rum-and-chocolate · 4 years
Black Out Vision Spell-a simple spell to stop someone from looking for/thinking of you
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Ok, TBH I did this on the fly when I got sudden inspiration. This was aimed at an undesirable suitor.
Black/banishing candle candle (for wax)
Black/banishing ribbon/thread
Black pen
Name of person 
Waning moon (optional)**
Somewhere dark to place it
Light candle. On a small piece of paper write the person’s name you want to go away.
Underneath draw an eye, to represent their sight, so to speak (doesn’t have to be pretty or detailed)
Using the pen, black out the eye completely, while saying things like, “ I blacken your vision, you cannot and do not see me, you do not think of me at all. I blind you of my presence, etc.” I made it up as I went.
Spit on the black eye ( if you do it before blacking it out, it will be difficult… I made that mistake)
Fold it up as much you can or want, to seal and trap.
Tie the black ribbon over the folded paper and pour the black candle wax onto it to seal.
This step depends on your practice. I put it in a small black box (until I want to dispose of it) but others may want to bury or burn it.
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rum-and-chocolate · 4 years
Last night, while laying in bed crying from anxiety and aching at being made a fool by people who are no longer my friends, I decided to come up with a new method of erasing and rubbing away what I feel, and I think it can help others.
A few things you will need:
A notepad, sticky notes, notebook, strips of paper, whatever, just something small to write on.
A pencil. CANNOT BE A PEN! You need to erase!
Eraser (for really big mistakes, if you desire)
A black candle (+lighter/matches/whatever for said candle).
A bowl, dustpan, something for ashes.
Take the paper(s) and write down the names of those bothering you. Write them lightly, or else you won’t be able to erase them from the page. If you have other issues bothering you, I think it could also help to write those down (bills, car issues, other such troubles) as well, since this will be a ‘cover all your bases’ type of spell.
Anyways, write down the name/issue on paper. Take your eraser and rub it out. Really get in there, rub it away until you can’t see the marks anymore. Don’t tear your paper, though!
After you have written and erased, light your candle and burn the paper. Fold it up if it’s big so you don’t have some wild flames all over the place, and then set it down on the plate/bowl/whatever you have there for the ashes, and let it burn.
Once you’ve got your ashes, dispose of them! Throw them outside, flush them down the toilet, whatever it means to get rid of them.
Repeat this process every day, once a week, once a month, whenever you feel the need to do it. Imagine yourself disposing of the memories and people who hurt you and continue trying to hurt you, and it will help.
I feel like this could also help for memories or abusive pasts if you wish to try and leave it behind you.
Some things will always stick with us no matter what, but if we learn to let go of the pain by erasing it and burning it away, it makes things easier to bear.
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rum-and-chocolate · 4 years
Emoji Spell to banish someone from your immediate vicinity
Like charge Reblog cast
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rum-and-chocolate · 4 years
“I Bury You” Witch Jar
If you’ve got someone in your life who is causing you issues or discontent, banish them with this witch jar spell.
What you will need:
A jar of any size
A photo of the person, though their full name on a piece of paper will suffice. If you have some of their DNA, this is optimal.
Sharp/dangerous objects (i.e. nails, broken glass, etc)
Put then photo/paper with their name/DNA in the jar along with the dangerous objects. Fill the rest of the jar with the dirt, all the while envisioning burying the person’s involvement in your life. Secure the lid on the jar and bury it in the earth – the deeper the better. Before burying it, if you prefer, spit on the jar, spitting out all your loathing and malcontent with it. Then, as you bury the jar, state “With this jar, I bury you from my life. As long as this jar stays buried, so will you stay gone from my life.” Finish burying the jar and never think of this person again.
Personalize as you see fit.
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rum-and-chocolate · 4 years
Shut The Hell Up… Peace Spell
So basically i have dealt with noisy, rude, and non respectful neighbors all my life. Whether it was in my old apartment and now my home. This spell I created is a mix of a peace/calming ritual and a banishment spell. Banishing the noise yet bringing peace on top of that!
Items needed:
- A blue candle
- vinegar
- lavender oil or flower buds
- sage oil or leaves
- chamomile oil or flowers
- piece of paper and a pen
The first step I do is I sit down in a comfortable position with my pen, paper, and blue candle out. I write the words “Peace and Quiet is all i need. Peace and Quiet is What will be given to me.” I chant these words in my head and ask the universe and the energies to be with me. I light my candle and use my intention to imagine a space of calm, peace, quiet, and happiness. I see and vision myself resting well and the neighbors or whomever is being respectful and calm now.
