rvziels · 4 years
* clara !
          as soon as aidan steps into view    ,    clara grins    ,    practically jumping out of her seat to greet him    .    “    oooh    ,    yay    !!    you are officially forgiven for making me wait like fifty seven years    .    ”    she snatches the bag from his hands like a greedy little child    ,    before almost immediately locking arms with him    &    walking them both out the door   &    towards her apartment    .    “    okay    ,    so on today’s agenda we’ve just got a harmless little healing potion    .    it should just fix anything that’s wrong with your body     &    give you a teensy energy boost    .    i know    ,    boring right    ??    i just need you to drink it    &    tell me if it worked    .    if it works i might be able to start selling it at the shop    ,    you know    ,    if i show up to work    .    ”
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      aidan  rolls  his  eyes  at  her  dramatics  but  the  grin  on  his  lips  says  it’s  all  out  of  love.  he  only  has  a  second  to  wave  his  farewell  to  his  co-worker  before  falling  into  stride  with  clara.  “ah,  that’s  not  so  bad,”  he  nods  as  he  explains  what  she  has  in   store  for  him.  “if  it  works  maybe  you  can  sell  them  as  immunity  shots  or  something.  humans  will  just  think  they’re  drinking  lemon  and  ginger.”  he  offers  as  a  suggestion.  aidan  nudges  her  side  with  his  elbow,  “if  you  keep  skipping  work  i’ll  stop  sneaking  you  pastries  from  the  cafe.  people  are  counting  on  you,  you  know.”  
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rvziels · 4 years
imessage  >  aidan.
DOMINIC: nah i think you'd like .. die or something if you tried to help me with that
DOMINIC: it's actually more of a question? a survey of sorts because i don't know that many old old people
DOMINIC: and you're like .. old old right? no offense
DOMINIC: do you like swing music? i know it was popular back in the 20's but i can't imagine people listening to anything but that type of stuff then
DOMINIC: idk this was a stupid question sorry
AIDAN: maybe banished... either way, probably shouldn't test that theory anytime soon
AIDAN: ... yes, i suppose i am /old/ old
AIDAN: oh i love swing :) actually i'm pretty fond of all kinds of jazz. my.. close friend introduced me to the genre way back and it's been a favourite since
AIDAN: we used to come down and go to big parties where everyone gets dressed up and danced to live music, usually swing. humans go wild for a lavish party, it's really endearing actually
AIDAN: no, not a stupid question. what's this survey for? or is it merely personal interest?
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rvziels · 4 years
imessage  >  aidan.
DOMINIC: hey uh
DOMINIC: random question but
DOMINIC: do you think you can help me with something
AIDAN: oh hey
AIDAN: yea of course
AIDAN: as long as it doesn't involve signing human souls away or something aha. what do you need?
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rvziels · 4 years
omg i wanted to get replies done bt i’ve been deep cleaning our new house this whole weekend n my eyes r literally closing... gshjfg if i don’t pass out in the next lil bit i’m gna try to work on my drafts !! 
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rvziels · 4 years
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rvziels · 4 years
* dominic !
                he’s  staring  again.  at  the  blank  tv  screen,  that  is.  lounging  comfortably  on  the  couch,  dominic  had  been  watching  an  asmr  cooking  video  on  youtube  before  deciding  that  he  needs  to  shake  things  up  a  bit.  since  turning  the  display  off,  however,  he  has  forgotten  what  exactly  he  had  in  mind.  whether  it  be  due  to  his  staring  or  his  staring  being  a  result  of  it  slipping  his  mind,  it  is  unclear.  sort  of  like  a  hypnosis,  his  eyelids  begin  to  feel  heavy,  and  he  falls  into  a  light  slumber  without  even  realizing  it.  it’s  roughly  ten  minutes  later  when  he  jolts  awake,  hearing  a  voice  that’s  clearly  not  clara’s.  “shit,  uh…”  he  pushes  himself  upright  in  alarm,  both  from  the  fact  of  a  sudden  visitor  and  his  identity.  “no,  you’re…  you’re  good.  it’s  fine.”  dominic  pauses  for  a  moment  to  plan  his  next  words  but  merely  comes  out  with,  “clara,  she…  i  think  she  went  out  for  a  bit,”  he  rubs  the  back  of  his  neck,  “unless  she  came  back  while  i  was  asleep.”  glancing  at  the  door,  it  seems  as  though  his  eyes  try  to  look  everywhere  besides  at  whom  he  is  speaking  to.  “did  you  need  something?  i  can—  i  can  let  her  know  when  she  returns.”
