rutilefearless · 1 year
Incoming headcannons after I finish "caught on cam"
Mha x FEM!Reader
Warning‼️: reader has D.I.D (dissociative identity disorder),reader is female srry T°T, swear words, trauma. Abusive past, quirk marriage, mentions of vuglar and dirty words.
If u guys don't know what D.I.D or Dissociative identity disorder is - it's a mental illness where a person has 2 or more identity, it's like having different people in one body. (I did my research don't worry it's also to make my readers feel what a person with a disorder feels especially now that our society is clearly messy)
Get to know yourself!!
Name: [Name] [Last/n]
Age: 15
Birthday: [month]/ [date]
Height: same height as yaomomo or u decide
Weight: it's up to you
Mother: Kazuya Hirai [Last/n]
Occupation: house wife, mother of 1
Quirk: split personality
Current status: alive
Relationship status: divorced
Father: Yuzuru [Last/n]
Occupation: prisoner
(arrested for quirk marriage)
Quirk: liquid Mercury
Current status: alive
Relationship status: divorced
Quirk: Split Identity & poison mercury
Appearance: (you can decide what u look like) she has a white streak on her hair and her eyes are lifeless and can only change when she uses her first quirk.
About quirk: Through quirk marriage, [Name] earned two quirks. Split identity from her mother who's quirk allows her to twist her head and replace her face into someone else, [Name] can clone herself into six people with the same appearance yet different color theme and personality; Monotone (the real you), Joy, disgust, sadness, fear, and anger. The quirk doesn't do much. Second quirk Poison mercury, the quirk came from her father that could shoot liquid metal or make it appear out of nowhere. The liquid metal isn't that harmful unless it goes through the skin, but [Name] poison mercury has sulfur in it causing anything that could touch it will melt (like minas acid except it's not that harmful) it can also be formed into something solid but it's still a liqud. The quirk is very much useful, since [Name] has six people inside her they all use the same quirk but handles it differently making her split personality quirk useful.
Drawbacks: Because of [Name] having six people in one body, there are time she can't control them from leaving her mind causing her to have a disorder called Dissociative identity disorder (D.I.D). If one clone of [Name] gets out of control everything in her changes; her personality, her facial expression, her tone of voice, and her movements. Since she can't do anything with it she just left it like that, tho her mother helped her cope with it. There are also times where her 6 clones sometimes took over causing her to not remember some events, she often looses connection to reality and sometimes forgets her real identity. [Name] second quirk is dangerous since it actually goes with her emotions, if she feels joy the liquid metal will twirl around her body and if it touches something it'll be damaged, if she feels sad the liquid Mercury will replace as tear in her eyes which has a huge possibility of damaging her skin, if she feels disgust a few small balls of liquid Mercury will float around her while making spikes indicating that she does not like something, if she feels anger the liquid Mercury will do the same as the disgust expect it's moving slowly and if something gets close then it'll melt, if fear/stress then same as anger but it'll move fast and there will be LOTS of particles of liquid Mercury in different sizes. Overall it's a good quirk, it has no limits, it's only sacry cuzz it's poisonous that's why [Name] had to maintain monotone or feel absolutely nothing.
