rxveries · 10 years
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       Sorry for the lack of activity, been working on the headcanons and        such that I should be posting soon.
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rxveries · 10 years
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An AU where for your entire life you’ve only seen black and white, until you receive the first touch from your soulmate and color blooms before your very eyes. The color’s don’t stay when you’re alone, but when they’re there by your side and you’re touching? Everything is beautiful.
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rxveries · 10 years
When you RP with people and their posts are like fucking Shakespeare and yours are basically I CAN COUNT TO POTATO
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rxveries · 10 years
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––––––––{ ⊛ } Turning around when a voice               caught up his attention Izak smiled at               her. "Hello" He hadn't expected to have               someone greeting or noticing him around.               Not within the large group of people there,               "Isn't it a nice day?" the guardian was                excited, a broad smile on his lips.
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Ryleiah watched the man from a small distance.  He seemed to be like her, in the sense that he was watching the world go by, more than interacting with it.  She glanced over at him, catching his eyes as her curls fell into her face.  Smiling, the brunette nodded at the other, “Hello there.”
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rxveries · 10 years
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––––––––{ ⊛ } “Quite a headstrong, aren't we?"                Izak chuckled softly, it was hard to make                someone believe when they refused to at                all the attempts.
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❝ Must be why mine never were then. ❞
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rxveries · 10 years
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––––––––{ ⊛ } Remaining in the surface, his eyes                spotted a ship not so far ago. "Help! Help!"                he began yelling when a man saw him.                Finally, he was going to be saved.
                      Floating up the guardian waited, and                       waited until the life boat and the kind                       lady would bring him up.                       "I didn't know, but thank you for telling me"                       he rushed up and shook his head out of                       dizziness "most important, thank you for                       taking me out of the water... Where                       are we?"
Sweet Dreams
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With her mind off in it’s own world she hardly noticed the splashing from not far off. One of her men yelled something that brought her out of her stupor. “What the bloody hell did you just say Alard?” the man pointed to the man out in the water. “Ah that is strange, get me a life boat I’ll go get him.” I need the distraction. the boat was lowered and she jumped down into it paddling to the man in the water. “Ya do know there are sharks in the waters mate? you may want to get in the boat before they decide your legs look tasty.”
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rxveries · 10 years
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                                             Aвσυт |  Rυℓєѕ | Gяσυρ | Vєяѕєѕ
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rxveries · 10 years
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––––––––{ ⊛ } “What is this place?"  Izak held himself               against the wall not to fall off the narrowed pavement               path onto the void.
                      For his good luck he hadn't teleported five                         centimeters more to the left.                      
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rxveries · 10 years
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––––––––{ ⊛ } “Without stock they couldn't               become fulfilled for starters."
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❝ Dreams are unfulfilled wishes. I’ve never         put much stock into either truthfully. ❞
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rxveries · 10 years
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––––––––{ ⊛ } The Dreamkeeper's gaze dropped,              he had screwed it big time didn't he? Once in              a while he'd ruin things, no surprise why the              higher Guardians didn't assign him a great              amount of dreamers.                           He'd think he was broken from time to time.
                   "I didn't say I was the best at it did I?" his                     nose wrinkled, his eyes looking up at Sean.                     "I am meant to keep hope and faith in people's                      hearts and mind. And I think we had a good                      start that I ruined. I apologize; can we start over                      Sean?"
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"Of course you didn’t - - , nobody ever means to offend.”
But it happened, and Sean was rather defensive when it came to certain things - mainly when people didn’t believe him when he said he was the March Hare. He just didn’t understand why it was so hard to believe. People believed in Santa Claus didn’t they? In the bloody Easter Bunny, in friggin GODS - so why not him huh?
                       It got under his skin.
"Your job is to make them believe? The only way to make people believe is to show them, at least you would THINK that would be the only way, too many people believe in what they don’t see and have the nerve to call it Faith. I don’t have anyone extending me the same bloody gratitude now do I?”
                           Easy on the bitterness Hare.
And I believe you.
The tension had fell from the Hare then, his expression softened as he took Izak hand in his and gave a nod. “Sean. Sean O’Hare.”
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rxveries · 10 years
–––––{ ⊛ } Tempting darkness
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––{ ⊛ } It was his turn on stage, Izak looked behind the curtains to the crowd. Little kids seated in the front rows with their families, clapping, smiling widely at the amazing acts that passed one by one leaving their little hearts in awe.
