runnerfivesjournal · 15 days
guys i was not aware of primary/scondary blogs? I'm a 20 year old grandma
I have just found out I've been liking and following content for an entirely diff fandom on this account LOLL I'm losing my mind rn
update: I now have a main main blog that i can interact with th rest of the internet with @caitlynfromjupiter LOL yeah so friends follow me there I'll be more social on that one
also oops name reveal
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runnerfivesjournal · 20 days
hello fellow Five! I'm new to the fandom too, having done the 5k training app and up to S1E9. I was wondering if you have done the 5k app too and had any notes/thoughts about it?
also, do you like reading ZR fanfiction? I'm writing some and I want to find more people to read it!
hello!! so so sorry it’s taken me this long to respond—i JUST started work as a preschool childcare assistant at church so this week was a little busy!
i did a bit of the training app a couple of years ago, and i need to run it again! there’s so much i don’t remember.
i’d love to read your fanfic!!! BRO i love reading and writing so much and finding other writers to talk about all our writing stuff with.
thanks so much for reaching out!! i can’t wait to read your fic and get to know you more!! 🩷
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runnerfivesjournal · 25 days
i promise i’m not dead just busy 🫶🤧
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runnerfivesjournal · 29 days
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runnerfivesjournal · 29 days
Me and my mutuals rebloging the same post
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runnerfivesjournal · 1 month
Information Exchange & Eavesdropping
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Sadly, I did not have the energy to type up any HC's for these missions, so I may come back and edit them in later if I think of any, but for now, here are the two journal entries <3
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runnerfivesjournal · 1 month
Oke, so I looooveee the zombies run community/fandom but I have never actually done more than 1 run myself even though I really want to get into it. So I've just been watching from the sidelines.
I don't actually know where I was going with this. your blog is just really cool and I wanted to say hi!! I hope you have a great day!
AHHH HELLO ITS SO GOOD TO MEET YOU!! Thank you so much!! I’m so happy to know you like all this!! Thank you so so much for saying hi!! welcome to the fandom!!! I hope to see you around more!! I’d love to be friends 🫶
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runnerfivesjournal · 1 month
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“Hey! There you are! (🫣😳)”
this is the first FULL work of art i’ve done in YEARRRSSSS god i hope i’ve improved
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runnerfivesjournal · 1 month
Scouting Mission
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Mission #16
- The mission Five officially meets Jody! - They’ve definitely seen each other here and there and said hello, but this is the first they’ve gotten to really talk — they get along well! - I like to think Jody notices the way Five is all giggly and smiley when Sam is goofing of and she teases Five about it later (y’know, after the shock of running zombies wears off) - This makes Jody the first to know about Five’s little crush - They get another runner in Five’s quarters to switch with Jody so they can stay up at night talking - It’s a nice way for both girls to destress — pretend to be tweens again at a sleepover in a normal world
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Y'all it's so funny because today I increased the frequency of zombie chases from 1.5 to 3 per hour (cause I usually only run like 15-20 mins and get no chases) and I got ALL THREE today BACK. TO. BACK. I had to SPRINT so much like WHAT. And of course this happens on the mission zombies start running. I love it.
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runnerfivesjournal · 1 month
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runnerfivesjournal · 1 month
Virtuous Circle
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OKAY FINALLY I ran this todayyy just a small run cuz I need to get back into eating right and drinking water cuz that really do be affecting how you run
Mission #15
- I love this mission so much because I like to think the reason Sam is so adamant to deny he’s into DnD is because he thinks Five is so COOL—like too cool to be interested in that as well—and he doesn’t want her to think he’s weird ‘cause he likes her so much - That’s why in his letter he’s like “you should play with us!! but wait if its not your think don't worry about it no pressure nadabfdl” - And Five just laughs when she reads it because 1) she’s WAY into role-play stuff—she’s never played DnD but has always wanted too—loves Ren Faires, and used to have COLLECTIONS of cool costumes and props, so yeah, she’s kind of a nerd, too and 2) even if she weren’t she definitely wouldn’t judge and would probably still join them just to be with her friends - Sam probably knew that deep down but I feel like ‘cuz he so obviously likes her his perception of her coolness is like way higher than her actual coolness (which is insane ‘cuz we all know Five is SO cool) - Fills out her own character sheet:
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She's so cute I love her
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Hope y'all don't mind the spam ;-;
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runnerfivesjournal · 1 month
Patient 29
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I remember running this yesterday and I did Not drink enough water and I FELT IT so guys drink water
Mission #14
