ruexoconnor · 15 days
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He rubbed his palms together, though he didn't much care for the money on any other day, there was something about digging through a brain of a banshee that instantly let him know he was in for a ride. "I can try. The thing about sight is...you or, well, the subject -- meaning you, is what gives me access. If you never had access to your father, finding him --" it was not exactly possible. Not without her blood. And judging by the level of caution surrounding her, the way she glanced at the shop nervously, the way even asking such a question made her seem deeply uncomfortable -- he was not about to pull out a knife. He had to ease her into the process, start small, let her get comfortable. So he lets a smile enter his features, and he will put his hands palms-up on the table. "Why don't we start small? You give me your hands and I'll tell you what I see? We can work our way up to the bigger questions, what do you say?" he glances briefly at the deck of tarot cards to his right. "Or would you prefer a shuffle?"
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Billie took her seat once invited, her eyes nervously glancing around towards her surroundings before finding Ruby again. “That's fine, extra cost is -- fine” she murmured, her brow creasing as she consider the truth behind her reason of return to the psychic. Gianna had spoken briefly of her blood relatives – of her father, but there had been questions that remained – fears that needed addressing. Who was he, what was he like? Was he good – did he hurt Gianna? No matter how hard she had tried, she couldn’t get those questions out of her head and she knew that asking her mother wasn't a viable option. The endless possibilities made her feel like she was a child again – dreaming up an image of the person her parents could be. Except, in this case, instead of dreaming about it, she was fretting. “Can you tell me about my – dad? I don’t need a name or like location or anything, I just –" releasing an unsteady breath, she practically blurted the words out, "I need to know if he's good, or if he's some awful person. I just really need somebody to tell me.”
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ruexoconnor · 18 days
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Before he could answer, she had beat him to it and he shrugged with a smile still on moving over with his cup of tea to meet her by the table. "That's good to hear." although he did, in fact, know that. "Welcome Billie. Please..." he sits down at the chair near the small round table and gestures for her to join at the seat across, should she so please. He will then lean back and forth slightly in his chair, dipping the tea bag up and down as he thought over the question. "Future, past, present...if you leave it up to me it could be any of those three. But if you got specific questions -- well, it would cost you more but, I could do some digging." it was hard to explain the way his sight worked but really and truly, it hardly mattered in the end. People got their answers, he got his money, and that was that. "Tell me what you want to know." another open invitation, and he begins shuffling the tarot cards, waiting for her colours to show, for her to let him in.
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“Sorry–” Billie murmured and her tone was hesitant; her expression quickly turning apologetic. Before she could attempt to explain, Ruby had already interjected with the intention to put her at ease. The others words were curious in themselves, imminent to pique her interest “how do you know that?” but their location was quick to answer that too. “Right, sorry – forget I said that.” Given his arguably good point, it was now her turn to reassure him and with a shake of her head she tried, “oh uh, no. That isn't why I came back. You’re good, is what i’m saying. But you probably knew that too?” With a slightly awkward smile, she did turn towards the door intending to leave – but again, just as there had been the night of the carnival, there was a mental blockade and she didn’t. Instead, she turned back towards him and took a step closer. “I’m Billie” and reaching for the card, she examined it before fiddling with the edges of it. “How does this – work exactly? are you gonna tell me my future, or whatever?” Glancing towards his set up, her brow furrowed before she found his gaze again, “or can I ask you questions about – people? Like” clearing her throat, she lowered her gaze “family, or something? My – family? or doesn't it work like that?”
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ruexoconnor · 19 days
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"That's right. Or at least that's how I've come to rationalise our differences." which was by no means an easy task. He's flattered by the compliment nonetheless, there was nothing quite as fulfilling as offering a helpful thought. "I'm sure you'll do alright. How's your magic manifesting so far?" perhaps he could be of more help still. -- Her question catches him by surprise, it was not often people asked him questions about himself. "I uh, I was pretty young. My mom she kind of understood what was happening very early on. But yeah, I'd say it was gradual -- the understanding of the sight. There's always something new and unexpected happening when you're given access to another persons mind. And it can be tricky, knowing my limits..."
