive. We have to get up now or else we'll be late," you stated, standing and stretching out your arms before grabbing some clothes from the closet to change into.
"Or we could just not go? Technically we wouldn't be late and we can just reschedule!"
"Nice try scaredy-cat, but nope. Not this time. We are going to that appointment whether I have to drag you there by your toes or not." And with that, you turned on your heels and went into the bathroom to change. "You better be dressed by the time I'm finished in here!"
You hear him chuckle and pull the covers back, deciding on not signing his death certificate today.
You now sat in the soft, padded seats of the doctor's office, the slight hum of the tv playing in the background and the occasional rubbing of Ruel's leg against yours, from his leg shaking in nervousness. You sigh placing your hand on his knee and looking up at him, "Ruel. Everything is going to be okay. You're gonna go in there, talk to the doctor, get a shot real quick and then we'll be out of here in no time." He just smiles in response, pulls you into his chest and quickly kisses your forehead.
Ruel has never been a huge fan of showing PDA in public places. He prefers to be in the comfort of his home and out of everyone's eyes. He says that he's the only person allowed to see the love he gives to you. Only him and you were okay with that because you felt the exact same way, even though there are millions of girls who continuously stalk him on social media (sometimes in his personal life) and know every fact about him. You try not to think about that, but it always finds a way of wondering back into your thoughts.
"Ruel Van Dijk?" The sound of the nurse calling Ruel's name and the tight squeeze of his hand in yours draws you out of your thoughts and back into reality.
The two of you stand up and follow her into a room in the back. "I'm just going to give you a little check-up before Dr. Sheppard comes. Don't be too excited. I'm not giving you the shot quite yet."
Ruel gives her a slight nod and smile as she checks his temperature, his hearing, and all the other regular check-ups needed.
"Alright, the Doctor will be in shortly." When she smiles and closes the door behind her, Ruel lets out a gust of air he was apparently holding in the whole time. His palms were sweaty and his eyebrows were drawn together, something he always does when he was nervous.
"Hey, babe, look at me." His head rolls forward and his body slumps as his hands begin to shake. You sigh and grab his hand in yours and use the other to hold his cheek. The fear was quite viable in his eyes as they opened to meet yours. "You have nothing to be afraid of, okay? I'll be right here the entire time, holding your hand."
He slowly nodded and physically straightened himself up, determination now evident in his expression.
A few minutes later, Dr. Sheppard walked in and started talking to Ruel about his health, and everything medical-related going on in his life at the moment. As the appointment drew closer to an end, it was time for the worst and most dreaded part.
"Alright, I think that concludes our time today Mr, Van Dijk. You're in perfect health and I hope it will stay that way. Your nurse will be right back in to give you your annual shot." He says standing up and shaking Ruel's hand before walking back out through the door.
Shortly after he left, there was a knock at the door and the nurse came back in holding the container of shots.
"Okay Mr. Van Dijk, we're getting just one shot today so there is no need to stress. Just a quick and easy needle."
He turned to look at you and reaching for your hand. You hold your hand in his as he squeezes his eyes shut, waiting for the prick.
You smile looking up at him. "See? You didn't even feel a thing did ya!" His eyes narrow as he looks back at the nurse packing up her supplies.
"Did you give me the shot already?" He asks her, confused and shocked when she nods, even though I just told him that.
"Yep all done sweetie, just follow me and we'll get you all figured out at the front desk." You grab his hand, pulling him out of the room and rolling your eyes at his confusion.
After paying and walking out to the car he finally comes out of his trance of confusion, "Okay, how did I not feel that at all?!" You just laugh and shake your head. "Because it's not that scary of a thing! I believe you just got over your fear, Mr. Van Dijk."
"Well, you know what this means? A need for a celebration! How about a nice, cold cone of ice cream?" He smirks looking over at you.
"That sounds absolutely amazing!"
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ruelmp4 · 4 years
the pet he gets you for your birthday
-choose your birthday month to get a pet!-
January- Golden Retriever
February- Black and White Bunny
March- Orange Cat
April- Komodo Dragon
May- Guinea Pig  
June- Hedgehog
July- Turtle
August- Rabbit
September- Beta Fish
October- Australian Shepard
November- Parrot
December- Ferret
Today was your 20th birthday and you have spent it all by yourself. Ruel left early this morning due to having to record some songs in the studio and wouldn't be back till late that night. He left with a kiss on the forehead and walked out the door. No "Happy Birthday Y/N!" Or even the slightest remembrance of it.
