ice-queen-of-music :
Lauren’s expression turned to one of concern and sympathy at Loki’s words. She scooted herself closer to him, taking his hand in hers and squeezing it assuringly.
“Loki, beloved, it is true…I cannot give a logical explanation as to why I fell so in love with you, nor why that love flared for you the more I saw your weaknesses and inner most parts. Yet honestly, I’m glad I can’t give a logical explanation. Love tends to not make much sense, and seeing as ours has survived some very intense tempests, I can only feel pride, gratitude, and contentment knowing that you and I were clearly meant to be together. I’m here, my love, and I’m not going anywhere…” Lauren gently rubbed her thumb across Loki’s knuckles as she spoke, her eyes never leaving his face. “Tell me your troubles, Loki…what has happened these last few years?”
“Being without you has been a pain akin to losing my mother. These past years have revealed to me exactly what lives in this wicked head of mine, and it has been an extreme trial for me to ignore the voices whispering to me inside of it,” his voice grows quieter as he hangs his head in shame, refusing to meet his lover’s eyes. 
“There were, I must admit, times where I gave in to those voices and did their bidding. Being strong is too much to ask of what little is left of my soul.” Loki’s eyes lift from the ground, wearily meeting Lauren’s. Water that had pooled in his eyes glistened like diamonds in the glowing sunlight. “I lost who I was without you, and I haven’t an idea about who I am now.”
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ice-queen-of-music :
Her heart a flutter, the young elf came and sat next to Loki, her face beaming with delight at being in his presence once more. “You’re as beautiful as the day I last saw you…” She whispered happily, her hand slithering up to cup his cheek as she gazed into his eyes.
Loki laughs quietly, shaking his head as he casts his eyes to the ground below him. “These past few years have not treated a man well. I know that I am much less than I used to be, my darling,” he smiles sadly, his lips pressed into a thin line. “You, however, are still as lovely as a flower. I will never know how such a thing of beauty desired...” he gestures to himself, “...this.”
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"It is good to see you back, my lord."
“Thank you, your welcome is much appreciated. It is good to return.”
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“My love. I have never longed for anyone’s presence as I have yours.” He gestures to the chair beside him. “Come, sit.”
My king…my beloved…oh how I’ve missed you…
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I can't access your rules 😫😔😂😂 This is happening with legitimately everyone and I am so upset XD
Rules are here :)
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Quick question, are you open to rp and start threads with any muse?? even from different fandoms?
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Hi, I'm on mobile and can't find the rules for role playing with you. Any chance I can get some help with that?
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Just curious if you really decided to start up this blog again (^-^)
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spawn-of-rumlow :
“I don’t think your a monster Loki,” Caroline said softly as she looked at Loki.
“And what makes you say that?” He snaps, his jaw tightening as his eyes pierce Caroline like blades. “What gives you the authority to make such a judgement of my character?”
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“There is no worse monster than I,” Loki whispered, his eyes scanning the skyline beneath them. “If you are not aware of that by this time then you are naive.”
“What makes you think that I am not who I say I am? That I am not a monster?”
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Re-opening this blog!
Hey guys! Connor here :) I’ve officially graduated college and in my spare time would love to get this blog back up and running. Feel free to shoot me a message if you’re interested in rping! I can confirm 5-10 people today and we’ll see how it goes from there! :)
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She was dragged down the marble floor by her arms and tossed before his feet. She flopped onto the floor in a heap, blonde curls shielding her face from what she could only guess was the ruler of this land she managed to discover. 
“This human child was found on the outskirts of Asguard,” one of the guards said. He stepped forward and handed a wrist strap to his ruler. “This was upon her wrist. She will not tell us what magic it contains, but it is very powerful.”
“We believe she had been sent by Thor to trick you,” the second said. “We do not trust her.”
She brushed her long blonde hair from her eyes to peer up at him then. The piercing green eyes made her breath hitch in her throat. He was beautiful and terrifying. She pulled herself into a sitting position, hiding the quicky forming bruise on her jaw from when his guards struck her. She gulped and held his gaze for a long moment, not sure if she should speak first or wait for him to address her. Finally, she found her voice. “Hello,” she said quietly. “I’m Rose…”
Loki said nothing to the stranger, his cold eyes focused clearly on her sharp yet beautiful features. He arose slowly from where he sat on his throne, and took slow, purposeful steps towards the woman on the floor. When he stood directly in front of her, the tips of his black leather boots almost grazing her knees, he reached downwards to grab her chin in his icy hand. Turning her face from side to side, he observed the growing bruise on her face, the color of her eyes, and the shape of her lips before removing his touch as quickly as he had given it. 
“Rose...” He tried the name on his tongue, his deep voice an echoing growl throughout the great hall. His heels turned in front of her, and he strode back towards his great seat. “Why are you here, Rose? What gains have you from invading my land, this day?”
