runnerkai · 10 years
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What's your name? Nickname?
Kai. No nickname.
How old are you?
We think I'm around 16, who knows though. 
What's your job in the Glade?
I'm the keeper of the runners.
Do you enjoy your job? If not, which job did you wish you had?
It's probably the best job for me, It's what I wanted and I'm pretty good at it. Feel kinda bad about it, though. There are runners who have been here a lot longer than I have but I was chosen to be the keeper.
Who's your favorite person in the Glade?
I don't really like to play favorites.
Who's your least favorite person in the Glade?
Everyone is pretty alright, so far. 
Do you have any birthmarks? If so, where are they?
Nope, not that I know of anyway.
Do you have any scars? If so, how'd you get them?
Of course, I've got a few from the maze. Shuck grievers. 
What does your day typically look like?
Get up and eat, do my job, eat dinner, sleep. Repeat.
How're you feeling right now?
Pretty good, a little tired but overall good, I guess.
What's your favorite food the Cooks make?
Probably everything.
What's your favorite color?
I like blue.
Do you have a crush on anybody in the Glade?
Nah, no time for crushes right now. 
What do you do in your down time?
Sometimes I like to go hang out and talk to people, but most of the time I like to just hang out by myself and hang out in the trees.
Do you have any bad habits? (Nail biting, ect.)
When I get scared I start to bite my nails and sometimes when I'm nervous I shake my leg a bunch, but besides that no.
How long have you been in the Glade?
One year and 3 months.
What do you think people think about you?
I don't know, and to be honest I don't really have the time to worry about it. 
Did you cry your first night in the Glade?
Like a shuckin' baby.
Are you a leader or a follower?
What's your motto?
Actions speak louder than words.
What's one thing you wish was in the Glade?
I know it sounds lame, but music, probably. I don't really remember much, but I just have this itch, you know? Like I need to play an instrument, or sing or something. I don't know.
What's one quality you like most in the opposite gender?
To be honest, I've never thought about it. Just, someone that's nice and can be serious when it's time to be serious, and to be funny when it's needed. 
Which words do you most overuse?
Probably shuck, or something like that.
What's your greatest fear?
Never getting out, never finding the end. 
What are your favorite names?
Honestly? I really like my own name.
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runnerkai · 10 years
That's probably why you're a keeper, but there's no use in working yourself to death. 
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I am able to think just fine with stress, thank you very much. If I take breaks, then I am being inefficient. I have little tolerance for inefficiency.  
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runnerkai · 10 years
If you don't take a break you're gonna get so stressed out you wont even be able to think straight, and then you won't be gettin' anything done. Besides, there's more map makers than just you. I know you're a keeper, but even us keepers deserve breaks.
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I can’t afford to take breaks. I have to get this done.
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runnerkai · 10 years
Would you rather we had a buncha babies everywhere? I'm pretty sure these shanks are gonna start hooking up whether they have condoms or not.
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For the hundredth time, no, I will not ask the Creators to send condoms in the next supply load.
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runnerkai · 10 years
Idiots fight all the time, I don't think it really matters if it were a runner or not. Drives me crazy though, everyone has to fight and no one can agree on anything. Used to be a lot more peaceful before...
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Some Greenie thought it’d be fun to fight with a runner today.Stupid shuck.
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runnerkai · 10 years
It's not like I go around calling everyone a slinthead, just when I'm mad.
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Maybe they don’t like you callin’ them that so they get back at you.That’s probably not the reason they keep doin’ it but that’s all I can come up with right now.
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runnerkai · 10 years
You sound like you could use a break from those shuck maps. 
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If I draw this part here, then… No, no. This isn’t right. If we take the probability of this section here being the same as the mazes previously, can we take the chance to connect this part and the information from today’s maze from the runners? Wait no, what about this part? Ugh!
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runnerkai · 10 years
Yeah, apparently none of these slintheads know not to touch other people stuff.
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Don’t know. But ‘m guessin’ a lot?
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runnerkai · 10 years
How often do I have to tell people not to touch my shuckin' running shoes?
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runnerkai · 10 years
im kerry and you should definitely plot with me because im perf and you're perf sooo
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runnerkai · 10 years
Yeah, I still remember being confused and all these shanks just told me not to question it, so I hope it's a little easier for you. Just something we call newbies, not sure where it came from but everybody uses it. When someone new shows up you'll stop getting called greenie. 
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Well, thank you very much, I really appreciate it. I figure we all have to go through our adjustment period, right? Hopefully I’ll fit in soon enough. It’s okay, I actually like the term - but then again, I don’t really know what it means… I have no clue, actually. Good, because I have faith that we’ll make headway soon.
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runnerkai · 10 years
Sorry about you getting called greenie, I know it's weird and sucks. Think it just gives us shanks something to call you so we feel better. You're probably right, though. 
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F-From what I’ve heard, yes, I believe so. Well, I’m sure that with some persistence and determination, we’ll find something.
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runnerkai · 10 years
Ah, shuck. You're the greenie, aren't you? Just tired of not getting results s'all. 
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Well, that doesn’t sound very hopeful. Why do you think this?
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runnerkai · 10 years
Like what? We run, all day every day, then we map out the same shucking patterns and then we do it all over again. 
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There’s got to be some good thing about it. 
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runnerkai · 10 years
Beginning to think running in this maze is shucking useless.
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