Physical health: 4/5
Mental health: 2/5
Emotional health: 3/5
Speed: 4/5
Flexibility: 4/5
Strength: 3/5
Senses: 3/5
Quirk control: 3/5
Weapon welding: 4/5
Social life: 3/5
Her father was born from a noble family, he noticed that his siblings and a few of his family had childrens with multiple quirk. He knew why but he didn't understand the point, yes having multiple quirks is amazing and powerful but isn't one enough?. He seemed considerate and forgiving back then, that was until he found out why. He knows how powerful his family is, so powerful that their family is almost like a clan with women being underestimated and men considered as predators. The thought of being stronger, richer, and popular made him thought what it was like to be that person. Then he met her mother... And well...doggy style??...um-
He was an ass through out their "marriage" and can't get enough and made 7 girls, one of them was [Name]. He cherished and appreciatd their existence until he found about their personalities and difference. The first sibling seemed naive and free, her quirk was amazing, but the way she handled it didn't satisfied her father. The second child was mean, she loves princess treatment since her father love the way that she always keeps her chin up high but her flaws is that she was not easily satisfied nor impressed, her father didn't like someone younger yet higher than him. The third child was easily stressed, and the he didn't like how she easily gets scared so he threw her along with he two. The fourth child however was not even trying, she couldn't move unless she was told to and she doesn't look like her siblings at all, she seemed unmotivated and is always seen worming her way on the floor to the training area and would always cry at the small mistakes her father makes, her father didn't like the way she was lazy and a crybaby. The fifth child, was the opposite amongst their sibling. They all acted the same, motivated to impress their father but not themselves. The fifth child had her chin up high along with pride of lifting her father's too. He liked it and it satisfied him for once so he left the other two children on their mothers care since they were twins their quirks and strength were more likely to ripen at the same time. Even if he abonded the others dreams of following his footsteps he still trained them all, until...the first child had enough of seeing the fifth smiling and being careless so a fight happened and caused the families trust to each other to falter. Soft gazes and empathy was replace with jealous gaze and betrayal, it angered their father causing him to snap so he became the monster his side wanted him to be. Because behind their popularity were lies and hurtful reality, money and power cost too much and they took it as a challenge. The 5 children didn't liked their fathers treatments, so they swore to the gods that when the twins receive their quirks they will take them away from him, away from the world. They swore to protect them, but the day came and it never happened. The opposite happened, instead of protecting they were protected. The twins gave their youth and freedom to their father to give the 5 their own freedom, the two could work well seeing as their quirk literally acts like the same. The sixth has different personalities each of them acts like how the 5 acts, as her skin is immune to her father's quirk since her sweat is made out of liquid Mercury, but her senses and speed were better. The seventh can multiply itself into 6 the 5 clones representing as the 5 of the older sisters and her quirk is similar yet dangerous like her father's. Because of their proposal their family tore apart, the 5 left to ask for help while the two stayed to receive different punishments. Their mother couldn't bare seeing her children beaten up day by day just be the person that caused them to be lien this, so she waited for the 5 only for them to be taken away by her husbands family and held hostage. If she calls for help then five of her children won't be with her anymore...
The twins didn't stuck together nor did the other five, leaving the youngest and her mother on their own. But she'll never forget what their last words,
"Forget the past but never forget where you're from."
"Learn to act selfish and be what you wish yourself to be."
"Never look down, and never look up, look straight ahead."
"Accept change, accept life, and accept you."
"Don't be blind, don't be stupid and don't be afraid to be someone you're not, be angry."
"Even if things never stay, I know you fought hard, please let me rest, let us rest. If strings were to be made by us they'll never break, but they'll burn and become ashes that will be blown away by faith."
Fun facts I made those...;>
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rutilefearless · 1 year
I have decided that I'll be making platonic fanfics, there will be a few romantics as well. Why? Well I notice there isn't much platonic ffs not even at Wattpad so I thought I could try and make ones so y'all will know the feeling of being the characters sister/brother/friend/anything platonic in general and also because I don't know how romance works :'>.
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rutilefearless · 1 year
Caught on cam
Todoroki shoto x FEM!sibling!reader
‼️ warning ‼️
Swear words, paparazzi, annoying classmates, mentions of the word "sex" (educational purposes), Reader also has endeavors looks sorry :'>. Reader uses her mother's last mame, The words aren't edited half way cuzz I'm lazy btw reader is a minor probably around 13 or 14.
it was a lovely day at one of the Highschools in Musutafu. Students were doing their thing like running by the halls, ranting in the bathroom, and making out at shady places. The school bell rang indicating that it was time for lunch
[Name] was planning eating outside school at a boba shop to find peace and quiet, along with her friend Minju who is a fellow introvert but not as blunt as her since the personality runs in her family.
As [Name] was heading towards the gate, hse heard girls and boys whispering about a boy by the gate saying he's from UA and won 2nd place at the sports festival, now what was a UA student doing at a highschool and outside the school campus. She arrived near the gate but stopped walking once she saw a very familiar figure standing by the gate holding a bento, the bento he held was the reason why [Name] and Minju are headed outside of school and also the reason why the school guard allows them to do so.
