rvnthcworld · 8 months
“It took me over a thousand years to come to terms with that for myself.” A little too late, he’d say - given he came to that conclusion when he decided to die. She was right, Elijah didn’t like the idea that he could so easily just kill her - he wouldn’t, couldn’t ever stomach the idea of killing her. “No matter the reason, I wouldn’t kill you.” Elijah shook his head, there were other ways to deal with things other than death, “I think that’s one of the things that… scared me? When it came to you. No matter what it was you did, I didn’t have it in me to kill you.” She was his weakness, but he was also a firm believer that love wasn’t a weakness. “I can’t speak for Niklaus - but in our last moments, he redeemed himself to me.” It was Elijah’s dreaded life mission, looking for his brothers redemption. “He’s more focused on his family. His kids and his wife. He’s still a little arrogant, but that’s to be expected of him.” Elijah chuckles. “We’re both just living our own lives. We’re still close, we still see each other. But he’s not my main priority.” He replies. Seeing the shock, he laughed - “I did. By my own hands. Niklaus and I died together. He died to protect his daughter, I chose to die because I had nothing left to live for. I’ve lived countless lifetimes and never seemed to get it right, it was my time.” 
“The barrier can come down.” It’s been in the talks for ages, “It’s just a matter of when. I was actually in a meeting talking about it before I came here.” He nods mostly to himself. Elijah cast a look at her at her comment, “That’s not why you haven’t been changed.” Elijah shook his head with a laugh, “It’s just… it’s a big choice. Being a vampire has its pros, but it also comes with cons. I’m not stopping you from becoming a vampire, I just wanted you to really think about it.” If anything, it seemed these days Elijah was more leaning towards Katerina being a vampire - he didn’t like that she was so fragile, and she didn’t practice (for good reason, of course), he wanted her to have a chance at defending herself. “If you want me to, I will.” He wanted that to be her choice, he’d gladly heal her - save her from having to deal with the mortal pain. But he didn’t want to force anything on her.
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"I admit that I have found it cowardly when people do not own their actions," she said. She had said that to Elena when it came to her humanity being off. And the same applied to Elijah. Though she didn't know if that was her making him a better person or not. But it was true none the less. She looked at him lightly. While she might have implied that she thought it was him. She knew better. "If you wanted me dead, I would be dead," she said honestly. Though she paused honestly on his question. "I trust you," she said. "Not to say that you wouldn't kill me. Just that I rust if you did it, you had a reason. A good reason." A reason that she could live with even if her heart was broken by it. It was an odd feeling, being told all that she wanted to hear and yet... was so very hesitate to believe it. "And what about your brother?" She asked. She couldn't imagine that Klaus was okay with this. Though her mind paused on something he had mentioned. "You died," she repeated mostly in shock. Not bothering to ask how, but knowing that her eyes told him she needed to know. "All spells can be undone," she said. Why hasn't they undone it?
"I am not surprised. You had alot of judges about the choices I made as a vampire," she pointed out. Was that why she was still human? Because even in the future she feared that he wouldn't love her if she turned again? She looked him over then. "Are you going to heal me?" She asked. Or did he want her human that badly? A test, but could he blame her?
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rvnthcworld · 8 months
not pushing anyone away but also not forcing anyone to stay
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rvnthcworld · 8 months
“Let’s face it, I wasn’t really that great of a person ever.” Even when he was human, he didn’t do anything to stop his father from hurting Niklaus. And that was what led Elijah to do everything he could to make up for the fact that he was a shitty brother. “But you’ve made me a better person, as did our kids.” He was a better version of himself than he has ever been.
“It was a coward's way out.” He wasn’t sure when it was exactly that he put up that mental red door, “A really bad way to cope with all that I’ve done, one that I hope that I didn’t pass on to our kids.” He chuckles. A surprised brow rose at that then, licking his lips over as he mulled over the words in his head. “You thought I was the one who hurt you.” Elijah edges softly. “Can you honestly say that you trust me now?” Now that all those years of them were undone? Undone was a final word, maybe just… locked away for now. “I have always loved you, Katerina. Even when it seemed like I didn’t, when I made it seem like I didn’t.” It was easier for him to let her walk away that way, yet another coward’s way out. He shook his head then, a laugh emitting past his lips. “No, we certainly did not want to settle down here. We didn’t really get that choice though. About thirty-four years ago, everyone who’s died, you, me, Niklaus, Nadia - we all came back due to some spell from someone who wanted revenge on my niece and her friends. With all the people back, it drew attention from some neighboring covens who wanted to balance out nature again by sending those who’ve died back to their respective realms. My niece and her friends used the magic from the dead coming back to throw a barrier around the town, preventing people from coming or leaving.” The subject of her species came into play then, and Elijah sways his head side to side - “Your species has been a pretty often conversation between us.”