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           it  always  felt  like  deja  vu  when  aidan  saw  dominic.  and  for  the  most  part  it  was  --  the  memories  of  his  soulmate  as  an  angel,  alongside  him,  reside  just  behind  the  memories  of  him  as  a  demon.  the  memory  of  dominic’s  abrupt  eviction  in  particular,  still  filled  his  throat  with  guilt.  at  least  now  he  lived  with  clara.  at  least  this  way,  aidan  can  ensure  they  both  had  a  good  home.  “sorry,”  he  says  again,  “i  didn’t  mean  to  wake  you.”  he  didn’t  mean  to  stumble  upon  him  at  all,  seemingly,  as  he  forgot  for  a  moment  that  dominic  lives  here.  “ah,  that’s  too  bad,”  aidan  chews  at  his  inner  cheek  as  he  eyes  the  food  he  had  placed  on  the  counter.  “no-  no,  it’s  okay.  i  just  brought  over  dinner.”  he  pauses  as  he  debates  whether  he  wants  to  flee  the  awkward  situation.  they  still  weren’t  on  good  rapport  ever  since  aidan  shut  him  out  about  a  decade  ago.  although  it  wasn’t  his  choice  to,  aidan  still  feels  like  he  owes  dominic.  and  more-so,  it  hurt  to  have  him  just  be  a  stranger.  “have  you  eaten  anything?”  he  regards  the  other  with  an  open  expression,  “stir-fry  tastes  best  when  it’s  still  hot.”
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rvziels · 4 years
* maggie !
                     time   was   often   believed   to   make   you   wiser   ,    but   for   magnolia   that   was   clearly   not   the   case   .    one   celestial   babysitter   and   a   good   hundred   years    later   and   maggie   was   still   up   to   her   old   tricks   ,    the   hope   that   one   day   she’d   finally   be   able   to   get   away   with   what   she   truly   believed   was   her   destiny   the   only   thing   keeping   her    going   ,   perhaps   making   her   attempts   even   more   bold   in   all   the   years   that   had   gone   by   .   anytime   she   felt   she   was   close   at   a   successful   match   in   town   ,   like   finally   her   matchmaking   luck   was   turning   around   ,    aidan   was   there   to   ruin   it   all   .   if   anything   was   capable   of    killing   him   ,    the   glare   maggie   was   sending   him   across    the   expanse   of    the   tree   stump   might   certainly   do   it   .   the   scene   was   all   too   familiar   ,   yet   the   rage   she   feels   is   always   fresh   .   she   watches   him   take   a    sip   of   tea   ,   her   own   cup   sitting   untouched   in   front   of   her   ,   delicate  arms   crossed   comically   against   her   chest   .   “   yes   ,   i’ve   done   lots   of   thinking   .   i    think   you’re   the   biggest   party   pooper   in   all   of   lunehaven   .   you   hate   me   ,    you   hate   fun   ,    and   i    poisoned   the   tea   !   ”    she   finishes   her   tiny   rant   rather   dramatically   ,    stomping   a    foot   for   good   measure   .   
