ry-walters ¡ 10 years
M'still standin' by what I said. Just watch, kid, you'll see.
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Trust me, I know both situations well enough. And I know I prefer the bored one.
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ry-walters ¡ 10 years
That explains it completely. You haven't been 'round it long enough to be used to it. By Christmas break next year, you'll be dyin' for some drama when everyone disappears. Might even get there this year, if it gets real bad.
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No… I’m a freshman, yes. But eh— even if i wasn’t, I wouldn’t really be interested in the drama…
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ry-walters ¡ 10 years
You're kiddin' me, right? Tell me you're not serious. I didn't think it was possible to be content with the borin'. You have to be new here. A freshman, right? Lack of experience. That's the only way M'lettin' you away with this one.
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Oh— eh. N-no. Thank you. I’m fine with the plain old boring.
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ry-walters ¡ 10 years
Of all days, this is the one you'd want to be out of your dorm. Participate in all of the drama just to keep yourself entertained before everythin' goes back to plain ol' borin' again.
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I think I’m just going to stay in my for now. I’m not realy in the mood for the drama and gossip.
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ry-walters ¡ 10 years
@rywalters: this just in - drama levels are at a high today.
@rywalters: beware of bitch slaps and flyin' fists when outside your dorm.
@rywalters: this has been a public safety message brought to you by @rywalters. don't forget to give him a follow.
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ry-walters ¡ 10 years
Before Ryan could even get his hand on the door knob, Amy was standing in front of him with a hand on his chest and the other on the bat. While she tried to reason with him, he was in his own world, ignoring every word she said. His mind was made up and he was too drunk to let her change that. "Move." He said, using his free hand to push her hands from the bat and his chest. "Stay here if y'don' want t'be a witness. M'fuckin' killin' him." Ryan repeated himself, pushing past Amy, and swinging the door open. 
Call Me When You're Sober -- Amy & Ryan
Amy listened to him rant, making agreeing noises. It wasn’t until she saw him get up and grab a bat. Immediately, she shot up and went to stand in front of him. Placing one hand on the bat, she put her other hand on his chest and said, “Woah, hey, babe, you’re drunk, stop. Just— Just put the bat down.” She knew reasoning with him might not work, but she couldn’t let him wander around SMA with a bat, especially not in this condition. “Why don’t you kill him tomorrow, when I can’t be a witness?” she said, a fake smile on her face. She hope the joke would calm him down, at least enough for her to get the bat away from him.
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ry-walters ¡ 10 years
The kid treats everyone like shit. It's just how he is and that's not changin' any time soon. I will say one thing in his favor though, not every relationship problem is his fault. It's just easier for everyone to blame him than the chick involved. Yes, ma'am. They dated for quite a while. Then everythin' started gettin' rough between them and they decided to break it off, but yes, Blake Rivers scored the top SMA girl there is. Trust me, we're all still askin' ourselves how.
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Can't say I'm totally surprised by that. I say that even when I'm not completely shitfaced. I've heard that one enough time before. You know, some people do crazy shit when they're drunk, and I just happen to be one of those people. When Blake skips practice, he's pissed enough to yell for an hour, then makes us run laps and conditionin' for a hour or more, then real practice for two hours. Now just imagine that, but ten times worse.
I don’t blame anyone without just cause. I’ve gotten to know Blake Rivers as much as I want to. I know that he dated Jaelyn Webber and treated her like shit at a party, and I know he’s hardly with Riley. I’m just not going to blame him for being a sleaze ball. Wait, really? He dated Elise?
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Yeah, you were wasted out of your mind it seemed. You were brave enough to dare to tell me to suck your dick for telling you to stop. It’s a miracle you’re alive. How pissed do you think he’ll be, though?
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ry-walters ¡ 10 years
"Fuckin' wouldn't work even if he wasn't such a damn asshead." Ryan responded almost immediately to Amy's question. "If he's not showin' 'cause he's dead, he's goin't wish he was after I get done with him." His voice returned to the angry tone that it was before. The more he thought about what he would do when Blake returned to practice, the more he started to loose his temper. "I should jus' kill him now. Save everyone trouble 'n go kill him right now." Completely ignoring everything Amy said after that,  he stood up from the bed, took a second to gain his balance, picked up the metal baseball bat that was leaned against the wall, and started towards the door. "I'm goin't kill him. I'm doin' it."
Call Me When You're Sober -- Amy & Ryan
Amy felt herself flinch when Ryan’s tone got angry. She listened to him rant about practice and was relieved when he just talked. There was no violence of any kind, which was definitely a good sign. “Well, that’s bullshit. Has anyone tried beating down his door yet?” she asked. “I’m sure he’ll be back to practice soon enough and you’ll be able to give him hell when he shows up.” Feeling Ryan’s arm around her, she leaned closer and rested her head on his shoulder. “I’ve been alright, yeah. M’much better now that I’m spending some time with you again,” she replied quietly, not even sure if she was lying. As nervous as he made her when he was drunk, Amy was still glad she got to spend some time with him. She truly loved Ryan, despite all the issues with their relationship.