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"So there's subcategories of witches?" Nova said surprised. "It's defined by your own essence in a way." Nova said fascinated.There was a nod. "You honestly gave the most coherent explanation of magic. Thank you." Nova said. "It makes sense nature, nuture, and essence makes your power." Nova said looking at her hand. "Ehh! me talented at magic. I'm way too green to be talented." Nova said with a humble bow of her head. She nodded. "I'll try not to bottle it up. Even though I'm not sure what this power is." Nova admits. Nova had a tilt of her head and then a smile. "I suppose I should trust the fox then." Nova said processing all of it. "So how long did it take for you to get use to your sight?" Nova asked. "Was it gradual or was it one day you knew what to do?"
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ruexoconnor · 19 days
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"Good try." he reassures yet again, though he was not really the best liar, he cared a lot about peoples feelings. It was a sort of professional deformity, for having absorbed so many feelings over time, he was extremely cautious not to cause negativity to spread. "Yeah, how so?"
"Hey, worth a try," she shrugged, not really caring if she was close or not. Right now she just wanted to be carefree, not think about coming back to life or Lucas or anything that brought her down. And while she was normally good at reading people, being put on the spot like this made her nervous - at least that's how she perceived. "So you're an unlicensed therapist. Huh, interesting" she nodded
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ruexoconnor · 19 days
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He could sense the fear rising and although he never felt like he gave off a particularly threatening vibe, he could see how the whole situation might've painted him that way. It was funny, in a way, Rue was pretty sure the girl before him could take him down herself if she actually tried. "Hey that's...that'a alright, the door's unlocked you can leave. This is not a hostage situation, I promise." there's a small reassuring chuckle, and he takes out one cup for himself, deciding that a brew would prep his stomach well for what was undoubtedly going to be a large and heavy meal. "I do think it's curious though..." he will look back at her again, placing a teabag in the hot water. "That a banshee walked into my tent, unknowingly -- feels almost like, like a sign. Perhaps I should worry?" not that he would beg digging through that head, banshees and their connection with death was never something Rue was particularly keen to meddle in. "I'm Ruby, here --" he grabs one of the business cards on the side, and then steps forward - carefully - offering it to the other "Should you change your mind. I bid you a good rest of your night."
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“Oh – no” Billie mumbled, shaking her head as a crinkle formed against her brow, “I really have to get back, I was just looking for a bathroom. I think.” Billie knew that Briggs would worry, that he would already be worrying and she didn’t want that. She wanted to leave, but she felt as if she physically couldn’t. Instead, she pulled her phone from her back pocket and opted to send Briggs a message for him to come find her; knowing he'd be there in a matter of seconds. She remained rooted to her position, before her eyes glanced towards the cards on the table, finding Ruby again as he pulled out a chair. “No – thanks. I don’t really like tea.” Stalling, she gestured towards the door where the sign had just been turned, "weren't you just leaving?" before the words began frantically spilling from her lips, "look if you're about to murder me or something, that's a really terrible idea for you because my husbands coming and he's like way bigger than you and he'll be pissed."
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ruexoconnor · 30 days
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He follows the order instinctively and moves out of the way, only to watch her fail at what she was attempting to do. "You want some help with that?" he didn't really want to help, but she was one of the prettiest people he'd ever laid eyes on and the shallow part of him insisted he spends more time in her presence. "I got nowhere to be, put me to work."
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ⌖ ― aliyah simmons / open event starter / @exitiumstarters
"excuse you, make way!" she exclaimed, her digits wrapped around the clothing rack, and just as she could feel herself swelling with pride in being able to successfully make her way out of the 'carnival workers only tent' with the costumes that her heel got caught on something and next thing she knew she was stumbling, her hands fumbling to grip tighter on the metal to regain her footing. a laugh pulled from chest once she was standing upright.
