runnersrant · 2 years
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3TheHardWay turned 3 today!
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runnersrant · 4 years
Restarting and Rebuilding
My pregnancy was a pretty complicated one. I have a blog about it here: bluestwos.tumblr.com and it helps get my feelings out. Anyways, it’s been hard to get back into shape. In my peak days, I was getting in close to 20 miles a week. my skin didn’t rub together when I walked and the endorphins were amazing. My twin pregnancy resulted in hospitalization, the loss of one child, a c-section 30 days later, then an 80-day NICU stay for the surviving twin. Needless to say, from November to March, I wasn’t getting adequate sleep or exercise and I started taking Zoloft on Christmas. Now as a new parent I’m always exhausted and, just my luck, when we finally are home with our baby girl, two weeks later the world is shutdown due to a pandemic! 
Yes- shit just got real. Prayers to the families of those we've lost, well wishes to those battling the virus, and many blessings to those on the frontlines who are caring for these individuals as well as themselves and their own families. 
I’m trying to find ways to rebuild my stamina and endurance AND muscle. Home workouts thanks to Zova have been great and I want to try jogging but not even sure what fits :(. So first step: dieting and maintaining movement. I won’t feel better about myself until I start treating my body better. I’ve never weighed this much and I’m determined to bring it down about. God help me. 
My bitch: To those not wearing masks on the trails! That’s why they closed the trails in the first place. Fuck off and spread your germs elsewhere. Also, as a runner I practice proper walking and running etiquette. PLEASE only two abreast, bicyclist-yell out or use a bell, AND FOR THE LOVE OF God please don’t litter!
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runnersrant · 5 years
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Runners be bitchin' turned 4 today!
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runnersrant · 5 years
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Runners be bitchin' turned 4 today!
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runnersrant · 5 years
Did you hear? We partnered with Black Girls Vote (@blackgirlsvote) for “A Social Experience” at Morgan State University in Baltimore, Maryland. Our goal was simple: increase voter participation, and make sure people had fun while doing it. There was an upbeat, cheerful march to the polls. There was a dance floor. There was DJ, a photo booth, Tumblr swag, free food, and one beautiful community coming together.
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Before marching to the polls, students gathered at MSU’s quad to hear speakers Dr. David Wilson, President of MSU, Bridget Kyeremateng, our very own Social Impact Coordinator, and Nykidria Robinson, founder and CEO of BGV, about the inherent power in voting, especially from historically marginalized people .
“We’re here to say that Black girls will vote, but also we’re going to take our husbands, our boyfriends, our brothers, our sons with us to the poll. Because it’s so important for us to vote.” — Nykidria Robinson, founder and CEO of Black Girls Vote.
Tumblr, we need you. People all over the world need you. Use your voice. Use your vote. It is the strongest asset you have. Historically, the youth vote—ages 18 to 24, have the lowest turnout of any age bracket. You can change that this year. You can change that every year moving forward. You can be heard. 
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If you have any questions relating to state-specific election rules, check out How to Vote. HTV provides a summary of voter registration and voting rules for all 50 states and Washington, D.C. in both English and Spanish. Users can learn about registration, voting methods, important dates and deadlines, look up contact information for election officials and information for military and overseas voters, and check their registration status. If you have a question, chances are they have an answer. 
See you at the polls? See you at the polls.
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runnersrant · 8 years
For Serious?
Running has become a growing trend the last 5+ years so many race companies and cities are popping out 5ks to marathons, left and right, at ridiculously high prices. The least these race companies can do is assure the safety and well-being of their runners #hotchocolaterunsf. Shirts can be made for $5 each, medals are becoming quite gaudy, and you already know how I feel about Expos!
Why am I still drawn to these races? Why are many people still drawn to these races? I mean, obviously the inspiration you get when you are running with thousands of people including one or a few friends is quite powerful, but this can be done for free! Is it the medal? Is it the “swag” (not a fan of the term being used this way, but that’s me)? If I had a lot of money, I’d travel the world to run races but i’d also be buying into the thing that sparked this overdue Tumblr entry. 
The story
San Francisco’s Hot Chocolate 5k/15k happened to land on the second weekend of the year and was welcomed by the “worst storm in the last decade” or whatever they called it. Either way, I expect to be taken care of when I register for a race that charged $50 for a 5k (I did the 15k, trust). We were not taken care of! We didn’t get to stay on the shuttle (I paid $25 round trip) for warmth and shelter from the cold and wet weather like CIM provides. Many runners who shivered, some with children, under the shelter for Gear Check or the Merchandise Tent could not stay in those spots and were told that they had to leave. When I and another runner asked why and if shelter could be provided for us,  someone with the organization replied, “No. When you sign up for outdoor events, you take that chance”. FOR SERIOUS? So you as race planners/organizers don’t have enough money to prepare for a storm you saw coming days before? Didn’t feel inspired to rent an extra tent? You didn’t think to at least provide us with hot chocolate before, not just after, the run? You didn’t think to let shuttle riders know that the written “5am” pick up time was not the only time but rather the start of the shuttle service (long, frustrating story)?!?! Fuck that! Never again Chocolate run! Fool me once but you shall not fool me again (unless i get a free entry, tbh). Aint nobody got time for that!