The boy in UA uniform as looking around obviously searching for someone until he held eye contacts with the same terquise eyes, [Name]s face deadpanned as a strand of her red hair got into her face. She could only stand there and stare with a face that says "what-in-the-world". The boy by the gate with similar terquise eyes and red hair form the left side of his face approached the girl seeing as her feet was stuck on the ground.
"Well...seems like our Boba date is cancelled." Minju sigh while [Name] groans. Minju gave [Name] a pat on her shoulders before leaving giving both sibling some privacy.
All the students eyes were focused on the boy and [Name] as he approaches her with the bento, [Name] still frozen in her place.
He finally stopped Infront of [Name] as the students began the gossips.
"What are you doing here?"
"You left your bento."
"You could've just texted me."
"it's not like you were gonna reply."
"Still I was about to leave for boba."
"Rice is important."
"Bold coming form a soba only eater."
"I'm only worried, please do take your bento with you next time."
"...I will."
[Name] took the bento from his hand without touching his fingers, he then build up the courage to put his hands on her head and pattd it. [Name]s checks went red from the fuzzy feeling she gets whenever the boy upfront gives her affection.
"Why are you outside of UA? And how exactly did you get my bento?."
"...through hard work?"
"...I-...never mind that, thank you though and I'm sorry if I got you into trouble by bringing me lunch, your school is farther than mine." [Name] sighs looking down in shame and embarrassment.
"It's okay, atleast you get to eat, I have to go now, please take care and finish your bento, you got me worried there." Shoto said reassuring the upset girl upfront by putting his hands from her head to her shoulders.
"I'm sorry, I was about to go buy some boba tho." The girl sighs in disappoinment feeling deflated.
The boy could only smile and chuckle lowly enough for anyone to not notice, amused by the girls small tantrum.
You can still get boba though, just hide your bento." He says "I have to go now, see you for dinner, take care."
" Yeah...you too." [Name] softly said, and with that the boy left leaving her standing with her bento.
"[Name],behind you." She heard Minju say. She turned around to see a large crowd of people or...students, whispering, giggling and staring at the scene.
"Well, would you look at that...freshly made tea." Minju whispers towards [Name].
"Definitely." [Name] mumbles.
"Omg!! Himura!!! Was that your boyfriend!!!??"
"You're dating THE Todoroki Shoto?!!!"
"OMG!! I can't believe he's from UA!!"
"he's hot!!" "Man you're so lucky!!!"
"Let's get out of here." [Name] mumbles, as she grabs Minjus wrist and hurriedly walked towards the gates as the students behind won't stop teasing and following. Nearing by the gate, the guard saw both of the girls distress and understood the situation. The moment [Name] and Minju step out of the school grounds, the guard then used his quirk to manipulate metal and closed the gate immediately.
"Sorry about that girls, I saw what happened. I'm glad there wasn't any paparazzi near." The guard said, nahh this man knew nothing about [Name] and the UA boy but students were too young for the media to create such scandals and he worried that it might happen to the children at school.
"Thank you Mr. Hanagaki." Minju pants while [Name] started dusting her skirt.
"Headed at the boba shop?" The guard asks.
"Yes please, can we?" [Name] asked polite.
"Sure, go on. These gremlin ls won't stop either way, hopefully they go back and mind their own damn business." The guard mutters.
>۞ 𝙏𝙞𝙢𝙚𝙨𝙠𝙞𝙥 ۞<
"This isn't why I used my mother's last name." [Name] sighs, slurping on her boba rather aggressively. "Now I can't convince them seeing as how out last names are different, even worse is that they can't tell we literally look the same."
"You have a point." Minju slurps on her boba the opposite way [Name] did.
""See for dinner" ughh what was he thinking? Now everyone thinks it's a date." [Name] grunts Micki her brothers tone and voice "Look I get that he's worried, but what if-"
"Girl shut it and finish your lunch, we'll talk somewhere private. You'll never know sasaeng fans are around." Minju taunts.