After I finish my visualization I start making my vinagar mixture.I pour vinegar into my jar and then proceed to add in the sage, lavender, and chamomile. I place the jar on top of my paper that i wrote on earlier letting the energy soak into the jar. After I am ready i take my mixture and i will flick it in the space that is between my neighbors and I. I will flick it near the fence that borders our homes (i do not enter their property nor should you) if you live in an apartment you can flick towards the space that is in between you and whomever is causing you to be stressed and is being loud. After that try your best to have some quiet time! I hope this helps some of you! Sending you all love!
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rum-and-chocolate · 4 years
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Banish Negative Energy
Spells to banish negativity in all forms from the home and promote security, stability happiness and wealth
• put dead thorns into a jar, clearly state the intention to ward off negative energy and keep just outside of all doors leading outside.
• light candles in all four corners of your room. White for serenity, pink for love, yellow for happiness and green for wealth *all white otherwise. State your intention and meditate.
• using sage (not white please!) Go to all four corners and state your intention, physically sweep with you hand the negative energy out the door
• every morning state “Only love and light may enter. No bad will, no bad harm.” Trust in that.
• open windows to let the sun and moons rays in to help balance the energy
• keep the body healthy and the mind positive to strengthen your personal aura
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rum-and-chocolate · 4 years
Good Riddance! Protective Banishment Sigils
I created these sigils for when I am in a house I fear is haunted by spirits that might be negative, harmful, or who are just uninvited strangers. The intentions in these sigils will not banish any spirits you enjoy having around or are familiar with. The intentions are also worded in a way that could apply to any one or any thing, not just a spirit or non-physical entity, so they should help to keep strange or negative people out of you home as well.
These sigils are meant to be cast for a specific home, so the process of casting and charging them will have to do with the house. I recommend drawing or painting them on a wall somewhere out of sight (doing this while repainting a room is a great idea). I drew mine in pencil behind a poster on my wall. If defacing your home isn’t an option, they could be traced with your finger into shaggy carpet, drawn with water on a countertop, or cast in whatever way you would usually cast a sigil.
As will all spells that you do not personally create, feel free to tweak these if you incorporate them into your practice. You may word the intentions differently, or alter the design slightly in a way that feels right. Always follow your intuition!
“No entity will enter this home uninvited”
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“Those who are unwanted or unknown will not stay here”
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“Those who bring fear or harm are banished from this home.”
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A note for some of the significance in these, I have used counter-clockwise as the direction for banishment. If you usually do the opposite, then you may want to switch some of the arrows and when you are drawing the sigil, draw the circular shape in whatever direction you use for banishing. I’ve also used downward arrows for banishment, and have taken inspiration from other symbols of power and protection like the pentagram. Besides using these significant symbols, I created these using a common method of sigil making where the intention is written out, and the lines and shapes in the letters are turned into a symbol. This is not the only way to create sigils, nor is it a very in-depth explanation, but there’s lots of material out there if you’d like to learn more.
Best of luck with all your magic, blessed be!
(please do not repost or remove credit ❤️)
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rum-and-chocolate · 4 years
Wand Wood Series Number Forty: Willow
Willow, Pottermore:
Willow is an uncommon wand wood with healing power, and I have noted that the ideal owner for a willow wand often has some (usually unwarranted) insecurity, however well they may try and hide it. While many confident customers insist on trying a willow wand (attracted by their handsome appearance and well-founded reputation for enabling advanced, non-verbal magic) my willow wands have consistently selected those of greatest potential, rather than those who feel they have little to learn. It has always been a proverb in my family that he who has furthest to travel will go fastest with willow.
Willow wands are known to help their owner overcome fear and nerves. In their prime, these are calm people with great intuition and feeling. More quick-minded than they appear, willow owners have great cunning and excel with solving complex puzzles. They are a peaceful combination of wit and emotion, and live rationally.  
They tend to trail off in conversation, their mind is processing threads upon threads of thought at once. It takes time for them to process and decide what they think and feel about a situation. Their insecurities may hold them back from doing what they want or what they enjoy.
