runawaybun ¡ 7 months
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yo hi! long time no talk! this chill town rp group called ambrosiafm has been what i've been doing lately! if you like percy jackson or greek mythology then def join!!!
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runawaybun ¡ 3 years
The grin on her sibling’s face makes even Laura crack a smile. Briefly. But she’s sure Bunny noticed.
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 When her shoulder is bumped, Laura sighs again. “Not. funny.” is her reply. But she chuckles a bit. “I can’t clean up all this,” and with that Laura gestures to the overall chaos in the room. “by myself. Now come on, help out, sib!” Laura hands them a paper towel and a mop. “Get going.” 
At her sibling’s next words, Laura laughs. “This is not cleaning up. This is causing chaos. Now let’s go.” Laura claps her hands together. “Before we have to explain this to Carm please.” To be honest, Laura probably cares about it more than Carmilla would. Carm might even be amused at the prank. But Bunny doesn’t need to know that. 
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Of course Bunny noticed the brief smile. They always search for any semblance of recognition and validation in their antics.
"It's totally funny. I'm the funniest person you've ever known." They simply state, their grin still wide and present. It wouldn't have left any time soon if it weren't for Laura's persistence to make them do chores. What a bore. They huff as they begrudgingly take the mop from her and without a word starts to aimlessly drag it along the floor.
"What's really the biggest harm if Carm knows? I bet you she won't even care." They weren't completely certain of this statement but they'll take anything as long as its in their favor. Blind hope isn't a bad thing. One may even say that it sways positive karma. "We should stop and just wait for her so we can see her reaction." They stop their ineffective bare minimum mopping and leans against the handle. "Yeah, we should do that." Anything to avoid hard work.
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runawaybun ¡ 3 years
OPEN! f/nb plot: in the source !!
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margot really shouldn’t have been out here. it was one in the morning, and after parking her car in an empty lot, she’d tredged into the forest alone. camera strung around her neck and a crucifix in her hand, the blonde thought she would be safe for the most part. any noise had her turning her head to look, hoping to catch a glimpse of something she could write on her blog or snap a picture of. the most recent sound, though, had her nearly jump out of her skin. turning towards it, she exhaled a soft breath of relief at the sight of them. 
“oh! crap, you startled me, i almost screamed.” her grin only grew as she tilted her head. “what are you doing here? don’t lie and say it’s not because you missed me, because i bet you did.”
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When they saw the lone car pulling into the empty lot, Bunny’s curiosity couldn’t help but be piqued. It wasn’t like they had any plans during their typical moonlit walks around the quaint little town that they were currently calling home for the time being. So, they observed from a distance, following the girl into the forest. It was a good thing that she had missed the full moon by a day or so. Bunny definitely did not have the drive or mood to fight off a wolf to protect her from suffering a curse that would be considered a fate potentially worse than death. But still, they felt it was best to keep a close eye on her and whatever she’s planning to do.
A few more steps and they reach the point of boredom which felt like the perfect time to act as if they’ve accidentally broke their sneak streak. Plus, they were impatiently dying for the moment to finally laugh at the prop that she had brought in hand with her. They purposefully step on a twig to trigger a sound that would alert her to turn towards them. They smirk a little in amusement as they watch her reaction and then actually chuckles as they get a better look at the cross that she grasped tightly. “I should be asking you that, other than walking around here like an idiot. What do you expect that to do for you? Other than make whatever monster you’re looking for laugh their ass off before ripping you to pieces.” They say, giving her the 411 that crosses were a myth weakness and didn’t do anything. At least, that’s the case for their specific breed of vampire.
Then they smirk, giving a charming grin. “Did I miss the trouble you could cause? Maybe. Did I miss the amusement you give? Absolutely. Though who knows, you could very much be the one missing me and I’m the one you’re actually looking for. You could always just ask for my number like any normal person, you know.”
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runawaybun ¡ 3 years
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We can still hang it. // Good Witch, s6e10
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runawaybun ¡ 4 years
I’ve been making some memes lately so I want to give you guys a little key code to help understand those memes that are worded really weird so you never know who is doing what. Because whenever I write the memes I’m afraid people aren’t going to get it and I keep trying to think of an easier way to word it and there really isn’t one. ANYWAY. Shut up, JJ.  Ready? Here goes:
If the post says “my muse” that means the muse of the person who reblogged the meme. 
If the post says “your muse” that means the muse of the person who is sending the meme. 
Read the post from the POV of the person who reblogged it. 
So If I reblog the post, and the post says “send me a symbol for my muse’s reaction to your muse……..” ❤️ kissing them. MY MUSE means the poster’s muse. YOUR MUSE is the sender’s muse. 
