rxdinlxnn-blog · 7 years
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“This is my comeback arc, Santana. I’ve been kicked down by the enemy and now have to climb my way back up to the top. I’ll win then.”
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rxdinlxnn-blog · 7 years
I would offer to go with you, but we know that entails going in for “just a trash can” and coming out with new throw pillows, two mugs, a pair of sunglasses, clearance bathing suits, and decorations for everyday holiday from now ‘til Christmas.
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I tend to forget I’m dating a former frat star. For the record, it’s a terrible idea to mix your downs and your uppers, Selena. I’m not cute! I’m serious!
And we wouldn’t end up remembering the trash can probably. I mean, I wouldn’t say no to you coming regardless. That is if you want to chance the mugs and clearance bathing suits.
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I did a lot of stupid stuff in college..and now, but not nearly as often as I did back then. I don’t mix energy drinks and alcohol anymore after that. I learned it was a terrible idea when I did it. Don’t really remember much from that night, but I know it was a really bad idea with the hangover I had the next morning and no recollection of the night. Can’t you be both? You’re always cute, so yeah, you’re definitely cute.
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rxdinlxnn-blog · 7 years
Gosh Babs, the poor babe. Good thing she’s got the World’s Greatest Dog Dad to take care of her. I’m getting that put on a mug for you for Christmas. 
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Ry, that’s the equivalent of like eight cups of coffee. You essentially drank an entire pot of coffee. You do understand the gravity of the situation since I, of all people, am concerned about your caffeine consumption, right? My hump day was fine until I found out I’m on standby in case my boyfriend’s heart beats out of his chest.
I do try my best. Thankfully she’s snoozing away nearby and isn’t getting sick anymore, so hopefully a walk is in the near future. Also a trip to Target to buy a trash can with a lid on it.
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It’s efficient when you haven’t had any sleep though. In college my frat brothers and I once mixed monster with vodka to see what would happen and I nearly didn’t die. I just need sleep, probably. I’ll be fine, promise. You’re cute when you worry though. 
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rxdinlxnn-blog · 7 years
I cannot believe you just referred to Wednesday as “hump day”. I have to give you props, I don’t know how you don’t get lonely when dogs are your only best friends. 
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It is what it’s called, dude. Halfway through the week, just gotta get over that hump then we get to the weekend. Was that supposed to be an attempt at a sick burn? Because trust me, it wasn’t. I’m far from a lonely guy, dude, I have plenty people in my life I consider to be a close friend. Let’s not project your feelings onto me, yeah? 
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rxdinlxnn-blog · 7 years
I feel like all I ever do is talk about my dogs, which I probably do if I’m honest with myself, but Babs is a sneaky little shit at times. Last night she proceeded to knock over the kitchen garbage can while I was out for a training session and trailed trash all throughout the apartment and got sick in my room from something she ate out of there. I called the vet last night and they managed to fit us in this morning, thankfully she’s gonna be alright. They got her on some antibiotics and all my energy is only existing because of three and a half five hour energies. I stayed up with her all night in the bathroom with her dog bed and plenty of old blankets. Tile is a hell of a lot easier to clean. I feel like I can probably taste color at this point from sleep deprivation, so that’s rad. How’s everyone else’s hump day goin’?
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rxdinlxnn-blog · 7 years
You’re right, there’s a high risk that he’ll get stuck back in his old gang activity habits. Do you think your dogs can handle it alone? Maybe he’s better suited to admin.
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Man, Tubbs has a dark past. He’d probably be much better suited as an admin, make sure the pups don’t get in too deep themselves. Babs is young and impressionable as a puppy, so I dunno if the girl can handle it. Ya know? Undercover work seems intense. At least, from what I’ve seen on movies and TV it is.
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rxdinlxnn-blog · 7 years
Why, just because I’m curious, were you drinking for six days straight when you had a funeral to attend? 
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You didn’t miss too much, dude. It’s New York though, something always is happening. Nothing noteworthy that I’m aware of as of now. 
Don’t worry I didn’t die. My mom’s friend Debbie’s Uncle died and Mom guilted me into going back with her for the funeral. I mean it was like a six day drinking binge for me so I can’t complain. Did I miss anything good?
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rxdinlxnn-blog · 7 years
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His nose was bleeding. It dripped methodically to stain the baby blue of his shirt as he hunched, angry and bruised behind The Shack’s event table. Her arms crossed about her chest, Santana stared openly at the blood that seeped from between his fingers, foot tapping against pavement to ease the rush of adrenaline that had broken the boys apart minutes earlier. The crowd had dissipated, albeit somewhat reluctantly. She had refused to let Blaine’s grubby hands in the cooler, so he had sprinted away for more ice. Puck had stormed off almost immediately–still fuming–with his knuckles as beaten as Ryder’s face. And Santana had stayed behind with full intentions to follow through with The Talk. “Is this a bad time?” Her chair scraping and bumping against the unevenness of the street, she sat beside him and crossed her legs at the knees, reaching forward to place a hand at his back. “You know what? It doesn’t matter, look.” Face somber, she smoothed the lines from his shoulders, once, twice, a third time – “I don’t know what the hell your deal is, but if I find out you pulled some shit, it’s over for you.” She dug her nails in, gripping hard enough to pierce through the fabric of his t-shirt. “And it’ll be a hell of a lot worse than this Fuckerman facial.”