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"And which point in history was that?" She commented. Just one more dig. After all Elijah was no hero. Not in her eyes. She knew him for his truth. The cruel monster under all his layers. Much like she had thought he could see the sweet human girl under all her layers. Katherine's lips turned up into the smallest of smirks when he said that she was Klaus' left overs. Not untrue in a better way. But humorous to hear it came from Elijah's lips. "Touche," she just said lightly in return. She watched him as he said he knew Nadia. Something almost dream like about the statement.
She listened to his words. More honesty coming form him that she had likely ever heard. "What exactly is a red door?" She questioned though his following words went on to explain it in a way. Katherine pressed her lips together when he said he was no better than her. Apart from wishing to defend the fact that he claimed to love her and yet would call her all those things, she just looked at him with softer eyes. After all she had known that side of him from the moment she met him. To think he hadn't really known that about himself. Though for the Mikaelson's self-reflection wasn't high on their list of things to do. But if Katherine was willing to admit to Rebekah of all people that she was just like Klaus, then she felt like she won self-reflection for the lot of them. "I didn't need to work on trusting you," she said. She knew that even now. Even if she had been with him for a reason, to get her freedom, she had loved him. "I loved you, even when your darkest was turned on me," she told him. "But you can't be with someone that doesn't love you back... doesn't trust you." And he had had every reason not to trust her feelings, after all, he hadn't been real to start with. "And is that what we wanted? To live here in Mystic Falls? For me to be... human?"
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rvnthcworld · 8 months
“They’re not bad.” Who was she kidding? Lizzie absolutely loved them, she was all about them. His joke of the cruel fate she forced upon the rose hit its spot as Lizzie’s lips lifted into a small smirk, the laugh emitting. “I’ve been told I have a flair for the dramatics.” And clearly, the point she was trying to make when she lit it aflame hit its mark. “Fair, but do rules really exist two months later?” She asks in return before she shakes her head, “Actually don’t tell me, I like surprises.” She considered his offer, his disappearance was for him to get better, and it didn’t seem fair to be mad about that. “You still know where my apartment is? Or should we try a map? I know technology is kind of lost on you so I won’t ask that of you.” Azure hues lit up with amusement - while she couldn’t be mad that he went and got the help he needed, she could be a little upset that he didn’t bother to call and she’d use that to her advantage as much as she could. “Friday sounds good though, I have an early weekend.” She made her own hours, but Kyle’s party was being held that day, all she had to do was set it up and leave him to his vices. Lizzie opened her mouth to say some joke about the D.A.R.E program failing the school systems in Mystic Falls, but instead she opted for something else. “I don’t…” She thought of the words to place, “I know we’re not serious or anything, and I’m sure it’s not really my place or if there even is a place - but if you ever need someone to talk to, or even let off some steam - I’m around. I don’t bite…. Well, hard.” The small laugh emits, “I’ve kind of dealt with addiction when I was younger, not personally - but my dad. And my sister, in a way.” Hues drifted to the barrier lines, “That was cheesy, but cute.” She gave him that, “But yeah, no. You’re not wrong. I think that’s why I’ve been able to tolerate it for all these years. There’s just those days. And to be honest, I feel incredibly selfish talking about my missing the outside world when you’re going through so much worse than that.” She chuckles.