Once the memes are in your inbox, things can get confusing all over again!!!! TRUST ME I KNOW. Because now they’ve sent it to you so when you read it your brain wants to think my muse means their muse because you’re reading it from them. IT DOESN’T. They copy/pasted the text from YOUR POV. So if you’re reading the meme in your own inbox “my muse” means your own muse, “your muse” means the sender’s muse. 
the biggest key i can give you is to always remember is that unless they specified reverse, “YOUR MUSE” = sender. 
of course you’ll probably be like me and panic every time that somehow they must not have meant what they sent and just double check with them anyway who they wanted to be performing what action. OR you’ll be like me and not give a shit who preforms what action and just send in whatever anyway. BUT from a meme maker to all of you, this is the correct way to read those confusing memes with wording  that’s hard to understand. I HOPE IT HELPS!
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runawaybun ¡ 4 years
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and jove lives??!
yoooo, what up anybody that’s around~ I’m back, hyperfixating on trying to revive this blog. i made a carrd for mobile users to access my links and i also made a private discord server for people that want to contact me there or rp. I’m much more active and give faster responses on discord.
feel free to send me any rp memes that I reblogged on my ;memes tag and hit me up if you wanna start something new with me~
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runawaybun ¡ 4 years
“Peanut butter sounds really good right now. Nothing else. Just me, peanut butter, and a spoon." ~Farryn
send things to a 🐰: Impulsive thought starters
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“Hmmm,” Bunny hums in thought as they listen to the words said and a grin grows upon their face. “That does sound pretty good but what about some added amendments to that.” As if their backpack is a magic one with anything that they could ever wish for within it, they casually reveal a jar of peanut butter from inside and then two spoons from an outer pocket. “Just you, peanut butter, two spoons, and a Bunny.”
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runawaybun ¡ 4 years
‘ you should be in bed. ’ ~Laura
send things to a 🐰: * love ♥ starters
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“No,” They say, though the single syllable is elongated as they whine out in defiance while they were on their way to the kitchen.
“You should be in bed.” Their words slur in their exhausted and fatigued state.  Were they acting childish? Absolutely so but they couldn’t help regress and push the topic onto their sister rather than themself. It was obviously the most logical response.
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runawaybun ¡ 4 years
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Bunny tried their best to contain the grin on their face but to no avail. Of course they couldn’t. They were way too proud of their accomplishments. Even if it was just due to one successfully executed prank. You take every win, no matter what they may be. A win is a win.
“It was totally so funny.” They state in response to their twin and playfully bumps shoulders with her. “Oh, come on. Lighten up, you stick in the mud. Nobody got hurt so it was all in good fun. That’s all that matters and what should be cared about right?” Not at all the huge mess that their little prank had caused. The floor and surrounding objects in the room coated with suds and soapy bubbles.
“Technically, I practically did most of the work already. So honestly, you should be thanking me for being so kind and thoughtful about helping you clean up.”
@runawaybun​ liked ages ago for a starter from Laura! 
“That was not funny, sib.” Laura is glaring at her sibling, though a part of her must admit it was a bit funny. Still, she is looking not too amused at the prank, sighing as she looks at Bunny.
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 “Now help me clean this up before Carm gets back.” Carmilla doesn’t mind the mess, but Laura does. So she will enlist her sibling to help. They had helped make it, they would help clean it. 
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runawaybun ¡ 5 years
covid-19 sentence starters
i’m sorry for this. feel free to make any changes. stay home if you can and stay safe, everyone.
“Did you wash your hands?”
“I’m going to do it. I’m going to learn how to sew/bake bread/do yoga/etc.”
“…We’re running out of toilet paper?”
“It sucks that we can only facetime.”
“I’m going to die from lack of social interaction.” / “This is a typical day for me.” / “Thank God I don’t have to deal with people.”
“I can’t believe I still have to go into work.”
“I hate capitalism.”
“Will you stop standing six feet away from me? We live together. If I have it, you already have it.”
“We have so much time…maybe we could…you know ;)”
“My dating life is going to take a turn for the worst.”
“I’m not sure how I feel about 2020.”
“Movie marathon!”
“At least now I can cheat on my exams/go to skype work meetings in my underwear/etc.”
“Cough on me and I kill you.”
“This is so stressful…relax with me?” / “You’re making my headache worse.”
“Now would be a great time to hibernate.”
“So apparently the plague led to the Renaissance…shouldn’t you be making your next masterpiece?”
“This is my only chance of getting through my Netflix list.”
“So, definitely no vacation then.”
“I said I’d read books but I’ve been refreshing Twitter for three days.”
