rxugesworld · 5 months
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000. The Rising.
CW; Mentions of gore scenery, suicide, murder, blood. Not for those who are faint at heart. Viewer discretion is advised <3
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Soft tired footfalls crunch through the ground lined with cold, damp grass. There is a great accomplishment that has been made today by this huntsmen.
Even so, they are exhausted. They walk through the valley in hopes of finding game and game they did find. A huge deer is their find and they're returning to camp with it.
Ronan is one of these devoted men. His blue eyes blink as they blur from exhaustion. He must remember that they must make it home first before he can rest.
There are ten of them, wanderers and fugitives of the clan of L'obscurité. Their clan migrated from the Dessécher empire because of their leader's mistakes.
Unfairly treated for those unruly mistakes, they were forced to evacuate and leave. Which leads to where they are poised now, the heart of the forest in which the women and children rest and the men hunt and chop wood for the warmth of the flames that lick up in the bonfire by night.
Hunger rose within him at that thought. Where there was fire, there was stew bubbling in pots. With the deer they caught, there'd surely be a feast.
He glanced towards the other hunters, taking in their wary looks. It is only then that he realizes, they're all scared.
This is wrong. He remembers the path they had crossed back home. Blood splattered on the ground, a vile stench of corpses too ruined to recognize and there were even remains of what seemed to be human beings. Cannibals could live in these forests and that was no good.
Ronan returns his gaze upfront where the leader of this hunting party was. Once again, Lev had fallen into the deeper part of himself. He's been that way ever since they were shut out of the empire. Perhaps old age was getting to him though no one could possibly put a finger on it. But what they did know was Lev was no longer the cheerful old man he had once been back home.
He's seen things that he shouldn't have seen, heard things he shouldn't have been there to hear and even done things that he shouldn't have committed; this included betraying his own clan for the Rougé clan to take their place. He's become filled with guilt and he's determined to gain their trust again.
Lev walked through the woods, ignoring the mutters of complaints about aching feet or even Hunger. It's the way he's always been and no one could change it even if they tried.
They reached a part of the forest that parted to an open field, there's a silence when they see it. This is the field the dead lie.
It is here where they bury their loved ones and the men who fought bravely for them to escape the Rougé's skillfully trained annihilators.
Lev did not stop, but they did. He turns back and calls out. "Come on." There is no emotion in his voice and it demanded no questioning or denial. Whatever Lev said was law if they were in the wild.
The other eight hunters begrudgingly walked but Ronan stayed where he was, staring at the vastly open sunlit space. He could see the grass grew higher than the last time he came here.
A recollection of memories flurry into his mind quicker than he could push them away. His wife, Rachel, died due to the attacks of the annihilators and so did his three siblings then his father died of a heart attack while his mother killed herself because she couldn't bear living without his father.
A depressing feel erupts in him. The last time he'd been here, it was the funeral of his dearest mother. He had watched her go underground, completely and utterly numb. He's lost so much...
Lev's deep and croaky voice snaps him out of his reverie. "Ronan, get over here!" He demands, causing Ronan to turn back to look at him.
"No." Lev seemed utterly surprised when he said no, much to his satisfaction. "I want to see them." Ronan did not wait for permission, he ran forward and through the boulders and rocks. He made it to the ground, ignoring the shouts to come back.
He ran through the grass and found the markings of his wife's grave, it brought him to a halt. The grave is open. It's open? He is startled and looks at the other graves. All were open. The dirt that had been over them had been dug up and were in neat piles. It was horrific.
Their dead were dug up and made way with. Where were they brought? Finally, Lev catches up to him. A scolding was nearly escaping the old man's lips when he saw that everything was empty.
"We need to go. Now." Lev finally manages, absolutely shaken up by the situation. It is only now that Ronan realizes Lev's been hiding something from them.
"Why are you shaken up?" He asks, facing Lev with a frown on his lips. "What are you hiding?" Lev turns away and tries to walk away but Ronan wrenches him back forward.