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“I do enjoy all the celebrations,” he said. That was what has first cause him to notice Lizzie. The events in town and who was in the middle of it. “Feels like lighting it on fire was equally as clear a message,” he joked. But it was good to know in a way. Though he figured she didn’t need to ask if he had met someone since her. He chuckled. “That is totally not how it works,” he told her. If he could get her to met up with him again, he would use the gift for all it was worth. “What about Friday? I can bring it by?” He nodded when she asked the question. To say she could ask. Not because he had an answer. “I don’t know that I have one. I have always… you know dabbled. This time it just got- out of control.” Which felt like the same thing he had said last time but it was the only explanation he had. He smiled softly when she said she was being too honest. Only she would think a story about her desire to leave town was more personal than rehab. “I’m clean,” he said. Better was another question all together. But it was a step in the right direction. “The rest I have to work on. You know keep away from triggers. Don’t go back to drugs and alcohol.” He paused as he thought about the outside world. "I don’t know anyone that is good at being trapped. But I do think people make the different with it though. Anywhere canbe good with the right people.”
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rvnthcworld · 8 months
Elijah, forever the early bird, was up earlier than he had expected to be. But he liked it. He liked when the towns streets weren't crowded with people, when the birds started to sing their morning song, the dew from overnight settling over the blades of grass and flowers throughout the town, the sun rising just above the towns skyline and the hot cup of coffee in his right hand. "Camille," He smiles in greeting to his sister-in-law, "Are you always so cheery this early in the morning?" He asks with a laugh. "I'm... alright. How are you?"
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Open Starter @sanguishqsstarters
Mystic Falls had become Camille's new home years ago. Despite how much time passed, she found it hard to not miss New Orleans. A place full of not only her family history, but also her husbands. It weighed heavy on her, that her children may never see the city she held so dear.
Yet, she still found ways to keep herself busy in her current residence. Setting up a practice as well as offering services anywhere they were needed. Before her death, before the spell, she had hoped to open her own place. Now that she was given that chance again, the vampire wasn't going to waste the opportunity.
Walking down the streets, in the early morning, Cami was getting some fresh air before a day of appointments. Noticing a familiar face, she gave them a soft smile before waving. "Good morning! How are you doing?"
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rvnthcworld · 8 months
The day seemed to prompt the need for a drink before Elijah headed back home for the night. Before news of Katerina broke, it was a long day of constant meetings, events to be held, permits to approve, this that and the other. Then it was visiting Katerina at the hospital, finding out she didn't remember the last thirty plus years and everything that entailed. No drink in the world was strong enough to put the original at ease. He spotted his brother to the side of him, and still to do this day he found it a little bit comical that Kol was stuck in a town that he hated. Just a wee bit. "Haven't seen you in awhile, little brother." Elijah comments, "Been hiding out?"
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Kol had been doing a lot around the home lately, and spending more time to spend with his kids and davina. He realised he sometimes went off in his own little world and neglected them. He made his ways into the grill and towards the bar. After all these years he was still annoyed he was stuck in Mystic Falls of all places, but this had brought him his family so for that he was grateful.
Of course he never really saw himself as a father, but stepping in to look after Hope when they had lost Elijah and Klaus, had made him realise he wanted that feeling - and that Davina would be a great mother too. " Double Bourbon." he spoke towards the barmaid. As he glanced around he noticed a familiar face before raising his hand and mouthing 'hi'
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rvnthcworld · 8 months
She had no sorrows to drown and no demons to slay (yet), a long day at work prompted her for a strong drink before she could enjoy the rest of her night. Nursing her drink, Lizzie scrolled through her phone before movement caught the corner of her eye and just as she looked up, she caught Kol mouthing hi to her. "Kol Mikaelson being outwardly social? Has hell frozen over?" A playful tease.
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Kol had been doing a lot around the home lately, and spending more time to spend with his kids and davina. He realised he sometimes went off in his own little world and neglected them. He made his ways into the grill and towards the bar. After all these years he was still annoyed he was stuck in Mystic Falls of all places, but this had brought him his family so for that he was grateful.
Of course he never really saw himself as a father, but stepping in to look after Hope when they had lost Elijah and Klaus, had made him realise he wanted that feeling - and that Davina would be a great mother too. " Double Bourbon." he spoke towards the barmaid. As he glanced around he noticed a familiar face before raising his hand and mouthing 'hi'
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rvnthcworld · 8 months
Hues glance up from the paperwork in front of her, meeting those of Camille. Lizzie though, called her Cami. Camille seemed so.... Klaus and Elijah like. Sophisticated, if you will. "You are more than free to take some off my hands, I don't think my client will notice at all." And she'd compensate him, of course. "Kyle Hayes -" A long time local of the town (much like everyone else due to the barrier) "Is throwing a party for his girlfriend, he ordered way too many arrangements and the florist shop couldn't hold all of them." She explains, "How are you though?"
