rusax · 3 years
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And despite the lights surrounding them, the moment he turned around smiling, this boy was outshining them all. - If you like what you see pls consider supporting me by buying me a coffee or checking out my redbubble page! For more art visit my blog! Thank you!
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rusax · 3 years
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Commission for @nikfly! About time I drew Tsukki, thank you again for commissioning this lovely idea! A reading Tsukki is a content Tsukki
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rusax · 3 years
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Happy Birthday Daichi and Happy New Year The perk of having your birthday on the 31th of December is the whole world celebrating the start into your new year with you! See you in 2019!
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rusax · 3 years
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Happy Birthday to my favorite horse…owner!
(hc that his horse goes by nibbles)
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rusax · 3 years
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Not even rain in June would stop him from smiling. Happy Birthday Suga
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rusax · 3 years
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Commissioned in time by @nikfly - happy Birthday Tsukki! |270919
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rusax · 3 years
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“Your hands kept supporting me while I let loose my own - and I felt like I could really fly.” |290919
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rusax · 3 years
Reblog porque escribi algo que hasta el dia de hoy se me hace precioso
Inexistencia (fragmento centrado en Kageyama)
Se esperaría que el cielo acompañe las emociones fuertes. O a veces acompañe los gritos del alma. Hoy no fue el caso. El cielo apenas mostraba mantos blancos, una corriente fresca rozaba todo lo que se ponía en pie en la tierra. Era el perfecto día de primavera. Claro que la perfección no puede ser absoluta. El cementerio generaba una ironía poética.
Parecía mas una tierra fértil y verde que un lugar de desdichas. Donde los cuerpos inhabitados tenían por lo menos 2 metros de distancia del vecino. Pero como dije, la poesía se presentaba acá. Las flores marchitas en esa colina se peleaban por rayos de luz. Esa mezcla de piedra y maleza generaba informalidad. Desde ahí, se podía ver la ciudad a la lejanía. Veías el ruido lejano de la paz que se sentía ahí. Una paz llena de todo.
Caminamos bastante, aunque la piedra pulida que buscábamos que encontraba en lo más alto de la colina. Sostuve los claveles contra mi cuerpo, mientras mi otra mano guiaba el camino para ambos. Algo nos llevó a hacer un pequeño paseo de camino, esos nombres con dedicatorias y enseñanzas siempre captan la atención de alguien que es ajeno al final de una vida. Cruzamos ancianos pasando el día con sus amados, niños curiosos e inocentes de manos de padres con miradas nostálgicas. Cada tanto quienes parecían visitar un asunto inconcluso en sus vidas.
Se frenó en seco y supe que llegamos.
“Kazuyo Kageyama…”
No necesité de una obra para ver la definición de tragedia que su mirada me daba. Tobio miraba fijamente el nombre, tenso y relajado, sin emitir emoción alguna. El viento suave sopló. Su pelo se movió y sus ojos se humedecieron todavía más; y yo ilusa, creyendo que su falta de emociones podía ser lo peor que ocurriría. Una tras otra caían las lágrimas, sin esfuerzo ni sollozos. Su alma simplemente rebalsaba. Después de tantos años, esa imagen y ese nombre nunca terminaban de materializarse. Ni siquiera el estado actual de ambos.
Me desprendí de su agarre quieto y saque los claveles de su envoltorio. Quince claveles rojos en un ramo mediano se posaban a nuestra vista. Limpie una una tela algo húmeda el nombre y los años que se cubrían de una capa no tan fina de tierra. Acomode el ramo frente a la lápida, suficientemente ordenado para que adorne este día de sol pero también lo suficientemente centrado, para no tapar ni un detalle de la lápida. Hacía mucho tiempo que ni Tibio ni Miwa venían. Ella por trabajo, y por suerte con un dolor más llevadero. Pero Tobio… ni siquiera él sabe por dónde empezar a escribir las emociones, contextos, insomnios y explosiones que esta ausencia creó. Creía que si se daba el espacio sanaría lo suficiente para que no doliera tanto. o tal vez mejoraría lo suficiente para hacerlo orgulloso del jugador que era, aunque ambos sabemos que el peso más grande caía en quien se había convertido. Pensar en la idea de llegar y que la memoria de su abuelo viera al chico irritable, malhumorado, con mal genio y arrogante en que se había convertido, lo aterraba. Había hecho que el deporte que ambos amaban se convierta en una monarquía absoluta, aunque sin súbditos, ni plebeyos. Solo un Rey que anhelaba todo gritando órdenes a nadie.