In conclusion... unfortunately one cannot predict how well or bad a race will go or be supported. Though, it has led me to fall back on registering for some. I like to at least experience 1 or more different ones a year but that HC run experience does not make doing so any more desirable.
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runnersrant · 8 years
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Trevor Noah defends Standing Rock protestors.
I hope this won’t fall on deaf ears.
#NoDapl #StandingRock
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runnersrant · 9 years
No. 4: Liquid Persuasion
      Though I’ve run many races and have done all the possible distances 26.2 miles and below, it still bothers me when race events advertise “free beer” as an incentive to sign up and compete. I mean, what?! Who started and spread the word that free beer is the best thing to have after a great full body workout? I admit my bias as I am not that much of a beer drinker. I’d even go as far as to say that I love my drinks like I love my diamonds: clear and sparkling ;). 
My story: I don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade. If beer is what you want, then beer is what you deserve. I’ve had Pyramid, Sierra Nevada, even PBR after a race but now there’s a new beer in town that first made its appearance into my life at the Oakland Running Festival 2015 Expo. It advertises itself as a non-alcoholic recovery beer that “tastes like beer”. I tried it...not a mug I want to jug. Upside is that it’s a beer that is made to help not harm you (sounds boring huh?). I’ve experienced the horrible effects of dehydration due to running partnered with dehydration due to drinking alcoholic beverages. It was one of my worst hangovers EVER. I applaud those who can handle it but I for one cannot. First thing I crave once I cross the finish line: WATER. Second thing: chocolate muscle milk or coconut water (both of which are always gone by the time I cross...mainly during races of mixed distances). 
Pardon my bitch: I guess what I’m trying to explain is that I do not understand why races advertise drinking after a run. Most people drove to the event! Why is something that is great for your body and rewarding in itself need to be followed with beer? When I want to celebrate, I pop open a bottle of champagne, usually after eating, taking a shower, and catching some Zz’s. AND if I dare wander into the beer line to redeem my 2 drinks maximum, the wait is usually over 20 minutes due to a long line full of 5kers, 10kers, and people faster than me (side note, so is the line for a free massage 😩😓!). For me the best incentive is that I can say I ran the distance and have the medal to prove that i finished. Medals these days are pretty sweet and twist my arm a lot easier than beer ever will. Also, instead of investing money in providing beer, use that money to provide runners with more than just bananas and plain bagels! I’ll use this segue to advertise that Brazen Racing running events provides cake, candy, and Its-It ice cream sandwiches at ever one of the races. 
Unfortunately this beer issue seems to be here for good. In my opinion, drinking one serving of beer erases the 5k you encouraged and pushed yourself through. A 5k will burn you between 200-300 calories and a pint of beer averages 180 calories. If you insist on toasting to that accomplishment, take note to either run a 10k next time, only drink one serving (unlikely), or run another 3.1 miles within the next 2 days...just saying.
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runnersrant · 9 years
No. 3: Drivers
We all know how dangerous cars are. I say a prayer that I don’t get in a car accident whenever I pass the aftermath of one on the road. I think about how bad it could be and the headache of car issues that follow. When it comes to running in public, the stakes are incredibly high.
My Story: Whether it’s running in a highly populated area, or the quiet neighborhoods of San Leandro (on the 580 side), using one’s feet for transportation can also be dangerous. When running in public, it will always be like bringing a sword to a gun fight: no matter how fast your reflexes may be, or how slow the reflexes of a driver may be, cars are faster and can create more damage. Sadly this can even be the case when i’m walking. I want to try and understand the driver’s mentality. Listening to music or a podcast, abiding basic traffic laws, thinking about their final destination, it can all wrap you up into this world where you’re only dealing with other drivers. When I began running and biking, I enjoyed it because i discovered new paths and was able to slow down and notice the things I can’t admire when I’m driving. It also increased my awareness of other runners and cyclist when I’m driving. I feel as though I can say that being a runner has made me a safer driver.
Time to Bitch: Driving is not a right, it’s a privilege! When it really comes down to it, there’s no excuse for being a jerk. If you almost hit me while I’m in the crosswalk because you weren’t looking when i jogged or walked in front of your car, don’t look at me all pissed and shrug your shoulders! You almost ended my running career! Do you know how many miles I put into these legs? My running friends can attest that an injury can keep you off your feet anywhere from a few weeks, to half a year. For runners one week without pounding pavement messes with our mood and feels like our bodies are being poisoned. Some of us know we shouldn’t run when we’re sick but we do it because running is our medicine. For those drivers out there that stop or yield to pedestrians and cyclist, those who are aware of runners and cyclists even at night, who honk in excitement as they pass races, I tip my hat. For those fuckers who bitch at road volunteers who are telling them that they cannot drive through the race, FUCK YOU! The signs have been up for days telling you about road closure times yet you still feel like you are entitled to put the lives of many runners in danger so that you can get to Starbucks or your Sunday brunch. Maybe I’m not being fair. I can understand how frustrating unexpected road closures can be but it gives no one the right to be a jerk to a volunteer. Volunteering for a race is pretty fucking noble so don't be a dick. Be careful out there my fellow runners. Not only are you trying to keep a steady pace, avoid tripping on uneven pavement or rolling your ankle, you also have to dodge vehicles like it’s the zombie apocalypse. Happy running! 