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Ryder’s head was positively throbbing and there was really no good way to try and cradle his nose to attempt to contain the blood dripping from it without causing some discomfort to the fractured bone. He glanced up when Santana asked him if it was a bad time, promptly dragging a chair to sit beside him. “Oh no, it’s a stellar time. Please. Go ahead, I might start doing my taxes after this since I have so much downtime.” He stated rather sarcastically, his voice congested and sounding off due to all blood that was dripping from his nose and attempting to clot. He raised an eyebrow curiously, unsure why she was smoothing out his shirt like so. His face turned from confusion to alarm real quick and he quickly interjected. “I didn’t pull anything! You literally saw what happened, Santana. All I did was kiss Blaine, that’s literally all I did.” He groaned and wincing as he wiped at his nose with the back of his hand, taking in a deep breath. “I don’t know what I did to make Puck want to beat the shit out of me, honest. I just--I like Blaine, a lot. We decided we would be making things official at the block party, that I could kiss him in public. I don’t know how that could’ve possibly been the reason Puckerman decided to deck me and fuck up my nose, honest.” Ryder paused and gave Santana a serious look. “I like Blaine a lot, Santana. I don’t want to do anything to fuck that up.” 
shotgun san 👊💥 rytana
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rxdinlxnn-blog · 7 years
Okay … well you got my number if you change your mind or if you need backup next time. That’s … whack and I don’t really get it but I think I do.
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I appreciate it, dude. You’ll definitely be the first guy I call if I need help kicking ass or taking names, or both. Yeah, tell me about it. It was a confusing, shitty situation. 
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rxdinlxnn-blog · 7 years
Three? I can only imagine the fur during summer. There aren’t enough lint rollers in the world.
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And what career is that? Do you aspire to be the next Cesar Millan, running repeat in the background for some middle-aged, jobless mom dreaming of a better life? Perhaps Kitty could give you some tips on how to get to the top.
Fortunately, I don’t need a promotion. I enjoy what I’m doing in the position that I have now. With any luck, I’ll continue to put bad people behind bars for a long time to come.
Yes, three. Two are fully grown and one’s a puppy. Maintaining the fur balls ain’t fun, but I still love them regardless so everyone is just used to me showing up to places with fur on my clothes. Black clothes never work for me at this point.
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Cesar Millan is a chump, so just jot that down first of all. The guy is hiding something, I know it. Besides, I want to just train all sorts of dogs, not just ones who are giving their owners trouble. I enjoy helping where I can and seeing the dogs actually learn and become better. 
Well hey, I’m glad you found a profession that you actually enjoy. Is your favorite part getting justice? I can only imagine how awesomely satisfying it must be to see some loser scum go to jail for the shitty thing they did.
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rxdinlxnn-blog · 7 years
Sorry, I totally get it — I just don’t like seeing my friends hurt without some kind of justice. You know I’m always here to talk, man.
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I understand. I appreciate it, man. Thank you, but I don’t want to cause more grief than all the shit that’s already gone down. Part of it isn’t my story to tell, but that shit shouldn’t have happened in the first place. I do anything to provoke it, but by me purely existing and being in the way is what pushed them, I guess. 
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rxdinlxnn-blog · 7 years
Totally! Maybe Lord Tubbington could help out too. They’d never suspect a thing. I’m not sure if he’s great at teamwork though. He likes being the center of attention.
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They’d definitely never suspect a cat of wanting the deets on a mafia/gang ring among them, for sure. Maybe he could go in as their new secretary that’s at all the meetings, get all the details from that. That’s fair, wanting to be the star of the takedown and all. Can he handle being in that deep though, among all the drugs and crime?
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rxdinlxnn-blog · 7 years
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That’s your side of the story, really? 
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No. All I did was kiss my boyfriend, Santana, because I was happy to see him. I then got punched in the face and got my nose broken. His side of the story is his to tell. Go ask him if you want to know why he did it.
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rxdinlxnn-blog · 7 years
Today marks the official start of Fall, in my eyes, as today I drank my first pumpkin spice latte of 2017. To me, there is nothing more magical than New York City in Fall and Winter, and I for one cannot wait until I start my Chrismukkah shopping.
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There’s so many better drinks at Starbucks than pumpkin spice though, Rachel. I wish they’d bring back the midnight mint mocha, that drink was the shit. You’re already shopping for the holidays? I should probably attempt to start that by November at the latest, but you’re way ahead of the game.
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rxdinlxnn-blog · 7 years
Oh — I just assumed … well, you should still let me pay whoever it was a visit because they need to know that it’s not cool to just run around smashing people in the face for no reason !
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Dude, really, it’s okay. I appreciate it, but I don’t want to make a huge deal over it. I already got mother hen-ed by my mom when she visited me so we can call it good. It’s a long story anyways. 
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rxdinlxnn-blog · 7 years
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                                    THIS IS: RYDER LYNN
                                                              a character playlist.
1. Hero / Heroine - Boys Like Girls 2. Ocean Avenue - Yellowcard 3. Move Along - The All-American Rejects 4. 1985 - Bowling For Soup 5. Closer - Tegan and Sara 6. Drops of Jupiter - Train 7. Sexual - NEIKED 8. King - Years & Years 9. Thief - Ansel Elgort 10. Check Yes, Juliet - We The Kings 11. Iris - The Goo Goo Dolls 12. Fix You - Coldplay
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rxdinlxnn-blog · 7 years
We the People of the Snix Shack were outraged when our Wanky Wednesday karaoke nights were wrongfully ripped from us! Our drunken singalongs that inspired camaraderie and applause were disbanded by a vicious tyrant. But I, Nightbird, under the guise of my Craigslist screenname have come to save the day!
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I’ve rescued our beloved karaoke machine from the Evil Snix’s clutches and retrieved it from behind a Starbucks dumpster. Karaoke night is back pending Lord T’s approval at the Blittany loft! Saturday night’s theme: Power Diva Ballads.
This was truly wild from start to finish, but amazing as well. That karaoke machine really did hold a lot of hilarious memories, so I’m actually glad you managed to sneak your way around Santana to get it back. So is Karaoke night going to be a regular thing now at your place? I want to see you do some intense performing, B. 
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