rxsiest · 5 years
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SKETCHING was part of rosa’s every day life. it had been for years, following music of course. it helps her get out of her head for a while and wow does she juice the fuck out of her hobby. lately, life had been stressful what with gigs here and there, writing for her next album and trying her best not to focus on the past -- there was a lot of drawings spewing out of her when she had any type of music block. wouldn’t be at all shocking if she had to push her release date back...again. but it was a nice enough day out for her to leave her home and search for her next victim. sure, it was a little creepy to draw people without their consent but she was BORED. “hey !!” she called out from where she was lying face down on the grass just as she finished up the rough draft. hopefully it wasn’t too strange to be calling out to whoever was turned away from her to tell them she had been drawing them for the past half an hour or so. “want to see my picture of you ? don’t worry, i didn’t snap a photo of you or anything -- i just drew you...”
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rxsiest · 5 years
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“ sorry  ?   how  much  ?  ”   the  brunet  feels  a  lump  arise  in  his  throat  as  he’s  taken  back  in  shock  ,   “  i  never  pay  more  than  five  dollars  for  a  bagel  ,   how  are  you  possibly  telling  me  that  this  one  costs  twelve  ?   for  one  bagel  ?   you  realise  how  stupid  that  is  ,   right  ?  ”   and  he  isn’t  concerned  about  the  mass  of  customers  behind  him  ,   he’s  only  concerned  about  the  absurd  price  .   “  can  you  just  let  it  slide  ?   just  this  once  ?   consider  it  as  an  i  owe  you  ?   can  you  guys  do  that  ?   like  i  am  literally  dying  of  hunger  right  now  and  that  is  literally  the  cheapest  thing  on  your  menu  and  the  next  place  that  sells  bagels  is  a  good  five  minutes  away  …   please  ?  ”  and  he  begins  to  talk  with  his  hands  to  accompany  his  words  ,   trying  to  barter  with  the  server  as  his  bank  account  is  in  heavy  disagreement  with  him  over  attempting  to  purchase  anything  over  a  few  dollars  .
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rosa couldn’t help overhearing the conversation between the patron ahead of her in line and the server. he wasn’t wrong -- the price was ridiculous. more and more of these hipster spots were getting pretty greedy with their prices. it’s great to support local but c’mon... “twelve dollars ?” she repeated with utter shock written across her features. of course she didn’t check the price of the place before heading in, she was just too hungry to care...but she’s not hungry enough to drop more than ten dollars on two pieces of bread. “hey -- not to butt in but there’s a cheaper place barely a block away from here. it’s a walk but, if you can handle it -- i’m headed that way and can give you my half eaten bag of almonds...what do ya say ?” she questioned, probably coming out more awkwardly than she’d hoped but she still swung her little baggy of almonds up to him. she could have just did an about face and left but he seemed as starved and fed up with pricing as she did so why not offer in exchange for some company?
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rxsiest · 5 years
❝  i  dunno  -  i’ve  just  been  thinking  of  dyeing  my  hair  again  .  ❞  beau  speaks  aloud  ,  breaking  the  SILENCE  between  the  two  of  them  as  he  lounges  on  one  of  the  chairs  in  the  communal  kitchen  of  cadence  .  the  only  remnants  of  what  he  managed  to  find  while  scouring  the  fridge  was  the  peel  of  a  banana  that  was  HARDLY  satisfying  and  if  anything  ,  made  beau  all  the  more  hungry  .  he’s  been  waiting  for  his  manager  to  finish  up  with  whatever  meeting  and  truth  be  told  ,  he  wasn’t  QUITE  sure  why  he  was  waiting  up  for  them  but  it  was  better  than  bracing  himself  for  the  heat  outside  of  cadence  and  its  lack  of  central  air  conditioning  .  nimble  fingers  are  carding  through  his  dark  red  hair  where  his  roots  were  beginning  to  show  ,  its  length  having  gotten  long  enough  for  him  to  flatten  the  strand  and  hold  it  down  across  his  forehead  as  he  stared  at  in  in  CONTEMPLATION  .  ❝  i  really  liked  the  bubblegum  pink  i  had  two  years  back  .  but  part  of  me  wants  to  try  something  new  …  maybe  green  ??  blue  ??  i’m  not  sure  .  ❞  the  latter  part  of  his  sentence  is  more  so  mumbled  to  himself  before  he  pushed  his  hair  out  of  his  face  and  chocolate  hues  settled  on  the  person  nearby  .  ❝  what  do  you  think  ??  ❞
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there was graphite adorning the side of her ring finger as rosa did her best to perfect a sketch she had been coming up with. she gained little to no inspiration at home so she is usually out and about when she first starts sketching. it can be helpful but too often distractions do get in the way. which is why she had one headphone hanging out of her ear, because as much as she wished the two headphones IN would prevent anyone from speaking to her...it never really worked. “how about lavender?” rosa commented as she looked up at him, a small grin stretching out on the side of her mouth. “i’ve always wanted to try that color but for some reason i don’t think i’ll work it as well as you would. i’d live vicariously through you. but if not -- i’d go with green. maybe a turquoise ?”