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runnersrant · 9 years
No. 2: Race Expos
Oh race expos...what can i say? There were times when I looked forward to going to an expo in hopes of getting free stuff and/or discounts on running paraphernalia. Sadly, times they are a-changin’.
My story: I guess at first I thought that race expos were unique to marathons or races that have marathons as one of their distances. This makes sense because of the large amount of people expected to pick up their bibs and “swag” 1-2 days prior to the race. It also pumps runners up as they get ready to embark on an amazing experience that may be their first or fifteenth. At Nike and both of the LA Marathons I ran in, I spent some time at the expo so that I could look for my name on the wall of runner names, take pictures in front of the large maps, and let the happy atmosphere calm my nerves. There are opportunities to get free things like reusable bags or shades (if you join a mailing list) or to buy items like shoes, race clothes, pint glasses, and shot glasses (because we all need those!). I know, I know, these are all good things so what is there to bitch about?
Time to Bitch: Race expos are an excuse for race hosts to sell you shit you don’t need! It’s like those Black Friday pseudo-deals that get you in the door then try to coax you into thinking that you’re saving money. I’ve gone to half marathon expos and what really grinds my gears is when i have to travel over 30 minutes just to be at the expo for 5. All i need is my bib and shirt (which hopefully fits) and I’m on my way. I don’t like that I have to plan my Friday evening or Saturday around making it to the expo. I believe that race directors/hosts are in cahoots with vendors that attend these expos. Many of the races I’ve run would do fine without an expo but they need to make money somehow right? Race costs are increasing and as long as there’s a market for it, it will thrive. For the sake of not sounding like a conspiracy theorist, I see the financial benefits encouraging this partnership. Regardless, don’t waste my time trying to trick me into a race entry discount that only takes off the $5 tax.  Stop placing the bib and shirt pick-up booths at the end of a labyrinth that’s riddled with loud music and people trying to sell me stuff I do not need! Don’t charge us extra for wanting the option to have our bibs mailed or picked up the morning of the race! Don’t have the expo in a place that has a horrible parking situation and is hard to get to by public transit! Ain’t nobody got time for that!
All bitchin’ aside, I admit that I’ve bought merchandise from a few expos. I solved further slip-ups from occurring by only taking $10 and no debit card with me. So far, I’m winning.
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runnersrant · 9 years
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No. 1: Race shirts that aren’t true to a woman’s size
       They give you the option in this generic “sm md lg xl” size chart that makes you assume that it will relate to you. This is not true-at least to all individuals running the race. Besides the fact that polyester, or as runners call it “dry-fit”,  isn’t necessarily the most flattering fabric to wear, it’s lite and when you sweat it is more comfortable than cotton. this material sticks to you and i’d like to think that most woman want to look good while exercising-just my opinion. 
My Story: My first half marathon race shirt was a nice deep blue, long-sleeved, shirt-to-be-proud of shirt. While training for my first half marathon with Lake Merritt Joggers and Striders (LMJS) I learned that one should never run in something new so I didn’t wear the shirt until the day after the race. It was a bit snug, but to this day I rarely wear it. THIS SUCKS! My first shirt-to-be-proud-of and I can’t wear it?! Not all races give you the opportunity to exchange the size and sometimes exchanges aren’t easy (not enough in stock, at inconvenient times, or they make you keep what you registered for). Sadly this wasn’t the last time I’ve gotten a race shirt that didn’t fit well. I fear which choice to make every time I come across the size question when registering for a race. I’m not necessarily big or small and tend to fall into the middle. I call it “Average Athletic” and I know there’s a lot of us out there! I FEEL YOU! YOU ARE FELT! 
Time to Bitch: Choosing a size shouldn’t be a gamble, nor should it leave you feeling like running 13.1 miles wasn’t enough to fit you in a shirt. I appreciate race companies out there that describe their shirts as “true to size”-more should be like this! I pay way to much to have another shirt that I can’t even wear. Ain’t nobody got time for that! There’s been a tremendous increase in female participants in races. We run to have fun and wear tutus to show it. Women are also more likely to recommend races to their friends or run a race just for a Tiffany’s necklace (yea, i said it!). We will pay the price, take the selfies, and look awesome while running so wouldn’t you want use wearing your shirt?! GET IT TOGETHER! 
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