rvbomi · 6 years
“Can you believe we’re almost halfway through the year already?” A chin rests under her forehead, long sigh slipping through pink lips while the weight of another year flew past her. “I feel like January was just yesterday.”
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rvbomi · 6 years
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“after more than a year of growing it out, my hair is finally back. theo is never allowed to cut my hair again.”
“It looks good.” Fingers play with the ends of her own hair as she had been debating on cutting it soon. At this point it reached about down to her waist. “You can’t go wrong with long hair, it looks nice on everyone.”
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rvbomi · 6 years
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“I genuinely don’t understand how anyone could ship Syndicate together with a straight face. Gay shit aside, look at the fucking age differences…….”
“Are people really into big age gaps like that?.” She asks with a quirk of her eyebrow, “I guess that’s only for boys considering once girls hit thirty men think our lives are over.”
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rvbomi · 6 years
Hello home skilley biskets!! Beep Beep, it’s ur girl min BACK at it again with the ya home girl Bomi!! idk how many ppl remember me but i’ve been here in and out throughout the year but hopefully i’ll be able to stay this time (still mad salty abt my old computer breaking) BUT ANYWAY, Bomi’s stuff is still all the same, so her bio is in bullet points down below!! If u wanna plot w/ me just hmu!! (i also, made new gif icons of sojin so bless)
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bomi came from a small fam? pretty poor.
She was a really good student and wasn’t even intending to join the idol life. She was known as the rap queen??
She went undefeated in E V E R Y rap battle at her all girls HS???
She beat the best rapper at her brother school as well.
Videos of her can be found online w/ her emo hair cut it’s kinda funny.
She had a really nice home life, supported her no matter what her dream was.
It was actually a really hyped up battle bc if Bomi could defeat this girl it’d crown her as the best Rapper in her school district??
she got in some trouble for how much of a distraction the rap battle caused so she and the girl decided to meet up and do the battle in front of some big noraebang in Gangnam.
Surprise suprise YOUR GIRL WON
but it was a really close battle? A talent scout for Spotlight was nearby and was listening to the battle and at fifteen years old, she accepted.
She trained until she was 21 and debuted under the name BB.
Her fans were called Queen Bees ok it was really cute??
For the passed halloweens she dresses up as a queen bee and it’s just adorable she’s really adorable.
Her original fanbase had grown but she took an 10 month hiatus to stay with her father and mother.
Her father had been seriously ill and it was during her stay that he had passed away.
In all honesty, it took her a while to be able to get back to the company and actually work?
She was there, training and training and prepping for her comeback but all of her lyrics got thrown out for being so sad?
she’s hoping to be working on a comeback soon????
she’s a nice lady, definitely friendly but bc of the environment and everything she’s grown up in she won’t hesitate to fight.
will defend her friends to the end is lowkey a baby though like take care of her she loves it she’s really bashful? blushes very easily.
Again a little CINNAMON ROLL.
though on stage she’s a SINnamon roll she’s a loving person,
dotes on her friends a BUTT TON towards the rivalry she doesn’t believe in it?
she makes friends cross company it doesn’t matter.
lowkey wants to leave her label? but also doesn’t? She doesn’t want to lose her connections.
After her last comeback failed, she lowkey blamed it on the company. She doesn’t think she gets a lot of promotions because she’s older and  the demographic is obviously fit for younger people.
Music is something Bomi has always wanted to do and she won’t let herself give up because of her company.
So with the help of some friends, she’s hoping to have some things planned
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rvbomi · 7 years
woop woop, i’ve been swamped with work, sorry about that. I’m going on vacaion for a week so I won’t be on a lot, but after that I’ll be back to the normal.I'll be mobile and flipping between multiple accounts, but there are other ways to contact me if you want to plot, just come and IM me!     
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rvbomi · 7 years
“Well, you could take it up with spotlight. sometimes companies can sue people who spread slanderous comments,” Andrew offered with a tiny smile. “Nathan is eighteen, Hojung is seventeen, Jinhwa is sixteen, and Mira is six. She gets the least of it, as you can probably imagine.”
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Bomi nods lightly, hands coming to play with her hair a bit, "I think they've forgotten that I was a thing... at the company." Brows furrow lightly as anger seeps into her body slowly. If there was one thing she didn't like, it was people picking on kids. "That's a load of bull crap, they don't deserve that. Especially since they're all so young."
