ruizomi · 6 years
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This meme is funny so I decided to try it…
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ruizomi · 6 years
A song about trans girls wanting to be princesses
Written for “Prove Me Wrong: A Trans Princess Musical”, which is premiering February 12th on my YouTube in podcast form.
Subscribe to my channel here so you don’t miss it!
Sung by myself and @snapscube Written and arranged by @recorderdude from @undersongmusical and myself. Album art by @tomatomagica 
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ruizomi · 6 years
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You enter a brightly light, nondescript room. In the center of the room is a cat. The cat is screaming about something.
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ruizomi · 6 years
Somethin’ ‘bout a Trans
So I was talking to a friend today who’s going through some identity struggles. Now, we all question from time to time. Some of us are fortunate enough to experiment and try new things. Others are held back by internal or external forces that keep us from attempting to be ourselves.
But they expressed to me something interesting. That even though they’re an intersectional feminist. Even though they know about toxic masculinity, and gender fluidity, and the performance of gender, and the overall construction of gender. They feel like their gender is so black and white. They feel like gender is real. They feel like it matters. Because it does to them. It does to me.
It’s easy to say gender is a construct. That colors, jobs, words, and clothes are genderless, when you yourself can exist in a body designed for you. But to me. My perception of my self. They all have meaning. They all have genders. I know because I feel misgendered in a suit. I feel misgendered doing manual labor. I feel misgendered when I use the word bro.
So while I can be educated on the theory of gender. My experience with it is personal, complicated, and often quite stark. And yes my identity and the hang ups I have around it are a result of the patriarchy and everything. But ultimately. My personal experience of gender is my own. And no amount of book learning can twist it. It’s not some psycho-physiological abnormality that can be easily fixed or disguised or treated.
To me, being trans is a spiritual condition. One that stems from within myself and what I’ve been conditioned to believe. And the only way to accept my identity is to accept it.
I’m a trans woman, I’m proud to be it. And while at one point I wanted to, and had to, be a tough girl to protect myself. I’m safe now. I’m lucky enough to have good friends and a safe enough community that I can let my guard down. Because truth be told. I came out and started transitioning only 7 years ago. I got my SRS in 2012. As far as my experience as a woman is concerned. I’m a baby girl.
So I’m gonna watch princess movies. I’m gonna watch My Little Pony. I’m gonna play with makeup. I’m gonna wear silly dresses and make cutesy jokes. And I don’t have to be ashamed that it’s stereotypical. Because I wasn’t afforded the opportunity to be a stereotype. Nothing I do is typical. And so everything is do is valuable. Everything I try is valid. And even if it’s dumb and stupid and embarrassing. I’m entitled to experience it and regret it.
I’m a human woman. I’m trans. That’s okay. And I want to try to be girly because I’m allowing myself to. Don’t know why I’m putting this here. Just seemed safe.
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ruizomi · 6 years
the signs feeling intense anger
Every sign can reach the stage when the mind just ‘quits’, no matter how laid back they are. check mars and moon!
Aries: She feels no anger. She feels rage. The intensity, the strong, sometimes short but intense feeling of emotions was something she was familiar with, but what she did hate was the feeling of anger she could mostly never shake off. It was always there with her, she let her rage out and it seemed like an exploding volcano. All she saw was red, there was too much energy flowing inside her bones that she could not get rid off and so she let out her anger, and she did not care who would see her like that. ‘I am fire and you will get burned.’
Taurus: He was angry. Angry with the world, angry with this unsteadiness, angry with the fact, that he could not do anything to stop the current situation. Long, slim hands pulled him out of his nest and threw him hard on the ground. He flinched as a cold breeze came and took away all his warmth. “No, do not take everything away from me!!”, he screamed but the dark did not listen. Gritting his teeth he felt his temper raging, long horns started to grow out of his head and he shook his head, trying to get rid of the feeling of losing himself. 
Gemini: Emotions were an construct. A map with a thousand of points, connected with each other by a small, small string. No there was a knot in the strings, there and there was nothing else he could do to untie them, to clear up this mess in his head. It was like the road for his thoughts was blocked and now everything just piled up. Irritated he shook his head, even communicating was hard and the knot in his head slowly transformed in his whole body. Then his mind just quit. Rash action. 