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      being  stuck  together  for  so  long,  you'd  think  the  two  would  manage  to  learn  to  get  along.  but  no,  it  seemed  that  whatever  they  did,  it  was  in  spite  of  each  other.  aidan  nods  along  to  the  list  of  things  she  has  to  say  about  him  in  her  little  rant,  as  if  checking  off  an  invisible  list.  “are  you  finished?”  he  raises  his  brows  pointedly.  nothing  surprises  him  anymore  --  in  fact,  the  umbrella  he  kept  for  all  the  times  she  made  a  rain  cloud  follow  him  around,  sat  perfectly  beside  him  on  the  forest  floor.  he  lets  out  a  sigh  as  he  begins  to  recite  words  practically  memorized  at  this  point.  “don’t  you  know  better  than  to  play  with  human’s  emotions?  shouldn’t  you  be  using  your  special  powers  for  something  a  bit  more  useful?”  and  because  he’s  tired  of   sounding  like  a  broken  record,  he  meets  her  gaze  across  the  tree  stump  and  follows  with:  “what  are  you  waiting  for  to  happen?”  some  part  of  aidan  (  though  he’d  never  admit  it  aloud  )  understood  where  magnolia  was  coming  from.  he,  too,  would  like  to  see  humans  encompass  and  share  love  for  one  another.  but  he  knew   that  humans  aren’t  creatures  that  could  be  moulded  just  like  that.  they  were  far  more  complex  than  the  supernatural  gave  them  credit  for.  he  takes  another  sip  of  tea,  despite  her  warnings  of  it  being  poisoned.  “i  think  we  ought  to  find  you  a  new   hobby.  have  you  ever  considered  gardening?”  
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rvziels · 4 years
* clara !
          clara taps one of her heels against the floor as her lips twist into a slight frown    ,    a perfect picture of quiet impatience    .    it’s an expression she’s had a lot of practise with    ,    an expression that has gotten her what she wanted more than once    .    she knows it has long since stopped working on aidan    ,    but figures she should still show her reluctance of sitting    &    waiting any way she can    .
          briefly    ,    she wonders if maybe she should cause some sort of stir to get him to finally walk over    &    maybe just ditch early for her    ,    but any    &    all ideas that pop into her head seem too ridiculous    &    unrealistic for her to even entertain    .    she’s just beginning to think about talking to his boss    &    claiming that he has a very serious family emergency with a very fake aunt that he needs to leave work early to take care of    ,    when her phone begins to vibrate    .
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          [    to    »    aidan 🥰👼🏻😚    ]    —    10 …. 10 months ? 10 years ? sure feels like it !           [    to    »    aidan 🥰👼🏻😚    ]    —    i might die of boredom in 10 but i’ll try … 4 u            [    to    »    aidan 🥰👼🏻😚    ]    —    it’s nothing funky this time, promise !           [    to    »    aidan 🥰👼🏻😚    ]    —    just a healing potion           [    to    »    aidan 🥰👼🏻😚    ]    —    usually i wldn’t bother with smth this basic           [    to    »    aidan 🥰👼🏻😚    ]    —    bt my teacher says i Have to test it b4 hand so            [    to    »    aidan 🥰👼🏻😚    ]    —    dw tho!! we’ll get back to the weird ones l8r 
       aidan  wonders  if  he  can  leave  clara  unattended  for  such  a  long  period  of  time--  she  was  capable  of  causing  a  scene  faster  than  he  could  make  a  cup  of  coffee.  he  decides  to  give  her  the  benefit  of  the  doubt  (  she’s  waited  this  long  anyways  )   before  he  hears  his  phone  buzz  once  more.  
        [    to    »    clara 💗🌸   ]    —     no... minutes. 10 minutes         [    to    »    clara 💗🌸    ]    —    healing potion? think it’ll cure my fatigue?         [    to    »    clara 💗🌸    ]    —    u shld listen to ur teacher clara
       he  keeps  his  texts  brief  because  he  was  suppose  to  be  cleaning,  not  chit-   chatting.  aidan  focuses  on  scrubbing  down  the  machines,  working  as  fast  and  efficiently  as  possible  and  not  before  long-  he’s  finally  done.  he  disappears  to  fold  his  apron  and  get  his  things.  once  he  returns,  he  picks  out  a  couple  of  the  sweets  they  had  on  sale  and  packs  them  in  a  small  to-go  bag.  walking  over  to  his  best  friend,  he  was  almost  surprised  to  see  no  chaos  ensuing.  “for  your  patience,”  aidan  presents  her  with  the  sweets  bag.  “okay,  now  i’m  all  yours.”  