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rxsiest · 5 years
deadass forgot my login for so long okay it was embarassing but i aM HERE and ready to party. i’m going to get to messages soon and i’m going to go through the starter tag BUT IF U WANT TO PLOT PLEASE LMK
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rxsiest · 5 years
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―― • : ☾ : • » ana de armas. 26. cisfemale. she/her. soccer mommy. | i can’t believe i just saw ROSALÍA ESTRADA walking out of cadence records. they’re a single INDIE ROCK artist who’s been in the industry for THREE YEARS. the tabloids love to focus on their INTOLERANT nature , but they’re also pretty EMPATHETIC and they seem to give off a vibe that reminds people of NATURAL HAIR COLOR PEEKING OUT OF HER ROOTS, PAINT STREAKS ON HIGH WAISTED MOM JEANS, CALLOUSED FINGERTIPS & THE SMELL OF FRESHLY BREWED COFFEE. | em. 21+. est. she/her.
peppa!? what are you doing in my intro post hiya! i’m em and this is my lovely bean rosalía. i’m open to any and every kind of plot and connection so please if you’d like to write together i’ll go ahead and hit you up if you like this post!
rosa was born in Santa Cruz del Norte, Cuba and lived in Havana for most of her childhood until her family moved to New York when she was 14
father was from cuba and her mother was from spain so rosie and her brother are cuban-spanish
her parents were always into music. her mother owned an after school music program for some time while she was growing up and her father was in a local band as the lead guitarist up until they both decided to open up a record store together in the heart of the city called Generation Records
growing up, rosa was incredibly musically inclined -- taking vocal lessons from her mother after school and learning how to play the guitar thanks to her father
in school she maintained focus on her grades even though she knew she wanted to become a singer professionally once she graduated but her parents obviously were still pretty strict when it came to school
rosa did have other interests apart from music and that was art. she was very involved in the art programs in school and still paints on her free time
after graduating high school, rosa went to NYU for psychology while also playing gigs anywhere and everywhere she could, just her and her guitar
when rosa was 20 her parents were both injured in a car accident and unfortunately passed away in the hospital from their injuries
it hit her as hard as it would hit anyone to lose their parents so abruptly and led to her dropping out of college. for a while she was unsure of what to do but figured her parents would have wanted her to be happy -- and so she decided to follow her dreams of becoming a singer-songwriter
she began posting home recorded songs onto youtube for about a year before she gained enough income from online recognition online that she was able to move and sign onto cadence records as an indie rock artist at the age of 23
she released her first full length album in 2016, For Young Hearts, her second album in 2017, Collection, and her third album titled Clean in 2018. She is currently working on her fourth 
usually sings about feminism, personal experiences and anything close to her heart
vegetarian, likes to drink, smokes pot on occasion, loves to paint and sketch, big movie buff, loves music festivals and watching local bands and singers, loves to hike and be in nature, becomes quiet when she’s in a bad mood, animals are her weakness, never travels without a cup of coffee
lives in a one bedroom apartment with her pet leopard gecko Ollie
PERSONALITY: (+) empathetic, creative, loyal (-) cynical, intolerant, distrusting
CONNECTIONS: brother(!!!), friends from NY, friends from her mother’s old music program, people who knew her parents, customers from her parents old record store in NY, first love, best friends, old “fans”, new “fans”, literally anything!
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rxsiest · 5 years
tag drop.
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