Lev's face was streaked with tears, Ronan knew immediately something was amidst. In a shaky breath, he spoke. "What did you do?"
Alexander sat by the foot of the tree while waiting for Lev and Ronan. The old man had ordered them to stay put and be on guard while he deals with the rebel. Truth be told, Alexander was quite happy that Ronan was being punished. He loathed the young man who was too arrogant for his own good.
He blew smoke rings as he finished his cigar. Lev would've disapproved of it. Ren had reminded him but he could care less. He was absolutely exhausted and wanted to something comforting and to Alexander, nothing was as comforting as smoking a cigar while waiting for his rival to return with his tail in his legs.
A grin comes on his lips, causing Ren to raise an eyebrow. "Have you gone mad?" Ren asks carefully, his green eyes holding on Alexander's purple ones. "I have not." He assures his best friend as he continues smoking with no fear.
There's a sound of crunching. Alexander's head swivels at that. It's Leticia, the only woman in this party of 'huntsmen'. She is limping too. She passes him and walks to Ren, plopping down next to him. "Need anything?" Alexander asks in quite a rude tone. Ren stared daggers at his best friend before turning to the woman, regarding her with a blank stare.
Leticia did not answer nor could she for she began coughing out blood and holding her stomach. Her arm flails out to try and grab one of the men's arms but failing. It is only now that they notice her leg had wounds, wounds so deep that they could clearly see her bone. It made Alexander shudder as he steps back.
The woman grasps at the ground and jerks, an inhumane shriek escapes her bringing the men to cover their ears. Then she drops dead. At least... for a moment. Her body twitches again as it began jerking, growling is heard. Dark red liquid drips onto the ground below where the grass absorbs it, the woman looks up. Her eyes were hollow black, dripping with crimson liquid. Yet they were set on the two men before her.
Ren gripped his sword as he waits while Alexander poises to run if need be. The woman looked lifeless and yet moving. An undead in the flesh. Leticia gave another inhumane shriek as she charged forward. Hunger filled her, Hunger for their blood. Hunger for their death.
Ronan sits back down, his stomach lurching with disgust. To think that Lev would hide such a thing.. He opens his mouth to speak but they were interrupted by the sound of screams.
His head swivels to see Ren and Alexander stumbling through the field towards them with frantic expressions. Lev's eyebrows furrow with annoyance but he waited until they reached them.
"Holy shit. Holy shit." Alexander pants at an absolute loss for words. Ren is next to him, collapsing on the ground. Their breaths were heavy. Ronan quickly helped them up.
"What happened?" Ronan asked but then he was pushed aside by Lev. Lev's purple eyes ran through their surroundings quickly. There's a rustling near them, he had heard it.
Silence. Complete silence.
Then there's a growl in the near right. Ronan's eyes widen when some creature charges at them, nearly managing to grab Lev if Ren hadn't thrashed his blade through its head.
The male staggered back from the body, all four sets of eyes stare at the dead body which was still twitching. Ronan's lips part to ask the question that was in all of their heads but when they hear more rustling, it shuts again.
"We have to go." Lev says, his voice betrayed his emotions quickly. He was panicking and it's heard in his voice.
Ronan's ocean eyes scan their surroundings, hand quickly accompanying the hilt of the sword that he carried sheathed in its holder. A glance to Alexander and Ren was enough to know that they too were preparing for the dangers that were ahead of them.
In a split of a second, the undead rose from the ground below them, grasping onto the ground and reaching out for the living. An earsplitting scream is heard from one of them as it launched itself closer to them.
Thrusting his blade forward, Ronan managed to stab the undead creature with ease but it was harder to kill than expected. Its hands groped the blade, shrieking wildly.
The trio made quick work with the dead. But when they hear a choked gasp, they are met with surprise. Lev had been dragged away by the bloodthirsty creatures. Alexander protested with the attempt of saving the man. "We should help—" "No, we can't." Ronan stops him immediately. "It's a futile and suicidal attempt. He's lost." Alexander glowers at him but runs on with them.