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rvziels · 4 years
* luella. !
     ✧.°   𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒅  𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒓   ╱   @rvziels·
                with  eager  eyes,  she  ponders  her  reflection  once  more.   after  studying  herself  for  so  long,  she  starts  to  feel  like  her  outfit  is  not  appropriate  for  the  outing.   what  is  one  meant  to  wear  to  an  art  gallery  opening,  anyway   ?   despite  all  the  years  she  has  spent  attending  openings,  she  still  has  not  managed  to  figure  it  out.   or  maybe  there  is  something  else  causing  her  to  be  so  worrisome   —   or    someone.   aidan  is  just  an  old  friend,  she  reminds  herself.   but  he  was  a  lover  once,  too.   she  lets  out  a  sigh  and  shakes  her  head,  a  measly  attempt  at  snapping  out  of  it.   luella  paces  from  the  mirror  back  to  her  closet  and  grabs  her  favorite  miu  miu  kitten  heels.   she  slides  into  them  and  reaches for  a  purse,  slipping  a  rosy  lipstick  into  the  front  pocket.   already  at  the  door,  she  glances  back  at  her  reflection  once  more,  hoping  for  perfection.   there  is  no  time  to  be  dissatisfied,  however.  so  with  a  swift  motion,  she  heads  out  the  door  and  locks  it  behind  her.   
              after  insisting  she  meet  him  at  his  place,  she  makes  the  short  trip  over  and  knocks  twice  at  his  door.   she  is  not  fond  of  simply  calling  or  texting  someone  to  come  outside.   she  much  prefers  the  intimacy  of  meeting  at  the  door.    “    it’s  me,  lu,    ”   she  adds softly.   of  course  he  knows  it’s  you,  he  was  expecting  you,  she  rolls  her  eyes  at  herself.   she  swallows  her  nerves  momentarily,  and  cannot  help  but  start  to  wonder  why  she  is  so  nervous  in  the  first  place.   after  all,  everything  that  happened  between  them  is  history.   only  friendship  remains   …   right   ?
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        just  like  it  did  back  then,  art  brings  luella  and  aidan  together.  it  always  has.  aidan  had  switched  his  closing  shift  with  an  opening  one  tomorrow  just  for  this  occasion.  there  was  always  a  sense  of  formality  at  these  events--  and  so  aidan  had  to  dress  the  part.  currently,  he  was  struggling  to  with  his  tie.  it’s  not  like  they  haven’t  done  this before,  so  why  was  he  so  nervous  to  see  luella  tonight?  perhaps,  simply   because,  it was  luella.  the  angel  he  fell  in  love  with  once  (  or  was  it  more  like  forever?  ).  after  all,  her  name  is  the  one  that  echos  in  his  mind  when  people  ask  ‘have  you  ever  been  in  love?’  
        as  soon  as  he’s  finished  tying  his  tie  is  when  he  hears  the  knock.  taking  another  look  in  the  mirror,  he  smoothes  out  his  hair  and  on  second  thought,  ditches  the  tie.  “coming,”  he  hurries  so  not  to  keep  her  waiting  and  opens  the  door,  loose  tie  still  in  hand.  it’s  hard  not  to  get  lost  in  her  beauty  as  soon  as  he  sees  her.  there  was  something  ethereal  in  the  way  she  always  presents  herself.  “hey.  you   look...,”  aidan  searches  for  a  word  to  describe  her  but  nothing  really  comes  close,   “beautiful.”  he  meets  her  eyes  with  a  bittersweet  gaze.  they  were  still  working  on  redefining  their  ‘friendship’.  “makes  me  feel  like  i’m  underdressed  or  something,”  he  adds  with  a  light  laugh.  aidan  turns  to  grab  his  jacket  before  hesitating  and  lifting   up  the  tie  for  her  to  see.  “tie.  or  no  tie?  i  can’t  decide.”  