To say you were bummed was an understatement. The only texts you got today wishing you a happy birthday were from your parents, your best friend, and Coco. Even his sister remembered. Standing up and shuffling glumly over to the fridge you surrendered to the cookies and creme ice cream that had been staring you down since 2 this afternoon.
It was now 9 pm and still no sign of Ruel, or anyone to say the least. Just you, your ice cream tub, and the beautiful Spencer Reid. You would die for that man if you could. Hmm, maybe he would remember your birthday?
Just as you shoved the tub of ice cream into the trash and was making your way to you and Ruel's bedroom, you heard keys jangling at the door. So he finally shows up. You stood between the doorway of your bedroom and the hallway, deciding on whether you should confront him on the subject or just let it be.
"Babe? You here?" Ruel's voice echoed throughout the house, causing butterflies to swarm in your stomach. You and Ruel had been dating for about a year now, and his voice still made your stomach flutter.
"Yeah, up here," you called back, your voice breaking as you tried to hold back the tears. He's known you for years now. How could he forget? Were you not good enough for him anymore? His footsteps pound up the steps as he takes two at a time, concern gashing across his face as he turns the corner and sees your now tear-stained face.
"Darling, what's wrong? Did I do something?" His arms reach out to pull you closer, but you step back not wanting to fall under his spell from his touch. Knowing yourself, you would immediately give in once he pulled you into one of his bone-crushing hugs.
"Do you really not know?" You finally spoke, your teary eyes stared into his as his eyebrows furred together in confusion. You scoffed, of course, he wouldn't remember. He has far more important things in his life.
"How could you possibly forget my birthday, Ruel?! I mean am I that unimportant to you?" Your words come out harsher than you intended, and you immediately felt bad. But it was your turn to be confused when he started laughing and shaking his head.
"You're not seriously laughing right now, are you? Ruel, of all the things you could have forgotten, why me?" Desperation filled your voice, your emotions felt as though he had thrown them in a box and then shook them up.
Ruel just took your hand and dragged you down the stairs. "Close your eyes, please Y/N." You sighed before giving in and shutting your eyes. When you opened them again you were met with the sight of a giant box.
"See! I didn't forget!" He exclaimed as he did jazz hands by the box where your secret present sat. "But...I thought yo...what??" You laughed and ran into his arms, squeezing him tight. "I'm such an idiot, Ruel I'm so sorry. I thought you had forgotten my birthday cause you were gone all day and you didn't say it this morning and..."
He cut you off by laughing and setting you back down. "Open it! Open it!" He jumped up and down like a kid on Christmas morning.
"Okay, okay!" You say before tearing open the box and seeing the cutest little guy ever.
"You didn't! Aw, Ruel, I have been wanting (your animal) for so long! Thank you!" You reach up, peck his lips, grab the newest member of your family and scurry off towards the living room to spend the rest of the night with your new friend!
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ruelmp4 · 4 years
your daughter
Concept: You and Ruel recently had a daughter and revel in the time you guys get to spend with her.
Enjoy ((:
Your eyelids flutter open to the sight of the doctor holding a tiny bundle of joy after hours of tireless pain and pushing. A soft sigh escapes your lips as you turn to look at your husband, his hand still holding your tight grip, his green eyes tearing up at the sight of his baby girl.
Once she was all wrapped up in the blankets, your doctor handed her to you. Surprisingly, she had stopped crying and her big eyes gazed up at yours, soon shutting as she slept soundly.
"You guys are two lucky parents." The doctor stands next to your bed, looking down at your daughter. "Normally babies scream for the first couple hours after being born. She seems to be quite tired after all of that and so should you Y/N. I'll give you guys some space and then let the rest of your family join you. Congrats!" He smiles and closes the door behind him as he exits the room.
It was just after 6 in the morning here in Sydney, and the sun was just breaking through the trees and shining right into your room. You look up to see Ruel gazing down at your girl. Excitement is visible in his expression as his lips curl into a big smile and his hand reaches out touch her tiny cheek.
"I still can't believe you did that." He moves to sit down next to you in the bed, cuddling into your side and wrapping an arm around your shoulder, "I mean that's a whole ass baby right there!" You laugh and look up at him smiling.
"We did this."
————— It's been about a week since you had your daughter and life was going perfectly. After spending some time thinking, you both decided to name her Harper Claire Van Dijk. Ruel wasn't on tour at the moment, so you both had all the time in the world to spend with your little girl. His sisters Coco, Sylvie, and his mum Kate visit quite a lot. They are always there to help out with the baby whenever you and Ruel are too exhausted from the countless hours you spend taking care of her through the night.