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ry-walters ¡ 10 years
When you get to know him better, you'll catch on to blamin' him quick. Might not have been him, though. The kid's been MIA for weeks now. Again, you get to know him better, you'll figure just how stupid he can be. Don't know if I can back you up on him not doin' stupid things while he's datin' your best friend. He has fucked up positions of power before. Example number one - datin' Lancaster's daughter and breakin' up with her.
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Just good enough for me to piss Coach off by skippin' practice for the day. 
I won’t place the blame on him until I know it was him. Besides, I don’t think he’s that stupid. He’s dating my best friend and between you and I, that’s a position of power. I don’t do anything physical, it’s a waste of time.
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How’s your hangover, though?
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ry-walters ¡ 10 years
I'd be willin' to bet that it was Rivers. He's always doin' shit like that. But, hey, if you're going' to destroy him, do it physically. It'd be a good payback for the shit he has got us into the past week at practice.
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So, I’d really like to know who thought it’d be a cute idea to give my number to some random freshman. If I find out who you are, I may or may not socially destroy you. Just some food for thought.  
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ry-walters ¡ 10 years
Ryan allowed for Amy to take his hand, lead him to his bed, and sit him down next to her. Her first two questions were answered with a simple nod and a quick "fine," but the second she mentioned baseball practices, he turned to her with a look on his face that was anything but happy. "Fuckin' horrible. Fuckin' Rivers stopped showin' and the 'tire team's payin' for it. Coach s'got us runnin' laps, stayin' for extra hours, 'n shit like that." It was obvious by his tone that Ryan wasn't pleased with the situation, and since he was drunk, it only made his feelings towards it worse. After he finished talking, Ryan stretched his arm out, draped it over Amy's shoulder, then asked, "How 'bout you? M'girl doin' just right?"
Call Me When You're Sober -- Amy & Ryan
It didn’t surprise her that Ryan was shirtless and reeked of booze the second he opened the door. She forced a fake smile and said, “Hey there.” Rising slightly to give him a kiss on the cheek, she slipped past him into his room, grabbing his hand and pulling him in behind her. “It’s been a while, yeah? How’ve you been?” she asked, sitting on his bed and pulling him down to follow suit. “How’ve practices been?” She knew that if she got him talking about baseball and whatever was going on at practices, she’d be okay for a bit longer. Unless he started to get mad, but Amy did her best not to think about that even happening as she rested her head on his shoulder.
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ry-walters ¡ 10 years
Don't even know a Cat Booty, but whoe'er she is, I'd let 'er suck my drunk dick. N'one tells Ryan Walters when he should stop.
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I’m going to pretend that I can understand your proud ranting and just say “okay”. Just know, when Kat Brody says “you’re drunk, go home”, you need to sober up. 
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ry-walters ¡ 10 years
As usual, Ryan was fed up with all the school work his teachers had assigned over the past few weeks, practices going the complete opposite of how they should have gone, and just about everything else going on in his life. And, as usual, he turned to the one thing that was sure to take his mind away from the stress and allow him to relax for a couple of hours. Knowing that Amy wouldn't refuse coming over to his room, Ryan started getting as ready as he could before she gave him an answer. As he was busy digging through his closet for a clean shirt to throw on, Ryan heard a knocking sound on his door. He immediately stopped what he was doing, stumbled towards the opposite side of his room, and pulled the door open harder than he had intended. "Babe," He exclaimed at the sight of his girlfriend standing outside his dorm. "c'mon in."
Call Me When You're Sober -- Amy & Ryan
Amy had no desire to go to Ryan’s room. But she had even less desire for him to come here, and she knew that he’d make good on his promise to come drunkenly pound on her door until she let him in. So it was easier to just go there, even though nothing made her more nervous than alcohol. It brought what few memories she had of her childhood. And when Ryan drank, things were always worse for Amy. But if she didn’t comply, it would be even worse, if that were possible. When it came to Ryan, Amy barely had a good option to choose. It was always just a game of how mad she ultimately wanted to make him. When it came down to it, she always picked the lesser option, even if it meant bad things for her. So, she made herself look exceptionally decent, thinking he was probably too drunk to notice that she didn’t look phenomenal, and quickly made her way over to Ryan’s room. She knocked quietly, and waited, hoping the night would at least start off decently.
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ry-walters ¡ 10 years
'Bout as drunk as I should be for gettin' through this damn work. Y'know, slightly 'hind winnin' game party level drunk.
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Jesus fuckin’ Christ, how drunk are you?
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ry-walters ¡ 10 years
I'd rather you did. 'M not even that drunk. S'nothing to be nervous about. Jus' come over, or I'm comin' there.
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I’d really rather not. You know alcohol makes me nervous, especially when you’re the one drinking it. Why not tomorrow or something, when you’re sober?
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ry-walters ¡ 10 years
Y'ain't got anything to worry about, babe. In fact why don't you c'mover now? Been 'while since I last seen you. Missin' you right now, act'lly.
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Well, uh, could you do me a favor then and possibly just…let me know when you’re sober? That way I know when I can be around you without being nervous.
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ry-walters ¡ 10 years
There're o'ly two rules for drinkin' - Drink for celebration 'nd drink for stress releavin'. 'Long with not gettin' drunk for a game.
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Alcohol is the reasonable answer to everything. Although, if you’re wasted I don’t see how you’d be such a good player on the beloved baseball team.
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