ruffledfog · 3 years
heavenly words
aliferous: (adj.) having wings
apricity: (n.) the warmth of the sun in the winter
aspectabund: (adj.) letting emotion show easily through the face or eyes
aurora: (n.) dawn
balter: (v.) to dance gracelessly, but with enjoyment
cafune: (n.) the act of running your fingers through the hair of someone you love
catharsis: (n.) release of emotional tension
charmolypi: (n.) a mixed feeling of happiness while being sad
diaphonous: (adj.) light, translucent, and delicate
dulcet: (adj.) sweet
ephemeral: (adj.) fleeting
ethereal: (adj.) extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world
eutony: (n.) the pleasantness of a word’s sound
halcyon: (adj.) a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful
illecebrous: (adj.) enticing
irenic: (adj.) promoting peace
kalon: (n.) beauty that is more than skin-deep
kalopsia: (n.) the seeing of things as more beautiful than they actually are
lacuna: (n.) a blank or missing part
lilt: (n.) a pleasant gentle accent
ludic: (adj.) full of fun and high spirits
meraki: (n.) to do something with love or soul
nefelibata: (n.) cloud-walker; one who lives in the clouds of their own imagination
nepenthe: (n.) something that makes one forget their sadness
nubivagant: (adj.) wandering in the clouds
numinous: (adj.) feeling fearful yet awed and inspired
orphic: (adj.) beyond ordinary understanding
pyrrhic: (adj.) won at too great a cost
pulchritudinous: (adj.) breathtaking, heartbreaking beauty
scintilla: (n.) a tiny trace or spark of a feeling
selcouth: (adj.) unfamiliar, strange, yet marvelous
sirimiri: (n.) a light drizzle of rain
susurrus: (n.)  whispering, murmuring, or rustling
sweven: (n.) a dream
temerate: (v.) to break a bond or promise
viridity: (n.) innocence
yonderly: (adj.) absent-minded
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ruffledfog · 3 years
Advanced English Vocabulary
jubilant (adj.) - extremely joyful, happy (The crowd was jubilant when the firefighter carried the woman from the flaming building.)
knell (n.) - the solemn sound of a bell, often indicating a death (Echoing throughout our village, the funeral knell made the grey day even more grim.)
lithe (adj.) - graceful, flexible, supple (Although the dancers were all outstanding, Joanna’s control of her lithe body was particularly impressive.)
lurid (adj.) - ghastly, sensational (Barry’s story, in which he described a character torturing his neighbour’s tortoise, was judged too lurid to be published on the English Library’s website.)
maverick (n.) - an independent, nonconformist person (John is a real maverick and always does things his own way.)
maxim (n.) - a common saying expressing a principle of conduct (Ms. Stone’s etiquette maxims are both entertaining and instructional.)
meticulous (adj.) - extremely careful with details (The ornate needlework in the bride’s gown was a product of meticulous handiwork.)
modicum (n.) - a small amount of something (Refusing to display even a modicum of sensitivity, Magda announced her boss’s affair to the entire office.)
morose (adj.) - gloomy or sullen (David’s morose nature made him very unpleasant to talk to.)
myriad (adj.) - consisting of a very great number (It was difficult to decide what to do on Saturday night because the city presented us with myriad possibilities for fun.)
nadir (n.) - the lowest point of something (My day was boring, but the nadir came when my new car was stolen.)
nominal (adj.) - trifling, insignificant (Because he was moving the following week and needed to get rid of his furniture more than he needed money, Kim sold everything for anominal price.)
novice (n.) - a beginner, someone without training or experience (Because we were allnovices at archery, our instructor decided to begin with the basics
nuance (n.) - a slight variation in meaning, tone, expression (The nuances of the poem were not obvious to the casual reader, but the teacher was able to point them out.)
oblivious (adj.) - lacking consciousness or awareness of something (Oblivious to the burning smell emanating from the kitchen, my father did not notice that the rolls in the oven were burned until much too late.)
obsequious (adj.) - excessively compliant or submissive (Donald acted like Susan’s servant, obeying her every request in an obsequious manner.)
obtuse (adj.) - lacking quickness of sensibility or intellect (Political opponents warned that the prime minister’s obtuse approach to foreign policy would embroil the nation in mindless war.)
panacea (n.) - a remedy for all ills or difficulties (Doctors wish there was a single panacea for every disease, but sadly there is not.)
parody (n.) - a satirical imitation (A hush fell over the classroom when the teacher returned to find Magdalena acting out a parody of his teaching style.)