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February was a month of endless couple therapy sessions. So whenever Camille had time, she would walk around Mystic Falls checking on everyone. Once getting control of her vampire nature, she had begun to take on the role of helping anyone she could. Knowing that this month would also be busy for Lizzie, she decided it was best to check up on the heretic first.
When walking into the office, the vampire was overcome with the scent of roses. Scrunching her nose, she made her way towards Lizzie's tired voice. A weary smile on her face as she finally made her way through the shades of pink and red, that littered the place. "Actually, yes that is exactly why I am here. Also what happened?"
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rvnthcworld · 8 months
long legs     /     short legs     /     average legs   /    slender thighs   /    thick thighs     /  muscular thighs   /   skinny arms   /    soft arms   /     muscular arms   /     toned stomach     /    flat stomach  /     flabby stomach     /    soft stomach   /     six pack     /     beer belly     /    lean frame   /     muscular frame     /     voluptuous frame     /    petite frame     /   lanky frame   /    short nails     /     long nails     /    manicured nails   /     dirty nails     /   flat ass   /   toned ass   /     bubble butt     /     thick ass     /   small waist   /     thick waist     /   narrow hips     /     average hips  /    wide hips    /     big feet    /    average feet     /    small feet     /     soft feet    /   slender feet  /     calloused hands     /    soft hands   /   big hands  /     average hands    /    small hands   /    long fingers   /     short fingers     /     average fingers   /     broad shouldered    /     underweight   /    average weight  /     overweight
shorter than 140 cm     /     141 cm-150 cm /     151 cm to 160 cm     /     161 cm to 170 cm    /     171 cm to 180cm     /     181 cm to 190 cm   /     191 cm to 2m     /     taller than 2 m.
pale   /     rosy    /     olive    /     dark     /     tanned     /     blotchy     /     smooth    /     acne     /     dry     /     greasy     /     freckled (noticeable in certain lights)
small     /     large     /     average     /     grey    /    brown     /     blue   /    green     /   gold /     hazel     /    doe - eyed   /     almond   /     close - set     /   wide - set   /     squinty     /     monolid     /  heavy eyelids   /     upturned   /     downturned
thin    /     thick     /     fine     /     normal     /     greasy     /     dry     /   soft     /     shiny   /   curly    /     frizzy     /     wild   /     unruly     /     straight     /     smooth   /    wavy   /     floppy     /   cropped   /     pixie - cut /     shoulder length     /     back length     /     waist length   /     buzz cut     /     bald     /     jaw length     /     mohawk     /     white     /     platinum blonde     /     golden blonde     /     dirty blonde    /     blonde     /     ombre     /     light brown     /     mouse brown     /     chestnut brown     /     golden brown     /     chocolate brown  /     dark brown  /     jet black     /     ginger     /     auburn     /     dyed red     /     dyed an unnatural color     /     thin eyebrows     /  average eyebrows  /     thick eyebrows    
no tattoos   /     one tattoo  /     a few here and there    /     multiple     /     full sleeve    /     thigh tattoo     /     neck tattoo     /     chest tattoo  /   no piercings   /     ear piercings   /     nose piercing     /    lip piercing     /     tongue piercing     /     eyebrow piercing     /     navel piercing     /     cheek piercing     /     nipple piercing     /     genital piercing
eyeliner     /     light eyeliner     /     heavy eyeliner     /     cat eyes    /     mascara   /     fake eyelashes     /     matte lipstick     /     regular lipstick     /     lipgloss     /     red lips   /     pink lips     /     dark lips     /     bronzer     /     highlighter     /     eyeshadow     /     neutral eyeshadow     /     smoky eyes     /     colorful eyeshadow     /     blush    /     lipliner     /    light contouring     /     heavy contouring     /     powder     /     matte foundation     /     shiny foundation     /   concealer    /     wears regularly     /     occasionally wears    /    never wears
floral   /     fruity   /   perfumes   /     aftershave     /     cocoa     /     moisturizer     /  shampoo  /    cigarettes    /     leather     /    sweat    /     food     /     incense     /    marijuana     /     cologne     /  whiskey    /     wine     /     fried food     /   blood   /     fire     /    metal    /    ice