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rvbomi · 7 years
“Ever done a photoshoot in your underwear? Comments on those are pretty funny. I used to use them as a drinking game, but after one too many shots and a hell of a hangover the next day, I gave up on that idea. Once you stop giving a shit, it’s a lot more enjoyable.”
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"No I can't say I have but I bet you half of them are shitty and the others are pretty funny but... I know I should just ignore it but it's just frustrating when you try you're best but.. People are still shitty."
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rvbomi · 7 years
Tia slightly pouted, but bounced back quick. “I can work with two hours, you’ve never shopped with me before is your problem,” She stated, taking Bomi’s hand and gently pulling her along with her to some high end store. One of the employees recognizing Tia, she was a frequent costumer after all, and asking if they needed any help. Tia responded back, leading Bomi with her and she started to eye all the clothing.  “Could you just make sure there is a a clear changing room in the back for us? Thank you,” Turing to the other girl, a mischievous grin etched onto her face and she grabbed a few things. “We can start with these, let’s go back to the dressing room?” 
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There's an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach, but she doesn't say anything as she's flashed a vibrant smile and feels the tug on her hand. As the words hit her ears and process, however, she's left with a small giggle and a raised eyebrow, "What's the difference between shopping with you and shopping on my own." Though she sees the girl is already engaged in conversation at that point. Bomi doesn't know when or how she managed to collect that many clothes so fast, but she nods a bit wonder etched onto her features, "Yeah, Tia. " She says through a laugh, ready to follow the other's lead.
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rvbomi · 7 years
“What would they even be criticizing you for, anyway?” Eunwoo asked, looking over at her friend. “It’s not like you’re doing anything wrong, you’re literally always just doing your job.”
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"Who even knows at this point, I haven't had a scandal, haven't done anything wrong... I think they're just grasping at straws at this point. Anti-fans are getting really worked up."
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rvbomi · 7 years
“I just felt the burn for those low lifes… most hate comes from insecurity, it’s cause you’re too hip and successful.”
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Bomi let out a small laugh, shaking her head, "I wish I was too hip and successful, apparently, I'm just kinda of old and not-so-successful? I guess. There's apparently always some truth in what low lives say."
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rvbomi · 7 years
“I mean, it still sucks that people are critizing you,” Lila shrugged, before pausing as she pulled a face. “I didn’t mean to pile on and criticize your sentences too.”
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“It sucks, but i’ll get over it.”Bomi furrows her brow a bit, before waving her her hands softly, "No, no I didn't take it like that, it's okay."
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rvbomi · 7 years
“a lot of people are like that. quick to judge others with shitty comments. a lot of them have no real jobs or work of their own anyway, a lot of them tend to just stay at home. kinda toxic for them i guess.”
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"It's just frustrating to read.. You know? Like I tell myself not to worry about it but here I am, internally worrying about it."
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rvbomi · 7 years
“Why are people being rude? I mean, there will always be people who don’t like you, but did something happen that would make them write nasty comments? Or did it just come out of nowhere?”
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"I'm not sure, I posted on SNS a few days ago.. but other than that I don't think I did too much to provoke a negative response, just posted a picture in the studio that's all."
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rvbomi · 7 years
“…. That was the longest sentence I think I’ve ever heard.”
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"Part of me is still really annoyed, another part of me is screaming at how adorable and the third part wants to laugh-- But I do tend to talk in really long sentences so there's that."
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rvbomi · 7 years
“even sadder that a lot of them seem to do it for fun.”
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" Right? Like what does it do? Make you feel powerful? Sure, you get that two second adrenaline rush but it really makes you look pathetic."
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rvbomi · 7 years
“if it helps, that never stops. i’ve been doing this for more than twenty years and i still get bombarded with bullshit. and even better– now my kids do too.”
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"I know, It's just--- frustrating that people say or do whatever they want and not think of the consequences." She let's out a small puff of air, fingers toying with the bangle on her wrist. "You try too hard and you're a sell out, try too little you're lazy and try just right and you're not good enough. Sucks; But I'm sorry your kids go through that,  definitely not very fair. How old are they?"            
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rvbomi · 7 years
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Park Sojin (for anon)
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