As clowns were meant to bring smiles, his kind was meant to bring up hope. Hope that the world, as cruel it may seem sometimes, was meant to be a stage. As Shakespeare once said, All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players... Thank the Dreamkeeper watching over him.
"The one and only! The magical man Izak Reves!"         His act was going to start.                                                    . . .
"Ladies and Gentlemen. Kids of all ages..."        Izak's voice sounded loud, fiddling with the poker deck in his hands.              "Do you believe in fantasy?"                      A card began to fly up, showing itself from the rest.
One by one began to float up in the air, like a dancing row around him before going to fly before the people's eyes. Amazing oohs and aahs while their gazes followed the cards.
                                           "Do you believe in magic?"
With a single move of his hand all the cards in the air turned into chirping birds -his signature, always birds- rising flight up to the tent's ceiling.
All eyes were in the little birds when a bright light came from behind Izak's shirt. Blinking twice he pulled his dreamcatcher out from the white buttoned shirt, the thing was glowing brightly. The brightest light it had ever showed before.
     It had been months since his last dreamer, who of all guests tonight            would it be?
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rxveries · 10 years
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––––––––{ ⊛ } “Woah! I didn't mean to offend!"              Things had gotten out of hand thanks               to his mouth, again.
                    "Sorry, you just would be surprised how                     many send me away and also have cursed                     at me. I'm not sure who does or doesn't                     believe me anymore. My job is to make                     them believe after all."
                             "And I believe you. I'm Izak Reves"                              he finally closed his mouth holding                              his hand out.
"March Hare as in not just a book - -“
Sean had become rather defensive right away if someone, even for a moment, gave any indication that he was not telling the truth.
"Why wouldn’t I be convinced? I am from there after all, and why wouldn’t I believe in a place called Dreamland? Honestly - do I look like a hypocrite?”
He wasn’t fond of being the pot or the kettle, in any sense of the word.
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rxveries · 10 years
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––––––––{ ⊛ } “Can you tell me what time is it?"                Izak approached the man, his dreamcatcher                had glowed near him, but there was a crowd                around.                       Approaching every single person in the surroundings,                       to see with who the source shined more didn't seem                       like fun.
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rxveries · 10 years
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––––––––{ ⊛ } “Don't like circus?” Izak smiled,               "That's a shame, circus are fun man."
                    Smiling and taking the card into his pocket Izak                     looked up at the man curiously.                     "March Hare, as in the book. You sound very                     convinced about it so I find it hard not to believe.                     I am from Dreamland, and this is what I do.                      I impress people and make them believe in illusions."
                              "Do you вelιeve me?"
"Well I don’t really plan on jumping on the circus band wagon so I guess one out of two options aint’ bad"
The Hare had slowly nodded when asked if he memorized his card - as if to emphasize such a notion the Hare had lightly tapped the pad of his index finger against his temple as he gave a nod.
"Well I certainly hope you have, I am from a Wonderland, the March Hare to be precise - but clearly that isn’t important because you completely nailed my card. Gotta admit luv, I’m quite impressed”
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rxveries · 10 years
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––––––––{ ⊛ } “Everyone dreams... or have a dream"               He's sure of it, even people that have heavy sleep               dream at night.
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❝ Yeah…never really been much of a dreamer. ❞
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rxveries · 10 years
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I will be back here to work on stuff and headcanons aaand a starter for Alice :) All after I've caught up somewhere else :)
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rxveries · 10 years
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––––––––{ ⊛ } “Things happen!" Izak laughed holding the deck               "More if you come by the circus, or happen to meet a               magician like me on the streets"                       With this said, Izak drifted his gaze away not to see the                       card. "You did memorize if didn't you?" practical magic                       tease.
                      "Wonderland? I've heard of that place before. Now do                       tell me, is this your card?" After having split the deck in                       two, his deck vanished at the click of his fingers replaced                       by the Ace of Spades alone.
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"Well of course I’m bloody hell amused, I mean - how often does some guy randomly approach you and say they can read your mind or guess a card? Haven’t had this much fun since the first time the White Queen held a celebration in Wonderland”
Slender digits had carefully picked a card, the Ace of Spades as it were, and it slipped it back in the deck before handing the pile of cards  toward him.
"You a magician of sort’s luv? I can do magic too… just none of this fancy card guessing stuff. Never had the knack."
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