Cancer: She could not tame herself anymore, she got hotheaded again and knew the will easily fall in an tantrum again. Followed by this feeling of guilt: why me? Why this unfairness? Why the need to upset others and be upset? In the end a wave of intensity and sadness washed her away before she could get a hold of herself again. And getting back to the surface after being pulled down by the ocean would cost her a lot strength. Strength and a long time of swimming through these endless waters. 
Leo: “I do not like this”. It all started with the feeling of unfairness, adding a a little bit of hurt to the shattered self that lay on the ground. “I cannot let them now I am hurt! I will not allow them to touch me gain that deeply.” She opened her mouth and showed her long, sharp fangs. She roared. It was loud and vibrant. Whetting her claws she narrowed her yellow, fiery eyes. “Pray for yourself”, she whispered before sprinting to her prey. 
Virgo: The head was a like a working space. There were many files and papers he read, worked with, analysed, only to put them into a new file that was stored somewhere in his office. “Wh- what is this?” This certain piece of paper  was not like the others. Unreadable. Impossible to put somewhere, therefore it was just out of order. “I..I have the control..”, he said, his hands starting to shake. “I..I have the control over it…I have the control..”, he repeated unsteady before standing up and shredding the unknown paper. He started breathing hysterically, what was that? This brooding fear inside of him? “Control…”, he said one last time before shattering the mirror and flipping his precious work desk. 
Libra: These thoughts. These worries. These fears. She did not know what to do. How was she supposed to handle? “It is their fault!!”, she cried. But at the same time is was her own fault. She cried quietly, feeling like she wanted to let everything out, but couldn’t reveal herself, because everyone next door was sleeping. She did not want to disturb them with the mess of feelings. “I will ignore it. Swallow it.” But it was far too much to keep on pretending. She felt like being on fire, but she still smiled. A poisonous, deadly smile. Everyone should feel her poison sting inside their veins. 
Scorpio: His anger is intense. It’s like a thunderstorm with roaring thunder inside of him. His heart is beating and he wants to destroy, cry and scream. He wants to let out his darkest thoughts, he wants the world to feel his pain, transformed out of the bitterness. But in the end, he remains silent and waits till everyone left. He could hurt anyone right now, but he know it’ll be no good, knowing that he will destroy for sure if he demonstrates his power. So he balls his fists and closes his door. Outside of his bedroom you can her the thunder roaring. 
Sagittarius: ‘Do not stop me’, was all she thought. These feelings were caging her. No matter what she did to distract herself, the anger would haunt her after all, so the minute it became to much she snapped. She could be free spirited and joyous but deep emotions were something completely different, especially anger. Because she was not only the laughter of joy but indeed the stomp of a herd of wild horses swirling up dust as they made their way through the steppe. There was raw force and energy inside of her and that needed to get out, now. 
Capricorn: Get a hold of yourself. Get a hold of yourself. Now. But there was no way to get himself under control. There was this dam inside of his head that stopped this enormous river of feelings of overflowing. Now, there were little cracks in the once so strong concrete and each of them plainly showed the nerves he lost from time to time. He sat at his desk, swallowed and closed his eyes. Suddenly, the dam broke. The raging float of dark water swallowed him completely. 
Aquarius: She saw it often on other people. Anger. She watched them live it out, stomping with their feet, raging, screaming, shouting. Now? She felt it herself. “I know this, this familiar”, she explained to herself. But familiar did not mean good. She knew her temper tantrums for when she was young. She knew that destructiveness could be a part of it. “I do not want that. I will not.” Suddenly a dark, whispering voice talked to her: “You do not choose to be out of touch. You are not your own master.” She widened her eyes anxiously. And suddenly, it was like she was 7 again. 
Pisces: Anger? Anger, he felt it so deeply, anger and the need to cry out of frustration, he did not want to feel it anymore, the worst thing that ate him alive right now. So he grew bitter. “I can turn nasty”, he thought. “I will be the worst if you make me feel this again.” And so he did. So he became the feeling of anger and bitterness himself. As he looked in the mirror he couldn’t recognize himself anymore. Dark, red eyes starred at him, tears flowing. 
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ruizomi · 6 years
I adore the romantic trope of “whatever universe, my soul will find you.”
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ruizomi · 6 years
So whenever i would watch movies and see The Badass Female Character fighting in various ways, something about it always bugged me. I just assumed it was internalized misogyny that made me dislike characters like black widow and Tauriel and tried to make myself like them.