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rvziels · 4 years
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– Faraj Bou al-Isha (b. 1956), “Wait” translated from the Arabic by Khaled Mattawa in: “Poems for the Millennium. Book of North African Literature”, edited by Pierre Joris and Habib Tengour
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rvziels · 4 years
* @fairygrdn​ !
          of  all  the  trials  and  tribulations  in  his  life  as  an  angel,  there  was  one  that  stood  out  from  the  rest--  magnolia  kim.  for  no  other  reasons  other  than  the  fact  that  she  was  probably  the  most  annoying  being  he  had  ever  come  across.  when  the  angels  had  first  appointed  him  as  ( for  lack  of  a  better  term )  her  babysitter,  he   didn’t  expect  to  still  be  dealing  with  her  antics  all  these  years  later.  
 the  scene  today  was  almost  comical;  seated  at  a  large  tree  stump  dressed  with   delicate  tea  cups,  aidan  patiently  waits  for  maggie  to  calm  down.  after  causing  a   scene  involving  innocent  humans  in  the  town  square,  he  had  pulled  her  away  from   the  situation  almost  as  soon  as  he  was  made  aware  of  it.  though  the  forest  serves  as  her  real  home,  aidan  uses  it  as  a  makeshift  timeout.  “have  you  had  enough   time  to  think  about  your  actions?”  he  asks  as  he  placidly  takes  a  sip  of  his  tea.  
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rvziels · 5 years
* orion !
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orion could definitely say that white wings is his second home, he frequents this cute cafe more than he is at his own apartment. he loved the calmness of the place, a bonus is talking to aidan. speaking of the angel, there he was, making his way towards orion. his eyes looked up from his poetry book, a soft smile forming on his lips. taking note that he was the only customer there and at aidan’s kind gesture, his cheeks flushed. “share it with me?” he pouted, batting his eyelashes at him for good measure before speaking once more, “very sad in a good way. deep book, it’s pulling at my heartstrings. why is poetry so … angsty?”
          when  it  came  to  the  supernatural,  aidan  didn’t  pay  much  attention  to  the  other  species.  his  priority  has  always  been  (  and  always  will  be  )  humans.  however,  he’s   grown  quite  fascinated  by  merfolk--  much  thanks   to  orion,  probably.  “i  don’t  have  much  of  a  sweet  tooth..,”  he  replies  but  caves  at  the  pout.  “okay,  just  a  small  piece,  then,”  aidan  imitates  a  pinch  with  his  fingers  as  his  lips  turn  up  in  a  small  smile.  “maybe  because  it  comes  from  the  heart,”  he  hums  in  genuine  thought.  “i  think  poetry  is  an  attempt  to  put  the  weight  of  your  soul  into  words.  or  try  to  make  sense  of  a  cruel  world.  at  least  that’s  what  it  seems  like,”  he  gives  a  soft  laugh  as   he  finishes  wiping  down  the  table.  “do  you  have  any  recommendations?  i  want  to   stop  by  lunam  this  week  and  pick  up  a  few  new  books.  i’m  trying  to  get  back  into   reading  more.”  
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rvziels · 5 years
* @kenopsiias​ !
        it’s  not  surprising  to  find  aidan  at  the  lune  diner.  it  isn’t  very  far  from  white   wings  and  he  doesn’t  feel  like  cooking  dinner  at  home  tonight.  it’s  fairly  busy  and  aidan  smiles  to  himself  at  the  image  of  families  and  friends  gathering  in  small  red  booths  for  a  meal.  humans   like  to  eat  together--  it  was  one  of  the  many  things  he  admires  about  them.  opting  for  a  solo  seat  at  the  counter,  he  browses  the  menu.  aidan  asks  one  of  the  waiters  for  their  recommendations  but  they’re  busy  tending  to  another  customer  and  replies  that  their  co-worker  will   be  with  him  shortly.  
        drumming  his  fingers  on  the  counter  as  he  waits,  aidan  spots  a  figure  coming   towards  him  out  of  the  corner  of  his  eye.  he’s  about  to  greet  them  with  a  smile  before  he  realizes  that  it  was  mavis.  the  weight   of  guilt  quickly  looms  over  him,  the  memory  of  his  failure  to  protect  still  clear  as  day.  on  instinct,  he  darts  his  eyes  back  down  and  picks  up  the  menu  to  hide  behind  it.  aidan  pretends  to  deeply  analyze  the  salad  section,  hoping  that  mavis  wasn’t  the  waitress  her  co-worker  had  sent. 
