ruledby-blood-blog · 9 years
        Large fingers brushed under the tiny head and lifted the being from its mothers lap. The little boy weighed as much as a feather and yet it was worth all the treasure to Asger. Although the child was not if his blood Asger still without doubt accepted it as his own for how could he contradict his own bringing up. From the moments he was thrown into the streets and into the arms of a farmer he understood that family was not of those who made you but of who raised you. It had been months of preparation, endless days of accepting the act that all this time he truly did wish to have a child, seeing his nephews, the little Dane warriors that so commonly tackled him to the ground. He knew that no matter how many he killed, each drop of blood would only make his protection over the being stronger. A feeling that Asger would not have know if not for the kindness of his dear friend, a woman who saw past Asgers hate and into his heart, finally giving him what he dreamed of. "Are you sure?" He asked slowly after moments of staring into the boys blue eyes that mirrors Asgers storm blue ones. "Because if not...I do not expect this. If you love him then please be no mother the Gods destined you to be."
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Long Live the Prince
✮ —–  It was a strange thing to watch a grown man fall in love with something other than his trinkets and money, and yet she wouldn’t miss witnessing it for the world. She’d already seen her betrothed fall for the twins, but watching Asger - a man who was usually so rough and tough melt - well it made a grin break out onto her face. “Of course you can” She told him, reaching down to pick up the blond haired little boy, offering him to the older man. “He is quite strong, but be gentle with him, and mind his head.” Therese told him as she placed the child in his arms. 
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ruledby-blood-blog · 9 years
Asger looked down upon the two forms. They were so alike and yet so completely different. He had not seen many babies in his wake, if any then only his sister when one was 5 years old.And even then he was not allowed to go near her for the fear of his mother in his random outburst’s of anger. But as time passed he got to know the little girl who was now his beloved sister. A strange moment in his life that reassured him of family love. The forms seemed so foreign to him, they moved around like fish that just felt to strange essence of air. Asger laughed as one release a tiny sneeze and nudging the other in the process. 
 “No. I couldn't. I would not know how to.” He replied out of fright as her proposition surprised him. Suddenly the blonde little creature took his fist from his mouth and opened it’s tiny little palm and suddenly all fear managed to leave Asger. “Can I?” He asked slowly as large fingers wrapped around the babies outstretched hand.  
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Long Live the Prince
✮ —–  Therese smiled at the nickname that he’d reserved for her, chuckling to herself slightly at the fact that he seemed so out of it. “I am doing as well as to be expected.” she told him with a small giggle, wincing at the short sharp pain that move through her at the action. The pain after birth was going to truly be something that she was going to have to get used to, and remember for the next time that she ever wanted to have a child. Of course she didn’t assume that having twins would happen again, but then again - she wasn’t a soothsayer, she couldn’t say that without it possibly being true. 
She sighed and looked down at the sleepy babes on her lap, and then to Asger, the surprise in his tone and on his face making her giggle. “There is two… It was just as much a shock to me as it is to you,” she replied, slowly putting her legs down and spreading them so the children were on the bed rather than her thighs. “Would you like to hold one?” 
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ruledby-blood-blog · 9 years
✮ —–  The day had been a long one, full of pain and suffering, but it was all worth it. Looking at her two children - it made all the pain, all the tears, and all the screaming worth it. Her daughter had a full head of thick dark hair, and dark blue eyes. Of course all babies had blue eyes when they were first born, but she hoped that considering just how dark they were, that they would stay such a colour. They reminded her of the ocean, and she could honestly just get lost in them. Her son on the other hand was blond haired and blue eyed - no doubt telling her who his father was. He looked much like the man whom she remembered from that night, and it haunted her slightly to think that even though he was part of her, that this little boy and girl were also a part of such an evil man. However, that didn’t mean that the little boy in front of her, who had his fist in his mouth, wasn’t the love of her life. On the contrary. Both of her children took up a very large place in her heart, it was just that her son - well he brought more pain than happiness. 
 She felt like a horrible mother for thinking such a thing of a child who’d only been on the earth for a few hours, but she couldn’t help it. That was why she was happy she’d made the deal that she had with Asger and Freja. They would have a son to help bring them together, to help heal Freja’s wounds, and help make Asger a better man - it would work, she knew it would. She just hoped that she was doing the right thing. “I am sorry my love, I truly am.” she whispered to the little boy, who’s eyes shot over to her - a coo leaving him in response. 
The twins were resting on her thighs, her hands holding them in place as she moved her legs from side to side, trying to sway them to sleep. However, just as the trio were getting comfy, the door opened and she craned her neck to look past the doorway into the receiving room, only to find Asger standing there. “Hello my friend.” she said, her voice a little louder than she’d intended. “Come see” she said, beaming. She knew she looked tired, and quite frankly ill, but she alive and electric - something she hadn’t felt in a very long time. 
