rxdiculous · 5 years
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rxdiculous · 5 years
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first sketch for AU with Adrien
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rxdiculous · 5 years
reblog if you’re 25+ and still roleplay; or if you believe older muns have a place in the rpc and shouldn’t be told to give it up when they turn 30. 
i received this anon & i just want to make a point. 
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rxdiculous · 5 years
So, like, Chloe’s character development found dead in Miami, huh?
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rxdiculous · 5 years
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rxdiculous · 5 years
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The writers making Chloe a fucking bitch and erasing any ounce of development she gained in s2
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rxdiculous · 5 years
….was the ml team so tired of people saying there’s no plot development that they wrote in a whole episode dedicated to proving otherwise but int the end… kind of proved that there really is none ??? Lmao?
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rxdiculous · 5 years
Before Chloe had time to be embarrassed over her raw confession, spotted arms were pulling her in for a sudden, tight hug. One that made Chloe go initially rigid, having not been expecting the embrace. She’d hugged Ladybug before, yes, but it was on her own terms. Just as every display of affection she gave or received was. Adrien, Sabrina, even her own parents. Chloe always made the first move, she was always the first one to make a move. Sabrina came the closest, but that was a whole other can of worms. The redhead really was only brave enough to touch her when she wanted something-- like a brief squeeze after Chloe gave her a gift, or a tight grip on her arm as Sabrina hid behind her during an Akuma attack. No one ever touched her like this with genuine affections of their own free will.  It was only a second before Chloe was relaxing into it, however, her hand moving up to rest on Ladybug’s back before the other girl was pulling away.
In one afternoon, she’d received more emotional support and encouragement from a spotted masked stranger than she had from her parents in her entire life. What did that say about her pitiful upbringing?
And then Ladybug was praising her, leaving Chloe beaming with pride.
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Before, of course, Ladybug grew more serious.
The questions were difficult. Mainly because they were things that Chloe hadn’t really thought about. She couldn’t tell people. Not immediately, anyway. Her mother had just come back into her life, she’d just started talking to Chloe like she was her daughter again. She’d even gotten her name right a few times! But if Chloe came out with something like this, there was a risk that she would ruin everything. Sure, her mother was liberal enough for the papers, but she was also strict over the image of her family. What kind of image would it display to the world if her daughter… strayed from her path. Even more so if she was straying from that path to pursue someone like a baker’s daughter. Sure, Audrey had recognized Marinette’s talents once before, but by now, she’d likely forgotten that she’d ever even seen her. Chloe announcing that she was dating a nobody girl would break whatever fragile relationship Chloe was developing with her mother. And she was terrified of that happening.  Nevermind the judgement that Chloe feared she might receive from the rest of the school. Although, that was nothing more than a baseless anxiety. Juleka and Rose were beloved by the rest of their class. And Nathaniel and Marc were always smiling with one another, as if they didn’t have a trouble in the world. Still. Leave it to Chloe Bourgeois to be overly concerned about what people might be thinking of her.
That said, Chloe couldn’t avoid these questions. This was Ladybug, and she could never lie to her hero.
“I can’t tell anyone. Not now, at least… My mother can’t find out. But… I would be nice to her. I would want to… give her nice things,” Chloe answered carefully, as if navigating a minefield. She would have to change her ways, to show Marinette that she meant what she said. She knew that. The other classmates would be suspicious of her change in demeanor, but Chloe doubted any of them would piece it together right off the bat. So what if she looked at Marinette for a little too long? So what if she smiled more at the other girl rather than insulting her? Maybe she was just a changing person. Maybe she was just… maturing.
The next answer, at least, was a little easier for Chloe to get to. Because, obviously, she was always going to be a fan of the bug, no matter who her heart truly belonged to.
“Oh please, I’m your number one fan forever,” Chloe waved dismissively, “Besides, we’re teammates now, remember? I’ll be your Queen anytime you need an extra hand.” Her tone was lighter, more playful. More Chloe. She only sobered slightly when answering the next part of that heavy question, “It’s not a question of preference, Ladybug. I know Marinette. I… have feelings for her as a person. Powerless, poor, whatever. I.. I know I want to be with her. It’s not like I really thought I could be with someone in a mask anyway.” Chloe might idolize Ladybug, but she could have never fallen in love with her like she did Marinette. Because, at the end of the day, she didn’t /know/ Ladybug. She worked alongside her, smiled with her, yes. But she had no idea who was under that mask, not really. She didn’t know what her favorite food was, or what she liked to do in her free time, or any of the millions of other details that she knew about Marinette. Chloe would always think of Ladybug as something worthy of the world, but it wasn’t Ladybug that Chloe found herself wanting to hold hands with in the back of the classroom every day.
It wasn’t Ladybug who Chloe had wanted to kiss earlier today.