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ruexoconnor · 30 days
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"Magic is one of the most variant gifts afforded to us as whole. Every other species has rules, and for the most part they exist within the confines of those rules. Witches, on the other hand, exist in so many different shades it's almost futile to even try and understand it. I'm psychic, but I have friends whose sight manifests different to mine. It's the way we absorb magic perhaps, the way we mould it, practice it -- befriend it, that ultimately defines how we execute." he takes another bite. "Picture this. Four children are born with a talent for drawing. All four are given guidance in the exact same way. They are taught colour theory, different mediums, shown work of artists that came before them -- yet each of those four children will end up developing a style of their own. They will take the tools, they will adopt the rules, and the end result will still be unique to them. To who they are. I think magic is the same way, no matter how many pointers you are given, it is up to you to figure it out for yourself. And you may just have more talent than others." he'd assumed as much based on her few words. "My only advice -- do not be afraid of those powers. Do not bottle them up, no matter what you do, just make sure you're not pretending to be something you're not." this was the second time tonight he'd heard of the foxes, and maybe it was destiny that orchestrated it for him in a manner he'd understand. But understood he did. "Trust your fox. I can tell it has good intentions."
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There was a finger gun before she took a bite gingerly. "Psychic. That sounds pretty cool. My magic is tied to my feelings and it scares me because what if I get too pissed. I dream sometimes I'll just explode and freeze the earth. Sometimes a fox tackles me to stop it but I have no clue what that means." Nova admits. "But maybe theres hope for both of us. You just need to find a teacher! I'm sure you're not the only psychic and then you can do what you want with the psychic powers. Right?" Nova said thinking a bit too naively. Nova nodded. "I will try to remember myself too. I should take my lunch breaks when its alloted. Otherwise whats the point of them. Work hard but take care of myself." Nova looked at him before humming. "It's a long shot but maybe I can cast a spell on a tailsman so you won't be too tired-" Nova offered. "I think take care of yourself too but think of it as a supplement!"
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ruexoconnor · 30 days
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"You know what?" he'll place the jacket back down, offering a chair to the other as he found his own seat. "I can take in one more." there's an inviting smile, the kind that was supposed to reassure the other. And he wished he'd ordered food instead of talking himself out of it last minute. "Forgive me if my observation might be off, but you seem rattled. Is everything alright?"
It had been ages since Theodora had gotten her palm read, something she used to do on the road. Being someone who never had a home, meant that you the people around you held many talents. For the past few days, the banshee felt like a shell of herself. Only a few things seemed to really catch her interest and that happened to be the sign for a Psychic. Walking through the curtains, she took a seat only for the person to pay no mind to her arrival. "Oh okay, umm should I wait here?" Her voice was meek as she spoke, hands gripping her crossbody satchel as if her life depended on it. "Sorry, don't mind me I will figure it out." Getting up for the seat she let out a heavy sigh.
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ruexoconnor · 30 days
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His eyes narrow in curiosity as he lets her have a go. And she looked so adorable attempting to read him that he had no heart to tell her just how wrong she had been. "Close enough. I reckon with little practice...you could get pretty good." Rue will lean in slightly, voice dropping. "Some advice, free of charge of course." his nose will wrinkle as he smiles and he'll take in a breath. " -- don't always trust your instincts. First impressions can be wrong." pouring them both some tea, he sets the cards in front of her and nods. "Think of reading as a sort of...investigation. You have a person in front of you. And this person has a complex set of circumstances, connections, bonds -- all of which had shaped their way of thinking throughout their life. Shaped who they became, who they are." there's a brief pause as he takes a sip of the hot tea, and he'll look at her once again. "People come in, asking for their future. More times than not, what they really want is affirmation. To figure out who they are right now. To be told they're good and...things will turn out alright. I'm just a tool usually, and I'm much cheaper than therapy."