"Those people still exist?!"
"No...I just like to scare you."
>۞ 𝙏𝙞𝙢𝙚𝙨𝙠𝙞𝙥 ۞<
The whole class hour was very uncomfortable because no matter where the two goes all they could here we're whispers and giggles, some even glared at the two. Both were not allowing the other to get separated no matter the situation Incase the other gets bombarded with students.
"[Name] Todoroki." A classmate whispered form another seat.
"Cut it out! Please continue Himura." The teacher scolds the student and focuses back on [Name].
"W-well cells are to divide differently since there two types of cell division, mitosis and meiosis." [Name] slightly stutter at the start but managed to keep composer. "Mitosis is for the body cell while Meiosis is for the um- sex cells."
"Well done Himura, you may sit down"
"I wonder what Todoroki's thinking about." A random guy at the back whispers.
"I wonder what a knucklehead like him is thinking about." Minju whispers towards [Name] who smirks.
"Was I talking to you?" He grunts.
"Did I mention a name? Unless you are actually a knucklehead." Minju mumbles back.
The guy scoffed, he was offended yes, but it was better to shut up than get in trouble. For once he used his brain.
The school bell rang again after three subjects and all students began to stood up from their seats while [Name] ran towards Minju and help her shove their stuff not giving a damn about their poor notebooks getting bend. Both ran outside the halls as fast as they can ignoring the scolds and teases from around them.
"No running by the halls!!!!"
"she's excited for her date!!!"
>۞ 𝙏𝙞𝙢𝙚𝙨𝙠𝙞𝙥 ۞<
Minju bid [Name] goodbye seeing her house just three steps ahead and went to the other side to her home too. She reached the door but paused, letting out a long sigh before sliding the door open. She took of her shoes and aligned it but noticed the only foot wear she saw was Shotos outdoor shoe and the other members indoor shoe, she ignored it and took her fluffy slippers headed towards the kitchen to look for left over mochi. She noticed the place being so silent, it wasn't unusual since she was sometimes left at home but this time it was with Shoto. The only thing she could practically hear were the birds outside and here brothers thuds and grunts from his training room, she admired how Shoto is still training even if he wasn't told to and she admired how dedicated he was to be a hero without their fathers personality engraved on his reputation. But... that's also the reason why she hates him, the whole Todoroki family knows how [Name] resent every each one of them, even Fuyumi. She just can't help but be manipulated by her own thoughts and loneliness causing her to be so independent and hate every being that breathes, aside from her best friend and Touya, but to keep her good girl image she had to keep her mouth shut.
She lazily walked her way to the fridge but noticed a paper stocked to it.
"Hi bb [Name], I know you'll be the one to read this since you usually look for mochi and Shoto always go straight to his training room, anyways. I won't be home since I have lots of papers to sign, Natsou is studying late and dad's on nightshift.
I left some ingredients in the fridge since you know how to cook better than Shoto T^T, and yes there is mochi but eat dinner before eating sweets. Love you, take care!!
-love, Yumi nee-san ♥"
[Name] chuckled at Fuyumis honest way to describe Shotos cooking.
"Well let's get started."
To be continued...
Lols I got bored so want u want p.2? Alright bb ♥️
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rutilefearless · 1 year
Siren...or angel?
AOT! Erwin x Filipina! Reader
!! Platonic relationship !! Cuzz Erwin's an adult and you're a teen
Erwin was walking down the halls at the headquarters of the survey corps near midnight, heading towards his office but not before passing by the big hall to see if Levi was still cleaning. He was nearing the place expecting the short captain scrubbing the life out of the poor floor, but to his surprise he heard a voice. It didn't sound like Levi nor did it sound like a man, it sounded small and young. The voice was singing a tune, a beautiful tune.
He tried peeking his head through a small opening by the large door to see a female soldier, he recognized her as one of the new recruits, the 104 cadets. She was probably ordered by Levi to clean up this place not knowing it would take her hours to finish, he's wondering why it took her hours when shorty can do it in minutes, but he let those thoughts aside as he focuses on her voice.