They feel deeply, and empathy comes natural to them. Other people’s feelings influence their own, and they can become easily bogged down with them. Jealousy is not a common feeling for them, and they tend to not compare themselves with others. However, they cannot stand it when people blame others or external forces for their problems without looking inward.
Other than jealousy, it can be hard for them to contain extreme emotions. As for the most part they appear calm and rational, these outbursts of emotion have a great impact on those who know them well. It takes a lot to stimulate their emotions to such degree– it’s terrifying when they are angered. Grief may overwhelm them to an insurmountable degree.Flexible to a degree, when they snap– they snap. If someone has broken their trust or friendship there is little chance in amending the relationship.
These witches and wizards are gifted with eloquence with their words and actions. They are capable of intricate movements and magics.
The elemental composition of this wand is water and lunar based, with traces of earth threading them together.
There is talent with healing, prophecy (in the form of dream visions), spell creation, and weaving magics together. Poetry is a common talent as well.
Best subjects include: charms, transfiguration, divination, potions, and astronomy. This wand may have issues in defense against the dark arts, especially in the performance of more violent hexes, curses, and jinxes.
This is one of the best wands at performing the most complex and advanced charms.
Common occupations include: healer, artisan, weaver, Seer, medium, writer, careers to do with emergency management, careers in disaster management, astronomer, Unspeakable, artist, poet, charms expert, curse-breaker, and cryptologist.
Silver orbs and swirls of periwinkle and navy blue are emitted from this wand during spell work. Its magic smells of river water, jasmine, and white roses.
If this wand senses danger, it will try to pull its owner away from danger.
Common patronuses include: cats, cranes, hares, horses, white snakes, seals, sea serpents, manatees, otters, sea lions, eels, kelpies, albatrosses, and puffins.
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rum-and-chocolate · 4 years
✨happy beltane✨
so, beltane is here! i want to wish you all witches happy beltane, i hope you’ll have fun today! but, as we know, no sabbat is complete without a ritual. worry not, i got your back! it’s something mine, so if you use it make sure to like and/or reblog this post, and tell me how it worked!
beltane ritual🌼
you will need:
cleansed water
crystals(malachite, garnet, rose quartz, emerald, tourmaline)
a yellow candle
a green candle
a white candle
milk and honey/flowers
how to:
firstly, cast a circle. if you do not know how, check out my post on how to cast a circle or watch an informative video! there are tons of them in youtube.
relax. take time to breathe, concentrate, connect with the earth underneath you.
meditate with the crystals you’ve gathered.
when you’re ready, say this out loud:
“ beltane has come
spring is at it’s peak
nature is blooming
and the skies are clear
may summer come
and bring the best out of us
may the sun shine brightly
upon the earth
and upon our hearts
may the universe bless us
with the best of luck
and help us get through
our dark days
happy beltane!
welcome summer!
welcome brighter days!
and blessed be!”
while saying this bit, light up the candles in the order green|yellow|white.
after that, meditate a little more. imagine summer coming, the weather becoming warmer, the flowers blooming, the nature being reborn.
when you’re ready, it’s best to do an offering, to the fae, the universe, or whatever god/goddess you’d like!
for the offering(optional):
mix the honey with the milk
say this while saying this:
“i offer you this gift
as a sign of my gratitude
and respect
please, universe/fae
bring to us
a prosperous summer
and blessed be”
after saying this, throw the milk and honey into a garden or a flower pot.
after finishing off, close the circle and thank the universe and the fae.
and that’s it! now you’re ready to spend a delightful beltane! make sure to eat loads of delicious food and dance a lot!
✨blessed be✨
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rum-and-chocolate · 4 years
Hi everyone!
Beltane is right around the corner and I am here to give you some tips and information about this pagan holiday.
☀️What is Beltane and why do we celebrate?
Beltane, also called Fire Festival or Flower Festival, is celebrated on May 1st. Some people choose to celebrate it from April 30th to May 1st, some even extend it to May 2nd. This whole festival is about honoring the Mother, the Sun, the fire and the flowers. 
Goddesses: Flora, Danu, Luna, Gaia, Matka Gabia
Gods: Cernunnos, Pan, Frej, the Green Man
Altar decorations: Red, white and green candles, fresh flowers, small maypole, Fae statues, butterflies, growing plants, cauldrons of flowers, brooms
Foods: Dairy, Oatmeal cakes, cherries, bread, strawberries, green salads, smoothies
Drinks: Fruit/Wine punch, Milk & Honey, herbal tea, beer
Herbs: honeysuckle, cowslip, angelica, hawthorn, roses, rosemary, bluebells, daisies, lilac.