Claro que hoy la historia se cuenta diferente. Hoy el Rey entiende de alianzas, amistades, apoyo y cambios. Hoy el Rey volvió a ser un modelo de persona al que el pequeño Kageyama-kun anhelaba ser. Se convirtió en alguien que hace las paces con su alter ego y negocia los términos de sus acciones. Yo sabía bien, después de tantas historias y fotos de su abuelo (de las cuales Miwa me contaba las partes que Tobio omitía por vergüenza) no le hubiera importado como sería su nieto hoy. Le hubiera iluminado un camino que el Kageyama del pasado creía inexistente. Según como me lo describieron y los hechos que escuché, puedo afirmar que hubiera visto la chance perfecta para enviarle una señal divina a Tobio que lo ubicara en la cancha .
Luego de acomodar el ramo, le sostengo la mano. Me aprieta firme mientras lo sujeto del brazo y le hago caricias al mismo. Respira profundo y mira hacia la ciudad. Estaba hipnotizado del paisaje y de sus propios pensamientos. Luego de una hora, nos despedimos de este cementerio floreado y volvimos al auto. En el camino no se necesitaron palabras. Esas respiraciones profundas en la colina que le abrieron los pulmones, y un poco el alma, fueron suficientes para entender. Entendimos que el perdón es pacifico, y aún más cuando te ganas el perdón más difícil. Que no era el perdón de su abuelo o sus ex compañeros de equipo. Ni de nadie al que haya dañado sin intención. El perdón a uno mismo es el que mantiene a los humanos despiertos, desconcertados y perdidos.
Y hoy, contra cualquier pronóstico, Tobio se perdonó.
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rusax · 3 years
oh to be a spatula
“My boy Spatula bunking down for a snowy night” 
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rusax · 3 years
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There were dragons when I was a boy. Where they went, only a few know. Our story changed the world forever.
How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World 2019 | dir. Dean DeBlois
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rusax · 3 years
The Weight Of The Crown I Wear—
Pairing; Prince!kageyama x Queenf!reader
AU; Royal
Warnings; foul language, mentions of death and murder
Word Count | 502words
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Prologue | A War Rages
Trying to be as polite as you could was hard. Especially since you were sitting across from the man that had a part in the killing of your father. The ruler of Italy King Umberto II, was his name.
The man in front of you; Noblemen Victor —and despite his name— he was not going to be the victor tonight.
"Are you enjoying your food?" You asked trying to keep the bitterness lacing your words unnoticeable. You had taken precautions to make sure that he had no children. He did however have a wife, and you planned on making her watch.
"Yes my queen." He answered wiping his hands on the hankercheif in front of him.
You’re only seventeen, and with your mother long deceased when you were only but a child, and your father murdered some seasons ago; you had asked to be considered of age. The Privvy Council approved, and You claimed your throne with no Regent at your side.
"You know I was kinda debating on how I wanted you to die." You say standing from the table. The crown on your head weighs more than a satchel of gold, but your head stays held high. For you were taught to never lower your head no matter how much of a burden the weight of your crown is.
"You helped kill my father with a sword, and I wonderd; should I do the same?" The smug man at your table sneers.
"You are nothing more than a child. You don't have the gaul to kill me." You laugh wickedly, eyes glinting with rage, and bloodlust.
"Oh I only wish I were still a child."
You circled the table, as you began to speak, "I used to be soft, I used to be gossamer and silk. Until it was all torn away, and I was abandoned and alone. I used to be broken. I used to be shards of iron and ice, a whirlwind of broken glass."
You paused fighting the tears that you had held back for months. The tears that you refused to cry as soon as the crown was placed upon your head.
"Until I learned to be more. Now I light up the night sky. Beauty fighting against the darkness, fire and lightning mistaken for nothing more than a pretty face, but I think I'll burn you alive, and look damn good doing it."
The mans face no longer held a smug smirk, but instead a fearful look rested upon his face. "Not such a child now am I?" You sneered your head lifting higher, jaw jutting out as you grind your teeth together.
"Guards hold him in the dungeon until I say so." You demanded, voice cutting like a steel sword. You had the letters. The letters they had been so foolish not to immediately burn. The letters between him, and the King of Germany. He was next, and you were prepared to kill the king in front of his court, then you’ll take his country.
You watched him drag the Nobleman away, and smiled. You were finally going to get your revenge after months of searching for proof, and you, Y/N Y/M/N Savoy were finally going to avenge your father.