Although, Ladybugs final statement did have Chloe faltering slightly on the certainty of that belief. “So you know what for sure?”
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rxdiculous · 5 years
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A few artists in our Discord group gathered together to do a little collab. Teams of three worked on the same picture, each responsible for either a sketch, line work or colouring. The results were absolutely amazing so we decided to share them here. As always, remember to not repost. Likes and reblogs, please.
Sketch by @auroralynne Lineart by @katie-skylie Colour by @bbwoulfc
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rxdiculous · 5 years
In Chloe’s defense… How was she supposed to know how to do any of this?
She’d never known love. Not really.  She’d known spoils. Material possessions meant to fill any void that a lack of emotional intimacy had left her with. She’d known snide gestures with underlying meanings, down her nose stares, and a mother who constantly failed to get her name right. None of these things had ever taught the girl how to express her feelings, let alone her feelings of an emotion so… Good. When Chloe was younger and she’d wanted something, all she had to do was whine and scream until she got it. But she had a feeling Marinette wouldn’t appreciate her whining and screaming, so that option was out. Putting her feelings into words? That was a skill that far eluded the blonde.
A groan left her lips as Ladybug shook her head, confirming what Chloe already knew to be true-- that she was very, very bad at this.
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“Ugh! This is impossible! Utterly impossible!” Chloe complained, dropping her head back to give another low groan. Why did it have to be so hard? Chloe had seen couples around her in school. Rose and Juleka, who seemed to fit together in the most unpredictable way possible. Nathaniel and Marc. Ivan and Mylene. Alya and Nino. All of these people just… Worked. It was like they weren’t even trying! They just spent an hour with each other and, tada, they were happy and in love and cuddling in the hallways at school. It was disgusting. Granted, it hadn’t been that easy for all of them, but Chloe didn’t know that. She’d been far too self involved to actually pay attention to any of their lives.
Before Chloe had time to complain again, however, Ladybug was taking her hands, and leaving her absolutely breathless.
Chloe’s eyes were widened, locked on Ladybug’s as the masked hero confessed in a way that was far too familiar. The more she spoke, the more Chloe could picture it. Marinette here on her bed, holding her hands, confessing her feelings. Telling her all of these sincere things about how she felt and what she thought and what she wanted. The dark pigtails, the accepting blue eyes, the warm smile… Even the sound of her voice, high pitched yet soft and gentle at the same time. Marinette surrounded her, causing her stomach to turn in a way that Chloe couldn’t decide whether she loved or hated. It was almost too much. Almost.
It wasn’t until Ladybug released her hands that Chloe had to blink herself back to reality, feeling as though a fog had surrounded her head. Ladybug. This was Ladybug, not Marinette. It couldn’t be Marinette.
Knowing that, however, didn’t stop Chloe from imagining her when she spoke, trying her confession again.
“Marinette…” Chloe began, her voice much softer than it had been before. Her eyes met Ladybug’s again, but it wasn’t the masked hero she wanted to be addressing. “I know I’ve been horrible to you in the past. I’m a bully, and I don’t have an excuse that makes up for how I’ve treated you. But… none of it is true. I don’t think it ever has been.” There it was, the easy part. The apology for her actions, the hope that she might be worthy of change and forgiveness. ]]Whether she truly was worthy or not, Chloe had a feeling that Marinette would be forgiving her anyway. Marinette was good like that. She wasn’t capable of really holding a grudge. If she had been, she never would have shown Chloe a shred of kindness to begin with. “I think you’re pretty. And you’re nice, and I like your weir- your hair. Your nice, not weird hair. And your eyes, and… Everything about you. Because, I think I like you. Not as a friend, but as something more. And… I want you to go on a date with me.”
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rxdiculous · 5 years
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Chloe Bourgeois 🐝 Alya Cesaire 🦊
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rxdiculous · 5 years
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Chloe Bourgeois 🐝 Alya Cesaire 🦊
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rxdiculous · 5 years
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“ғʀᴏᴍ ɴᴏᴡ ᴏɴ, ɪ'ʟʟ ʙᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ɴᴇᴡ sᴜᴘᴇʀʜᴇʀᴏ. ǫᴜᴇᴇɴ ʙᴇᴇ!”
Show: Miraculous Ladybug
Character: Queen Bee (Chloe Bourgeois)
See it on Instagram @ Miss.fit_cos !!
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rxdiculous · 5 years
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She likes the attention.
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rxdiculous · 5 years
Ladybug: *breathes*
Adrien, Alya, and Chloe: god i wish i can have her babies
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rxdiculous · 5 years
Sabrina: What’s the worst decision you’ve made while you were drunk?
Chloe: Don’t mean to brag but I don’t even need alcohol to make really bad decisions.
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rxdiculous · 5 years
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be miraculous!
i’ve been meaning to draw the whole miraculous gang… so here they are. 
queen bee is definitely 5th wheeling
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