Incense: Jasmin, rose, sage, strawberry.
Colors: red & white (goddess and god), green, yellow, pink and brown.
Stones: Emerald, Sapphire, Rose Quartz, Amber
Animals: Cows, Lynx, Dove, Cat, Swan, Deers.
🌈How to celebrate:
Make a bouquet or posy of spring flowers and cast it into a stream, lake or river to bless the water spirits.
Keep an eye out for fairies and other nature spirits
Make a dish of fruits, berries and nuts, leave in the wood for the animals and fae folk to enjoy
Go for a walk
Meditate in your garden or at your balcony.
Dance around a bonfire.
Decorate your room/apartment/house with lots of flowers.
Have a wonderful Beltane everyone, be true, be you.
                                                                                      - witchspeaks
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rum-and-chocolate · 4 years
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Sabbat-day Sigils
You can incorporate them in your Sabbat-day rituals! You can write them on a piece of paper and burn it, carve it into a candle and light it, write it on yourself for a little boost!
You can charge them with crystals, incense smoke, your own personal energy, the sun, the moon, etc.
I figured since Mabon is coming up i would share my sigils 😊
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rum-and-chocolate · 4 years
Beltane Recipes with Correspondences and Vegan Alternatives
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Honey Oat Bread
- 1 cup milk (almond or soy for vegan or dairy free)
- 2 tbsps unstated butter or margarine
- ¼ cup honey (agave for vegan)
- ¼ cup water, lukewarm
- 2 ¼ tsps instant yeast
- 3 cups all-purpose flour
- ¾ cup oats (instant or old fashioned)
- 1 ½ tsp salt
For topping:
- 1 ½ - 2 tbsps honey, warmed (agave for vegan)
- 1 ½ -2 tbsps oats
- In a small bowl heat the milk so that it is warm enough to melt the butter, but not boiling. Add the butter, stirring until melted, then stir in the water and honey.
- Stir the yeast into the mixture and let sit for 15 minutes until bubbly.
- In a large bowl, or the bowl of a standing mixer, combine the flour, oats, and salt.
- Pour the milk mixture into the flour mixture, mixing with a dough hook or spoon until it just comes together to form a dough. Knead in the mixer or by hand for 10 minutes, until the dough is smooth and elastic.
- Cover the bowl with a clean dry towel and allow to rise until doubled, about ½ to 1 hour.
- Once doubled, with your fingers, flatten the dough into a 9 by 12-inch rectangle. Tightly roll the dough, tucking the ends as needed, into a loaf. Place the shaped dough into a lightly greased 9×5-inch loaf pan, cover with a clean dry towl, and allow to rise until doubled, about ½ to 1 hour.
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees (180 C). Place an empty loaf pan on the bottom rack of the oven and bring 2 cups of water to a boil.
- When the loaf is doubled again, brush the top with the warmed honey and sprinkle with the oats.
- Place the bread in the oven and pour the boiling water into the empty loaf pan on the bottom rack of the oven. Bake for 40 to 50 minutes, until the bread is deep golden brown and the internal temperature is about 190 degrees.
- Transfer to a wire cooling rack and allow to cool completely before serving.
Magickal Correspondences:
- Bread ~ (in general) kinship, sustenance
- Oat ~ grounding, prosperity
- Butter ~ smoothing relationships, spirituality, tenacity
- Milk ~ Goddess energy, love, nurturing, spirituality
- Water ~ purification
- Flour ~ revealing hidden matters, consistency
- Honey ~ happiness, healing, love, lust, purification, spirituality, sweet things in life, weight loss, wisdom
- Salt ~ cleansing & purification, grounding, protection
- Yeast~  grounding, purification
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Lemon Chamomile Whipped Shortbread Cookies
- 2 cups salted butter or margarine, very soft
- 1 cup powdered sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- ½ cup cornstarch
- 3 cups all-purpose flour
- 3 tsps lemon zest
- 3 tsps loose chamomile tea
- Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Lighty grease three baking sheets.
- Using a hand-held electric beater, cream the butter, sugar, and vanilla until very creamy.
- Gradually beat in the cornstarch and flour.
- Beat in the lemon zest and chamomile. Continue to beat the batter for a full 10 minutes until it looks like slightly overbeaten whipped cream (see notes).