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Your last name is Savoy just a PSA if you ever see the name Victoria grace that’s because this was a fic I wrote awhile ago and I gave you a name but I didn’t really like that so I swear I’m not plagiarizing also some of this is unrealistic please pleaseeeeeeeeeee I know just shh and enjoy lovely mean kags
Also kags doesn’t come in for like two chapters?? Annnnddd this is a time skip. So you’re 17 and then you’ll be 18/19 there won’t be smut till they’re aged appropriately. This is a slow burn fic
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rusax · 3 years
- What do you want to do after you graduate? - Why are you asking? ‘I won’t be here to see.’ - What I want and what I’m obligated to do are two completely different things. ___________________ Scene from this fic
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rusax · 3 years
Review: The Labyrinth of the Spirits by Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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The Labyrinth of the Spirits was written by the Spanish writer Carlos Ruiz Zafon and was published in 2016. This is the fourth and final installment in The Cemetery of Forgotten Books series. In this novel we follow a mysterious femme fatale of a detective named Alicia Gris who becomes embroiled in a case involving the disappearance of the minister of culture Mauricio Valls. Valls has a dark past when he was the director of the prison at Monjuic Castle during the civil war. Alicia starts finding out more and more of Barcelona’s dark past during the civil war and even present during Franco’s regime. As she puts these threads together, she also gets lead to the Sempere family who are the characters at the center of this series and some of their past is discovered and tied up as well. 
The first book in this series, The Shadow the Wind was a masterpiece and is one of my favorite books of all time now. The second book, The Angel’s Game was really fantastic and twisted in it’s own right and I loved it. The third book, The Prisoner of Heaven was enjoyable and offered an important part of this series storyline, but seemed to be rushed and lacked something the others had. Now this fourth and final book, The Labyrinth of the Spirits tied everything up wonderfully. I loved this book. It had the quality that I love about this series. It was so addictive to read and get lost into. It was a great reading experience. I’m in a book hangover now that I’m done with this series. I liked how in this book there were new characters and a bit of a new storyline, yet it brought back favorite characters and tied up all the loose ends. This book had an air of a noir mystery about it, which was fun. I love a good mystery and when you tie into that Zafon’s enigmatic characters, passion, fabulous historical fiction about Spain’s dark past and the wonderfully cinematic and atmospheric setting of Barcelona, it just couldn’t be better! Zafon is honestly one of the absolute best storytellers. 
This book was set in Barcelona and bit in Madrid mostly in 1959 and 1960. Although there’s lots of exploration of the past before that as well. Zafon brings to life Barcelona. His version of 20th century Barcelona is one of my absolute favorite settings and the feeling of it is unlike any setting I’ve ever read about. It’s dark, gothic, gloomy and timeless. Also, he’s done a great job with the history of this time. How he shows us through these characters the horrors and loss around the civil war and Franco’s regime is done in a way that is personal almost. 
It was great as always to return to beloved characters such as Daniel, Bea and Fermin. Alicia Gris the detective put on the case of Mauricio Valls disappearance was a great character. The first female to be at the center of one of these novels. She had quite a history and because of it she’s become rather cynical and standoffish. She had this femme fatale vibe that was pretty great. I just wish her personal story could have been tied up differently. Yet, many of Zafon’s characters have rather sad stories. Lost love, unrequited love or some are just lonely. I think he was trying to show through many of them what this time period did to many people. This time was messed up and wrecked many people’s lives. A few of his characters end up happy and with love at least. Daniel and Bea for one and Fermin and Bernarda. They all had their hardships too, but at least Zafon let some of his characters find a bit of happiness. I was disappointed with the outcome of two new character’s stories. A policeman named Vargas who is put on the case with Alicia and a young man named Fernandito who is infatuated with Alicia and ends up helping her out as well. You can’t have everything however! It was interesting to find out more about what Mauricio Valls was tied up in. Also we find out more about Daniel’s mother’s past, which I found heartbreaking and intriguing. In previous books writers during the time were big characters and what happened to them. We find out more about all of them including a newly introduced one named Victor Mataix and his family. Writers and reading are important parts of these books and I think it’s because during the fascist regime I’m sure censorship and the like was a big deal. 
Did I Like It?:
I loved this last installment of The Cemetery of Forgotten Books! I’m so sad it’s over now. A new favorite series for sure. Carlos Ruiz Zafon hasn’t written anymore books for adults, which is a shame. Hopefully he will at some point as he is now a favorite author. He has written some young adult books and while I tend to have an aversion to YA, he is such a fantastic writer I may just have to check them out! 
Do I Recommend It?:
So highly! If you haven’t read any of The Cemetery of Forgotten Books you need to and start with The Shadow of the Wind! It’s a book I would recommend to most readers. If you haven’t completed the series yet, I promise you won’t be disappointed and you so should! These books are for people who love great characters, cinematic settings, the gothic, mysteries, intense passion, history and just a bit of a dark tone yet with some happiness thrown in. 
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rusax · 3 years
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Third year first years give me light in times of struggle:*)
ps you could say Yamaguchi gained a few cm and some confidence>)
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rusax · 3 years
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rusax · 3 years
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the day this gets animated is the day i see god @ the pearly gates
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rusax · 3 years
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#naruto #feminism
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