jeans    /   tight pants   /     over knee socks     /   tights     /     leggings     /     yoga pants     /     pencil skirt   /     tight skirt   /     loose skirt   /     formfitting dress     /     cardigans     /     blouse   /    button up shirt  /     band t - shirt    /     sweatpants     /     tank top     /     cutoff t - shirt     /     designer   /     high street     /     online stores     /    thrift   /   lingerie     /     long skirt    /     miniskirt    /    maxidress     /   sundress   /     tie     /   tuxedo     /     cocktail dress   /     highslit dress/skirt     /     t - shirt     /     loose clothing     /    tight clothing   /     jean shorts     /     sweater     /     sweater vest     /     khaki pants     /    suit   /     hoodie    /     hareem pants     /     basketball shorts  /     boxers     /     briefs    /     thong     /     hotpants     /     hipster pants     /     bra     /     sportsbra     /     crop top     /   corset     /     ballerina skirt     /     leotard     /     polka dot     /     stripes     /     glitter     /   silk   /     lace   /     leather     /    velvet   /     chemise     /   patterns  /  florals   /     neon colors     /     pastels     /     black    /     dark colors   /     fur     /     faux fur
sneakers     /     slip - ons     /     flats     /     slippers     /     sandals     /   high heels   /     kitten heels     /    ankle boots    /     combat boots     /     knee - high     /     platforms     /     stripper heels     /     bare feet    /     loafers     /     oxfords    /     gladiator shoes     /  boots
0 notes
rvnthcworld · 8 months
"We all have each other." Him, Katerina, Teagan, her siblings - a cohesive unit that would get through this together. Teagan's next comment though, broke his heart - not just for her, but for Katerina as well. "I..." He sighs, licking his lips over, "I'm not going to force you to do anything you don't want to. But she's your mother, even if she doesn't have memory of it. That hasn't changed." He spoke, "We want her to get her memory back, she's going to need our help with that. That includes you. Memory loss patients often regain their memory with the help of their loved ones, telling them about the relationship they had, memories they cherish, little things here and there. Don't give up on her, she's going to need you."
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Teagan nodded in silence as her father spoke, taking in his words with a weighty understanding. She recognized the challenging journey that lay ahead, one fraught with unknown hurdles. Leaning into her father's comforting embrace, an unspoken pact formed between them - they would navigate this tumult together. "We have each other, and that's something," she murmured softly, her voice tinged with vulnerability. "I... I don't know if I can face seeing Mom again. Please, don't ask me to." Despite the flicker of hope, the prospect of confronting her mother's altered state felt like an insurmountable obstacle.
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rvnthcworld · 8 months
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Instead of our powers, we need to take theirs away. Lizzie. If we buy her enough time to turn back to our side, she can siphon a god.
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rvnthcworld · 8 months
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rvnthcworld · 8 months
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rvnthcworld · 8 months
"The two most magical words I've heard all day." And as if in answer, her stomach grumbles. "And just in time." She laughs, standing up to move some of the roses out of the way. "This place is a little packed right now, sorry for the limited space." She couldn't wait for this party to be over, "But here we are." She waves to the cleared seat for Teagan. "You're not wrong, could never go wrong with food." She hums, "How are you?"
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"I've brought burgers and chips," Mikaleson announced casually as she strolled into the building, her voice carrying a friendly tone. She placed the brown bag and drinks on the counter with a soft smile directed at Lizzie, her cousin's friend. "Just had a feeling some food would be much appreciated," she added simply.
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rvnthcworld · 8 months
“That’s a shame, to mark an art piece.” He got it though, school was school - things needed to get graded. He didn’t miss the way her tone shifted, and while Elijah was feeling his own way about his wife not remembering him or his kids, he opted to put himself on the backburner. His feelings didn’t matter. Katerina’s did, their kids did. Katerina’s safety mattered too - he’d manage. “One thing I’ve learned in my long life is nothing is ever really permanent.” Death, memory loss (his was more so magically induced but it was undone). That made him wonder, if Katerina turned - the vampire blood, would that heal her? Regain her memories? Elijah wills his mind away from the thought. 