“Ahaha…what if we kissed…in quarantine? Just kidding! Never mind…unless…”
“It’s time to make a Tik Tok.” / “We aren’t making ANOTHER Tik Tok.”
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runawaybun ¡ 5 years
Laura frowns at her twin’s silence. They hadn’t even responded when she had accused them of moving one of her things. That’s not like Bunny at all. “You ok, sib?” She has to ask. She’s concerned for her sibling and wants to make sure that everything is alright. 
The words hurt Laura a bit but she doesn’t let on. It’s clear that her sibling needs her help. “There’s no shame in asking for help, you know? Everyone needs it every once in a while. Even you.” She’s sure that her sibling doesn’t want to ask for help. And Laura can sympathize. Yet she’d be happy to help her sibling out, with whatever it is. She knows they can be stubborn but hopes that they can put that aside for long enough to allow Laura to help with whatever they need help with. If not, Laura will have to coax them until they give in. And sometimes, Laura can be just as stubborn as her sibling. 
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Though they know that their sister is just voicing her concern for them, Bunny ignores her question. Instead, they keep staring at the textbooks. They weren’t even sure they were reading and comprehending any words anymore. Simply just looking at the pages to avoid looking at their sister. They groan in exasperation. It didn’t matter that they were making no progress. They’re convinced that this is a lost cause.
“I said I don’t need anyone’s help.” Their voice is gruff and disgrunted under their breath. All of the pent up frustration and stress building up and they were so ready to explode, taking deep but harsh breaths in order to force themself not to. There was just so many things floating in their head, things that may or may not happen, things that were said to them and their many, many worries and insecurities. Their eyes close as they desperately try to block it all out and they mutter, “Can’t I just quit while I’m ahead..”
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runawaybun ¡ 5 years
“Yes. Quite possibly the most dangerous thing I’ve ever done.” And that’s saying something. Her time at Silas had been full of danger. She had almost died. Actually died? She’s still unclear on that. And even afterwards, she and Carmilla hadn’t been done with danger. Or, rather, danger hadn’t been done with them. But allowing her sibling to choose the rules for the drinking game is definitely a new level of danger. 
“Oh come on, sib!” She gives a chuckle. “Do you want me to get liver damage?” After all, Anne Hathaway is always beautiful. So she’d have to drink quite a lot. 
“Maybe. Though she likes them sometimes.” Plus, in Carmilla’s defense, rom-coms can be predictable. Perhaps that’s why the vampire wants to sit this one out. “Yum…” She says, taking a sip of the drink that Bunny hands her. She smiles brightly at them, enjoying spending some quality time with her sibling. 
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“At least you’re aware of the consequences of the choices you’re making.” The brunette twin smirks, taking pride that their twin new them for the badass exterior that they work so hard to keep up. It wasn’t that they were an alcoholic. They knew how to be smart and responsible when they wanted to. They knew their limits and trusted that Laura did too. They’re just searching for some innocent fun, that’s all. If that means being a little... extreme and colorful with their drinking game ideas then that’s what they’re gonna do.
Bunny chuckles too, getting comfortable on the couch and cracking open their first beer. “It would be easier to make rules if I was more familiar with the movie. Guess I’ll have to make up rules as we go.” Still not wanting to completely let go of their initial joke suggestion, they still egg on, “So, that we can do the beautiful rule for now until I think up something new? You won’t need to worry about your liver that way.”
“What is she going to be doing instead?” They ask curiously. There’s a smile on their face at Laura’s reaction to trying the drink they had made. They’re pleased and proud that the taste was to her fancy. “Alright, movie picked, snacks and drinks gotten, let this night commence!”
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runawaybun ¡ 5 years
“Great. Thanks, sib!” She says with a bright smile. “Hmmm….no idea. It was your suggestion in the first place so you should come up with the rules.” Maybe Laura’s just feeling lazy. Or maybe she’s uninterested in playing a drinking game, even if it is with her beloved sibling. Perhaps a mixture of both. “I know, she’s so beautiful!” Laura can’t help but gush over the actress. Though she can’t imagine being with anyone but Carmilla now, in her opinion celebrity crushes don’t really count as crushes. Besides, Carmilla can handle a little friendly competition. She’s pretty sure the newly revamped vampire can handle anything. And that together, the two of them can conquer whatever they need to. 
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Speaking of her girlfriend, she calls out to Carmilla, who she knows is lurking around somewhere. “Carm! We’re watching One Day, want to join us?” Carmilla yells back a negative answer and Laura frowns, then shrugs. “Oh well. Guess it’s just you and me, sib.” 
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They simply nod and smile as a silent ‘you’re welcome’. “I gotta make up the rules? Do you even realize how dangerous that is?” A large part of them knows that their words weren’t merely hyperbole and it rings true when they give their first suggestion, inspired by Laura’s fangirling words. “Drink every time Anne Hathaway is beautiful.”