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Asger looked upon the calming scene. The morning light now pouring into the room as it bounced off the beautify decorated windows and onto the pink skin of the newly made mother. Although she did look weak and sickly Asger could not help but notice the rose plumpness to her, she looked content. A peaceful radiation that he had long missed. Slowly he made his way across the room. Heart pounding in his chest as he was too afraid to look down upon the figures on her knees. “How is the little fork doing?” He finally uttered passed the knot in his throat. Finally, numb legs made it to the edge of the bed as Asger dropped down into a stool that had been conveniently placed upon the bedside. His navy eyes slowly made their way from the mothers face to the child on her knees...children? Asger suddenly raised an eyebrow as he tried to distinguish if he was hallucinating or there really was more then one child moving upon her knees. “There’s...two?” 
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Long Live the Prince
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ruledby-blood-blog · 9 years
Long Live the Prince
   The unborn child had clouded Asgers thoughts. It had been a few weeks since he had last been in France for he was summoned on delegations due to rumours of an outbreak of a civil war in Bohemia. But the war nor the crown had any effect on him for every thought was consumed with the child, images of its little toes, it’s eyes which have yet to see the brutal word to which they have been born. He had no other matter to care about. He was about to be responsible for a life and it haunted him. He was a bastard, a murderer, a ruthless ruler who many wished to kill. The child would not be safe, the thought of someone even wishing to bestow harm upon it ate at his heart. He could not bare the feeling...and yet he could not wait. 
    It had been a long night. Asger and his brothers went out to celebrate their reunion just as they celebrated the unlimited supply of ale. But as the night came to an end a servant boy ran into the tavern with sheer panic on his face. Obviously this amused Asger so he did not fail to make his amusement clear and throw a jug at the boy. The boy did not mind nor did his expression disappear. He simple ran to brother nearest the door and whispered quickly in his ear before once again disappearing. The room went silent as Odin stood up with eyes of shock and looked upon Asger. The moment felt like an eternity as the Dane raised his cup and recited “Long live the Prince!”----- Asger jumped up from his seat, not knowing what to do or how to act he grabbed his sword and ran out the door into the moonlit street. His breath became short and there was a moment of sheer panic before heart stopped and the Danish King began to run. The journey was not long and yet Asger felt like he would never reach the room in which lay his dear friend and future child. But the moment finally came. A step away from the door Asger stood, legs refusing to move, heart beating endlessly as thoughts flooded his mind. He could not do this. He could not be a father and so he turned around before stopping once more, taking a deep breath and opening the chamber door. This was it. The moment that would change his life forever.
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ruledby-blood-blog · 9 years
█ ▌ ❃ ┈ “And I shall thank you for it, I would not wish for Brandt to have anything but happy memories of his father.” Aslaug replied as she reached out to stroke her sons unruly locks, meeting Asger’s gaze with one of her own. She had missed him terribly over the years and seeing him now only drew such emotions back to surface. Grasping his hand within her own, her thumb brushed lightly over his knuckles, before placing a small kiss to the back of his hand. “Eerika is not here, no. My brother-in-law has her, tis why I have come to seek you out brother. I desperately need your help and I shall do anything to acquire it, anything you shall ask of me.” 
Asger raised his eyes once ears picked up a crack of worry within his sisters voice. A sound that rang an alarm and awoke the defending man within. He searched her eyes to be sure of what she spoke before placing his hand atop hers and beginning to speak, just lowly enough that the boy would not pick up the tone of worry within him.  “This cannot be true! What claim does that bastard have over her?” He paused, gathering his thoughts. “Do not speak that way, you know I would do anything for our family. I shall send out my best riders tonight and follow myself in a few days time. Where does that pig reside?”
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ruledby-blood-blog · 9 years
i’ll never wear your broken crown.
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ruledby-blood-blog · 9 years
█ ▌ ❃ ┈ “You are at fault, brother.” Aslaug returned with no small measure jest in her tone, truth was they were both to blame - stubbornness ran deep within their family. “My husband was good to me and he helped you in your rebellion - we should remember the good he did in his life.” Her voice held a small quiver, a flicker of emotion threatening to surface but she pushed it deep, there would be time to morn when this mess was all sorted out. Taking a seat upon the edge of the bed, Aslaug smiled at the scene, “aye and he is skilled with one too, he shall be a warrior some day I am certain. Eerika, her name is…she reminds me of mother, a little hellion - you would like her.”  
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   Asger nodded upon the guilt which her words bared on him. Tis true, everyone had known his hate for the deceased Bjorn, and yet he could not deny all the good he had done for their family. For all the mere sight of the peaceful boy weakened the knot of ink within his stomach. “ I would not remember him as the monster I imagined him to be. For your sake.” Asger softly replied, lifting his eyes from the tiny being before gently dropping down to where his sister sat. Emotions filled him as he now saw the reflection of their mother, her image now alive and well within his sisters blood. And now also within that of his niece. He could not ask for more. “Eerika...” Asger smiled at the sound of her name. “ Is she about the castle? I would like to meet her.”
