runbikeclimb · 11 years
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Day 3: (theme:  money saving) 
So I have two resolutions I would like to enact today! The first is that my goal is to try and go a month--hopefully leading to more, of not getting any starbucks, cafeteria, second cup, tim hortons etc. coffee or tea. I wasted so much money the past semesters on that stuff. I mean, averaging $3 a coffee (sometimes fancier, sometimes plain black), if I got one a day--and often more especially during exams--that's $15 a week, $60 a month. So, I'm going to give it up, and if I do--I'm going to use the $60 bucks to head to David's tea and grocery store and load up on coffee and teas to keep at home. Hopefully making this a habit I can keep all year. 
The second:
I want to start cooking two large meals every Sunday for the rest of the week. Large batch cooking guarentees you have something in your fridge, and I recently picked up a 2lb bag of quinoa so I'm going to try and make a recipe I found on fitnessmagazine.com --> The picture is of a quinoa salad with edamame and tarragon. I'm obsessed with quinoa so it seems like a good place to start. 
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runbikeclimb · 11 years
Day 2: 
So this year my resolution is to come up with one thing a day and do something to just be happier and get better at life.  Yesterday I started a good thing jar. And today I’m starting a 52 Week Money Challenge. I really want to travel, that’s something I love, and I’m hoping to get to put enough money away to make it happen. I just haven’t been very good at saving, and well, I’ve decided that my theme for the rest of the week is to come up with ways to save money that I want to try and implement for the rest of the year. 
So. How the 52 Week challenge is that you put away the same number of dollars as the week. I’m going to try and double this. THOUGH, granted, I’m a student, so once things get to be over $30 a week, I may have to reinvent this goal. Anyways. It seems like a good jar idea. I know its’ better to keep money in the bank, so what I’m planning on doing is opening up a separate bank account and every time my jar reaches over a certain amount — likely $100 to start. I’m going to take it to deposit. I figure keeping it out of the picture and away from the money I pay rent with can only be a good thing. 
SO Week one: $2 dollar deposit. :) Simple enough. Let’s hope it’ll last. 
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runbikeclimb · 11 years
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Day 1: Someone sent this to me and I love the idea, and today my resolution is going to be to make my own jar. However, I’m going to amend it by putting in photos as well as notes, and tickets, and just beautiful things I read. Whole jar of happy wonderful 2014. 
I intend to post more long term resolutions, like running goals and stuff. But ultimately my resolution for the year is to do one thing every day that makes life better. OR different, or new, exciting, basic, random, easy, fun, that doesn’t involve watching TV or eating bad take out or being sorry for myself. It’s a new year. :) Starting it off on a good note. 
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runbikeclimb · 11 years
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runbikeclimb · 11 years
There's a new resolution list being posted soon. Watch out. 2014 is going to get wild. 
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runbikeclimb · 11 years
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runbikeclimb · 11 years
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runbikeclimb · 11 years
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runbikeclimb · 11 years
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train like an olympian | do each exercise intensely for 30 seconds. move onto each move with little or no recovery time in between. once you’ve completed all the moves (4 minutes total) take a 60-90 second break and repeat set 2 to 3 more times.
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runbikeclimb · 11 years
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runbikeclimb · 11 years
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sleek & slender abs with karena! repeat 3 times tipsy warm up - standing with dumbbells to your side, rock back and forth keeping your hips stationary, activating the core muscles warming them up for your workout. knee up crossover - standing with one hand pressed above you, and the other one to your side (dumbbells in hand) twist to one side, lifting that knee up while bringing your elbow down to meet in front of you. return to standing and repeat. cat crunch - in a plank position, begin with arching your back and pulling your knee towards your face while contracting your abs. fully extend your leg back, using both your abs and your low back moving as slowly as possible. cinch it - in a plank position slowly rotate your hips side to side while keeping your shoulders in line above your elbows on the mat. be sure to touch your hip on the ground before changing direction! plank kicks - hold a plank position for a 5 count, then lift one leg slightly up and hold for 5, kick it out to your side and hold for 5, then bring it back in and hold for 5 before dropping it back down to the ground. repeat for each side. tabletop crunch - a 3 part crunch move, begin on your back with your legs in tabletop position. with your dumbbell in your hands, crunch up and place the dumbbell on top of your shins being careful not to let it fall. slowly lay back down before crunching back up to take the dumbbell and lay back down extending your legs straight out in the air! basic crunches - on your back, lift your shoulders off the ground by contracting your core. the butterfly - sitting up balancing on your bum, slowly flutter your legs, bringing one heel to the ground while the other is lifted up to eye level and alternate!
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runbikeclimb · 11 years
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runbikeclimb · 11 years
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runbikeclimb · 11 years
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runbikeclimb · 11 years
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runbikeclimb · 12 years
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runbikeclimb · 12 years
Am I the only one who really wants to try this?
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