"Wise men say "only fools rush in",but I can't help falling inlove with you." The girl sang."Shall I stay? Would it be a sin, but I can't help falling inlove with you."
"Like a river flows"
her voice was like of a bird
"surely to the sea"
her voice echoed by the place
"Darling, so it goes"
It sounded so beautiful
"Somethings...are meant to be"
It lures and calms anyone he couldn't tell if she was a siren...or an angel
"Take my hand, take my whole life too" It sounded like a lullaby "but I can't help, falling inlove with you."
The girl lets out a sigh of relief after finishing the song and after collecting dust that she has no idea where it came from. She was about to leave the place to throw out the mess until she heard clapping sounds and footsteps.
"fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck someoneheardmeshitIaminshittonofbadluckthismorningandnightwhoeverthisisIwishforyourmemomrytomalfunctionnextmorningIbavembarassedmyselfonceagainapatheticmove-'"
words were running around her head like those kid in class when a teacher leave for 4 seconds, but was cutoff when she looked up to see the source from it.
There he stood, his hips leaned by a table as his hands still clapped with a smile on his face. Her face went pale white and her mouth was the same shape as her eyeballs, oh how she wished his eyebrows would runaway so he could chase it and leave her alone.
"Bravo young one." He praised "I'm surprised a fellow soldier like you could sing."
"Is that a compliment?"
"S-Sir Erwin?" She saluted "What are you... uh-... doing this late? e-especially here."
"Nothing I was just heading back to my office when I passed by here." He said formally still keeping a smile "I was expecting Levi to be here but I guess I got my hopes high, atleast I got something in return."
"I-uh...uhm- w-well- I was just- uh- gonna finish up so- um-...yea" she stuttered"um-...see you tomorrow...I guess...um- good night Sir."
"Good night young one, take care." He said. "I forgot to tell you that you've got a lovely voice. I hope to hear it again."
"O-oh...th-thank you so much Sir, I hope you have a good night too becauseI'vegota lottodotomorrowandoneofthoseissinking myselfindespairoftheamountsofembarrassmentI'vebeenreceivingandIhopeyou'llgetagoodnightsleepincludingforgettingthiseverhappened byee!." And then she ran like a damn Lamborghini being showed of in town.
"I'm guessing she's a friend of Eren." Erwin could only sigh and chuckle "Childrens these days got unique talents, hopefully her fighting skills are too."
He was about to turn back and head towards his designated office until he remembered something, he forgot to ask her name...nahh he can just search her up on the 104th trainees profile since he remembers what she looks like.
Later that dawn, he did. And he was amazed.
"[Name], [Last/N], I've never heard of that last name before. Blood type is [Blood/T], speed seems normal, reflexes...not that bad, flexibility is perfectly fine, height...it doesn't matter, cooperativeness...not very okay. Says here she's socially awkward and is more likely Isolated and only sat near Trainee Leonhart but has good communicating skills and is good with encouraging everyone, physically fine but is often mentally absent...what does it mean?... I'll guess I'll know soon, but for now... seeing as how Erens peers has something in their hearts... I've got a plan for these kids."
Hello hello I am back after months of not being active becuzz I am busy and exhausted and my depression just won't leave me alone, I'm fine tho, anyways THANK YOU FOR THE ATTENTION BECUZ I'M AN ATTENTION WHORE OSNISJSJ SERIOUSLY THANK YOU I LOVE Y'ALLSS
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rutilefearless · 1 year
Do you think I'm fragile?
Mha x introvert!todoroki!reader
Summary: the fifth child of endeavor is a very quite and reserved person, due to her being hidden and silenced society considered her as weak, vulnerable and fragile. Her silence makes her secrets and plans so hidden well, so...do you think she's fragile?
PS: this just a headcannon of you being on Dabis side.
You we're the youngest member of the family, very small and frail and to add the now weighing disappointment you are a female
There's nothing wrong with being a female other than you being so...I donno silent?
You weren't like this at all, you were the most liveliest member and you were like any other naive toddlers
The family thought of you as a flower, a beautiful flower growing on a hard pavement of stones given by your bitxhy of a father
The moment you zipped your mouth for eternity was when your quirk started manifesting and when Touya died.