A Little Mischief Never Killed Anyone || closed with ruleroftheninerealms
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Lauren shrank back from Frigga’s defensive retort of her son, causing her to hold up her hands in a surrendering gesture. “No…no mother, there is much you say that holds truth.” She replied quietly, taking a deep breath and trying to calm herself down so that she would appear like less of a crazed maniac. “But…I think you misunderstand what I meant, mother…I still love Loki with all of my heart. Of course I knew what I signed up for when I agreed to marry him…I have loved him since the beginning, I have loved him for his flaws, and I will continue to love him even if he still wants to divorce me. My intention was not to come across as selfish, that is the last thing I would ever want to be. I have always made it my mission to try as hard as I can to never be a selfish person, especially where Loki is concerned. As his wife, I too have seen the torments he has gone through; you are not alone in that department. I know of Loki’s pain, and I truly want to help him with it as well. However, one of the reasons I feel so helpless is because ever since he began shutting me out, I simply have not been able to figure out what to do…and him asking for a divorce seemed to finalize that I would never be able to help heal his pain, or mine, or our family’s. THAT is why I became so hysterical and emotional, mother. I would NEVER intentionally deny Loki his pain for mine. That is not what I was trying to do; I know you are worried for your son and probably feeling very protective of him right now…but still…I am trying very hard not to feel hurt and offended that you believe I would deny Loki’s pain for my own, especially after knowing me and my loyal affections for him ever since I brought you back from the grave.” She admitted while looking up at Frigga with a reserved sadness.
“My emotional response was due to the lack of intense trials and storms that I have had in my personal life compared to yours and Loki’s, which is why I begged for your mercy and understanding. I am one who has the ability to understand other people’s pain as well…but considering this is the first time I have ever experienced such pain of this kind, I also need guidance and help to get through it, mother. I want to learn how to become stronger through this dark time…not weaker.”
Lauren felt a little bit of her confidence come back in her tone as she gently took Frigga’s hands in her own and tenderly placed sweet kisses on both of them. “Please believe me mother, my intent was not to upset you or appear unteachable concerning your advice. I apologize for upsetting you…I do not wish to quarrel with you over your son, for I love you dearly and do not want there to be bad blood between us. I really do want to move on and take whatever steps I can to heal the hurt between us. Let me assure you mother, that I will not give up on him, nor will my love falter for him…I promise. So, now that you know I am on the same page as you, where would you recommend we start? I am ready and eager to listen to what you have to say.”
Frigga sighed deeply, her eye flitting about the room as she processed all of what Lauren had said to her. “You must know, my dear, that I do not want this either. The times that Loki was enraptured with you were the happiest times of his entire life, and I was blessed and joyed to see him with such an enthusiasm for life. As you well know, he has had a rough life and has never really had a father, or a stable family to help him through it. You changed him for the better, and I do hope you are fully aware of that. I would like you both to stay wed, but I simply do not have the control over Loki. Of course, I have shared my opinion with him, but there is nothing I can do to change his mind, lest I make him more furious with me than he is already. The only thing I can tell you is to capture his attention again.”
She sat slowly into the cushioned armchair behind her, Lauren’s hands still gripped tightly in her own. “When Thor’s father and I went through marital problems, which happened frequently, mind you, I had a few tricks I would use to recapture his interest in me. Now, this sounds somewhat alarming, I am sure. Husbands should never loose interest in their wives, correct? Unfortunately, it is something that happens frequently, and less so among women. We need them to provide for us as wives and mothers, and children, of course, but men can typically get away with things that women cannot. Therefore, Odin kept many other women than me. I had to move past that, and I did, but I did not like it. Loki has no other women, you should know this. This is what leads me to believe that deep inside of him, he wants assurance just as you do. Rekindle the fires that you had when you were young, just beginning your relationship. Sneak around your children to make love to him in secret. Have an affair with your own husband, my darling. The wild feeling that creates will capture his heart for you once again.”
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“My take on you?.. Well there’s so much I want to say about you- but I have a feeling that you won’t feel the same way…” The young woman says, looking at him.
“Still, I am interested in your thoughts. Whether or not I reciprocate your feelings, whatever they may be, is irrelevant.” He takes a step towards her, a gesture meant to both comfort her and pressure her into answering. “I will ask again, what is your take on me?” 
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Thank you so much!! I’ll try it out :)
i need a bit of help...
after the tumblr update it’s really hard to format my responses, which is playing a big part in why nothing is being posted. does anyone have any idea on how to cut out part of the text but not all of it??
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i need a bit of help...
after the tumblr update it's really hard to format my responses, which is playing a big part in why nothing is being posted. does anyone have any idea on how to cut out part of the text but not all of it??
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