penchant (n.) - a tendency, partiality, preference (Fiona’s dinner parties quickly became monotonous on account of her penchant for Indian dishes.)
perusal (n.) - a careful examination, review (The actor agreed to accept the role after a three-month perusal of the movie script.)
plethora (n.) - an abundance, excess (The wedding banquet included a plethora of oysters piled almost three feet high.)
predilection  (n.) - a preference or inclination for something (James has a predilection for eating toad in the whole with tomato ketchup.)
quaint (adj.) - charmingly old-fashioned (Mary was delighted by the quaint bonnets she saw in Romania.)
rash (adj.) - hasty, incautious (It’s best to think things over calmly and thoroughly, rather than make rash decisions.)
refurbish (v.) - to restore, clean up (After being refurbished the old Triumph motorcycle commanded the handsome price of $6000.)
repudiate (v.) - to reject, refuse to accept (Tom made a strong case for an extension of his curfew, but his mother repudiated it with a few biting words.)
rife (adj.) - abundant (Surprisingly, the teacher’s writing was rife with spelling errors.)
salient (adj.) - significant, conspicuous (One of the salient differences between Alison and Helen is that Alison is a couple of kilos heavier.)
serendipity (n.) - luck, finding good things without looking for them (In an amazing bit of serendipity, penniless Mark found a $50 bill on the back seat of the bus.)
staid (adj.) - sedate, serious, self-restrained (The staid butler never changed his expression no matter what happened.)
superfluous (adj.) - exceeding what is necessary (Samantha had already won the campaign so her constant flattery of others was superfluous.)
sycophant (n.) - one who flatters for self-gain (Some see the people in the cabinet as the Prime Minister’s closest advisors, but others see them as sycophants.)
taciturn (adj.) - not inclined to talk (Though Magda never seems to stop talking, her brother is quite taciturn.)
truculent (adj.) - ready to fight, cruel (This club doesn’t really attract the dangerous types, so why was that bouncer being so truculent?)
umbrage (n.) - resentment, offence (He called me a lily-livered coward, and I took umbrage at the insult.)
venerable (adj.) - deserving of respect because of age or achievement (The venerable High Court judge had made several key rulings in landmark cases throughout the years.)
vex (v.) - to confuse or annoy (My boyfriend vexes me by pinching my bottom for hours on end.)
vociferous (adj.) - loud, boisterous (I’m tired of his vociferous whining so I’m breaking up with him.)
wanton (adj.) - undisciplined, lewd, lustful (Joanna’s wanton demeanor often made the frat guys next door very excited.)
zenith (n.) - the highest point, culminating point (I was too nice to tell Emily that she had reached the absolute zenith of her career with that one top 10 hit of hers.)
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ruffledfog · 3 years
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my finished Selfoss piece from the Wanderlust show at @lightgreyartgallery last weekend – one of my absolute favourite places we visited on our Iceland trip.
This is set up to be a six color screenprint, so fingers crossed that I can do a limited run print at some point in the near future!
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ruffledfog · 3 years
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ruffledfog · 4 years
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ruffledfog · 4 years
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Some stuff I forgot to post 💕✨
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ruffledfog · 4 years
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not the dean with devil horns and brutus lyrics art at 2 am
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ruffledfog · 5 years
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NO 😂
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ruffledfog · 5 years
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appears it has some use for fellow artists sooo
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ruffledfog · 5 years
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ruffledfog · 5 years
Process of Treasure
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ruffledfog · 5 years
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tokki & pyotr
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ruffledfog · 5 years
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ruffledfog · 5 years
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had some new ideas for Vana’s story thus some redesigns absolutely sponsored by lesbian brain
to summarize she was badly injured while protecting a life of a corp who became fascinated with her and offered to pay for her treatment IF she agrees to be his muse and “a canvas” so here she is a Cyberware showcase model with a lot of deadly machinery (that she doesn’t have access to) put into her and a lot of aesthetic biosculpting done to compliment the product
life of luxury and fame? yes! but lets say frequent appearance changing and installing of new parts make a great base for cyberpsychosis..
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ruffledfog · 6 years
I’ve compiled every raw ass quote from tumblr shitposts into my phone and i’m gonna use every single one of them in my campaign at some point.
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ruffledfog · 6 years
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136. Yves
137. Chuu
138. Olivia Hye
139. Gowon
140. YeoJin
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ruffledfog · 6 years
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the witch and the priest
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