ruinology-blog · 10 years
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ruinology-blog · 10 years
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does anyone wanna do a thing? or plot a thing, idk
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ruinology-blog · 10 years
Pro Tip: Instead of having feelings, try being dead inside. Everything is still horrible but you will not care at all.
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ruinology-blog · 10 years
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                    "Just something that isn't burnt." He                     mumbles with a pair of  pursed  lips.                     "My sister thinks she can cook  but                     sadly she can't." A sigh leaves him.
                    "If you lead the way then I'll buy." It                     was an indirect invite considering he                     was too shy to outwardly say it.
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                                        “Ah, well, there are many places. What kind of food                                                        were you trying to go for though?”
                                 ι | █ A cant of their head was supplied, eyes asserted                                   ��      over the other’s mien in question. It was quite                                          the random inquiry, but they were certain that                                          they could think of something.
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ruinology-blog · 10 years
                                   tobewiitch | mxtsubachi !!
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                    "--hey! Stop that cat!" Alex says frantically                     as Luna runs through  the  stranger's  legs.                    "Luna! Get back here!" This happens every                     time   Alex  opens  the  door  now  a  days.
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ruinology-blog · 10 years
                                     aberrxnce | gomibakos !!
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                    Alex was sure  that  if  someone  didn't  teach                     Piper how to  cook   then   he   was   definitely                     going to  starve. He  didn't  think he  could eat                     burnt anything one more night.  "Hey,  do  you                     know any good places to get a family dinner?"
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ruinology-blog · 10 years
                                proxector | trumpcts | kniiha !!
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                    "Ass." Alex mumbled as his  elder  brother  just                literally kicked out of his front door. He  didn't  even                know what the big deal was? He asked his thoughts                and Alex gave them to  him.  "What a fucker,"  Alex
               turned to kick his brother's picket fence but much to                his dismay his pant leg got stuck as he was pulling                back and the force of him trying to lower his leg, put                him on his back. "--wow! Even your fence is a dick!"
                              Lets hope no one saw that, okay?
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ruinology-blog · 10 years
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                    "wait!!" Okay, so  she  either  couldn't  hear  him                     or she was ignoring  him?  Alex  put  his  money  on                     not hearing him because it was quite crowded.  Alex                     realized he was going  to chase  her.. Which  wasn't
                    his strongest point. His legs were long but that  didn't                     mean his stamina was. He had always been kinda of                     weak. Alex weaved through  human  traffic  and  was                     nearly right behind her but decided to stay quiet until
                    he was sure that she could hear him. Finally,making                     making it to the park was a godsend. "..--miss.." Alex                     found being this  outta  shape  just  too embarrassing.
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          Tilly had gotten herself into a rather unpleasant predicament.           Her attention was solely focused on getting out of the town           square, as fast as possible.  too many people around and she was,            weaving in and  groups of people, hoping she wouldn’t bump into            anyone.  When your worst fear is other people touching you, the town           center isn’t exactly the best place to be and because she was            lost in thought, that’s exactly where she ended up.  
           Luckily she remembered there was a park close by,  hoping to get            from the mass group of people, she headed over there quickly.  
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ruinology-blog · 10 years
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                    Leaning on the  counter, Alex   watched as                     the door to the shelter  open  with  a  ring of the                     bell. "--hello, how can I help you today, miss?"
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ruinology-blog · 10 years
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                    It was certainly one of those days where                     everything was beginning to   irk   Alex's                     nerves.Honestly, there were a lot of days                     like this. However, it didn't mean he was
                    going to mistreat others because of it. So,                     when he saw the young lady drop her wallet                     he was quick to snatch it up. "Miss!!" Now,to                     get her attention. How troublesome.
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ruinology-blog · 10 years
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                                                           Once you began to see them                                                                   they began to see you.                                                                                 i. ii. iii.
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ruinology-blog · 10 years
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ruinology-blog · 10 years
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time to feel something a life that is boring
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ruinology-blog · 10 years
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happy caturday
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