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rvziels · 5 years
Grief, I’ve learned, is really just love. It’s all the love you want to give but cannot. All of that unspent love gathers up in the corners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and in that hollow part of your chest. Grief is just love with no place to go.
unknown (via beside)
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rvziels · 5 years
* @seraphcs​ ! 
         being  around  florence  felt  like  home.  and  at  this  moment,  aidan   was  home  in  his  apartment,  (  a  place  he  generally  reserved  for  those  closest  to  him  )  making  a  cup  of  tea  for  florence,  who  was  busy  editing  their  latest  video.  clad  in  comfy  sweats,  he  makes  his  way  over  to  the  desk  where  she  was  focusing  on  her  work.  aidan  gently  places  his  hand  on  her  shoulder--  a  silent  gesture  to  get  flo’s  attention.  “time  for  a  break,”  he  states,  rather  than  asks.  it  has  become  second  nature,  for  both  of  them,  to  look  after  each  other  without  much  thinking.  aidan  places  the  cup  on  the  desk  for  them  before  retreating  his  hand  and  taking  a  seat  on  the  edge  of  his  bed.  aidan  has  a  lot  on  his  mind  and  recently,  he’s  been  thinking  a  lot  about  the  concept  of  memory.  how,  as  immortal  creatures,  they  remember  everything.  how   it  was  more  of  a  curse   than  a  blessing.  he  plays  with  his  fingers,  absent-mindedly,   before  looking  up  and  meeting  florence’s  gaze.  “has  this  week  felt  longer  to  you,  or  is  it  just  me?”  
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rvziels · 5 years
* @seaspressure​ ! 
           when  it  nears  the  end  of  the  day,  aidan  sorts  through  any  leftover  pastries  the  cafe  has.  the  baristas  have  the  opportunity  to  take  them  home  if  anything  is   about  to  go  bad  over  night,  but  aidan  prefers  to  give  them  to  any  customers  still  around  by  closing  time.  at  this  point,  only  a  couple  people  remained--  one  of  them  being  his  favourite  non-human  customer,  and  the  other  was  a  couple  that  was  on  their  way  out.  aidan  makes  his  way  over  to  orion  with  a  small  plate  and  places  a  scone  on  his  table.  “it’s  on  the  house,”  he  gives  him  a  warm  smile  before  proceeding  to  wipe  down  a  table  next  to  him.  “how’s  that  book  you’ve  been  reading?”  he  asks,  making  light  conversation.
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rvziels · 5 years
* @dxminic​ ! 
             after    a    long    draining    day    of    both    barista    and    angel    duties,    aidan    seeks    the    company    of    his    best    friend,    clara.    after    texting    her    and    receiving    no    reply,    he    assumes    she’s    passed    out    in    a    nap.   typical   of    her.    he    decides    to    get    a    meal    to-go,    packing    one    for    her    as    well.    by    the    time    aidan’s    at    the    door,    he’s    hit    with    exhaustion    --    his    mind    drifting    elsewhere..    as    if    he’s    not    really    here.    the    thought    that   clara    wasn’t    home    but    her    roommate    was    doesn’t    even    occur    to    him    as    he    locates    the    spare    key    they    keep    (    in    case    of    emergencies,     namely    balthazar    ).    aidan    strolls    in    quietly,    so    not    to    wake    clara,    and    makes    it    to    the    kitchen.    it’s    only    when    he    starts    placing    the    food    on    the    counter    that    he    notices    a    figure    on    the    couch,    much    too    tall    for    it    to    be    clara,    that    realization    dawns    on    him.    a    sinking    feeling    immediately   washes    over    him    at    the    sight    of    dominic.    if    aidan    was    sleepwalking    before,    he    definitely    was    awake    now.    “oh......    uh,    sorry,    i    let    myself    in,”   aidan    hears    himself    say.    “i    thought    clara    was    home.”    
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