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Running Man: Revengers | Teasers [1]
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Not gonna name anyone but some of you guys need to stop crosstagging if the media you're putting has NOTHING to do with the post because why am I seeing Ninjago and TMNT content in the RMA tag
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The Running Men in traditional attire look so awesome!
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Mala (DV7) - 53 - Impa Tribe
A once excellent herbalist master in his tribe, Mala was exiled for illicit experiments and dabbling with forbidden magic. He met Charming Gold after being exiled from the Impa Tribe and agreed to serve for him, eventually becoming his head scientist. Despite his pompous demeanor, he is shown to be a weak opponent, as he is easily vanquished when he is not accompanied by the DV7.
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Kuku (DV6) - 35 - Peng Tribe
Champion of the 99th Running Man Championships, Kuku presents advanced card abilities, owning a special set significantly more powerful than the common ones from his tribe. Despite his size, he is shown to be a fairly strong opponent against the Running Men, using his magical abilities combined with his trance-like charm to let down the Running Men's guards and attack them simultaneously.
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Spin (DV5) - 21 - Mong Tribe
Former Representative of the Mong Tribe, Spin is shown to the Running Men as not only a strong, but agile opponent, befitting his background. With his speed, he is able to move at surprisingly alarming rates, often looking like he's teleporting due to it.
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Rema/Lema (DV4) - 19 - NyaNya Tribe
As an elite member of the Metronome, Rema shows a volatile combination of both beauty and bloodshed, often shown to present herself as a femme fatale, using her charm to lower the guards of her opponents. Unfortunately, those who aren't swayed by her charm often get hit with her nails instead.
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Alto (DV3) - 30 - Giraf Tribe
Former representative of the Giraf Tribe, Alto is known to his people as the 21st in line to the throne, expressing impressive skills in both manipulation and combat, proving himself to be a worthy foe towards the Running Men - unlike his younger counterpart.
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Makhan/Macan (DV2) - 42 - Bars Tribe
Former member of the Bars Tribe, Makhan is known by many in the Bars Tribe as their greatest warrior, only being exiled into the mountains due to challenging the elders. After being exiled, he began training in the woods, yearning to one day find someone with the same power as him.
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Shan (DV1) - 19 - Bug Tribe
Former representative and Champion of the Bug Tribe, Shan presents herself as a serious and strong opponent towards the Running Men, paralleling Liu as the acting leader of the DV7. Like Liu, she is an incredible inventor, labeled as the Best Inventor of her tribe despite her age.
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Tree City Stadium - Paths of Choices
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Running Men - (Available) Data Charts
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Merry Christmas from the Running Men!
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DV7 - Radar Charts
Makes you wonder what Shan's radar chart is,,,
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How about we do that thing where you give me a TV show/movie/book/fandom and some numbers, and I’ll tell you:
What originally drew me to it
What I like most and least about it
A character I want to carry around in a little jar and study like a bug
A character I couldn't care less about
The character who gives me the greatest gender envy
A character I'd like to frame and hang on my wall and admire like a work of art
A character who feels like home
The character with the greatest wasted/unexplored potential
The character I'd most enjoy feeding to a pride of ravenous lions
A ship I would gladly go down with... and then become Davey Jones, so I can continue to captain said ship for eternity
A ship that makes me want to look into the camera like I'm on The Office
A ship I'd like to blow to smithereens with canon cannonballs
The non-canon pairing I find the most intriguing
The character/story arc I find the most compelling
A character/story arc that bores me to tears
A scene/moment that makes me really emotional every single time
The line of dialogue I quote most often
A plot hole that makes me want to tear my hair out
Crossovers/AUs that pique my interest
Fics/fanart I'd love to see
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hello! do you have a fanon timeline in mind for all the wars and other major events in the rma universe?
Hi! It's not completely accurate but from season 1 and 2, this is a timeline I can provide as of now -
Reign and Exile of the Leo Tribe - 1000+ BW
The Leo Tribe gain the power of the spirits and use it's power to rule the world
Leo Tribe create the Force Watch and the Force Ring in order to control the power of the spirits
During the tyranny, six tribes (Bug, Bars, Nyanya, Giraf, Peng, Impa) plan a revolt against the Leo Tribe and successfully manage to defeat them.
After the tribes' victory, they simultaneously agree to erase all history of the Leo Tribe
Materion War - 1000+ BW
Due to disagreements on who should use the fruit of the Soul Tree, seven tribes (Bug, Bars, Myanya, Mong, Giraf, Peng, Impa) have begun what would soon be called the 'Materion War'.
During the war, the other tribes attack the Mong Tribe, resulting in the loss and later - enslavement, of the entire tribe.
Somewhere during the war, the soul tree dies and summons Ulcus, the wound of the tree. Ulcus is later defeated by the Ancients and peace reigns the world once more.
Creation of the Championships - 0 AW
Charming Gold manages to persuade the seven tribes to end the war.
The Mong Tribe regain their freedom and run away to the mountains.
In celebration of the end of the war, the seven tribes compromise by holding a competition, later titled the 'Running Man Championships'.
The Bars Tribe stop attending the Championships and commit self-exile to the mountains.
Sealing of Akong - 0 AW
Akong attempts to steal the power of the soul tree for himself and is sealed by the forces of justice (Charming Gold, The Guardians, Manus, and an unnamed Pullulu ancestor).
Red Explosion Incidents - 990-1000 AW
Mala is exiled from the Impa Tribe for practicing dark magic and submits himself to Charming Gold
Makhan is banished from the Bars Tribe for challenging the elders. He is later kidnapped by ballbots
Charming Gold attempts to persuade Spin of the Mong Tribe to cheat in the Running Man Championships but is denied.
Alto is kidnapped while preparing for the Championships.
The 99th Running Man Championships starts and Spin is kidnapped during the games.
Kuku wins the Championships and is kidnapped when she goes and collect the Materion from Charming Gold.
Rema is tasked by Metronome to investigate the kidnappings and is subsequently ambushed while confronting Charming Gold.
Shan wins the preliminaries and is titled the Champion of the Bug Tribe, making her worthy of attending the 100th Championships and is later kidnapped by Charming Gold while inside her lab.
100th Running Man Championships - 1000 AW
Gai is persuaded by Charming Gold to cheat in the championships, given the title, 'Man X'.
The Bug Tribe presumes Shan is dead and makes Liu attend the Championships as a replacement.
Miyo is tasked by Metronome to continue Rema's investigation.
The events of Season 1 take place.
Old City Era - 1000 AW
Akong is unsealed after the Running Men defeat Ulcus and later sieges Old City, overthrowing the King and brainwashing the pullulus.
Akong establishes the 'Running Man: Survival' games, forcing disobedient pullulus to fight eachother against their will in order to stay alive.
Events of the first half of Season 2 take place.
Leo Tribe's Return - 1000 AW
The Leo Tribe infiltrates Old City amidst Akong's defeat and forces the king of the Pullulu Tribe to hand over their force rings.
Simultaneously, Rex and the Valiants invade Tree City and challenge the DV7 for control of the stadium.
The events of the second half of Season 2 happen.
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Unfinished Stories // Honestly I wouldn't mind evil Running Men, they look cool
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