Seeing Teagan fidget, Elijah placed a comforting arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his side before he places a kiss to the side of her head. “It’s going to be okay. It’s going to be painful, but we should just be glad that she’s still here with us.” He’d take memoryless Katerina over dead Katerina. A smile then, reminding himself he needed to be strong for his family. “I’m fine.”
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Teagan nodded her head, her expression a mix of contemplation and concern. "Sometimes one can, if they want to, after it gets marked, of course," she replied with a soft smile on her face, trying to maintain a sense of optimism. However, beneath that smile, a wave of worry washed over her. She couldn't help but feel a knot of fear tightening in her stomach.
"Let's hope it's not permanent," she said, her voice tinged with a hint of anxiety and uncertainty. The thought of a situation becoming irreversible filled her with a sense of unease. Teagan knew deep down that she had to brace herself for the possibility of a long and challenging road ahead.
As she spoke, her fingers fidgeted with a button on her shirt, a nervous habit that betrayed her inner turmoil. Teagan wasn't accustomed to openly expressing her emotions, but this time, the weight of the situation was too heavy to bear alone. She felt a surge of fear and worry, her heart aching for her mother who was now in the hospital, unable to recognize her own daughter.
How was Teagan supposed to navigate through life, knowing that her mother's memory had slipped away? The thought weighed heavily on her, casting a shadow over her usual resilience. Despite her own fears, she mustered the strength to ask, "How are you doing?" Her voice carried a softness and compassion, as she genuinely cared about the well-being of the person she was speaking to.
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rvnthcworld · 8 months
"Oh, for sure." Lizzie replies with a laugh. Hope didn't keep anything from Andrea, their relationship was unbreakable. "She'll find happiness though." Hope was a knockout, people would be crazy to not go for her. "Online dating, huh?" Lizzie wiggles her brows with a laugh, "That's a very steep hill, be careful with that." She wished she had listened to her mom when she gave her the very advice. "The outside world is... crazy. But there's a lot of magical places." Places she hoped she could get back to one day. Lizzie matches Andrea's smile then, "Good. It should be fun." Lizzie wanted Andrea to get out there, experience life as much as she could here. "You would think." She laughs, "Do we know who's putting it together?"
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Andrea shrugged slightly. "It would make her happy," Andrea said. "I want her to be happy. I just- I feel like if she found someone that did that, I would know about it, you know?" She wanted that for her mother. But it clearly hadn't happened yet. "I don't know," she said softly. "I look online sometimes, at all people. It feels... magical." The idea of the outside world and all the people in it. Andrea looked up at her with a wide smile on her lips when she said the words. "Okay," she agreed. "I'll sign up." That felt easy. "Plus, that feels like the easy part, not to put us with family." Otherwise what was the point?
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rvnthcworld · 8 months
Elijah liked to spoil his kids - and the thought of getting Teagan her own studio has crossed his mind several times. He just had to find the right place for it. With everyone being locked in, space was limited. Perhaps he could build something in their backyard? "Do you keep your art and just give them prints?" He hoped she got to keep it, it was worth keeping. A small nod then, he wished he could have gotten to Teagan before she saw Katerina, give her the heads up before facing that initial heartbreak. "I'm not sure what happened, but she doesn't remember the last forty plus years. I don't know if it's permanent or not." He hoped not, he wouldn't give up on her just because she didn't remember, he'd work through everything all over again. He'd just... miss her. The way they were before her accident. "She's alive," A smile of reassurance then, "So she's okay. She's just... a little lost right now. We'll have to be patient with her."
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Upon looking up, a smile graced her face as she recognized the figure to be her father. A rush of warmth enveloped her as she held up her sketchbook, displaying a beautifully illustrated scenery. "Just working on a project for class," she explained, her voice carrying a hint of pride in her artistic endeavor. The young Mikaleson nodded attentively as she observed her father, her gaze filled with a mix of curiosity and concern.
"I did just recently. I stopped on my travels to think. S-she doesn't know who I am," she admitted, a worried expression clouding her features at the mention of her mother. "Is she going to be okay?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern and a flicker of fear. Her eyes searched her father's face, seeking reassurance and comfort in the midst of uncertainty and worry.
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