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ruledby-blood-blog · 9 years
Eyes flamed as they moved in closer to Freja’s face. The burning heat of the candle light now reflecting more than ever within his ocean eyes. Creating an image of a burning ship within the mighty flames. Just as lips moved in to touch hers a sudden rush fell over his body as the strength of his wife abruptly flipped him upon the cotton sheet. He had half expected her to give up after his harsh words and accept the fact that he was in no condition for romantic banter. But some part of him knew that she would accept his call and reciprocate his maddening fumes. He did not struggle as her soft lips traced down his rigged neck, making him forget the fact that she had his arm in a lock. His hips pushed forward just as he acted as a man of defeat under her tender lips, before flipping her hands off his wrists and placing them upon her waist. Moments past, waiting to see what she would do before Asger chose the perfect moment to swing her around and pin her where he just lay. “You always have a chance to fight. And yet you hold back your swing from me...Are you hiding something form me, dear Wife?” He replied into her ear before tracing his fingers down her arm, softly as if examining each muscle upon her tender frame.  
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Freja’s skin seemed to flutter, teasing her in anticipation and the unpredictability she’d come accustomed to of Asger’s touch. Her light, forest gaze hazed over, clouded with pent up desires that compounded as the hours passed into endless days of obligations and frustrations. He was so hard to decipher, a hobby Freja used to be proud of with other men as they attempted to win her affections. She didn’t want to tremble before him, to cave, and yet her lips parted with an eager groan. The raven haired minx craned her neck for him, his deep breaths mixing with hers. He scared her, and the fear mixed with the mind numbing way he toyed with her made her grow mad. Her feline eyes turned heavy lidded, lips pursed as she moved her hand up to cup his cheek before-
“Wha-” A rush. An abrupt shift, as her chest rose and fell to catch her breath. She fell onto the bed, growling as her temporarily soft expression hardened. Her strong legs squeezed his his waist, dark brows knitting together as she writhed at his words. “Fine!” She cried, pulling him down  to the bed. Her fists clenched as she rolled on top of him, trying to pin him down. “I haven’t had a proper fight in ages, Asger, I cannot take it any longer!” She hissed, moving to kiss his neck and trailing it down to his collarbone as she tried to pin his arm over his head. She wasn’t above fighting, just as she always wished for the last word. 
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ruledby-blood-blog · 9 years
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        “When the Snows fall and the white winds blow, the Lone Wolf dies but the pack survives.”
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ruledby-blood-blog · 9 years
Asger to Brandt
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Vikings | Brother’s War
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ruledby-blood-blog · 9 years
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█ ▌ ❃ ┈ “Marriage always serves to turn girls into women, just as war turns boys into men.” Aslaug rose from her seat, crossing the short distance towards Asger, arms wrapping around him for tight embrace - not wanting to let go. “Mayhaps you would not miss me so, if you had come to my son’s christening all those years ago and later my dottir’s, your stubbornness is infuriating at times Asger. But I take solace in the fact that you can admit that you have missed me.” Glancing over at the bed where her son slept Aslaug gave the smallest of smiles, “his name is Brandt, he is a strong boy - reminds me of you a little.”
Eyes closed with the warmth of their embrace. He stroked her gentle hair, the one that he so often wished to spoil with mud and sticks, a time that seemed yet not so long ago. A time that was so different then today. “I am at fault, for God’s may strike me, I know. “ He said in a voice as heavy as the guilt he felt. “But you knew how I felt for your husband. And the fact that you did not tell me one was with child until the sun raised it from your belly. But let us not speak of fowl things. I admit mt heart aches.”  Asger released the gentle frame, pressing a soft kiss upon her forehead before looking over to the drowsy figure. “Brandt you say...a little sword. You have blessed us again. And yet you did not inform me of such blessing.” Asger walked towards the bed frame and examined the boy, a soft smile forming on his lips.
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ruledby-blood-blog · 9 years
Asger and children. 
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ragnar and his sons
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ruledby-blood-blog · 9 years
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█ ▌ ❃ ┈ “I have not changed that much have I, brother? …I have missed you Asger.”
“Maybe you have not changed much dear Sis, but I can surly say you are a woman now...But never mind that, to me you are still a child. One that I have dearly missed as well.”’
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ruledby-blood-blog · 9 years
“Because I cannot believe mine eyes. Tis truly you?”
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█ ▌ ❃ ┈ “Why do you linger within the doorway?”
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ruledby-blood-blog · 9 years
5 words thing: I absolutely hate you
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“Eventually...so does everyone.”
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ruledby-blood-blog · 9 years
Try to break my muse in five words or less.
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ruledby-blood-blog · 9 years
“Oh no, not this day brother. Frankly a massacre is at the top of my list but this time I am in trouble for not being attentive, and escaping unsuspectingly. Pesky matters.”
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—– “They must have you under lock and key for some good reason.. What is it that you have done brother? Have you attempted to kill someone?” he asked, his tone hushed, as a seldom seriousness overtook him. 
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