Ronan's heart felt like it was in his ears as the beating grew too loud to handle. Behind them, they could hear what undoubtedly was Lev's screams. The creatures had divided him amongst themselves. As they reached the peak of the mountain and back into the woods, all three gave one last glance towards the valley.
A dark mass could be seen even in the tall grass that was the fields of the valley. Alexander shudders as he watches even from a distance, they could still make out the gruesome feast that was being displayed.
They had rushed as fast as they could back to the village where they were supposed to be heading to but failed to do so because of their...encounter. They'd had to take the longer route due to fear of bumping into more of those ghastly things.
They arrive in camp, half-expecting a warm welcome of a fire and the sounds of the children laughing. But no, they were met with worse. Much, much worse.
Ronan immediately detected a rather unusual atmosphere the moment they'd neared the camp. It was quiet, it was never that way. Not even when they were in the middle of mourning for lost soldiers.
He stops abruptly and since he was leading the other two, they also stopped as well. Alexander was about to make a rather rude remark demanding to know why they'd been stopped altogether but the somber look on Ronan's face shut him up immediately.
Ren stares at Ronan, trembling. "What?" Ronan presses a finger on his lips as they crept closer towards the entrance of the camp. Its eerie silence was deafening and it was creeping all the men out to even walk properly. Each of them wobbled on their feet as they move closer and closer.
But they'd barely reached the entrance when an unmistakable shriek is heard from the inside of it. The same sounds they'd heard from the valley. It's the creatures. They're here too.
Ronan unsheathes his sword in one swift motion as he slashes open one of the creatures that were dashing towards them, charging forward while swinging his sword gallantly.
Ren followed too, leaving a frozen Alexander there. Alexander, having witnessed Leticia's transformation, was traumatized and he found himself unable to move even as two vicious masses were moving towards him with Hunger in their blood red eyes.
A horrifying shriek escapes him as he's dragged, caught immediately by the bloodhungry creatures. Ren turns back, shouting for him but he knew it was no use.
Alexander is gone.
Ronan swiftly deals with the mass before him, turning quickly as his purple eyes widen in shock. Ren. The poor guy had unsheathed a dagger from the holder of his belt and stabbed himself. The creatures were hungrily feasting on his dying body. His gaze remaining on Ronan's. He was not screaming. He accepted his fate.
The male's fingers clench at the sword he's holding. He is the last survivor of the L'obscurité, what use is it to keep living? No, he refused to think that way as he fights through the night.
He enters the camp and ducks behind one of the houses they'd managed to form with the little materials. He could see human remains everywhere. It is a sickening sight, he could feel his stomach turn with disgust.
His lips are a thin line as he looks around, seeing people who he'd known and had interacted with. People who he'd promised to keep safe. Tears threaten to escape his eyes but he refused to let them. He mustn't cry. Not now.
He enters one of the houses, this one was where the healing mage was supposed to be. He looks around, expecting it to be empty. It was not. There was the healing mage, dead. He was not dead from being eaten though. It seemed it was suicide at the very least.
There were words written on the walls of his room, all written with blood. His own blood? Ronan looked and read it out loud. "L'obscurité is cursed. Every person shall die. Every person will die if they have L'obscurité blood."
He stares angrily at the deceased man before him. So he cursed them all. So much for the trust everyone put on him. "I will not die." He says defiantly to the deceased body. "I refuse to die." The words barely left him when a chuckle escapes the "deceased" man.
The mage straightens up, grinning like a Devil. "Yes, yes you will." Ronan had barely managed to unsheathe his sword when one sliced through him.
He feels his world tilting as he fell to his knees. The mage only smirks before everything turns black. He is dead.
L'obscurité shall be cursed forevermore.
Many years later, a six year-old girl stares out the window of the castle. Her purple eyes and white hair make her undoubtedly a L'obscurité born.
She is the sixth child of the emperor and empress. The only daughter and princess. She is also born to be cursed and killed one day. Either by her own accord or by someone else's.
But her? She will change fate. One way or the other.
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⋆ tags ₊⊹ ; @reneezsq.