- God I love this mission - This is when Five REALLY starts to notice how unintentionally funny Sam is, and how much she APPRECIATES that - Like she’s like “dang he makes me laugh ALL THE TIME” and isn’t that just such a breath of fresh air when your job is quite literally running for your life? - She quotes his “FiRsT oF tHe LiViNg DeAd” to him and Maxine forever and ever after this  - Like dang this is actually probably when Five starts to have a lil crush on Sam - And it’s so weird to her cause like “WHY do I have these feelings the world has literally ended this is IRRELEVANT STOP” - But like wow he’s like so cute and funny and at the same time like… protective? - Five had been in one serious relationship and it was rather toxic, so this personality is not something she’s used to— a man who’s kind and genuine  - She writes about it in her journal, and then after she and Sam and Maxine spend their evening together (a daily ritual by now) and talk more about this mysterious Van Ark person…
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runnerfivesjournal · 1 month
Alternates & A Regular Meds Run
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Mission #12
- An intense day for everyone involved, for sure - The whole time Five was running, anytime there was a break in the recording, she’d tell Maxine “I’m here if you need anything,” “I’m right here, Maxine,” “Take all the time you need.” - Five found herself shedding a tear or two hearing her friend weeping. All she wanted was to get back and give her a big hug - After Five was home and Maxine was finished listening to the recording, she and Sam broke open their Secret Stash of Sweets (established after M9) for Maxine and performed a dramatic reading of ‘Order of the Pheonix’. Since they didn’t have any movies to watch, they figured that would be the next best thing. - Maxine laughed the whole time, and was appreciative of the distraction. - It was this night the three of them REALLY connected all together—the beginning of the roots of the Abel family
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No HCs for 13, so here's the journal :)
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runnerfivesjournal · 1 month
Back to School
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Mission #11
- Not too much to report, I think this mission was probably the beginning of Five’s close friendship with Maxine - Five sticks around while Maxine looks through the box she found, and they got to talking, particularly bonding over being American and what it might be like over there. - Maxine opens up to Five more about Paula and their relationship, and Five sees how much she misses her. Five offered to be a listening ear whenever Maxine needed it, that she’s love to hear more about their lives together  - “I know how much it can help to just talk about the good times, relive them in a way. And I’m a sucker for romance, too, so don’t feel like you’ll bore me.”
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runnerfivesjournal · 1 month
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I don't have any HC's for this mission, so here's the journal :)
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runnerfivesjournal · 1 month
The Old Mill & Recovery
Okay y'all I just finished typing up everything I've missed and I'm bouta post it all so brace yourselves.
Also I'm going to start titling my posts (yes I did feel the need to announce that thank you)
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Mission #8
- Takes place technically the same day as #7, just later in the day. - Sam was worried about Five, as shown in the first audio, but Five assures him she’s well. Their conversation really helped, and she was eager to get back out on the field - She’s rather affected by the whole situation with Lem - It makes her think about how it might hurt Sam if she got hurt, what he might have to witness—what he already had to witness with Alice - She’s a little out of it mentally when she gets back, Sam of course takes notice, but she brushes him off, just wanting to sit alone and write.  - She comes to find him after, much to his relief, and discusses her new feelings of understanding of New Canton - They chat for awhile, before Sam suggests they both head to sleep, since they had such a late night the night before.
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Mission #9
- After this mission Five took her journal from her runners pack (she keeps it with her everywhere she goes) and found a nice quiet spot in the township to just be alone and look at he scenery around. Watching her pilot turn was hard for her. - Of course, when she gets back she finds yet another note from Sam inviting her for a chat and some chocolate digestives, to which she immediately heads to the Comms Shack (she hasn’t tasted chocolate in far too long… and she really needed to see her friend). Thus begins the start of her “Notes From Sam" collection. - She also finds a note from one Chris McShell, saying she’s completed her first 10k! That was nice. He seems nice. - She talks a bit about her mourning for her pilot and her guilt in not knowing how much she was suffering, but quickly moves on, not wanting to think about it too much.  - She moves on to better news—Runner 8 found her ID and all suspicion has been removed… but that does mean at least four more people will know her name (Janine, Evan, Sara, and the Major of course) and she wasn’t exactly happy about that, given as she’s trying to adjust to life as “Five” - Sam very quickly and very eagerly suggests that he talk to them for her, let them know to just stick with “Five” - Five thanks Sam, and assures him he doesn’t have to, but that if he did it would mean a lot - Sam was happy to :)
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runnerfivesjournal · 1 month
guys should i finish this is it good or like mid
do we see the vision? is it visioning?
guys pls gas me up on this it’s the next day and im nervy 👎
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