- Drop the batter by heaping tablespoons onto the prepared cookie sheets.
- Bake the cookies for approximately 15-20 minutes. Remove the cookies from the oven just as they start to brown on the bottoms.
- Let the shortbread cookies cool on the cookie sheet for at least 10 minutes, then transfer them to a cooling rack to finish cooling. Do be careful when moving them as they will fall apart if you transfer them too soon.
- If you use a stand-mixer instead of a hand held electric beater, the cookies will fall flat. If you want to use your stand mixer, please make sure to reduce the time you mix the batter.
Magickal Correspondences:
- Cookies ~ (in general) nurturing, love
- Lemon ~ faithfulness, friendship, happiness, longevity, love, marriage
- Butter ~ smoothing relationships, spirituality, tenacity
- Vanilla ~ joy, love, luck, lust, mental powers
- Chamomile ~ the sun, purification, protection, calming, luck
- Flour ~ revealing hidden matters, consistency
- Sugar ~ love
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Honey Lavender Lemonade
- 1 ½ cups honey lavender simple syrup (recipe below)
- 1 ½ cups lemon juice
- 2 ½ cups water, sparkling water, or sparkling wine
Honey Lavender Simple Syrup:
- I cup honey (granulated sugar for vegan)
- ½ cups water
- 1 tbsp lavender buds
- Stir all ingredients together in a medium saucepan, and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Stir until the sugar is dissolved.
- Remove from heat and refrigerate. Strain out buds before using.
- Stir all ingredients together until combined. Serve over ice.
Magickal Correspondences:
- Lemonade ~ love, purification
- Lemon ~ faithfulness, friendship, happiness, longevity, love, marriage
- Honey ~ happiness, healing, love, lust, purification, spirituality, sweet things in life, weight loss, wisdom
- Lavender ~ fertility, love, purification, relaxation, rest
- Water ~ purification
- Sparkling wine ~ lust
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rum-and-chocolate · 4 years
🌸🍃 Beltane Tips! 🍃🌸
Hello, my loves! I know it’s relatively early, but I wanted to make a post about this in advance for those who need some help / inspiration with the upcoming holiday. :-) Beltane, also known as “May Day,” is at the very beginning of May, and its purpose is to continue the celebration of Spring and fertility. We bow to the abundance of the fertile Earth, and become aware of Her opening up to the fertility God. Their union gives life to healthy and strong livestock/crops and new life in general. This is inspiring to many witches and magick workers who wish to bring change into their own lives, as well as show a passionate appreciation for life itself.
- If you’re on a bit of a schedule, there are simple things you can do to show your thanks for the planet we live on and the gift of life. Much like with Ostara, just try your best to thank nature - take a short walk, notice how green everything is, eat some fresh vegetables, and take deep breaths of morning air. 🌸
- Create a Beltane altar! Include lots of green items, inspired by the lushness of the growing grass and the leaves on the trees. Also include pastels to honor Spring, such as yellows, blues, and pinks. Incorporate these lively colors into the objects in your altar - think ribbons, decorated sticks, flowers, candles, cloths, succulents, baskets, grass, chalices and statues. Add some symbolism to represent the strong  male energy of the God, which is especially potent at this time. Think sticks, acorns, seeds, antlers - and try your hand at creating your own mini Maypole! 🌿
- If you have the environment / time to do so, gather a group of friends and have a bonfire (or even just a fire in your fireplace, if you have one)! Beltane is one out of the four fire festivals in current Pagan traditions, so its presence during this time is especially welcome. Can’t have a bonfire? Light some green candles and meditate near them, perhaps while writing a list of things you wish to renew in your life. 🔥
- Eat!!! Try and incorporate milk, honey, and/or oats into your meals during this time, as well as fruits -  peaches, mango, pomegranates, and cherries. 🍒🍯🥛🍑
I hope this guide is helpful! xoxo
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rum-and-chocolate · 4 years
beltane tea recipe
once again, we find ourselves on the very verge of summer, and Beltane is a great holiday to stop and heal yourself before going off to enjoy the rest of the lighter half of the year. i wrote a simple recipe for a tea you can drink while celebrating Beltane.