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rxugesworld · 6 months
-> Duvessa who tries to make sure she has no competition with trying to charm Adalricus. Going so far as finding out certain blackmail materials and even trying to make sure they're good as dead to him. She goes through extreme lengths even though Adalricus is head over heels for only her and only eyes for her.
-> Adalricus who is too obsessed with Duvessa to the point that he'd rather lock her up and keep her to himself. He would even go as far as singing a certain siren song so she can only have eyes on him like he does to her. He could and would abduct and butcher any person who dares want her like he did.
-> Ladouceur who wants to keep the two as apart as possible because he feels that they're taking things too far. He scolds Adalricus every single time he gets a little too much over small matters like nobles staring five seconds too long at Duvessa. ( he feels like the two are acting like absolute teenagers. )
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rxugesworld · 7 months
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People say love is an unexplainably divine feeling. But if love was truly such a beautiful feeling, why does it bring pain more than anything else? Why does it feel like such a trap and a curse for those who fall 'unlucky' to it? Perhaps it isn't such a good feeling after all.
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Consequently, No One's.
In a world where chaos lies in every doorstep, a princess is born to a family that hates any such females in their household. As if being condemned to live a life of hell isn't enough, she is also cursed and prophesied to die after she turns 21.
What happens when a certain duke slowly makes her lose focus on her goals? Can she break the curse she's fated to meet or shall she die as the prophecy said she would?
⌕ . CAST ıllı STORY ıllı PLAYLIST !!
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rxugesworld · 7 months
I'm obsessed with ♡♡♡
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I'm obsessed with the idea of ​​a :
Yandere , who is a rich and powerful man. Maybe a ceo, a politician or a big boss of the mafia.One day, while he's in his car, he notices you by chance and it's love at first sight. From then on, he starts researching and collecting everything he can find about you. As soon as he sees something that might interest you, whether in shop or on the internet (thanks to the hacking skills of a guy he threatened who give him access to everything about your online presence), he buy it immediately. He keeps it all out in his luxurious penthouse, waiting for the day you live with him kidnapped or not. He's clearly obsessed with the idea that you're perfect and whenever he thinks you have an opinion on something, he claims it's true without even hesitation. Moreover, he is sure that nothing bad can come from you, if you lie for any reason, even if he has proof of the lie, he will be convinced that what you said is THE ONLY TRUTH. In the event of a conflict between you and someone else, it is obvious that the other party is in the wrong and will be severely punished tortured to deathfor daring to disrespect you, perfection incarnate, a god /goddess. He tends to nickname you affectionately, calling you “My king/my queen”, “Treasure”, “My angel”.
Would anyone be interested if I wrote a fic or headcanon about this?
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rxugesworld · 7 months
I’m so sorry, I accidentally deleted an ask!! It was about Chase and how mad he would be about a darling who didn’t like his personality and wasn’t attracted to him because of it. I already wrote an imagine for it, but I can’t find a way to bring back the deleted ask. Again, sorry to the person who requested it that I can’t answer directly 😔
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TW: Stalking, obsession, implied violence, verbal abuse/insults
♡ - “No, thanks,” you say politely, trying not to wrinkle your nose at the offer. Chase stares at you with a stunned silence, his mouth agape slightly.
♡ - He says nothing for a good few minutes, and you turn to leave, but he stops you when he finally says something.
♡ - “What do you mean no?” He growls, his brow furrowed as his lips curl into a sneer. You hold your ground, not intimidated by him.
♡ - “I don’t go out or sleep with coworkers. I prefer we keep things professional.” It was only partially the truth, and Chase could tell. In truth, even if you both weren’t working on the same film, you didn’t want much to do with him anyway. His playboy reputation far preceded him.
♡ - Chase was going red in the face, trying not to explode and cuss you out. He forces a smile, his teeth too white and the corners of his mouth too strained.
♡ - “Well, our characters are meant to be love interests. Consider it method acting.”
♡ - You raised your brow and shook your head. “I don’t think so.” His smile disappeared immediately. He opened his mouth to speak but you interrupted before he could hit you with a barrage of insults.