Right now Ruel is playing with Harper down on the floor, laughing as he tickles her face with the stuffed animal. You decide to go on Twitter for a little bit before you have no free time left to yourself. As you were scrolling through your feed, you got to a tweet that Ruel had tweeted earlier this evening. Your heart flooded with love as you read the message and looked down at the picture. You had two people in your life that you loved very much and you couldn't ask for more.
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ruelmp4 · 4 years
the show you guys binge
-choose your birthday month to get a show!-
January- Teen Wolf
February- The End Of The F***ing World
March- The Vampire Diaries
April- Stranger Things
May- Grey's Anatomy
June- American Horror Story
July- Riverdale
August- Criminal Minds
September- The 100
October- The Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina
November- Shameless
December- Orange Is The New Black
You spend the night curled up on the couch with Ruel, your head resting on his chest and his arm curled around your waist protectively. Blankets and snacks surround both of you, as two steaming cups of hot cocoa sit on the table beside the couch.
You end up sleeping on the couch, both of you being too lazy to move. You spend the whole day hanging out and taking advantage of his time off tour.
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ruelmp4 · 4 years
if you ever need anyone to talk to my inbox and ask button is always open and on ((:
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ruelmp4 · 4 years
ruel imagines to satisfy your longing for a ‘most likely never going to happen other than in my dreams’ relationship ((:
Ruel Van Dijk:
the show you guys binge
your daughter
the pet he gets you for your birthday
doctors visit
album y’all jam to in the car
where you guys will live
party part 1
party part 2
movie/ show couple costume
pregnancy announcement 
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ruelmp4 · 4 years
Concept: There is absolutely no available caffeine in your house as you are struggling to stay awake late at night to finish a paper, when a certain someone comes to your rescue ;)
The rain beat down on the windowsill of your apartment as you vigorously typed away at your computer. The rain created a sort of white noise that helped to calm the nervousness and stress that you were carrying on your back. It was currently eight in the morning and you had been working on your final college exam essay all night long, with a few occasional naps here and there. This paper was the most important thing in your life right now. It was all you were thinking about, day in and day out. The essay is due at ten o'clock sharp and you were struggling to stay awake. Not even being at one of your boyfriend Ruel's concerts would keep you awake right now. Running on about four hours of sleep was not helping to write this essay any faster either.
You sighed and leaned forward in your chair, letting out a huge yawn and laying your head down in your crossed arms. There was no way you were going to be able to stay awake to finish it. You needed some sort of caffeine release to help you pull through. Standing up and walking into the kitchen you searched through the cabinets, the refrigerator, everywhere, trying to find some teas or coffee, but it appeared that you were out. "Great," you thought. "Just great. And of course, it's when I need it the most it just decides to disappear."
You sat back down in your chair and tried to get as much of your essay done as possible. And if you can't get it done, you can just email your teacher and ask for more time. Maybe, just maybe they would allow you one more day. Positive thoughts.
So you typed and you typed until your eyes started to droop. The heaviness in your eyes got the best of you and everything just goes black. The next thing you know, you're laying on the couch with your laptop sitting beside you and a pair of soft, green eyes staring down at you. Your eyebrows scrunched together, wondering how you got here. The last thing you remember was sitting doing your essay and...
"When did you get here? How did I get here? What time is it? Oh gosh please tell me it's not ten o'clock yet?" you exclaimed, questions circling through your head, making you ramble in nervousness. It was a habit that you had, and honestly, you found it quite embarrassing. Your mouth just goes and goes without even thinking about what you're saying. Whatever comes to mind, comes out of your mouth.
"Shh calm down Y/N. It's only nine-thirty. You still have time to finish your essay in time and I brought you a little pick me up." Ruel stood up, walking over to the counter where he had your freshly ground, hot caramel latte waiting for you to devour.
You almost cried at the contact of it's warm and smooth taste as it warms your whole body up, giving you a final boost of energy to finish your essay. God bless Starbucks!
"How did you know I needed this so badly?" You asked Ruel as soon as you turned in your essay, and leaned back into the sofa.
He shrugged his shoulders and pulled you into his chest, "I just had a feeling that you could use a warm cup of coffee this morning. And I was right. Now sleep, sweetheart. I know you were up all night trying to get that done."
And with that, you closed your eyes and drifted off knowing that your essay was done and you had the best boyfriend ever.
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