She took his hands and studied them for a second before meeting his eyes. It was almost like a moment of clarity struck over her for a brief moment to take in who he was in just a second or two. "You're someone who's always thinking of the next step, always making sure that you're two steps ahead of things," she mused, tilting her head somewhat as if to get a better read. "You're also extremely confident, to the point it can come across cocky - but what do I know." she shrugged before realizing this wasn't what he asked her. "Oh, wait, you want me to ask you questions, okay, gimme a second," she said as she let go of his hands and thought for a moment. "Yeah, I'm not good at questions, I think I did a decent job though" she said, almost like an excited puppy waiting to be rewarded
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ruexoconnor · 30 days
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He could almost touch the confusion. And she didn't have to convince him of her words, Rue knew them to be true. "That's alright." it was not the first time a person walked in unaware of the many reasons universe chose to send them his way, but it was the kind of job he could not refuse. "Suppose we can figure it out together. Why you're here...that is." pulling out a chair for her, Ruby will flip around the 'open' sign at the door and shut the main lights before turning on a kettle. "Tea?"
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The last thing that Billie could recall had been waiting for Briggs and Lucas to finish up on a ride; after too much cotton candy had left her stomach in knots and she had insisted on sitting this one out. Instead of sitting it out however, she had instead wandered; aimlessly as she sometimes did in a banshee haze. As the other’s voice registered, she blinked as if she was seeing for the first time. “No— I’m sorry— I” there was an expression of confusion, Billie clearing her throat as she checked around for Briggs, before her gaze returned to Ruby. “I don’t – I don’t know why i’m here. I shouldn't be.”
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ruexoconnor · 1 month
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Rue didn't think he was being particularly rude or anything. But judging by her words, perhaps he'd been perceived that way. "Forgive me I, I mean I guess I thought you were here for a reading not...company." he puts on a jacket and opens the door for her to go first. "I'd be delighted to have you tag along. If company is all you seek." lighting a cigarette he starts to walk, brows furrowing as he looks at her. "Your friends running late?"
lizzie had been wandering through the carnival for well over an hour now, just taking in the sights and sounds before her and getting a fairly good idea of the different attractions that this thing had to offer. she'd just wandered up to the booth that ruby was working when he claimed that he was going to take a break. ❝ well that's no way to treat a lady. ❞ the blonde teased, offering her friend a playful smile. ❝ at least invite her to tag along, why don't you? ❞
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ruexoconnor · 1 month
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He takes half her food and thanks her with a gesture of his hand before digging in. "Well, as a psychic, which is...barely a witch I suppose I can relate to that. I never minded though. Just wish I knew how to uh, I dunno, be better at it I guess?" it was a strange confession, but he'd honed his skills since childhood and somehow always felt like he was lacking. "Saving peoples lives is no easy feat. But before you can care for others you ought to take care of yourself. Hard as it may be..." he hoped the other understood what he had meant to say, though if anyone would it would be her. "I mostly work nights so, I guess I never really feel the passage of time. Digging through peoples heads though it can be...draining. If I push too hard it all just...pushes back..."
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"Excellent Mr. O'Connor." Nova said with smile as she took the knife and cut it in half. "Sometimes i can't tell if I'm welcome. Being witch you don't feel human enough and not supernatural enough. It's a weird limbo." Nova admitted. The newness was still raw. Nova smiled back. "I work in a hospital, sometimes I do so much work I lose time and not eat until the end of the shift witch can be 3 am." Nova said with a shrug. "how about you- do you get occupied with your own work?"
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ruexoconnor · 1 month
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"An empath, huh?" he preferred to be the judge of that himself. But he was admittedly intrigued. "Alright then beautiful, take a seat..." he pulls a chair out for her and then sits on the one just barely any distance away from hers. His hands are on the table, as is the deck of tarot cards should she wish to pick that method instead. "I'm an open book, give it a read. Ask away." a smile is tugging on his lips, and he enjoyed the prospect of someone else digging through his head for a change. "Tea can wait."
"Don't tempt me, though right now I'm game for whatever," she said, wondering for a brief moment by what 'whatever' meant exactly but oh well, she'd figure that out later - hopefully not in someone else's bed. "I'm an empath so I read emotions pretty well," she nodded, "not to brag, y'know?" she joked, brushing non-existent dust off her shoulders. "Right now I'm game for anything, what kind do you have, oh mighty psychic?"