♡ - “You simply aren’t my type. I’m not interested in getting thrown to the curb once you get bored with me like your previous partners.” You quickly excuse yourself and leave, but not before you overhear Chase grumbling under his breath. “Fucking bitch.”
♡ - Every day on set becomes uncomfortable. He doesn’t talk to you until you’re both on set performing, and he keeps his distance. Yet the entire time you can feel his eyes on you, glaring at you, burning with rage.
♡ - You ignore him. You’re here to do your job and you’re determined to do it well considering how lucky you were to get a major role. If some eccentric celebrity has a problem with you, surely he can deal with it by himself.
♡ - He can’t fathom that anyone might not be attracted to him, or that his horrid actions and behaviour might contribute to that. He grits his teeth and seethes, trying to work out why you possibly would reject someone as obviously perfect as him.
♡ - Obviously, it can only be because you want to feel in control. How foolish - don’t you know he’s always the one in control?
♡ - Well, he’ll make sure that next time, you can’t reject him. He’ll make sure you know that he’s in charge. He’ll make sure that you never escape him and then he’ll really show you who’s disposable.
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Dividers Credit: See Pinned Post
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rxugesworld · 7 months
tysm <3
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rxugesworld · 7 months
❥. yandere! emperor x advisor! reader
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• liam luwelton was one of the most famous emperor on the history of lobelia empire. while he was praised for being a good and powerful ruler. he was also famous for being a womanizer who hook up with so many girls yet, he didn't even chosen any of them to be his empress.
• don't blame him, he likes having fun. but he hates when he got attached or tied to something that will hinder him. he was only doing this for his own entertainment after all. no one stayed on his side for so long anyways, well maybe except to the captain of his imperial knights, warren, his childhood friend.
• that was the main reason why he became surprised when warren's younger sister, you, became his advisor. the most amusing part was warren is the one who recommended you. hmm, it seemed like your brother doesn't even care about the fact that liam's mother, the previous empress, fired all the female servants after knowing her son's tendencies to, uhm... seduce them.
• that was the main reason why he was excited to finally meet you. the famous sister of his friend. he wanted to know how long will it take for you to became smitten and obsessed with him? ahh, just thinking about it makes liam so excited.
• but you were fucking different that he expected. who in the hell is in the right mind to greet the emperor for the first time while wearing a damn pyjamas? what the fuck? as far as he knew, you were the damn daughter of a duke. so, what in the hell was wrong with your fashion sense?
• well, keeping your fuvked up fashion aside. you were indeed good at your job. even though you can be pretty hard headed sometimes, you were able to carry yourself with so much confidence and boy, oh boy. he likes it so much.
• maybe, that time when he basically threaten you to wear an appropriate dress to attend a certain banquet with him. was the time when he realized that he fucked up. yeah, his motto that 'no string attached' crumbled down as he saw your annoyed face when the maids' dressed you up with the most elegant dress that he gifted for you. and the fact that you got drunk that night and mumbled some cute nonsense didn't helped either. fuck. the main reason why he got you drunk anyways is to fuck you. but damn, he can't bring himself to do it since you looked so cute while clinging to him for support!
• as a yandere, liam was overbearing and posessive. gosh, this guy is unhinged and practically crazy. he's an emperor for the petesake! he killed his siblings to ascend to the throne. so don't expect that he's a nice guy!
• those times that he escaped the palace just to go outside and hook up with girls? yup, he stopped doing that for you. expect that while working, his eyes were focused on your every move. you talk to other guy other than him and warren? expect that he will be fired the next day. and why is that? well, it's your fault.
• he was now fine with you working in your pyjamas, you're so cute wearing that after all! but, in exchange he will increase your workload 10x because he knew that you always goes home after finishing your work, he just wants to spend the whole day with you!
• don't even think of quiting, darling. because liam will not let you to do so. unfortunately, he was able to wrap his pretty fingers around you with you being unaware of it. ahh, he just loves how clueless you are when liam fired all the male servants on his palace and replaced it with the female ones to make sure they you won't be able to flirt with them while working.
