rustedrabbit · 3 years
to a.l.
Hi, friend--
I am so excited to start reading "The Sugar Queen"! I'll start when I hear that E has her copy. So how does our club work? Do we discuss? Group email? Group texts? Or just read and enjoy? I'm up for anything, and am so excited to be a part of the group!!
So I have come to the firm conclusion that I am a Type 1/2. It is the lowest movement of the Type 1's, and is more of a social introvert, which is exactly what I am. I have just felt too rough and manly to be a type 1 or 2, so it's been hard to get that figured out. But I had a run-in with a woman who is a Type 3, and I realized there is absolutely no way that I am a Type 3, because I just do not hold up when a Type 3 or 4 confronts me. Even A and J plow me over, and I end up being really quiet at home. But I love chatting and chirping with people at work, and with my friends, and if I don't work with people, I am not happy in my job. And my descriptive word is definitely not "hot" like a Type 3. The "cute" fits better, and I have been told I'm cute a lot. It's always annoyed me, though, haha. Because I would rather be T2 "beautiful", T3 "hot" or T4 "stunning". I definitely feel happier in Type 1 colors. I love bright, but soft.
I have really been taking "Less Is More" to heart. I have been very selective about my purchases, and am doing really well with that, as far as I'm concerned...relatively speaking, I guess, haha. Do you have a "One Word" for the year? My word this year is "Cleansing". I think it's a good word. It always takes me quite a while to decide on a word. Watching "Less Is Now" and "The Social Dilemma" have fit in so well with that word. I'm cleansing my life, my mind, my goals, my home, my collections, just everything. I'm glad that you suggested those documentaries. Thank you!!
I'm listening to a crime podcast at the moment. I have been listening to podcasts and working crosswords each evening. I cannot express how much I enjoy crosswords!! Such a fun, simple, inexpensive hobby!! I thought things like knitting or crochet would give me this same sort of pleasure, but they don't, at least not yet. Maybe if I learn more and get better, I will get that sort of satisfaction from those hobbies, and will actually be to the point where I can rightfully “claim” them as true hobbies. But, I'm a word girl, so reading and crosswords are my main jams, no question.
I really am just blabbing, but I thought I'd write to you just for fun. Don't feel like you have to respond to ever email I send, haha! I know you are so busy, and I don't want you to feel any pressure or obligation!! Just write when and what you can.
Love you!!
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