Then I was rewatching Mad Max Fury Road the other day and I noticed that nothing bothered me about watching Furiosa fight and I realized the problem wasn’t watching women fight in movies that got on my nerves.
Watching the stereotypical Badass Female Character she always has these effortless moves and a cocky, sexy smirk on her face as everything is easy. Watching Furiosa, she grunted and bared her teeth. Her fighting was hard and it took effort and it hurt like fighting is supposed to. For once her fighting style wasn’t supposed to seduce the audience it was to be effective.
I wasn’t disliking these characters because they were women I was disliking that their fighting was meant to remind me they were women. High heels and shapely outfits and not showing effort or discomfort because it’s more attractive to effortlessly lift a long leather clad leg over your head rather than rugby tackle someone.
It’s the same with the Wonder Woman movie too. Fighting is hard and it takes effort, blocking bombs and bullets with a shield makes her grimace and bare her teeth with the effort it takes. She’s not flip kicking bombs she’s yelling and straining, not because she’s weak or bad at fighting but because that’s what it would be like.
I really hope we’re moving into an era of women having fighting styles designed for realism and not how hot it looks for the men in the audience.
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ruizomi · 6 years
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ruizomi · 6 years
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This is terrifying!! Please stay safe everyone!!!
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ruizomi · 6 years
Bodies aren’t meant to stay the same. We are supposed to grow and change. We shouldn’t be making people in their 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, etc feel like they need to strive for the bodies they had in their teens and 20’s. Or making people feel like they “need to get their bodies back” after they have had children. These mindsets aren’t healthy and change is inevitable.
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ruizomi · 6 years
this image by j.c. leyendecker is the absolute epitome of wlw/mlm solidarity
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look at the two of them. dressed to the nines. silks from france and cotton from egypt. chanel on them both. they’re at a party neither of them was invited to, but so damn good looking that no one in their right mind would turn them away at the door. the woman - titties free under that dress, scoping out women in salacious flapper dresses in gloves created from 100,000 insects’ life work. the man - smoking a cigarette he took out from the mouth of one of the millionaires at the party, saying nothing but giving him a slow smile and a wink. the flower in his lapel is fake. dying plants in your clothing is such a hideous fashion. the both of them haven’t spoken to anyone there, though everyone has tried. they stand on the stairs staring at the heterosexual proles gathered below them together, and the two of them wonder if those fools realize that they’re outclassed, that in every way, they’ve been outdone. they leave early with a bottle of champagne in each fist, and no one stops them.
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ruizomi · 6 years
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Happy New Year!
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ruizomi · 6 years
it’s 2018 which means black panther is coming to save the mcu
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ruizomi · 6 years
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They both play for the Clarkson Cup winning Canadiennes de Montreal (saw them play a couple of times last year). Congrats to them both!
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ruizomi · 6 years
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mark hamill has achieved peak comedy everyone else go home
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ruizomi · 6 years
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Top 10 of the pics on the blog this year. (Ranked in order of most notes)
1. Characters: Wonder Woman Series: DC Comics Photographer: Ash Slay’s Cosplay
2. Character: Steve and Conine  Series: Steven Universe Cosplayer: @wet-bulb
3. Character: Haruka Tenoh Series: Sailor Moon Cosplayer: jaxjaxattaxx
4.Character: Riri Williams Series: Marvel Comics Cosplayer: Mariana Santos
5. Character: Abigail Lincoln/ Numbah 5 Series: Codename Kids Next Door Cosplayer: @gonick
6.Character: Zero Suit Samus Series: Metroid Cosplayer: Otaku Skum Cosplay
7. Character: Ryuko Matoi Series: Kill la Kill Cosplayer: @chibithotcosplay  Photographer: celestimages.com (twitter: @55mmbae)
8. Character: Android 18 Series: Dragonball Z Cosplayer: Sami Bess
9. Character: Stevonnie Series: Steven Universe Cosplayer: @Meistertania Photographer: @Felix_Works
10. Character: Yoruichi Shihōin Anime: Bleach Cosplayer: @chibithotcosplay Photographer: @topherblev
If you have any sources for the unkown cosplayers/photographer please PM me.
The rank only includes pics that were uploaded and submitted to this blog. (No reblogs from other blogs were counted)
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ruizomi · 6 years
i’m using Internet Explorer, i hope this posts quickly. happy new year 2011
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