Bunny smiles, finding humor in Carmilla not wanting to join in on a few couch movies. “Is the mighty vampire allergic to romcoms?” They jokingly say as they finish making the drinks, opting to make both recipes that they mentioned earlier. They hand Laura the margarita, asking her how tastes and then takes the sangria to the table.
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runawaybun ¡ 5 years
“On it!” Laura says with a smile. She heads to the kitchen and grabs some candy, chips, and even a box of cookies. “If you don’t mind, sib, I’d love it.” She walks back towards the couch, putting the snacks down on the table in front of it. “Ok, so you mentioned a drinking game before. Or is that not starting until we start the movie?” Speaking of movies, she gets up again and heads toward her DVD collection. She runs her hands over her collection, skipping past those that she knows Bunny has probably seen a thousand times. This is going to be tricky. She wants to make it as interesting as possible for her sibling, but she only has so many movies in her collection. Then she finds it. A movie starring Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess. It’s called One Day and Laura absolutely loves it. She picks it up and shows her sibling. “What do you think?” 
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Bunny carefully places all the beer that they now know are all gonna be solely for them on the table beside all the snacks then returns to the kitchen. “Yeah, I can do that no problem.” It might be their ego talking but they like to believe that they’re a whizz at making mean mixed drinks. “Guess it depends on the drinking game rules. Got any ideas?” They haven’t thought that far ahead. Solely drinking in general was on their mind. They look up from creating their concoctions to look at Laura’s choice of movie, nodding as they mull over the option. “If that’s your choice then sure. Also, I won’t complain at getting to look at Anne Hathaway for two hours.”
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runawaybun ¡ 5 years
Laura rolls her eyes, though her expression afterwards is one of amusement. It’s just some friendly sibling teasing. Nothing she can’t handle. She’s certainly dealt with far worse. Especially at Silas. Though she doesn’t want to think about that now. It’s a new year, a new beginning, and after all Silas hadn’t been all bad. It had brought her to Carmilla. To Laf and Perry. To Danny. She doesn’t know who she’d be without Silas, to be honest. “Sounds good, sib.” She says when her sibling’s words take her out of her thoughts. “Sure.” Though she wrinkles her nose a bit. She doesn’t much like the taste of beer, but she’ll suffer through it for Bunny. 
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Teasing Laura was Bunny’s favorite thing to do when they’re in her presense. It wouldn’t be sibling bonding without it so it’s great that Laura doesn’t take it to heart. They rustle through the kitchen, getting an armful of beer that they had prechilled earlier in the day. “Get the snacks, Laur!” They say, not missing her reaction to their alcoholic drink of choice. “Do you want me to make you a margarita or a pitcher of sangria for you instead?”
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runawaybun ¡ 5 years
“I totally did! Ask Carm if you don’t believe me.” She can’t help but shake her head at her sibling’s antics. Of course, she understands it. It is unlikely that she’d spend much time partying. It’s not really her thing. But she can enjoy a good party every once in a while. “Ok. Whatever you say, sib.” Chill and lowkey had been exactly what she’d been hoping for but she doesn’t mind changing things up a bit to make her sibling happy. “What do you have in mind?” 
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“Sure.” They sarcastically drawl, though they’re only teasing for the fun of it. Furrowing their brows as they put on the classic Hollis thinking face before they just shrug it off and give up, going to the kitchen. “Don’t know! We can just figure it out later. Let’s just get all the drinks and food out and then you can choose the first movie. We’re starting with beer, right?”
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runawaybun ¡ 5 years
“Oh, you do.” Laura says, smirking at her sibling. “Uh, hello. I went to parties in college…and that cured me of ever wanting to go to them again.” Though it’s unlikely that anything weird would find her at a non-Silas New Year’s Eve party, with her luck you never know. Besides, New Year’s for her is more about spending time with those she loves. Appreciating the best of the past and looking forward to the future. And she can do all of that just fine without being at a party. “Yes, all of the above. And, I was thinking we could watch some movies. We could take turns picking which ones.” 
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Bunny shakes their head as they mirror Laura’s smirking. “Sure, you did. I still don’t believe you.” They say, simply teasing her. Laura would always be their nerdy sister to them, out of place in a rager environment. Bunny was the partier but, they can set that aside to spend this time with someone they care about. Plus, if there’s gonna be alcohol tonight anyways then that’s all they need for them to care less where they are. “Awesome. Movies, huh? How chill and lowkey. Two movies maybe. With drinking games involved. But then we need to figure out something more exciting to do.” A whole night on the couch did not seem the most appealing to them.
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