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ruexoconnor · 1 month
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The other piqued some sort of interest and Rue let go of his jacket and lit up a cigarette, offering him a chair to sit on. "Herbal tea?" another offer followed as he set the kettle to a boil yet again, and let the coolness of the room ground him before he goes digging through the head of a fox. Admittedly, the other seemed in a very 'revealing' mood himself, so this shouldn't be as much of a challenge as he had feared.
"So your mother has passed -- sorry, for your loss." he's trying to recollect the facts before he dives in. "Before she did, she promised you would find a fox that will guide you? At the same time..." he goes through the motions of making the tea, smoking, and overall thinking and finds himself glancing over at the other every now and again. "Your father refuses to speak of your mother? And I sense your relationship with the man is strained at best?" parental relationships were sure complicated in this town, but it made it less surprising on each turn to find an asshole father meddling or refusing to provide even a smidge of compassion.
"Foxes in folklore are...different. Much like psychics, vampires, witches, wolves...it's hard to paint a whole species with the same brush but -- some....similar rules usually apply. Vampires and the sun, wolves and the moon...dragons and their fire it -- it takes some exploring to get to the bottom of it but -- I'm willing to try." he finally sits across from the other and rubs his palms together, offering them out. "Your hands?"
"Fuck if I know. I don't ask him about her." It would likely end up with TJ being told to stop chasing bedtime stories - but actually, TJ's father knew more than he let on. There was a reason he hated TJ, but more than anything, it was the thing he could become that he hated. "I never told him about the promise but...he always had this one thing he never stopped repeating, something about sacrificing conscience for love?" Foxes were malicious, but the Korean-Foxes Gumiho especially so. It was when TJ's mother lost control that his father saw the danger that was potentially inherited and just as the OEA eradicate the supernatural, it was TJ's father who wished to eradicate the foxes from his family lineage and that's what that sacrifice intended. If his father could push him to make a sacrifice - kill.
TJ was ever the clueless-fox; he didn't know his own history; he didn't know what his mother was or what his father hated him for. He presented as human, and without the fox-spirit activated he was human - could continue to be. His chaos? That would always linger and the control TJ wanted in his life was the fox hungering for power to be set free.
Alone and unaware he'd be a danger to himself, to others, because he was uncontrolled....but he did have someone. The one always on his side, the one he loved, Nova, she was a shrine maiden, the history was written, it was her duty to keep yokai under control and maybe that's why chaos became calm around her.
Neither of them knew that nor did TJ know he had met other foxes. The Mayor, even Kevin. He was so close to the thing he was looking for but he couldn't see it - he couldn't even see that the thing he wanted to find was himself.
"The tails?" That was TJ's guess, on how to find a fox. This idea he'd find a fox with 9-tails exactly was unlikely. "But can't you just tell me when and where? And how? I mean, that's kinda your deal, right? Tell people the future?"
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ruexoconnor · 1 month
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Before he could even think of adequate reassurance to send her way, she was on her feet and the pink dress was on the floor. There was words stuck in his throat and he had to swallow them looking away just to ensure he wasn't acting some type of way. "Both dresses are fine." fine? That's a bad choice of words. "Better...better than fine they're -- you're --" beautiful? He'd already said that. "Have you spoken to Billie yet?" a change of topic, that'll do.
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Truth be told, if they were to just lay in bed for the rest of the evening, she wouldn’t have been too upset it. Crawling into the space next to him, she nuzzles herself closer and her eyes are heavy as she closes them. The compliment causes brims to tug into a smile, and her eyes are still closed until she’s glancing upwards and looking at him. “Do you think the pink is too much? It was my mom’s but I don’t know if it’ll get ruined at the festival.” Except, it was a carnival— not a festival at all. She doesn’t quite know the difference between the two, if you were to ask her honestly. “I have this other..” She doesn’t realize the conflict in his eyes, doesn’t quite catch the signal or whatever hints were expressed in his features, as she rises from her spot on the bed. She takes a few steps forward into the bedroom, where the blue dress has hung. “This one I got from the market down the street. Saturdays they have a lot of vendors, this woman— her name is Angelise— she sews them by hand.” And she doesn’t give him much time to digress, when she’s unzipping the pink, letting the fabric fall to the floor and stepping into the blue. “Do you think it’s better?” Will they laugh at me?