You and the others were eating dinner in silence, no one spoked and no one talked, what was to talk about anyway aside from quirks and not so motivating words from your father. The others felt worried not hearing you speak for the first time, you were always the first one to start a conversation no matter the situation. It worried them to the point that Fuyumi asked you if you were okay.
"Me?... I'm okay just tired." You smiled tiredly ignoring that tingling and burning sensation on your left shoulders.
"Are you sure? Do you want to go to bed?" Fuyumi asks caressing your small head.
"No...I have to finish eating, I don't want to disappoint you and your cooking." You giggled.
You continued eating your food as Natsuo could only stare at you in worry. Dinner was going well until you dropped your chopsticks and purple flame erupted from your behind completely burning the fabric covering it and lighting up the room.
"Shit." Enji mutters.
He immediately went to your side as well as Fuyumi as she uses her ice quirk to prevent the fire from burning you and the house, the fire went out but the skin on your back was filled with scratches, burns, and rashes. You we're in state in shock, you couldn't even feel the tear that fell from your eyes.
"[name]?..." Shoto asks in the same state as you.
"Wha-what was that?" Your small voice trembles in fear as you tried to look at your father.
"Father, is she gonna be okay?" Natsou asks, Touya couldn't speak at the moment and could only stare at you wide eyed.
"It's her quirk." He says coldly.
"You're not going to use her, right?" Your mother asks as her eyes shakily narrowed towards Enji.
"Did you not see the amount of power and heat it held? Of course I will." Enji says firmly.
"Did you not see the bruises and burns she got? Enji you can't do this she's only 4!" Your mother argues back.
"Shut it woman you're not one to decide who's strong and who's not."
Their voices went louder and louder but we're muffled by the hands for your sister covering your ears while Touya covers your eyes.
"It's gonna be okay, I'll get you out of here." He whispers, he always says this...but did it ever happen?
Years has passed and Touya didn't made it through, he wasn't around anymore, and you don't feel comfortable like before. You weren't as noisy as before, you haven't talked about your day in the daycare nor did you made friends, teachers asked your mother if things were doing well at home since you were to silent to even tell the other kids to move over. She lied, of course she will how is she going to explain that the pro hero Endeavor just made their home a kingdom of hell by torturing his families lives one by one.
Things were getting worse, your family isn't even a family but just mere dolls in a doll house dressing up for a show for the sake of your father's selfish desires and a rather heavy reputation. Because of your situation at home being under the shadows of your brothers and sisters, you zipped your mouth and took the key limiting it's use.
After Shoto went to UA you were around 13 years old and introverted outside your home or inside, your alone and sometimes seen in the house lake just sitting or studying
Sadly because of your quirk and body not working together and a huge possibility of you turning to ash with your quirk you were now one of the dumps a.k.a the disappoinments.
Because of this he forgot about your existence and focused on the eldest success but you were successful yourself you were just insecure because he never looked at you the way he looked at them or maybe he never looked at you
Your academic life slowly became normal ever since your father wanted to make things better, but you had enough and stayed silent either way.
There were times you spoke like when your siblings tells you something important and you'd reply words like "is that so? Ok." "Got it." "Ok." "I understood."
You're so silent not even your father could sense your presence in his office asking for permission to leave late at night because there wasn't any soba for shoto ( in which he agreed for the sake of his diet)
Not even his fans and paparazzi could take random photos of you and selling it online would work because of an anonymous user deleting those post or website, no one knows who did it, not even you
It eventually became an issue in social media and even got to the news saying "Endeavors daughters stolen photos has been going missing online." ...yea
The news got to Enji and he could agree he does not know who it was since he didn't hire anyone to do so, he doesn't know this happened because does he give a damn? Obviously no
Because of this scandal you actually met your savior don't worry bb
His name is Dabi and you know this man got something in him, like how half of his body is literally coated in burnt rotted skins that you have no idea if it even is his
Seeing his appearance and how he admitted in stalking you in a not creepy way got you like "yep this man is definitely a villain"
You we're so lonely that you befriended this dangerous being and called him as the only person to even know your ability
You aren't weak, ever since the news found out about your quirk they called you as one
Since you can't use your own quirk on your skin you used the most smallest yet used part of your body, like your fingers or foot or even form a wing with it
Your quirk is strong because one touch of it could melt metal, so ever since you met Dabi you've been training on top of a rooftop of a random building
But...a certain someone saw you with Dabi, his red feathers sways with the wind as his dirty blonde hair joins along
"Well would you look at That, I've got tea for today."