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🔥 mint –purification–
🔥 ginger –protection–
🔥 cinnamon –cleansing; spiritual guest calling–
🔥 water
🔥 anise –joy– (optional)
🔥 honey (optional)
🔥 put the water to boil;
🔥 add the herbs to a sachet;
🔥 introduce the sachet into the boiling water and let steep for 5 minutes;
🔥 sweeten to taste;
🔥 ice if wished;
🔥 bright Beltane !
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much love ♡
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rum-and-chocolate · 4 years
thought i’d share some playlists for the sabbats, find them especially useful when i happen to be busy on those days and can’t do much else.
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rum-and-chocolate · 4 years
🍀 🍄A summary of the Sabbats 🍄🍀
When I was a baby witch, it was really difficult for me to understand the Sabbats and the wheel of the year. To help all my baby witches, I made a short summary to make it easier. 
🎄 Yule (Date: on the winter solstice, dec. 20-23) 🎄
This is the Sabbat for celebrating rebirth. Many people celebrate it similarly to Christmas, with gift giving, feasting, and wreath making. People will often kiss a consenting partner under a sprig of mistletoe for good luck.
🐏  Imbolc (Date: feb. 2) 🐏 
This Sabbat celebrates the return of spring. People make corn dollies and set them in a basket next to a symbol of masculinity. Many Witches will clean out their homes during Imbolc.
🐣 Ostara (Date: on the vernal equinox, Mar. 20-23) 🐣 
This Sabbat celebrates the coming time of fertility. Egg decorating is common during this time.
🔥 Beltane (Date: May 1) 🔥
This Sabbat focuses on fertility. Many Pagans choose to conceive children at this time (or just to enjoy themselves sexually with a partner). Beltane festivals are often high energy, with plenty of dancing and bonfires. 
☀️ Litha (Date: on the summer solstice, Jun 20-23) ☀️
A Sabbat for celebrating the longest day of the year, as well as for mourning the shortening days after. Some Witches burn bonfires or light candles to represent the Sun.
🌾 Lughnasadh (Date: Aug 1 -> 1 day before my birthday!) 🌾
I love this Sabbat but I’m not able to pronounce this name :). This is the first of the three harvesting Sabbats. There are festivals of grain and bread. People make gingerbread men during this time.
🍁 Mabon (Date: on the autumnal equinox, sep. 20-23) 🍁
This is the second of the three harvesting Sabbats. Witches give thanks to the Earth and the harvest. Celebraters will make and drink wine at this time.
⛄️ Samhain (Date: nov. 1) ⛄️
This is the last of the three harvesting Sabbats. It is also the festival of the dead. The veil is at its thinnest at this time. Witches will sometimes hold a big feast during Samhain.
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Feel free to contact me if you have more questions!
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rum-and-chocolate · 4 years
How to prepare for Beltane
My fellow lazy witches living in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s time to get ready for Beltane (May 1st). Here is a list of cute lil’ things you can do from this week onwards - just so we hurry up all together now.
- Eat/use breakfast cereals: we’re still celebrating the roman Ceres! Healthy: oatmeal / Gourmet: chocolate muesli / Gluten-free: corn flakes.
- Get out in the sun, pick wild flowers, make your ritual bouquet or floral wrap ♥ ‘Cause Floralia falls in between April & May. Let’s grab poppies!
- Cook with FRESH herbs, avoid dried ground stuff. You can save herb leftovers or extra leaves & branches for Beltane burning rituals. This is a good time for cooking and baking at home. Stop wasting money now, better save up for the summer madness… ;)
- Plan pamper/cozy nights + sip a good wine for the occasion (Sangria, Pinot Noir, Rosé, Lambrusco or Riesling). Other options: lemonade, herbal tea, milk, pale ale, fruit beer. Also eat strawberries, they’re in season!
- Light up cute tealights everywhere: on Beltane we honor fire and fertility.
- Dress light, flowy and colorful. R.i.p. tight underwear. Wear a brand new piece of jewelry, smile more often, wear a fruity or floral fragrance. 
- Clean your house, your room, your altar/corner. Declutter. Room spray season is officially open, so spritz the hell out of dem bottles. Add charged crystals to your sacred space or on your desk. Prefer warm colors/pastels.
- Write down a motivational phrase, make sure you’re very satisfied with how it looks on paper (yes, aesthetics do count here). Choose words that lift you up and boost your self-esteem. Read the phrase every morning, take a deep breath and smile. Even if it’s raining hell outside. :)
Hope this was inspiring for some!  ✿ ♥☆ ✿ xox
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