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ruexoconnor · 1 month
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Her words are sweet, and he didn't have to hop into her mind to know they were true. She spoke her mind more free than anyone else he'd ever known. Apart from, perhaps, his mother. Though he didn't much like to think of her and his mother aboard the same train of thought. Luckily for him, the distraction is imminent as she climbs into bed with him, and he will finally process the dress, the make-up and a wave of guilt will pass him as he pulls her closer. "You look beautiful." his eyes are on the ceiling as he says it. He could never look at her directly when composing a compliment. "We can still go, you know? To the carnival..." he was feeling like a dick, he should have invited her sooner. "Unless you already got plans." gaze is soft on hers as he says it, and he pulls her in further, brushing the back of his fingers against her cheeks as they passed over. For a second, like many times before, he wonders if this was the right time to kiss her. But then he looks away, deciding it was not. It probably never will be. "Maybe we can...we can go in a little bit. -- Tell me about your day."
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The afternoon was spent in the book shop. A few customers here and there, mostly those that she had considered regulars- one of which was an elderly man, who had been her father's barber for years.. That she would stay open for him, as he only made trips downtown once a week. This week, he was returning another recommendation she had for him. The Keeper of Stars. And although her mind had been drifted elsewhere, she sat and talked with him, until he would return in a few days. Truth be told, she fought with herself up until the moment that Ruby had arrived. Though spending an hour getting ready, most of which involved her passing back and forth. I'm going to go. No I'm not. Yes I am. I am. I'm not. A constant mumbling under her breath, and even her ferns- who were the most patient of her plants, seemed to hum in annoyance of her inability to make the jump. She leaves her curls wild, as she likes them, and her features are dusted with the fairest shades of pink. She's even bold enough to take a few steps towards the door, only to make it to the steps of the shop- where she sat until Ruby had rounded the corner.
It wasn't new to her, and if she were being honest- maybe going to the carnival with someone else, would make it less nerve wracking.. Would make her grow the courage she needed, in order to leave the shop. The tulips in her window whispered amongst themselves, as she passes. Giggling as they often did when she'd let Ruby crash on the couch, or the bed. "Hush." It's scolded through pouted lips, and they grew silent. When she listens to him go on about the girl, her brows tethered together. "I think you did what was best for the moment." She finally added, voice soft like petals as she's climbing into the bed, overlaid a white duvet. She makes no mind to the dress she's wearing, or the way pale pink wrinkled with the movement as her frame shifts next to him. "Sometimes, too many pieces can cloud the whole picture. Like an abstract painting, with too many lines. It blurs together." People were like that, she'd noticed. You could have all the pieces to a puzzle, but you'd still need to put it together. "I think she has to figure it out on her own.." As did everybody else. "There is no right or wrong thing."
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ruexoconnor · 1 month
@ofhowlingxs. Closed Starter - Duchess.
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He was only supposed to take a short break. But after the certain amount of pushing, his mind was starting to crumble. There were side-effects, to any kind of magic, and Ruby's came to pass upon heavy immersion with another persons reality. It's when his own would start to lose a solid form. A proper shape. And there would be times where he would have memories, or feelings, or thoughts -- only to realise a little too late they were not his own.
As tired as can be, he finds his way to Duchess' door. A small exchange is dealt between them before he walks in, eyes half-closed, he aims for the hammock in the corner of the room, shaded by the branches of small and various plants. He falls into it, effortlessly, like so many times before, and he lights the first joint in the day passing it onto her as his hands rest on his chest, eyes on the ceiling. "A girl walked in tonight..." he begins the story, and slowly but thoroughly, he explains what had happened. Duchess had been his only solace for some time now, the only place his mind could rest. And his favourite thing? About the bookstore? About her apartment? About her? It was always quiet. And he could hear his own thoughts. "Do you think I did the right thing? Not telling her everything?”
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