U want p.2 ... I'll try ✌️🤡
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rutilefearless · 1 year
Lol sorry I got bored and had nothing to do so hear are hcs of your fav characters and you as a Filipino.
Warning!! - none just...you being a Filipina a$$hole just small swear words.
Imagine you fell from the sky and safely on the ground just to find out you're in your fav anime...wow... it's unbelievably dumb...but it's cool tho
Bi1tch if you ever meet the 104 cadets you're probably the black sheep like who the hecks leaves their shoes outside the dorms??? Who the heck drinks coffee at 3 in the afternoon and say "it's cold" while the others sweat their sh1t.
You're probably one of those a-hole that would go like:
"It's nice up here."
"I said it's nice up here."
I'm sorry...that's Filipino culture.
If both Eren and Jean p1sses you off you'd probably take your shoe/sandals off and throw it straight at their faces
There is never a time you didn't swear in Filipino
(Your mom's a b-)
"Gagong toh (this idiot) CAN'T YOU SEE I'M BUSY??!!"
( "fuckkkk mothrrfucker you son of a bitch damn idiot hahahahaaa.")
They don't understand you but they sure do know you're not happy
Yes you speak in Filipino sometimes like:
"TANGINA- histo- Krista pwede manligaw?"
(motherfu- histo- Krista can I be yours?)
You're probably with the gay squad...you guys know who right?
You're always speaking in Filipino when you're insulting someone or just looking for hot characters
The most Filipino thing you did was rap your anger when trost fell and half of your circle almost got killed.
They didn't understand you but hey atleast they knew you were worried
Levi probably thinks your weird as fuq like what kind of alien Language are you even talking?
Hange...we all know her... she'd flaunt about your talent of learning a language and would not stop asking questions here and there oh my goodness just answer her questions.
"How did you learn that?"
"Where did you come from?"
"Perhaps you belong somewhere outside?"
"What food do you eat?"
Food Hange....food
Erwin...yea...the shock on his face when you shouted in Filipino after you hit your elbows in the library you were like "AY YAWA!" he just looked down on his work but he has no idea what that meant
Honestly there was never a time you ate without carbs, like even in dinner we all know bread and potatoes are near and you just finish it like Sasha, the only thing is that you won't stop searching for is rice yes rice. You even asked the others what's for food and when they say soup you'd whine cause it's not rice
You didn't even finish your meat cause you were busy with potatoes and rice
The time you saw a literal titan during the fall of trost you said something in Filipino.
"Hey Connie!!!"
"Wanna know who those thingies are??!!!"
"They're called Titans dumbass and what is it??!!!
"Mama mo!!" (Your mom)
The poor guy didn't understand and just went "HAHH??!!" "HAKDOG BOBO MO PALA" (hakdog your an idiot)
You probably said Filipino slangs like high-five is " apir" but in English it's "up here"
Adobo...that will never disappear, there are times you get bored and ask Sasha to haunt for a chicken cause you were too lazy to do it and sneaked out.
Don't worry the ingredients were complete so the adobo making was a success, everybody loved it since the taste was so unique and it had more seasonings than the usual soup. They should hire you as cook
That time Annie became a titan and was trapped in the titan forest. It was so tense no soldier couldn't breathe seeing the female Titan before them trapped but has a possibility of escaping and you just shouted "Hi! Chicks!!"
They just stared at you like a damn walking piece of shit 💀
But it actually changed cause the titan reacted, why? Cause you always call her that
Miss gurlll panicked 😭
Anyways that's all for today u want p.2?? Don't worry I've got class for the next five days 👌
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