• all in all, liam is head over heels for you. he wants you for himself to the point that he spread the rumour about you being the next empress of the prestigious lobelia empire. just to shackle you by his side.
• but of course, your usual playful older brother doesn't like it at all. so be ready, because just like a prince on the fantasy stories that the two of you read before. he will do anything to save you, his precious little sister even if it means he needs to burn down the whole empire and kill liam for you. i mean, when you were a kid, you mentioned that you wanted to be a ruler. so just sit back and let your big brother, warren do the work <3.
“ our love comes first, everything is secondary.”
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rxugesworld · 7 months
Ring go down well (bad idea)
yandere!king x female reader
Warnings: mentions of behading and death, threats of eating rats, locked in a dungeon, threats of burning
"You wouldn't fucking dare", Edmund warns you through gritted teeth, glaring at you as you hold the expensive wedding ring over the open well.
For a short moment, you contemplate listening to his warnings, but you're too mad at him to be able to think clearly. Then, suddenly, your hand opens, and the ring falls, almost like in slow motion. The two of you wait until you hear the 'plop' of the ring hitting the water. Edmund lunges forward.
"What the Hell?!" he bursts out, looking at you intensily. "What the fuck was that good for?!"
"You deserve it. Good luck finding it."
Edmund grabs your arm and you're rushed off to the dungeons while he demands his servants to dive down and fetch the ring. Anger is boiling in his body. You absolute maniac.
"But, your majesty, it's deep", one of them say hesitantly. "If we dive down there are chances of death-"
"Either you dive and risk death, or I behead you at sundown with a hundred percent of certain death", Edmund screams. "Get that fucking ring!"
The two servants look at each other and sigh, giving up. Edmund monitors while they take turns diving. He keeps his arms crossed over his chest while he damns you in his head. You're going to pay for this, he thinks. You spoiled brat. Maybe you should stay in the dungeon for a while, just until you recognise everything he does for you. But how does he make sure that your wedding ring stays on your finger? Does he glue it in place? Melt it on? He will make sure that you never take it off again.
Finally, after an hour diving and multiple near death experiences, one of the tired servants hold up a golden, diamond ring. Edmund gasps and grabs it and runs off. He runs all the way down to the dungeons where you're sitting on the floor with your arms crossed.
"Look what I've got", he says mockingly, waving the ring in front of the cell's bars. "Better luck next time, my love. I'll burn this onto your finger so you never take it off again, do you hear me?"
You glare at him.
"Did you get it yourself or did you make someone else get it for you?" you question.
"That doesn't fucking matter."
"Go shove the ring up your ass, Edmund."
Edmund scoffs and nods. "Okay, I see how it is. You don't care about everything I do for you. That's fine. I hope you'll have fun with the rats down here for the rest of the week, they'll be your only source of company, and perhaps food if you continue to be difficult. Be careful, they bite."
With that said, he smirks and starts walking up the spiral stone stairs.
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rxugesworld · 7 months
currently obsessed with the song daddy issues for some reason
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rxugesworld · 7 months
❛ look around, no one here would believe a word you say. it's pointless. ❜
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rxugesworld · 7 months
❛ listen to me carefully, run. Cesare is not what you think he is. ❜
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rxugesworld · 7 months
❛ do not forget your place, wench. touch her again and you're dead. ❜
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rxugesworld · 7 months
❛ what a strange little dove you are, a beauty too. ❜
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rxugesworld · 7 months
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@xrynfantasma I love how you're just simping for all of them 😭❤️‼️
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rxugesworld · 7 months
hi sweetlings, i humbly invite you to my friend's server dedicated mostly to kpop fans but anyone can join <3
(we're also looking for staff so if you'd like to help around lmk!!)
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rxugesworld · 7 months
❛ Duvessa and Ladouceur...i’m sorry for leaving you this way.. ❜
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rxugesworld · 7 months
❛ do not give me a reason to hurt you, Duvessa. ❜
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